
Narbe Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Narbe f
Narbe, entstellen
Narbe f, Stigma n bot.
Narbe f
Narben pl
eine Narbe hinterlassen
to leave a scar
pockenähnliche Narbe f; verhärtete Hautpartie f
pockenähnliche Narbe f, verhärtete Hautpartie f
Narbenwucherung f; hypertrophische Narbe f; Wulstnarbe f; Narbenkeloid n; Keloid n med.
cicatricial keloid; keloid; cheloid; kelis; keloma
Narbe f
Narben pl
eine 2 cm lange Narbe am Unterarm
eine Narbe hinterlassen
Diese Brandwunde wird eine hässliche Narbe hinterlassen
scar; cicatrix; cicatrice
scars; cicatrices
a 2cm scar on my his her forearm
to leave a scar
That burn will leave an ugly scar.
Narbe f med.
Narben pl
eine 2 cm lange Narbe am Unterarm
eine Narbe hinterlassen
Diese Brandwunde wird eine hässliche Narbe hinterlassen.
scar; cicatrix; cicatrice
scars; cicatrices
a 2cm scar on my his her forearm
to leave a scar
That burn will leave an ugly scar.
weißer Linsenfleck m; weiße Narbe f der Hornhaut; Hornhautleukom n; Leukom n; Leukoma n (im Auge) med.
adhärierendes Leukom (Leukoma adhaerens)
an einem Hornhautleukom leiden
leucoma of the cornea; leucoma; corneal opacity; wall eye
adherent leucoma
to be wall-eyed
etw. verunstalten; etw. verunzieren v
verunstaltend; verunzierend
verunstaltet; verunziert
verunstaltet; verunziert
verunstaltete; verunzierte
ein durch Kratzer verunstaltetes Auto
Eine große Narbe verunzierte sein Gesicht.
Der Text ist leider durch eine Vielzahl von Schlampigkeitsfehlern entstellt.
to mar sth.; to blight sth.
marring; blighting
marred; blighted
mars; blights
marred; blighted
a car marred by scratches
A large scar marred his face.
Sadly the text is marred by a multitude of careless errors.
etw. entstellen; verunstalten; verunzieren geh.; verhunzen ugs.; verschandeln ugs. v
entstellend; verunstaltend; verunzierend; verhunzend; verschandelnd
entstellt; verunstaltet; verunziert; verhunzt; verschandelt
ein durch Kratzer verunstaltetes Auto
Eine große Narbe verunzierte sein Gesicht.
Der Text ist leider durch eine Vielzahl von Schlampigkeitsfehlern entstellt.
Früher oder später bekommt das schöne Bild vom Ärzteparadies Flecken.
to blight sth.; to mar sth.; to mangle sth.; to spoil sth.; to defile sth.; to murder sth. coll.; to butcher sth. coll.
blighting; maring; mangling; spoiling; defiling; murdering; butchering
blighted; marred; mangled; spoiled spoilt; defiled; murdered; butchered
a car marred by scratches
A large scar marred his face.
Sadly, the text is marred by a multitude of careless errors.
Sooner or later, the rosy image of a medical paradise is going to be defiled.

