
Note {f} Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

goldene Note
golden touch
weibliche Note
female touch
menschliche Note
human touch
freundliche Note
happy touch
persönliche Note f
personal touch
mit einer Note verbundene Punkte
grade points
Note f, Memorandum n pol.
note, memorandum
persönlich adj pers.
persönliche Note f
personal pers.
personal touch
Giftig bei Berührung mit der Haut. (hazard note)
Poisonous (substance) by skin contact. (hazard note)
persönlicher gestalten; eine persönliche Note geben
to make more personal; to personalize; to personalise Br.
persönlicher gestalten, eine persönliche Note geben
to make more personal, to personalize, to personalise Br.
markieren, Marke, beachten, Note, Zeichen, zenzsieren
Dollar m
Dollars pl
Einhundert-Dollar-Note f
Abe's cape slang
eine Note einen Ton (um einen Halbton) erhöhen v mus.
to sharpen a note (by a semitone)
eine Note einen Ton (um einen Halbton) erniedrigen v mus.
to flatten a note (by a semitone)
etw. persönlicher gestalten; etw. eine persönliche Note geben v
to make sth. more personal; to personalize; to personalise Br. sth.
Note f; Memorandum n (Kurzmitteilung im diplomatischen Dienst) pol.
note; memorandum (in the diplomatic service)
Dollar m
Dollars pl
Einhundert-Dollar-Note f
Australischer Dollar
Abe's cape slang
Australian dollar
Note f mus.
Noten pl
ganze Note f
halbe Note f
nach Noten singen
whole note Am., semibreve Br.
half note Am., minim Br.
to sing from music
pikante Note f; Pikanterie f übtr.
der Geschichte eine pikante Note verleihen
piquancy fig.
to add piquancy to the tale
Eigenständigkeit f; Unverwechselbarkeit f; besondere Note f
seine kulturelle Eigenständigkeit behalten
to maintain cultural distinctiveness
persönlich adj pers.
höchstpersönlich; höchstselbst adj
persönliche Note f
der Präsident höchstpersönlich
in person; personal pers.
in the flesh; in-person
personal touch
the president in person
Note f; Musiknote f mus.
Noten pl; Musiknoten pl
ganze Note f
halbe Note f
eine Note (rhythmisch) vorziehen
note; musical note
notes; musical notes
semibreve Br.; whole note Am.
minim Br.; half note Am.
to anticipate a note
etw. notifizieren; in einer Note mitteilen v (Diplomatie) pol.
notifizierend; in einer Note mitteilend
notifiziert; in einer Note mitgeteilt
to notify sth.
sich in etw. hineinknien; hineinhängen ugs.; sich etw. vornehmen; sich dahinterklemmen; dazuschauen Ös. v
Du solltest dich dahinterklemmen, wenn du eine gute Note haben willst.
to buckle down to sth.
You had better buckle down if you want to get a good mark.
Note f; Musiknote f mus.
Noten pl; Musiknoten pl
ganze Note f
halbe Note f
nach Noten singen
nach Noten spielen
Noten schreiben
eine Note (rhythmisch) vorziehen
note; musical note
notes; musical notes
semibreve Br.; whole note Am.
minim Br.; half note Am.
to sing from music
to play from music
to write music
to anticipate a note
Dollar m (Währung) fin.
Dollar pl (Betrag); Dollars pl (Dollarmünzen)
australischer Dollar AUD
kanadischer Dollar CAD
Tonga-Dollar m
US-Dollar USD
Einhundert-Dollar-Note f
dollar (currency)
Australian dollar AUD
Canadian dollar CAD
Tonga Paanga TOP
US dollar USD
Abe's cape slang
Zensur f, Schulnote f, Note f
Zensuren pl, Schulnoten pl, Noten pl
hervorragend (Zensur 1+)
sehr gut (Zensur 1)
gut (Zensur 2)
befriedigend (Zensur 3)
genügend (Zensur 4)
mangelhaft (Zensur 5)
ungenügend (Zensur 6)
mark, grade Am.
marks, grades
very good
fail, inadequate
fail, inadequate
jds. Markenzeichen n; jds. Handschrift n; jds. persönliche Note f
der Humor, der zu ihrem Markenzeichen geworden ist
die herrlich schmeckenden Saucen aus natürlichen Zutaten, für die er bekannt ist
ein zeitloser Duft mit einer unverwechselbaren maskulinen Note
Der Hüftschwung war sein Markenzeichen.
sb.'s signature
the humor that has become her signature
the great tasting sauces with natural ingredients that are his signature
a timeless fragrance with a unique masculine signature
The hip shake was his signature.
jds. Markenzeichen n; jds. Handschrift n; jds. persönliche Note f
der Humor der zu ihrem Markenzeichen geworden ist
die herrlich schmeckenden Saucen aus natürlichen Zutaten für die er bekannt ist
ein zeitloser Duft mit einer unverwechselbaren maskulinen Note
Der Hüftschwung war sein Markenzeichen.
sb.'s signature
the humor that has become her signature
the great tasting sauces with natural ingredients that are his signature
a timeless fragrance with a unique masculine signature
The hip shake was his signature.
Assoziationen an etw. wecken wachrufen; Bilder von etw. aufsteigen lassen; (stark) an etw. erinnern v
Assoziationen an weckend wachrufend; Bilder aufsteigen lassend; erinnernd
Assoziationen geweckt wachgerufen; Bilder aufsteigen lassen; erinnert
Die blaue Farbe weckt Assoziationen an einen Strandurlaub.
Der Geschmack hat eine Note von Brombeere und Heidelbeere.
to be evocative of sth.; to be suggestive of sth.; to be redolent of sth.
being evocative; being suggestive; being redolent
been evocative; been suggestive; been redolent
The blue colour is evocative of beach holidays.
The flavour is suggestive of blackberry and bilberry.
Zensur f; Schulnote f; Note f school
Zensuren pl; Schulnoten pl; Noten pl
gute Noten
die bestmögliche Note
hervorragend (Zensur 1+)
sehr gut (Zensur 1; Note 1 Ös.; Note 6 Schw.)
gut (Zensur 2; Note 2 Ös.; Note 5 Schw.)
befriedigend (Zensur 3; Note 3 Ös.)
genügend (Zensur 4; Note 4 Ös. Schw.)
mangelhaft (Zensur 5)
ungenügend (Zensur 6); nicht genügend (Note 5 Ös.; Note 3 Schw.)
mark; grade Am.
marks; grades
high marks
with distinction
very good; outstanding (grade A)
good; above average (grade B)
satisfactory; average (grade C)
adequate; below average (grade D)
poor (grade E)
fail; inadequate; unsatisfactory (grade F)
Schulnote f; Note f; Zensur f Norddt. veraltend school
Schulnoten pl; Noten pl; Zensuren pl
gute Noten
hervorragend (Note 1+ Dt.)
sehr gut (Note 1 Dt. Ös.; Note 6 Schw.)
gut (Note 2 Dt. Ös.; Note 5 Schw.)
befriedigend (Note 3 Dt. Ös.)
genügend (Note 4 Dt. Ös. Schw.)
mangelhaft (Note 5 Dt.)
ungenügend (Note 6 Dt.); nicht genügend (Note 5 Ös.; Note 3 Schw.)
eine Prüfung mit Auszeichnung bestehen
das Studium mit Auszeichnung abschließen absolvieren
mark; grade Am.
marks; grades
high marks
very good; outstanding (grade A)
good; above average (grade B)
satisfactory; average (grade C)
adequate; below average (grade D)
poor (grade E)
fail; inadequate; unsatisfactory (grade F)
to pass an exam withz distinction
to graduate with distinction

