
Deutsche Papiersorte Synonyme

Englische paper grade Synonyme

paper  Bible paper  CD  IOU  India paper  MO  MS  Manila paper  acceptance  acceptance bill  alabaster  analysis  archives  art paper  article  assignment  autograph  bank acceptance  bank check  baryta paper  bill  bill of draft  bill of exchange  blank  blank check  blotting paper  blueprint paper  board  bond paper  brainchild  brick  butcher paper  carbon  carbon paper  cardboard  cartridge paper  causerie  cellophane  certificate  certificate of deposit  certified check  chalk  check  checkbook  cheque  chirograph  cigarette paper  clapboard  cloth paper  commercial paper  complimentary ticket  composition  computer printout  construction paper  copy  credentials  crepe  crepe paper  critique  crown paper  curlpaper  daily  daily newspaper  deadhead  debenture  deed  demand bill  demand draft  descant  discount ticket  discourse  discussion  disquisition  dissertation  distribute  docket  document  documents  dossier  draft  drawing paper  driven snow  due bill  edited version  endpaper  engrossment  essay  etude  examination  exchequer bill  excursus  exegesis  exposition  extra  extra edition  face  facial tissue  fair copy  feature  fiction  file  files  final draft  finished version  first approach  first draft  fleece  flimsy  flour  flypaper  foam  foolscap  form  free admission  free pass  free rider  free ticket  freeloader  gazette  gift wrap  glass  glaze  graph paper  grass paper  gruel  guest pass  hand paper  holograph  homily  ice paper  identification  instrument  introductory study  ivory  journal  kraft paper  lace paper  lath  leaf  legal document  legal instrument  legal paper  letter  letter of credit  letter paper  letterhead  lily  line  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  litmus paper  lucubration  maggot  manila  manuscript  matter  memoir  mere shadow  milk  millboard  money order  monograph  morceau  music paper  national newspaper  negotiable instrument  neighborhood newspaper  news  newsletter  newsp  
paper profits  capital gains  cleanup  clear profit  dividends  earnings  filthy lucre  gain  gains  get  gettings  gleanings  gross  gross profit  hoard  income  interest  killing  lucre  makings  neat profit  net  net profit  pelf  percentage  perk  perks  perquisite  pickings  proceeds  profit  profits  rake-off  receipts  return  returns  store  take  take-in  wealth  winnings  
paperback  best seller  book  bound book  classic  coloring book  definitive work  folio  great work  hardback  juvenile  juvenile book  limp-cover book  magnum opus  nonbook  notebook  novel  opus  opuscule  opusculum  picture book  playbook  pocket book  prayer book  production  psalmbook  psalter  publication  serial  sketchbook  soft-cover  songbook  standard work  storybook  title  tome  trade book  volume  work  writing  
papers  Americanization  acculturation  admission  adoption  affiliation  ana  archives  assimilation  biographical material  biographical records  blank  chirograph  citizenship by naturalization  citizenship papers  culture shock  docket  document  dossier  file  form  government archives  government papers  historical documents  historical records  holograph  instrument  legal document  legal instrument  legal paper  life records  memorabilia  nationalization  naturalization  naturalized citizenship  official document  paper  parchment  parish rolls  personal file  presidential papers  public records  roll  scrip  script  scroll  writ  writing  
papery  airy  atrophied  attenuate  attenuated  boyish  breakable  brittle  cheap-jack  cobwebby  crumbly  dainty  delicate  delicately weak  desiccated  diaphanous  diluted  dried-up  effeminate  emaciated  ethereal  fine  fine-drawn  finespun  flimsy  fragile  frail  frangible  gauzy  gimcrack  gimcracky  girlish  gossamer  gossamery  gracile  insubstantial  jerry  jerry-built  lacy  light  lightweight  misty  namby-pamby  parchmenty  pasteboardy  puny  rare  rarefied  sere  shattery  shriveled  shrunken  sissified  sleazy  slender  slenderish  slight  slight-made  slim  slimmish  slinky  small  subtle  svelte  sylphlike  tacky  tenuous  thin  thin-bodied  thin-set  thin-spun  thinnish  threadlike  unsubstantial  vague  wasp-waisted  wasted  watered  watered-down  watery  weak  willowy  wilted  wiredrawn  wispy  withered  wizened  womanish  wrinkled      

