
Deutsche Mutterfirma Synonyme

Mutterfirma  Muttergesellschaft  Mutterunternehmen  Stammfirma  Stammgesellschaft  Stammunternehmen  
Mutterfirma  Muttergesellschaft  Mutterunternehmen  Stammfirma  Stammgesellschaft  Stammunternehmen  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Mutterfirma Synonym nachschlagen

Englische parent company Synonyme

parent  agent  ancestor  ancestorial  ancestral  ancestress  author  begetter  beginner  catalyst  causer  creator  effector  engenderer  father  fatherlike  fatherly  generator  grandfatherly  grandmotherly  grandparent  grandparental  guardian  inspirer  instigator  maker  mater  materfamilias  maternal  mother  motherlike  motherly  mover  origin  originator  parental  pater  paterfamilias  paternal  patriarchal  prime mover  primum mobile  procreator  producer  progenitor  progenitress  progenitrix  root  sire  source  stepfather  stepmother  
parentage  ancestry  birth  bloodline  descent  extraction  family  grandfatherhood  grandmotherhood  grandparentage  heritage  line  lineage  origin  parenthood  pedigree  progenitorship  roots  stock  strain  
parental  adoring  affectionate  ancestorial  ancestral  conjugal  covering  custodial  defensive  demonstrative  devoted  faithful  fatherlike  fatherly  filial  fond  fostering  grandfatherly  grandmotherly  grandparental  guardian  guarding  husbandly  immunizing  languishing  lovelorn  lovesick  lovesome  loving  maternal  melting  mother  motherlike  motherly  parent  paternal  patriarchal  preventive  prophylactic  protecting  protective  romantic  safeguarding  screening  sentimental  sheltering  shielding  soft  tender  tutelary  uxorious  vigilant  watchful  wifely  
parenthesis  anastrophe  aside  broken thread  brokenness  chiasmus  disconnectedness  disconnection  discontinuance  discontinuation  discontinuity  discontinuousness  discreteness  disjunction  episode  fitfulness  hypallage  hyperbaton  hysteron proteron  incoherence  incompleteness  infix  injection  insert  insertion  insinuation  intercalation  interjection  interlineation  interlocution  intermittence  interpolation  introduction  irregularity  metastasis  metathesis  non sequitur  noncontinuance  nonlinearity  nonseriality  nonuniformity  obiter dictum  palindrome  remark  side remark  synchysis  tmesis  tossing-in  
parenthetic  accidental  adrift  beside the mark  beside the point  beside the question  broken  broken off  by-the-way  casual  chopped-off  choppy  decousu  disconnected  discontinued  discontinuous  discrete  disjunctive  episodic  extraneous  extrinsic  fitful  herky-jerky  immaterial  impertinent  inadmissible  inapplicable  inapposite  inappropriate  incidental  incoherent  inconsequent  intercalary  interjectional  intermittent  interpolative  interrupted  irregular  irrelative  irrelevant  jagged  jerky  nihil ad rem  noncontinuous  nonessential  nonlinear  nonsequential  nonserial  nonuniform  not at issue  occasional  off the subject  out-of-the-way  parenthetical  patchy  scrappy  snatchy  spasmodic  spotty  suspended  unconnected  unessential  unjoined  unsuccessive  
parenthetical  accidental  adrift  beside the mark  beside the point  beside the question  broken  broken off  by-the-way  casual  chopped-off  choppy  decousu  disconnected  discontinued  discontinuous  discrete  disjunctive  episodic  extraneous  extrinsic  fitful  herky-jerky  immaterial  impertinent  inadmissible  inapplicable  inapposite  inappropriate  incidental  incoherent  inconsequent  intercalary  interjectional  intermittent  interpolative  interrupted  irregular  irrelative  irrelevant  jagged  jerky  nihil ad rem  noncontinuous  nonessential  nonlinear  nonsequential  nonserial  nonuniform  not at issue  occasional  off the subject  out-of-the-way  parenthetic  patchy  scrappy  snatchy  spasmodic  spotty  suspended  unconnected  unessential  unjoined  unsuccessive  

