
Deutsche Perserteppich {m} Synonyme

Englische Persian carpet Synonyme

Perserteppich {m} Definition

(n.) A heavy woven or felted fabric, usually of wool, but also of cotton, hemp, straw, etc.
(n.) A smooth soft covering resembling or suggesting a carpet.
(v. t.) To cover with, or as with, a carpet
(a.) Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their language.
(n.) A native or inhabitant of Persia.
(n.) The language spoken in Persia.
(n.) A thin silk fabric, used formerly for linings.
(n.) See Persian columns, under Persian, a.
Wilton carpet
() A kind of carpet woven with loops like the Brussels, but differing from it in having the loops cut so as to form an elastic velvet pile

Persian carpet Bedeutung

carpet bombing
area bombing
saturation bombing
an extensive and systematic bombing intended to devastate a large target
Persian Gulf War
Gulf War
a war fought between Iraq and a coalition led by the United States that freed Kuwait from Iraqi invaders, -
carpet shark
Orectolobus barbatus
shark of the western Pacific with flattened body and mottled skin
carpet snake
Python variegatus
Morelia spilotes variegatus
Australian python with a variegated pattern on its back
Persian cat a long-haired breed of cat
carpet beetle
carpet bug
small beetle whose larvae are household pests feeding on woolen fabrics
buffalo carpet beetle
Anthrenus scrophulariae
a small black and red and white carpet beetle
black carpet beetle a carpet beetle that is solid black in color
carpet moth
tapestry moth
Trichophaga tapetzella
larvae feed on carpets and other woolens
Persian lamb a karakul lamb
Brussels carpet a carpet with a strong linen warp and a heavy pile of colored woolen yarns drawn up in uncut loops to form a pattern
carpet beater
rug beater
implement for beating dust out of carpets
carpet loom a loom for weaving carpeting
carpet pad
rug pad
a pad placed under a carpet
carpet sweeper
a cleaning implement with revolving brushes that pick up dirt as the implement is pushed over a carpet
carpet tack used to nail down carpets
flying carpet (Asian folktale) an imaginary carpet that will fly people anywhere they wish to go
red carpet a strip of red carpeting laid down for dignitaries to walk on
floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile)
carpet slipper
low footwear that can be slipped on and off easily, usually worn indoors
Wilton carpet
a carpet woven on a Jacquard loom with loops like a Brussels carpet but having the loops cut to form a close velvety pile
the language of Persia (Iran) in any of its ancient forms
Dari Persian
an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan
Persian melon the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine, a large green melon with orange flesh
Persia Persian Empire an empire in southern Asia created by Cyrus the Great in the th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in the th century BC
carpet a natural object that resembles or suggests a carpet, a carpet of flowers, the larvae of some moths spin a web that resembles a carpet
Persian Gulf
Arabian Gulf
a shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula, the Persian Gulf oil fields are among the most productive in the world
Persian deity a deity worshiped by the ancient Persians
Persian a
a native or inhabitant of Iran, the majority of Irani are Persian Shiite Muslims
carpet knight a knight who spends his time in luxury and idleness (knighted on the carpet at court rather than on the field of battle)
smut grass
carpet grass
Sporobolus poiretii
grass native to West Indies but common in southern United States having tufted wiry stems often infested with a dark fungus
Manila grass
Japanese carpet grass
Zoysia matrella
lawn grass common in the Philippines, grown also in United States
winter melon
Persian melon
honeydew melon
winter melon vine
Cucumis melo inodorus
any of a variety of muskmelon vines having fruit with a smooth white rind and white or greenish flesh that does not have a musky smell
Persian violet
Exacum affine
perennial cultivated especially as a houseplant for its fragrant bluish to dark lavender flowers
Persian lilac Syringa persica small densely branching Asiatic shrub having lanceolate leaves and panicles of fragrant lilac flowers
English walnut
English walnut tree
Circassian walnut
Persian walnut
Juglans regia
Eurasian walnut valued for its large edible nut and its hard richly figured wood, widely cultivated
Persian iris
Iris persica
bulbous iris native to Asia Minor cultivated for its pale lilacolored flowers
chinaberry chinaberry tree
China tree Persian lilac pride-of-India
Melia azederach
Melia azedarach
tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruits, naturalized in the southern United States as a shade tree
water carpet
water mat
Chrysosplenium americanum
aquatic herb with yellowish flowers, central and western United States
Gulf War syndrome
Persian Gulf illness
a medical condition of uncertain origin that affected many veterans of the Gulf War, characterized by fatigue and headache and dizziness and nausea and rashes and joint pain and respiratory disorders
Persian lamb the fur of a karakul lamb
call on the carpet
take to task
reprimand jaw dress down
call down
bawl out
remonstrate chew out
chew up
have words
censure severely or angrily, The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car, The deputy ragged the Prime Minister, The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
carpet bomb bomb a large area systematically and extensively, The U.S. decided to carpet bomb Vietnam
carpet cover with a carpet, carpet the floors of the house
carpet cover completely, as if with a carpet, flowers carpeted the meadows
carpet form a carpet-like cover (over)
red carpet(a)
special treatment or hospitality, the maitre d' gave them the red-carpet treatment
of or relating to Iran or its people or language or culture, Iranian mountains, Iranian security police
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Ein persischer Teppich ist ein schweres Gewebe, hergestellt für einen weiten Bereich nützlicher und symbolischer Zwecke, der im Iran und den umgebenden Gebieten des ehemaligen Perserreichs hergestellt wird. Perserteppiche werden zum eigenen Gebrauch, zum Handel vor Ort und für den Export produziert. Der persische Teppich ist ein Grundbestandteil persischer Kunst und Kultur. Als Perserteppich ist er umgangssprachlich im deutschen Sprachraum bekannt. Innerhalb der Gruppe der Orientteppiche hebt sich der persische Teppich durch besondere Vielfalt und künstlerische Qualität seiner Farben und Muster heraus. 2010 wurde die ?traditionelle Kunst des Teppichknüpfens? in Fars und Kaschan in die Repräsentative Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes der Menschheit aufgenommen.