Deutsche Narbe Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Narbe Synonym nachschlagen

Englische scar Synonyme

scar  birthmark  blackhead  blaze  blaze a trail  bleb  blemish  blister  blotch  bluff  brand  bulla  burn  caste mark  chalk  chalk up  check  check off  checkmark  cicatrix  cicatrize  cliff  comedo  crack  crag  crater  craze  cut  damage  dapple  dash  deface  defacement  defect  define  deform  deformation  deformity  delimit  demarcate  dent  discolor  discoloration  disfiguration  disfigure  disfigurement  distort  distortion  dot  earmark  engrave  engraving  escarpment  face  fault  flaw  fleck  flick  freckle  gash  graving  hack  hatch  hemangioma  hickey  impress  imprint  injure  injury  jot  keloid  kink  lentigo  line  macula  make a mark  mar  mark  mark off  mark out  marking  milium  mole  mottle  needle scar  nevus  nick  notch  palisade  palisades  patch  pencil  pepper  pimple  pit  pock  pockmark  point  polka dot  port-wine mark  port-wine stain  precipice  prick  print  punch  punctuate  puncture  pustule  riddle  rift  scab  scarification  scarify  scarp  score  scotch  scratch  scratching  seal  seam  sebaceous cyst  speck  speckle  splash  split  splotch  spot  stain  stamp  steep  stigma  stigmatize  strawberry mark  streak  striate  stripe  sty  tattoo  tattoo mark  tick  tick off  tittle  trace  track  twist  underline  underscore  verruca  vesicle  wale  wall  warp  wart  watermark  weal  welt  wen  whitehead  wound  
scarab  amulet  charm  fetish  fylfot  gammadion  good-luck charm  hoodoo  juju  love charm  lucky bean  lucky piece  madstone  mascot  mumbo jumbo  obeah  periapt  philter  phylactery  scarabaeus  scarabee  sudarium  swastika  talisman  veronica  voodoo  whammy  
scarce  almost unheard-of  at a premium  barely  cheeseparing  chinchy  chintzy  curtailed  deficient  exiguous  failing  few  hardly  in short supply  inadequate  infrequent  insufficient  lacking  meager  miserly  niggardly  occasional  out of print  out of season  out of stock  piddling  poor  rare  scant  scanty  scarcely  scattered  scrimping  scrimpy  seldom  seldom met with  seldom seen  shortened  shy  skimping  skimpy  slim  slow  sparse  sporadic  spotty  sprinkled  stingy  thin  tight  truncated  uncommon  unfrequent  unique  unusual  wanting  
scarcely  a bit  a little  at infrequent intervals  barely  by a hair  by an ace  by no means  ever so little  exiguously  extremely  faintly  fairly  feebly  hardly  hardly ever  here and there  imperfectly  in a measure  in a way  in no way  in places  in some measure  in spots  inappreciably  inconsequentially  infrequently  insignificantly  just a bit  kind of  lightly  little  meagerly  minimally  minutely  negligibly  not at all  not hardly  not often  not quite  noway  nowise  on no account  only just  piddlingly  pretty  quite  rarely  rather  scantily  scarce  scarcely ever  scrimpily  seldom  skimpily  slightly  somewhat  sort of  sparsely  sparsim  spottily  stingily  tant soit peu  to a degree  to some extent  triflingly  uncommonly  under no circumstances  unfrequently  unoften  very  very seldom  weakly  
scarcity  absence  chinchiness  chintziness  dearth  deficiency  exiguity  fewness  inadequacy  inadequateness  infrequence  infrequency  insufficiency  lack  meagerness  miserliness  need  niggardliness  occasionalness  paucity  poverty  rareness  rarity  restrictedness  scant  scant sufficiency  scantiness  scarceness  scrimpiness  seldomness  shortage  skimpiness  slowness  smallness  sparseness  sparsity  stinginess  stringency  thinness  tightness  uncommonness  underage  unfrequentness  uniqueness  unusualness  want  
scare  abject fear  affright  alarm  awe  blue funk  bluff off  collect  come by  consternation  cow  cowardice  curdle the blood  daunt  dig up  dismay  disquiet  dread  fear  find  freeze  fright  frighten  frighten off  funk  gather  get  horrification  horrify  horripilate  horror  intimidate  make one tremble  menace  panic  panic fear  paralyze  petrify  phobia  put to flight  raise  raise apprehensions  scare away  scare up  scrape together  scrape up  shake  shake up  shock  spook  stagger  stampede  start  startle  strike terror into  surprise  terrify  terror  terrorize  threaten  unholy dread  unman  unnerve  unstring  