Papiersorte Definition

Blotting paper
() A kind of thick, bibulous, unsized paper, used to absorb superfluous ink from freshly written manuscript, and thus prevent blots.
Casse Paper
() Broken paper
(n.) A step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order
(n.) The rate of ascent or descent
(n.) A graded ascending, descending, or level portion of a road
(n.) The result of crossing a native stock with some better breed. If the crossbreed have more than three fourths of the better blood, it is called high grade.
(v. t.) To arrange in order, steps, or degrees, according to size, quality, rank, etc.
(v. t.) To reduce to a level, or to an evenly progressive ascent, as the line of a canal or road.
(v. t.) To cross with some better breed
(n.) A harsh scraping or cutting
Note paper
() Writing paper, not exceeding in size, when folded once, five by eight inches.
(n.) A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping. It is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded, pressed, and dried.
(n.) A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance.
(n.) A printed or written instrument
(n.) A printed sheet appearing periodically
(n.) Negotiable evidences of indebtedness
(n.) Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper. See Paper hangings, below.
(n.) A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity
(n.) A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application
(a.) Of or pertaining to paper
(v. t.) To cover with paper
(v. t.) To fold or inclose in paper.
(v. t.) To put on paper
(n.) Paper steeped in saltpeter, which burns slowly, and is used as a match for firing gunpowder, and the like.

paper grade Bedeutung

paper chase
hare and hounds
an outdoor game, one group of players (the hares) start off on a long run scattering bits of paper (the scent) and pursuers (the hounds) try to catch them before they reach a designated spot
paper route the job of delivering newspapers regularly
paper nautilus
nautilus Argonaut
Argonauta argo
cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have delicate papery spiral shells
paper wasp any of several social wasps that construct nests of a substance like paper
grade a variety of cattle produced by crossbreeding with a superior breed
Dixie cup
paper cup
a disposable cup made of paper, for holding drinks
grade separation a crossing that uses an underpass or overpass
letter opener
paper knife
dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed or to slit uncut pages of books
level crossing
grade crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level, barriers close road when trains pass
masking tape
masking paper
adhesive tape used to cover the part of a surface that should not be painted
the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher, when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper
paperback book
paper-back book
softback book
softover book
a book with paper covers
paper chain a chain made of loops of colored paper, used to decorate a room
paper clip
gem clip
a wire or plastic clip for holding sheets of paper together, the paper clip was invented in
paper cutter a cutting implement for cutting sheets of paper to the desired size
paper doll a piece of paper cut or folded into the shape of a human being
paper fastener a fastener for holding a sheet of paper in place
paper feed a device for inserting sheets of paper into a printer or typewriter, the job was delayed because the paper feed was clogged
paper mill a mill where paper is manufactured
paper plate a disposable plate made of cardboard
paper towel a disposable towel made of absorbent paper
photographic paper
photographic material
light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed
paper bag
carrier bag
a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases
slip slip of paper a small sheet of paper, a receipt slip
test paper paper impregnated with an indicator for use in chemical tests
wastepaper basket
waste-paper basket
waste basket
circular file
a container with an open top, for discarded paper and other rubbish
grade the gradient of a slope or road or other surface, the road had a steep grade
a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality, a moderate grade of intelligence, a high level of care is required, it is all a matter of degree
grade ground level the height of the ground on which something stands, the base of the tower was below grade
paper tiger the nature of a person or organization that appears powerful but is actually powerless and ineffectual, he reminded Mao that the paper tiger had nuclear teeth
mark grade
a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance), she made good marks in algebra, grade A milk, what was your score on your homework?
grade point a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course taken at a college or university multiplied by the number of credit hours awarded for the course
paper a medium for written communication, the notion of an office running without paper is absurd
piece of paper
sheet of paper
paper used for writing or printing
letter paper
paper cut to an appropriate size for writing letters, usually with matching envelopes
a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets, contains news and articles and advertisements, he read his newspaper at breakfast
school newspaper
school paper
a newspaper written and published by students in a school
paper a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses, he has written many scientific papers
paper report theme
an essay (especially one written as an assignment), he got an A on his composition
term paper a composition intended to indicate a student's progress during a school term
order paper
order book
a printed copy of the order of the day
paper trail the written evidence of someone's activities, this paper trail consisted mainly of electronically stored information
position paper
a memorandum summarizing the items of an agreement (used especially in diplomatic communications)
historical document
historical paper
historical record
writing having historical value (as opposed to fiction or myth etc.)
a degree of ablaut
test paper
examination paper
exam paper
question sheet
a written examination
white book
white paper
a government report, bound in white
green paper a preliminary report of government proposals that is published in order to stimulate discussion
position paper a report that explains or justifies or recommends some particular policy
grade point average
a measure of a student's academic achievement at a college or university, calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted
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