
Deutsche Nachforschung Synonyme

Investigation  ÂNachforschung  
Ermittlung  ÂNachforschung  ÂRecherche  ÂRetrieval  (fachsprachlich)  ÂSuche  
Enquete  ÂErfassung  ÂErhebung  ÂErkundigung  ÂNachforschung  ÂUmfrage  ÂUntersuchung  (über)  
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Englische search Synonyme

search  analysis  angle for  ask for  beat  beat about for  beat the bushes  burrow  cast about  chase  check  chivy  comb  delve  delve for  delve into  dig  dig for  dig into  dog  domiciliary visit  dragnet  enquiry  examination  examine  exploration  explore  fan  fathom  fish for  follow  follow up  forage  frisk  give chase  go after  go gunning for  go into  go through  grub  gun for  hollo after  hound  house-search  hunt  hunt for  hunt up  hunting  indagate  inquire of  inquiry  inspect  inspection  investigate  look  look around  look at  look for  look into  look over  look round  look through  look up  make after  nose around  peer into  perquisition  perusal  plumb  poke  poke around  poke into  posse  probe  prosecute  prowl after  pry  pry into  pursual  pursuance  pursue  pursuing  pursuit  quest  quest after  raise the hunt  rake  ransack  ransacking  research  researching  root  rummage  run after  run down  scan  scour  scouring  scout out  scrimmage  scrutinize  scrutiny  search for  search into  search party  search through  search warrant  search-and-destroy operation  searching  see to  seek  seek for  seek out  seeking  shake down  sift  sifting  skirmish  smell around  sound  stalk  stalking  still hunt  still-hunt  study  take out after  try to find  turning over  
search warrant  bench warrant  capias  caveat  death warrant  domiciliary visit  dragnet  exploration  fieri facias  forage  frisk  habere facias possessionem  house-search  hunt  hunting  injunction  interdict  mandamus  mandate  mandatory injunction  mittimus  nisi prius  notice  notification  perquisition  posse  precept  probe  process  prohibitory injunction  quest  ransacking  rummage  search  search party  search-and-destroy operation  searching  stalk  stalking  still hunt  turning over  warrant  warrant of arrest  warrant of attorney  writ  
searching  chase  cynegetic  delving  digging  dogging  domiciliary visit  dragnet  exploration  fishing  follow  follow-up  following  forage  frisk  halieutic  house-search  hue and cry  hunt  hunting  in full cry  in hot pursuit  in pursuit  in search of  loaded for bear  looking for  nosy  out for  out for bear  perquisition  piscatorial  piscatory  poking  posse  probe  probing  prosecution  prying  pursuance  pursuant  pursuing  pursuit  quest  questing  ransacking  rummage  search  search party  search warrant  search-and-destroy operation  seeking  shadowing  stalk  stalking  still hunt  tracking  tracking down  trailing  turning over  

Nachforschung Definition

(v. t.) To search again
(v. t.) To look over or through, for the purpose of finding something
(v. t.) To inquire after
(v. t.) To examine or explore by feeling with an instrument
(v. t.) To examine
(v. i.) To seek
(v. t.) The act of seeking or looking for something

search Bedeutung

search and rescue mission a rescue mission to search for survivors and to rescue them
search an investigation seeking answers, a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing, the outcome justified the search
search boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas, right of search
hunt hunting
the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
strip search searching someone for concealed weapons or illegal drugs by having them remove their clothes
search mission a mission to discover something
search and destroy mission an operation developed for United States troops in Vietnam, troops would move through a designated area destroying troops as they found them
air search radar a shipboard radar that searches for aircraft
surface search radar a naval radar to search for surface targets
freedom from search and seizure a right guaranteed by the th amendment to the US Constitution
right of search the right of a belligerent to stop neutral ships on the high seas in wartime and search them
search the examination of alternative hypotheses, his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful
search warrant a warrant authorizing law enforcement officials to search for objects or people involved in the commission of a crime and to produce them in court, the warrant describes the locations where the officials may search
search engine a computer program that retrieves documents or files or data from a database or from a computer network (especially from the internet)
command language
query language
search language
a source language consisting of procedural operators that invoke functions to be executed
search party a party of people to search for someone
an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property, they wrote a program to do a table lookup
inquire into, the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project, He searched for information on his relatives on the web, Scientists are exploring the nature of consciousness
look for
try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of, The police are searching for clues, They are searching for the missing man in the entire county
search subject to a search, The police searched the suspect, We searched the whole house for the missing keys
strip-search search (someone) for weapons or drugs by having the person remove their clothes, He was strip-searched at the airport
search or seek, We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest, Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!
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