Mutterfirma Definition

(pl. ) of Company
(n.) The state of being a companion or companions
(n.) A companion or companions.
(n.) An assemblage or association of persons, either permanent or transient.
(n.) Guests or visitors, in distinction from the members of a family
(n.) Society, in general
(n.) An association of persons for the purpose of carrying on some enterprise or business
(n.) Partners in a firm whose names are not mentioned in its style or title
(n.) A subdivision of a regiment of troops under the command of a captain, numbering in the United States (full strength) 100 men.
(n.) The crew of a ship, including the officers
(n.) The body of actors employed in a theater or in the production of a play.
(v. t.) To accompany or go with
(v. i.) To associate.
(v. i.) To be a gay companion.
(v. i.) To have sexual commerce.
(n.) One who begets, or brings forth, offspring
(n.) That which produces

parent company / parent companies Bedeutung

parent an organism (plant or animal) from which younger ones are obtained
steamship company
steamship line
a line responsible for the operation of a fleet of steamships
company name the name by which a corporation is identified
broadcasting company a company that manages tv or radio stations
car company
auto company
a company that makes and sells automobiles
dot com
dot com company
a company that operates its business primarily on the internet using a URL that ends in `.com'
drug company
pharmaceutical company
a company that makes and sells pharmaceuticals
East India Company an English company formed in to develop trade with the new British colonies in India and southeastern Asia, in the th century it assumed administrative control of Bengal and held it until the British army took over in after the Indian Mutiny
electronics company a company that makes and sells electronic instruments
film company a company that makes, advertises, and distributes movies
food company a company that processes and sells food
furniture company a company that sells furniture
mining company a company that owns and manages mines
shipping company a company that provides shipping services
steel company a company that makes and sells steel
subsidiary company
a company that is completely controlled by another company
transportation company a company providing transportation
trucking company a company that ships goods or possessions by truck
company an institution created to conduct business, he only invests in large well-established companies, he started the company in his garage
consulting firm
consulting company
a firm of experts providing professional advice to an organization for a fee
publishing house
publishing firm
publishing company
a firm in the publishing business
oil company a company that sells oil
packaging company
packaging concern
a company that packages goods for sale or shipment or storage
pipeline company a company that operates oil pipelines for the oil industry
printing concern
printing business
printing company
a company that does commercial printing
insurance company
insurance firm
insurance underwriter
a financial institution that sells insurance
investment company
investment trust
investment firm
a financial institution that sells shares to individuals and invests in securities issued by other companies
mutual fund
mutual fund company
open-end fund
open-end investment company
a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares
closed-end fund
closed-end investment company
a regulated investment company that issues a fixed number of shares which are listed on a stock market
face-amount certificate company a regulated investment company that pays a stated amount to certificate holders on a stated maturity date
target company
takeover target
a company that has been chosen as attractive for takeover by a potential acquirer
company a unit of firefighters including their equipment, a hook-and-ladder company
fire brigade
fire company
a private or temporary organization of individuals equipped to fight fires
company a social gathering of guests or companions, the house was filled with company when I arrived
limited company
a company that is organized to give its owners limited liability
holding company a company with controlling shares in other companies
bank holding company a holding company owning or controlling one or more banks
multibank holding company a bank holding company owning several banks
public utility
public utility company
public-service corporation
a company that performs a public service, subject to government regulation
telephone company
telephone service
phone company
phone service
a public utility that provides telephone service
power company
power service
electric company
light company
a public utility that provides electricity
water company
a public utility that provides water
gas company
gas service
a public utility that provides gas
bus company
bus service
a public utility providing local transportation
livery company one of the chartered companies of London originating with the craft guilds
company troupe organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical), the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel
opera company a company that produces operas
theater company a company that produces plays
stock company repertory company a theatrical company that performs plays from a repertoire
ballet company a company that produces ballets
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