
Deutsche Moralempfinden {n} Synonyme

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Englische moral sense Synonyme

moral  Christian  adage  admonishment  admonition  alarm  ana  analects  angelic  aphorism  apophthegm  apothegm  assignment  axiological  axiom  behavior  belief  blameless  brocard  byword  canon  catchword  caution  caveat  chalk talk  chaste  clean  code  collected sayings  commandment  conduct  conscientious  convention  creditable  current saying  customs  decent  deferential  deterrent example  dictate  dictum  discourse  disquisition  distich  duteous  dutiful  epigram  erect  estimable  ethical  ethics  ethological  example  exercise  exposition  expression  fair  final notice  final warning  form  formula  full of integrity  general principle  gnome  godly  golden rule  golden saying  good  guideline  guiding principle  habits  harangue  high-minded  high-principled  highly respectable  hint  homework  homily  honest  honorable  ideals  immaculate  imperative  incorruptible  instruction  integrity  inviolate  irreproachable  just  law  law-abiding  law-loving  law-revering  lecture  lecture-demonstration  lesson  manly  maxim  message  mitzvah  modest  monition  moral lesson  moralistic  morality  moralization  moralizing  morals  mores  mot  motto  noble  norm  notice  notification  obedient  object lesson  observant  oracle  ordinance  phrase  pithy saying  point  practices  preachment  preachy  precept  prescript  principium  principle  principled  principles  probity  proper  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  pure  recital  recitation  rectitude  regulation  reputable  respectable  respectful  right  right-minded  righteous  rubric  rule  saintlike  saintly  saw  saying  scruples  scrupulous  sentence  sententious expression  seraphic  sermon  sermonizing  set task  settled principle  skull session  slogan  sloka  spotless  stainless  standard  standards  sterling  stock saying  straight  sutra  talk  task  teaching  teachy  tenet  text  threat  tip-off  true-dealing  true-devoted  true-disposing  true-souled  true-spirited  truehearted  truism  ul  
moral climate  Ten Commandments  Weltanschauung  Zeitgeist  axiology  behavioral norm  business ethics  climate  climate of opinion  code  code of ethics  code of morals  decalogue  ethic  ethical system  ethics  ethos  ideology  intellectual climate  legal ethics  medical ethics  moral code  moral principles  morals  mores  new morality  norm  normative system  norms  principles  professional ethics  social ethics  spiritual climate  standards  value system  world view  
moral code  Ten Commandments  Zeitgeist  axiology  behavioral norm  business ethics  code  code of ethics  code of morals  decalogue  ethic  ethical system  ethics  ethos  legal ethics  medical ethics  moral climate  moral principles  morals  new morality  norm  normative system  principles  professional ethics  social ethics  standards  value system  
moral support  aid  backing  carriage  carrying  maintenance  psychological support  reliance  security blanket  subsidy  subvention  support  supportive relationship  supportive therapy  sustaining  sustainment  sustenance  sustentation  upholding  upkeep  
moral turpitude  abandon  abandonment  abjection  baseness  chicanery  corruptedness  corruption  corruptness  debasement  decadence  decadency  degeneracy  degenerateness  degeneration  degradation  demoralization  depravation  depravedness  depravity  dissoluteness  knavery  knavishness  moral pollution  profligacy  rascality  rascalry  reprobacy  roguery  roguishness  rottenness  scampishness  scoundrelism  turpitude  vileness  villainousness  villainy  
