
Deutsche Orchestermusik {f} [mus] Synonyme

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Englische orchestral music Synonyme

Orchestermusik {f} [mus] Definition

(n.) The science and the art of tones, or musical sounds, i. e., sounds of higher or lower pitch, begotten of uniform and synchronous vibrations, as of a string at various degrees of tension
(n.) Melody
(n.) Harmony
(n.) The written and printed notation of a musical composition
(n.) Love of music
(n.) A more or less musical sound made by many of the lower animals. See Stridulation.
(a.) Of or pertaining to an orchestra

orchestral music Bedeutung

music musical activity (singing or whistling etc.), his music was his central interest
instrumental music music produced by playing a musical instrument
vocal music music that is vocalized (as contrasted with instrumental music)
music lesson a lesson in performing music
music medicine punishment for one's actions, you have to face the music, take your medicine
orchestral bells
a percussion instrument consisting of a set of graduated metal bars mounted on a frame and played with small hammers
music box
musical box
produces music by means of pins on a revolving cylinder that strike the tuned teeth of a comb-like metal plate
music hall
vaudeville theater
vaudeville theatre
a theater in which vaudeville is staged
music school a school specializing in music
music stand
music rack
a light stand for holding sheets of printed music
music stool
piano stool
a stool for piano players, usually adjustable in height
any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds, he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes
music (music) the sounds produced by singers or musical instruments (or reproductions of such sounds)
piano music the sound of music produced by a piano, he thought he heard piano music next door
music of the spheres an inaudible music that Pythagoras thought was produced by the celestial
Bachelor of Music
a bachelor's degree in music
Doctor of Music
a doctor's degree in music
piano music sheet music to be played on a piano
sheet music a musical composition in printed or written form, she turned the pages of the music as he played
music hall
a variety show with songs and comic acts etc.
music r an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
monophonic music
music consisting of a single vocal part (usually with accompaniment)
polyphonic music
concerted music
music arranged in parts for several voices or instruments
black music
African-American music
music created by African-American musicians, early forms were songs that had a melodic line and a strong rhythmic beat with repeated choruses
classical music
serious music
traditional genre of music conforming to an established form and appealing to critical interest and developed musical taste
chamber music serious music performed by a small group of musicians
part music vocal music for several voices in independent parts (usually performed without accompaniment)
religious music
church music
genre of music composed for performance as part of religious ceremonies
musical composition
composition piece piece of music
a musical work that has been created, the composition is written in four movements
instrumental music music intended to be performed by a musical instrument or group of instruments
symphonic music
a long and complex sonata for symphony orchestra
dance music music to dance to
serial music
th century music that uses a definite order of notes as a thematic basis for a musical composition
twelve-tone music
-tone music
twelve-tone system
-tone system
a type of serial music introduced by Arnold Schoenberg, uses a tone row formed by the twelve semitones of the chromatic scale (and inverted or backward versions of the row)
marching music
genre of music written for marching, Sousa wrote the best marches
military march
military music
martial music
brisk marching music suitable for troops marching in a military parade
popular music
popular music genre
any genre of music having wide appeal (but usually only for a short time)
disco music
popular dance music (especially in the late s), melodic with a regular bass beat, intended mainly for dancing at discotheques
pop music
music of general appeal to teenagers, a bland watered-down version of rock'n'roll with more rhythm and harmony and an emphasis on romantic love
folk music
ethnic music
the traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community
country music
country and western
C and W
a simple style of folk music heard mostly in the southern United States, usually played on stringed instruments
dance music danceroom music
ballroom music
a genre of popular music composed for ballroom dancing
hillbilly music country music originating in mountainous regions of southern United States
square-dance music music performed for square dancing
rap rap music
genre of African-American music of the s and s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment, several forms of rap have emerged
rock 'n' roll
rock and roll
rock rock music
a genre of popular music originating in the s, a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western, rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll.
heavy metal
heavy metal music
loud and harsh sounding rock music with a strong beat, lyrics usually involve violent or fantastic imagery
swing swing music
a style of jazz played by big bands popular in the s, flowing rhythms but less complex than later styles of jazz
music genre
musical genre
genre musical style
an expressive style of music
idle talk
chin music
idle or foolish and irrelevant talk
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