scare up  accumulate  amass  assemble  bring together  collect  cull  dig up  gather  gather in  get in  get together  glean  grub  grub up  pick  pick up  pluck  rake up  round up  scrape together  scrape up  take up  
scarecrow  Dracula  Frankenstein  Wolf-man  baboon  bag  blemish  blot  bogey  bogeyman  bugaboo  bugbear  bust  carving  dog  doll  dolly  dummy  eyesore  fantoccini  fee-faw-fum  figure  figurehead  figurine  fright  frightener  gargoyle  ghost  ghoul  gingerbread man  hag  harridan  hobgoblin  holy terror  horror  incubus  lay figure  man of straw  manikin  mannequin  marionette  mess  model  monster  monstrosity  monument  nightmare  no beauty  ogre  ogress  phantom  portrait bust  puppet  revenant  scarebabe  scarer  sculpture  sight  snowman  specter  statuary  statue  statuette  succubus  tatterdemalion  teratism  terror  ugly duckling  vampire  wax figure  waxwork  werewolf  witch  wood carving  
scared  afeared  afraid  aghast  alarmed  anxious  appalled  fear-struck  feared  fearful  frightened  haunted with fear  horrified  panicked  panicky  scary  shocked  spooked  startled  terrified  terror-stricken  
scared stiff  aghast  appalled  ashen  astounded  awed  awestricken  awestruck  blanched  cowed  deadly pale  frozen  gray with fear  horrified  horror-struck  intimidated  pale as death  pallid  paralyzed  petrified  scared to death  stunned  stupefied  terrified  terror-crazed  terror-haunted  terror-ridden  terror-riven  terror-shaken  terror-smitten  terror-struck  terror-troubled  undone  unmanned  unnerved  unstrung  
scaredy cat  Milquetoast  baby  big baby  chicken  chicken liver  coward  fraid-cat  fraidy-cat  funk  funker  invertebrate  jellyfish  lily liver  milksop  mouse  sissy  weak sister  weakling  white feather  white liver  
scarehead  banner  banner head  caption  drop head  dropline  epigraph  hanger  head  heading  headline  jump head  legend  motto  overline  rubric  running head  running title  screamer  spread  spreadhead  streamer  subhead  subheading  subtitle  superscription  title  title page  
scarer  Dracula  Frankenstein  Wolf-man  bogey  bogeyman  bugaboo  bugbear  fee-faw-fum  frightener  ghost  ghoul  hobgoblin  holy terror  horror  incubus  monster  nightmare  ogre  ogress  phantom  revenant  scarebabe  scarecrow  specter  succubus  terror  vampire  werewolf  
scarf  Roman collar  ankle  articulate  articulation  band  bandanna  batten  batten down  bertha  boa  bolt  boundary  bowtie  buckle  butt  button  button-down collar  celluloid collar  cervix  choke  choker  clasp  cleat  clerical collar  clinch  clip  closure  collar  comforter  connecting link  connecting rod  connection  coupling  cravat  dog collar  dovetail  elbow  embrace  four-in-hand  fur  gliding joint  guimpe  hasp  hinge  hinged joint  hip  hitch  hook  interface  jam  join  joining  joint  juncture  kerchief  knee  knuckle  latch  link  lock  miter  mortise  muffler  nail  neck  neckband  neckcloth  neckerchief  neckpiece  necktie  peg  pin  pivot  pivot joint  plunging neckline  rabbet  rivet  ruff  screw  seam  sew  shoulder  skewer  snap  staple  stick  stitch  stock  stole  suture  symphysis  tack  tallith  tie  tie rod  tippet  toggle  toggle joint  tucker  union  wedge  weld  wrist  zipper  
scarify  Vandyke  agonize  assail  attack  blaze  blaze a trail  blemish  blister  bloody  blotch  brand  castigate  chalk  chalk up  check  check off  chop  cicatrize  claw  convulse  crack  craze  crenellate  crenulate  crimp  crucify  cut  dapple  dash  deface  define  deform  delimit  demarcate  discolor  disfigure  distort  dot  engrave  excoriate  excruciate  flaw  flay  fleck  freckle  fustigate  gash  harrow  hatch  impale  impress  imprint  incise  indent  jag  kill by inches  kink  knurl  lacerate  lancinate  lash  line  macerate  machicolate  maim  make a mark  mar  mark  mark off  mark out  martyr  martyrize  mill  mottle  nick  notch  pencil  pepper  picot  pink  point  prick  print  punch  punctuate  puncture  punish  rack  riddle  rip  roast  savage  scab  scallop  scar  scathe  scorch  score  scotch  scourge  scratch  seal  seam  serrate  skin alive  slash  speck  speckle  split  splotch  spot  stain  stamp  stigmatize  streak  striate  stripe  tattoo  tick  tick off  tooth  torment  torture  trace  trounce  twist  underline  underscore  warp  wring  