morale  angelicalness  assurance  attitude  bipartisanship  coaction  coadjuvancy  coadministration  coagency  cochairmanship  codirectorship  collaboration  collaborativeness  collectivism  collusion  commensalism  common effort  common enterprise  communalism  communism  communitarianism  community  complicity  concert  concord  concordance  concurrence  confidence  cooperation  cooperativeness  cue  dedication  disposition  drive  duet  duumvirate  ecumenicalism  ecumenicism  ecumenism  esprit  esprit de corps  ethicality  ethicalness  fellow feeling  fellowship  frame  frame of mind  godliness  goodness  harmony  heart  humor  joining of forces  joint effort  joint operation  mass action  mind  mood  moral rectitude  morality  morals  mutual assistance  mutualism  mutuality  note  octet  pooling  pooling of resources  probity  pulling together  quartet  quintet  reciprocity  rectitude  right conduct  righteousness  saintlikeness  saintliness  self-confidence  self-esteem  self-possession  septet  sextet  solidarity  spirit  spirits  state of mind  symbiosis  synergism  synergy  team spirit  teamwork  temper  tone  trio  triumvirate  troika  united action  unity  vein  vigor  virtue  virtuousness  
moralistic  admonitory  advisory  axiological  cautionary  consultative  consultatory  didactic  directive  ethical  ethological  exhortative  exhortatory  expostulative  expostulatory  hortative  hortatory  instructive  monitorial  monitory  moral  noble  preachy  principled  recommendatory  remonstrant  remonstrative  remonstratory  right-minded  righteous  sententious  virtuous  warning  
morality  Grand Guignol  Passion play  Tom show  angelicalness  antimasque  assignment  audience success  ballet  behavior  bomb  broadcast drama  burlesque show  chalk talk  charade  cliff hanger  closet drama  comedy drama  conduct  critical success  customs  daytime serial  decency  dialogue  discourse  disquisition  documentary drama  drama  dramalogue  dramatic play  dramatic series  duodrama  duologue  epic theater  ethicality  ethicalness  ethics  exercise  experimental theater  exposition  extravaganza  failure  fair play  fairness  flop  gasser  giveaway  godliness  goodness  habits  happening  harangue  hit  hit show  homework  homily  honesty  ideals  improvisational drama  instruction  integrity  justice  lecture  lecture-demonstration  legitimate drama  lesson  masque  melodrama  minstrel show  miracle  miracle play  monodrama  monologue  moral  moral lesson  moral rectitude  morale  morality play  moralization  morals  mores  music drama  musical revue  mystery  mystery play  object lesson  opera  pageant  panel show  pantomime  pastoral  pastoral drama  piece  play  playlet  preachment  principles  probity  problem play  propriety  psychodrama  quiz show  radio drama  recital  recitation  rectitude  review  revue  right  right conduct  righteousness  rightness  saintlikeness  saintliness  sensational play  serial  sermon  set task  show  sitcom  situation comedy  sketch  skit  skull session  soap  soap opera  sociodrama  spectacle  stage play  stage show  standards  straight drama  success  suspense drama  tableau  tableau vivant  talk  talk show  task  teaching  teleplay  television drama  television play  theater of cruelty  total theater  uprightness  variety show  vaudeville  vaudeville show  vehicle  virtue  virtuousness  word-of-mouth success  work  
moralize  annotate  censure  criticize  critique  discourse  explain  exposit  expound  harangue  hold forth  lecture  moralize upon  point a moral  pontificate  preach  preachify  read a lesson  review  sermonize  
morals  Ten Commandments  Zeitgeist  axiology  behavioral norm  business ethics  code  code of ethics  code of morals  conduct  decalogue  ethic  ethical system  ethicality  ethicalness  ethics  ethos  habits  legal ethics  medical ethics  moral climate  moral code  moral principles  morale  morality  mores  new morality  norm  normative system  principles  professional ethics  social ethics  standards  value system  virtue  

