
Deutsche Orient Synonyme

Morgenland  Orient  Osten  
orient  acclimate  acclimatize  accommodate  accustom  adapt  adjust  aglow  assess  beaming  
Orient  Africa  America  Antipodes  Asia  Asia Major  Asia Minor  Australasia  East  Eastern Hemisphere  
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Englische orient Synonyme

orient  acclimate  acclimatize  accommodate  accustom  adapt  adjust  aglow  assess  beaming  beamy  blushing  break  break in  bright and sunny  burning  candescent  case harden  condition  confirm  domesticate  domesticize  east  eastern  establish  familiarize  fix  flushing  gentle  gleaming  gleamy  glinting  glowing  habituate  harden  housebreak  illuminant  incandescent  inure  irradiative  lamping  light as day  luciferous  lucific  luciform  luminant  luminative  luminiferous  luminificent  luminous  lustrous  naturalize  orient the map  oriental  orientate  radiant  rutilant  rutilous  season  shining  shiny  starbright  starlike  starry  streaming  suffused  sunny  sunshiny  tame  train  wont  
Orient  Africa  America  Antipodes  Asia  Asia Major  Asia Minor  Australasia  East  Eastern Hemisphere  Eurasia  Europe  Far East  Levant  Middle East  Near East  New World  Occident  Oceania  Old World  West  Western Hemisphere  continent  down under  eastland  landmass  the old country  
Oriental  American Indian  Amerind  Australian aborigine  Bushman  Caucasian  Indian  Malayan  Mister Charley  Mongolian  Negrillo  Negrito  Negro  Red Indian  WASP  black  black man  blackfellow  boy  brown man  burrhead  colored person  coon  darky  gook  honky  jigaboo  jungle bunny  nigger  niggra  ofay  paleface  pygmy  red man  redskin  slant-eye  spade  the Man  white  white man  whitey  yellow man  
oriental  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  hyperborean  meridional  north  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  occidental  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  
orientation  acclimation  acclimatization  accommodation  accustoming  adaptation  adaption  adjustment  aim  alignment  arrangement  aspect  assimilation  attitude  azimuth  bearing  bearings  bent  breaking  breaking-in  briefing  case hardening  celestial navigation  conditioning  course  current  dead reckoning  direction  direction line  disorientation  domestication  drift  exposure  familiarization  fix  frontage  habituation  hardening  heading  helmsmanship  housebreaking  inclination  initiation  instruction  introduction  inurement  lay  layout  lie  line  line of direction  line of march  line of position  location  naturalization  navigation  pilotage  piloting  placement  placing  point  position  position line  positioning  preparation  quarter  radio bearing  range  run  seasoning  set  set-up  situation  steerage  steering  taming  tendency  tenor  track  training  trend  way  
oriented  acclimated  acclimatized  accommodated  accustomed  adapted  adjusted  case-hardened  conditioned  experienced  familiarized  hardened  inured  naturalized  orientated  run-in  seasoned  trained  used to  wont  wonted  
orienter  Dutch uncle  Polonius  admonisher  adviser  backseat driver  buttinsky  confidant  consultant  counsel  counselor  expert  guide  instructor  kibitzer  meddler  mentor  monitor  nestor  preceptist  teacher  


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Der Orient , später auch Morgenland genannt, ist ursprünglich eine der vier römischen Weltgegenden. An der römischen Achse zwischen Norden und Süden liegt der Orient, die Weltgegend im Osten, gegenüber dem Okzident mit den im Westen liegenden Gebieten.

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