Deutsche Note {f} Synonyme

Memorandum  ÂNote  
Note  ÂSchulnote  ÂZensur  
Adresse  ÂDenkschrift  ÂNote  ÂSchreiben  
eine  persönliche  Note  geben  Âpersönlicher  gestalten  
Banknote  ÂGeldschein  ÂLappen  (derb)  ÂNote  ÂPapiergeld  ÂSchein  (umgangssprachlich)  
Anleihe  mit  variabler  Verzinsung  ÂFloater  (fachsprachlich)  ÂFloating  Rate  Note  (fachsprachlich)  
Note  Schulnote  Zensur  
eine persönliche Note geben  persönlicher gestalten  
C note  C  G  G-note  buck  cartwheel  cent  century  copper  dime  
note  CD  Federal Reserve note  French pitch  IOU  MO  Parthian shot  accent  acceptance  acceptance bill  
promissory note  CD  IOU  MO  acceptance  acceptance bill  arrangement  bank acceptance  bank check  bill  
quarter note  accidental  breve  crotchet  demisemiquaver  dominant  dominant note  double whole note  eighth note  enharmonic  
sour note  atonalism  atonality  cacophony  clinker  discord  discordance  discordancy  disharmony  dissonance  
treasury note  Federal Reserve note  assignat  bank note  bill  callable securities  cats and dogs  certificate of deposit  corporation securities  dollar bill  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Note Synonym nachschlagen