Moralempfinden {n} Definition

Common sense
() See Common sense, under Sense.
(a.) Relating to duty or obligation
(a.) Conformed to accepted rules of right
(a.) Capable of right and wrong action or of being governed by a sense of right
(a.) Acting upon or through one's moral nature or sense of right, or suited to act in such a manner
(a.) Supported by reason or probability
(a.) Serving to teach or convey a moral
(n.) The doctrine or practice of the duties of life
(n.) The inner meaning or significance of a fable, a narrative, an occurrence, an experience, etc.
(n.) A morality play. See Morality, 5.
(v. i.) To moralize.
(v. t.) A faculty, possessed by animals, of perceiving external objects by means of impressions made upon certain organs (sensory or sense organs) of the body, or of perceiving changes in the condition of the body
(v. t.) Perception by the sensory organs of the body
(v. t.) Perception through the intellect
(v. t.) Sound perception and reasoning
(v. t.) That which is felt or is held as a sentiment, view, or opinion
(v. t.) Meaning
(v. t.) Moral perception or appreciation.
(v. t.) One of two opposite directions in which a line, surface, or volume, may be supposed to be described by the motion of a point, line, or surface.
(v. t.) To perceive by the senses

moral sense Bedeutung

moral obligation an obligation arising out of considerations of right and wrong, he did it out of a feeling of moral obligation
humor humour sense of humor
sense of humour
the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous, she didn't appreciate my humor, you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor
moral certainty certainty based on an inner conviction, she believed in the importance of moral absolutes and moral certainty, the prosecutor had a moral certainty that the prisoner was guilty
virtue virtuousness
moral excellence
the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
sense of purpose
the quality of having a definite purpose
sense organ
sensory receptor
an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation
common sense
good sense
horse sense
sense mother wit
sound practical judgment, Common sense is not so common, he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples, fortunately she had the good sense to run away
road sense good judgment in avoiding trouble or accidents on the road
sense sensation sentience
sensory faculty
the faculty through which the external world is apprehended, in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing
sense modality
sensory system
a particular sense
vision visual sense
visual modality
the ability to see, the visual faculty
touch sense of touch
skin senses
touch modality
cutaneous senses
the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands), only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us
auditory sense
sense of hearing
auditory modality
the ability to hear, the auditory faculty, his hearing was impaired
taste gustation
sense of taste
gustatory modality
the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth, his cold deprived him of his sense of taste
smell sense of smell
olfactory modality
the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents
kinesthesia kinaesthesia kinesthetics
muscle sense
sense of movement
the ability to feel movements of the limbs and body
labyrinthine sense
vestibular sense
sense of balance
sense of equilibrium
a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head
somatosensory system
somatic sensory system
somatic sense
the faculty of bodily perception, sensory systems associated with the body, includes skin senses and proprioception and the internal organs
sense a general conscious awareness, a sense of security, a sense of happiness, a sense of danger, a sense of self
sense of direction an awareness of your orientation in space
sense of responsibility an awareness of your obligations
sixth sense
grasping the inner nature of things intuitively
sense experience
sense impression
sense datum
an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation, a sensation of touch
sense a natural appreciation or ability, a keen musical sense, a good sense of timing
moral principle
value orientation
the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group, the Puritan ethic, a person with old-fashioned values
moral philosophy
the philosophical study of moral values and rules
sense tagger a tagging program whose labels indicate the meanings of words or expressions
the meaning of a word or expression, the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted, the dictionary gave several senses for the word, in the best sense charity is really a duty, the signifier is linked to the signified
word meaning
word sense
the accepted meaning of a word
the significance of a story or event, the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor
moral principle the principle that conduct should be moral
moral force
an efficient incentive, they hoped it would act as a spiritual dynamic on all churches
moral sense
sense of right and wrong
motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions
sense of shame
sense of duty
a motivating awareness of ethical responsibility
sense of the meeting general agreement reached by an assembled group, no vote was taken, but after each discussion the chair summed up the sense of the meeting
moral hazard (economics) the lack of any incentive to guard against a risk when you are protected against it (as by insurance), insurance companies are exposed to a moral hazard if the insured party is not honest
sense comprehend, I sensed the real meaning of his letter
smell out
become aware of not through the senses but instinctively, I sense his hostility, i smell trouble, smell out corruption
perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles, He felt the wind, She felt an object brushing her arm, He felt his flesh crawl, She felt the heat when she got out of the car
sense detect some circumstance or entity automatically, This robot can sense the presence of people in the room, particle detectors sense ionization
make sense
add up
be reasonable or logical or comprehensible
moral concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles, moral sense, a moral scrutiny, a moral lesson, a moral quandary, moral convictions, a moral life
moral psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect, a moral victory, moral support
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