scariness  alarmingness  appallingness  awfulness  creepiness  direness  disconcertingness  dismayingness  disquietingness  dreadfulness  eeriness  fearfulness  fearsomeness  frighteningness  frightfulness  ghastliness  ghoulishness  grimness  grisliness  gruesomeness  hideousness  horribleness  spookiness  startlingness  terribleness  uncanniness  weirdness  
scarlet  Titian  Titian-red  bricky  cardinal  carmine  carnation  carnelian  cerise  cherry  cherry-colored  cherry-red  crimson  damask  fallen  ferruginous  fiery  fire-red  flame-colored  flame-red  flaming  glowing  gules  harlot  hot  hustling  incarmined  inflamed  infrared  iron-red  lake-colored  laky  lateritious  lobster-red  lurid  maroon  meretricious  on the  on the town  pave  port-wine  prostitute  prostituted  puce  red  red-dyed  red-looking  reddened  reddish  reddish-amber  reddish-brown  rubicund  rubiginous  rubric  rubricose  ruby  ruby-colored  ruby-red  ruddied  ruddy  rufescent  rufous  rust  rust-red  rusty  stammel  streetwalking  tile-red  vermilion  vinaceous  warm  whorish  wine  wine-colored  wine-red  
scarlet fever  African lethargy  Asiatic cholera  Chagres fever  German measles  Haverhill fever  acute articular rheumatism  ague  alkali disease  amebiasis  amebic dysentery  anthrax  bacillary dysentery  bastard measles  black death  black fever  blackwater fever  breakbone fever  brucellosis  bubonic plague  cachectic fever  cerebral rheumatism  chicken pox  cholera  cowpox  dandy fever  deer fly fever  dengue  dengue fever  diphtheria  dumdum fever  dysentery  elephantiasis  encephalitis lethargica  enteric fever  erysipelas  famine fever  five-day fever  flu  frambesia  glandular fever  grippe  hansenosis  hepatitis  herpes  herpes simplex  herpes zoster  histoplasmosis  hookworm  hydrophobia  infantile paralysis  infectious mononucleosis  inflammatory rheumatism  influenza  jail fever  jungle rot  kala azar  kissing disease  lepra  leprosy  leptospirosis  loa loa  loaiasis  lockjaw  madness  malaria  malarial fever  marsh fever  measles  meningitis  milzbrand  mumps  ornithosis  osteomyelitis  paratyphoid fever  parotitis  parrot fever  pertussis  pneumonia  polio  poliomyelitis  polyarthritis rheumatism  ponos  psittacosis  rabbit fever  rabies  rat-bite fever  relapsing fever  rheumatic fever  rickettsialpox  ringworm  rubella  rubeola  scarlatina  schistosomiasis  septic sore throat  shingles  sleeping sickness  sleepy sickness  smallpox  snail fever  splenic fever  spotted fever  strep throat  swamp fever  tetanus  thrush  tinea  trench fever  trench mouth  tuberculosis  tularemia  typhoid  typhoid fever  typhus  typhus fever  undulant fever  vaccinia  varicella  variola  venereal disease  viral dysentery  whooping cough  yaws  yellow fever  yellow jack  zona  zoster  
scarlet woman  B-girl  Cyprian  Paphian  call girl  daughter of joy  erring sister  fallen woman  fille de joie  harlot  hooker  hustler  meretrix  painted woman  poule  prostitute  stew  streetwalker  unfortunate woman  white slave  whore  
scarp  abatis  advanced work  balistraria  bank  banquette  barbed-wire entanglement  barbican  barricade  barrier  bartizan  bastion  battlement  bevel  bezel  bluff  breastwork  bulwark  casemate  cheval-de-frise  chute  circumvallation  cliff  contravallation  counterscarp  crag  curtain  demibastion  dike  drawbridge  earthwork  easy slope  enclosure  entanglement  escarp  escarpment  face  fence  fieldwork  fleam  fortalice  fortification  gentle slope  glacis  grade  gradient  hanging gardens  helicline  hillside  inclination  incline  inclined plane  launching ramp  loophole  lunette  machicolation  mantelet  merlon  mound  outwork  palisade  palisades  parados  parapet  pitch  portcullis  postern gate  precipice  ramp  rampart  ravelin  redan  redoubt  sally port  scar  sconce  shelving beach  side  slope  steep  steep slope  stiff climb  stockade  talus  tenaille  vallation  vallum  wall  work  


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