Englische grade Synonyme

grade  acclivity  adjust  align  alphabetize  amount  analyze  arrange  array  ascend  ascent  assort  bank  bevel  bezel  blood  bolt  bracket  branch  break down  bulk  caliber  calibrate  calibrated  cant  careen  caste  catalog  categorize  category  chute  clan  class  classify  climb  codify  collate  compass  condition  cool off  correct  cut  cut it  dab  decline  declivity  decrease  degree  deploy  descend  descent  differentiate  digest  dip  dispose  divide  division  downgrade  drag  dress  drop  dub  easy slope  echelon  enlarge  equalize  estate  evaluate  even  extent  fall  fall away  fall off  fell  file  flatten  fleam  flush  form  gauge  gentle slope  glacis  go downhill  go uphill  gradate  gradation  gradational  gradient  gradual  graduate  graduated  grease  group  grouping  hack it  hanging gardens  harmonize  harrow  head  heading  height  helicline  hierarchic  hierarchize  hill  hillside  inclination  incline  inclined plane  increase  index  interval  keel  kin  label  launching ramp  lay  lay down  lay flat  lay level  lay low  lay out  league  lean  leaning  leap  level  line up  list  lubricate  make it  make the grade  mark  marshal  match  measure  measure up  methodize  mow  normalize  notch  nuance  oil  order  organize  pacify  pas  pass  peg  period  pigeonhole  pitch  place  plane  planish  plaster  plateau  point  position  predicament  progressive  proportion  qualify  quiet  race  rake  ramp  range  rank  rase  rate  rating  ratio  raze  reach  regular  regularize  regulate  remove  retreat  riddle  rise  roll  roll flat  round  routinize  rubric  rung  scalar  scale  scarp  scope  score  screen  section  separate  sept  set  set up  shade  shade off  shadow  shave  shelve  shelving beach  side  sidle  sieve  sift  situation  size  slant  slope  smooth  smooth down  smooth out  smoothen  sort  sort out  space  stage  stair  standard  standardize  standing  state  station  status  steamroll  steamroller  steep slope  step  s  
graded  aligned  arranged  arrayed  assorted  cataloged  categorized  classified  composed  constituted  disposed  filed  fixed  grouped  harmonized  hierarchic  indexed  marshaled  methodized  normalized  on file  ordered  orderly  organized  pigeonholed  placed  pyramidal  ranged  ranked  rated  regularized  regulated  routinized  sorted  standardized  stratified  synchronized  systematized  tabular  

Note {f} Definition

(n.) A step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order
(n.) The rate of ascent or descent
(n.) A graded ascending, descending, or level portion of a road
(n.) The result of crossing a native stock with some better breed. If the crossbreed have more than three fourths of the better blood, it is called high grade.
(v. t.) To arrange in order, steps, or degrees, according to size, quality, rank, etc.
(v. t.) To reduce to a level, or to an evenly progressive ascent, as the line of a canal or road.
(v. t.) To cross with some better breed
(n.) A harsh scraping or cutting

grade Bedeutung

grade a variety of cattle produced by crossbreeding with a superior breed
grade separation a crossing that uses an underpass or overpass
level crossing
grade crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level, barriers close road when trains pass
grade the gradient of a slope or road or other surface, the road had a steep grade
a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality, a moderate grade of intelligence, a high level of care is required, it is all a matter of degree
grade ground level the height of the ground on which something stands, the base of the tower was below grade
mark grade
a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance), she made good marks in algebra, grade A milk, what was your score on your homework?
grade point a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course taken at a college or university multiplied by the number of credit hours awarded for the course
a degree of ablaut
grade point average
a measure of a student's academic achievement at a college or university, calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted
grade insignia
V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service, they earned their stripes in Kuwait
class form
a body of students who are taught together, early morning classes are always sleepy
grade school
grammar school
elementary school
primary school
a school for young children, usually the first or grades
field-grade officer
field officer
an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonel
lieutenant junior grade
lieutenant JG
an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or United States Coast Guard, below lieutenant and above ensign
one-hundredth of a right angle
level tier
a relative position or degree of value in a graded group, lumber of the highest grade
weapons plutonium
weapon-grade plutonium
plutonium that is recovered when nuclear weapons are disassembled, it is stored in plutonium pits
grade determine the grade of or assign a grade to
grade score mark assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation, grade tests, score the SAT essays, mark homework
grade place
assign a rank or rating to, how would you rank these students?, The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
grade level to the right gradient
grade-appropriate the quality of ability and work that is appropriate for students in a specified grade
surpassing in quality, top-grade ore
technical grade
containing small amounts of other chemicals, hence slightly impure, technical-grade sulfuric acid
inferior in rank or status, the junior faculty, a lowly corporal, petty officialdom, a subordinate functionary
extremely strong or concentrated or durable, industrial-strength detergent, weapons-grade salsa
weapons-grade of a quality adequate for use in weapons (especially in weapons of mass destruction), weapons-grade plutonium, weapons-grade anthrax
of the kind or quality used in commerce, average or inferior, commercial grade of beef, commercial oxalic acid
low-grade of inferior quality
used of beef, usable but inferior
grade-constructed constructed at ground level, grade-constructed accesses to the freeway
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