
Deutsche Papierstau Synonyme

Englische jam Synonyme

jam  Great Mogul  Jell-O  Mogul  a mass of  a world of  abound with  afterthought  albumen  arch dam  army  articulate  assault  backstop  baffle  bafflement  bamboo curtain  bank  bar  barrage  barricade  barrier  batten  batten down  batter  be alive with  beam  bear  bear upon  bear-trap dam  bearings  beaver dam  bed  bevy  bewilderment  bind  blancmange  blank wall  blind alley  blind gut  block  block up  blockade  blockage  bolt  bonnyclabber  boom  boost  bother  bottleneck  box  breakwater  breastwork  brick wall  brim  bristle with  buck  buckle  buffer  bulkhead  bull  bulldoze  bulwark  bump  bump against  bunch  bung  bunt  bureaucratic delay  burst with  butt  butt against  butter  button  candy  case  catch  caulk  cecum  charge  chink  chock  choke  choke off  choke up  choking  choking off  circumstance  clabber  clasp  cleat  clip  clog  clog up  close  close off  close tight  close up  cloud  cluster  clutch  clutter  cofferdam  cohue  comfit  compact  complication  compote  compress  concentrate  condense  condition  confection  confectionery  confirm  confiture  confoundment  confusion  congest  congestion  conserve  consolidate  constipate  constipation  constrict  cork  corner  cornstarch  costiveness  cover  covey  cram  crawl with  cream  creep with  crowd  crunch  crush  cul-de-sac  curd  dam  dam up  dead end  debar  deep-dye  defense  define  delay  delayage  delayed reaction  deluge  densen  densify  detention  dig  dike  dilemma  discomposure  disconcert  disconcertedness  disconcertion  disconcertment  disturbance  ditch  dog  double take  dough  dovetail  dragging  drench  drive  drown out  earthwork  egg white  elbow  embankment  embarrassing position  embarrassment  embed  embolism  embolus  engraft  engrave  enigma  entrench  establish  estate  etch  fence  fill  fill to overflowing  fill up  fine how-do-you-do  fix  flight  flock  flocks  flood  footing  force  foul  found  freight  frosting  galaxy  gate  gaum  gel  gelatin  glai  
jam in  admit  barge in  be admitted  break in  breeze in  burst in  bust in  come barging in  come breezing in  come busting in  come in  cram in  creep in  cross the threshold  crowd in  drive in  drop in  edge in  enter  force in  gain admittance  get in  go in  go into  have an entree  have an in  hop in  impact  insert  intrude  irrupt  jump in  knock in  look in  pack in  plunge in  poke in  pop in  pound in  press in  push in  put in  ram in  run in  set foot in  slip in  squeeze in  step in  stuff in  take in  tamp in  thrust in  visit  wedge in  work in  
jam packed  SRO  alive with  bloated  brimful  brimming  bristling  bulging  bursting  capacity  chock-full  choked  chuck-full  close  close-knit  close-textured  close-woven  compact  compacted  compressed  concentrated  concrete  condensed  congested  consolidated  cram-full  crammed  crammed full  crawling  crowded  crowding  dense  distended  drenched  farci  filled  filled to overflowing  firm  flush  full  full to bursting  gluey  glutted  gorged  hard  heavy  hyperemic  impenetrable  impermeable  in profusion  in spate  jammed  lavish  massive  nonporous  overblown  overburdened  overcharged  overfed  overflowing  overfraught  overfreighted  overfull  overladen  overloaded  overstocked  overstuffed  oversupplied  overweighted  packed  packed like sardines  plenary  plethoric  populous  prodigal  profuse  proliferating  prolific  ready to burst  replete  rife  round  running over  satiated  saturated  serried  soaked  solid  standing room only  studded  stuffed  stuffed up  substantial  superabundant  supercharged  supersaturated  surcharged  surfeited  swarming  swollen  teeming  thick  thick as hail  thick with  thick-coming  thick-growing  thickset  thronged  thronging  topful  viscid  viscose  viscous  
jamb  Samson post  ankle  baluster  balustrade  banister  bayonet legs  bowlegs  calf  cnemis  doorjamb  doorpost  drumstick  foreleg  gamb  gambrel  gatepost  gigot  ham  hind leg  hitching post  hock  king post  knee  leg  limb  milepost  mullion  podite  popliteal space  post  scissor-legs  shank  shin  signpost  snubbing post  stanchion  standard  stems  stile  stumps  tarsus  trotters  upright  
jamboree  Mardi Gras  Saturnalia  banquet  blowout  carnival  carouse  celebration  charivari  do  fair  feast  festival  festive occasion  festivity  fete  field day  fiesta  frolic  gala  gala affair  gala day  gathering  get-together  great doings  high jinks  jubilee  kermis  party  picnic  revelry  revels  spree  waygoose  wayzgoose  
jammed  aground  alive with  anchored  arrested  back  backward  behindhand  belated  bloated  blocked  bonded  bound  brimful  brimming  bristling  bursting  caught  cemented  chained  chock-full  choked  choked up  clogged  clogged up  close  close-knit  close-textured  close-woven  compact  compacted  compressed  concentrated  concrete  condensed  congested  consolidated  constipated  costive  crammed  crammed full  crawling  crowded  crowding  delayed  delayed-action  dense  detained  distended  drenched  fast  fastened  filled to overflowing  firm  fixed  foul  fouled  full  glued  gluey  glutted  gorged  grounded  hard  heavy  held  held up  high and dry  hung up  hyperemic  impacted  impenetrable  impermeable  in a bind  in abeyance  in profusion  in spate  inextricable  infarcted  jam-packed  late  latish  lavish  massive  moored  moratory  never on time  nonporous  obstipated  obstructed  overblown  overburdened  overcharged  overdue  overfed  overflowing  overfraught  overfreighted  overfull  overladen  overloaded  overstocked  overstuffed  oversupplied  overweighted  packed  plethoric  plugged  plugged up  populous  prodigal  profuse  proliferating  prolific  ready to burst  retarded  rife  running over  satiated  saturated  secure  serried  set  slow  soaked  solid  stopped  stopped up  stranded  stuck  stuck fast  studded  stuffed  stuffed up  substantial  superabundant  supercharged  supersaturated  surcharged  surfeited  swarming  swollen  taped  tardy  teeming  tethered  thick  thick as hail  thick with  thick-coming  thick-growing  thickset  thronged  thronging  tied  tight  transfixed  unpunctual  unready  untimely  viscid  viscose  viscous  wedged  

Papierstau Definition

jam Bedeutung

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Papierstau ist ein seit den 1960er Jahren gängiger Begriff im Umgang mit Fotokopierern, Faxgeräten, Druckern und Papierverarbeitungsmaschinen. Er beschreibt eine Betriebsstörung durch im Transportweg steckengebliebene Blätter von Papier.