
Deutsche Pfortaderthrombose {f} [med] Synonyme

Englische thrombosis of the portal vein; pylethrombosis Synonyme

thrombosis  Jacksonian epilepsy  Rolandic epilepsy  abdominal epilepsy  access  acquired epilepsy  activated epilepsy  affect epilepsy  akinetic epilepsy  angina  angina pectoris  aortic insufficiency  aortic stenosis  apoplectic stroke  apoplexy  arrest  arrhythmia  arteriosclerosis  atherosclerosis  atrial fibrillation  attack  auricular fibrillation  autonomic epilepsy  beriberi heart  blockage  cardiac arrest  cardiac epilepsy  cardiac insufficiency  cardiac shock  cardiac stenosis  cardiac thrombosis  carditis  clonic spasm  clonus  congenital heart disease  convulsion  cor biloculare  cor juvenum  cor triatriatum  coronary  coronary insufficiency  coronary thrombosis  cortical epilepsy  cramp  cursive epilepsy  diastolic hypertension  diurnal epilepsy  eclampsia  encased heart  endocarditis  epilepsia  epilepsia gravior  epilepsia major  epilepsia minor  epilepsia mitior  epilepsia nutans  epilepsia tarda  epilepsy  extrasystole  falling sickness  fatty heart  fibroid heart  fit  flask-shaped heart  focal epilepsy  frenzy  frosted heart  grand mal  hairy heart  haute mal  heart attack  heart block  heart condition  heart disease  heart failure  high blood pressure  hypertension  hypertensive heart disease  hysterical epilepsy  ictus  ischemic heart disease  larval epilepsy  laryngeal epilepsy  laryngospasm  latent epilepsy  lockjaw  matutinal epilepsy  menstrual epilepsy  mitral insufficiency  mitral stenosis  musicogenic epilepsy  myocardial infarction  myocardial insufficiency  myocarditis  myoclonous epilepsy  myovascular insufficiency  nocturnal epilepsy  occlusion  ox heart  palpitation  paralytic stroke  paroxysm  paroxysmal tachycardia  pericarditis  petit mal  physiologic epilepsy  pile  premature beat  pseudoaortic insufficiency  psychic epilepsy  psychomotor epilepsy  pulmonary insufficiency  pulmonary stenosis  reflex epilepsy  rheumatic heart disease  rotatoria  round heart  sclerosis  seizure  sensory epilepsy  serial epilepsy  spasm  stony heart  

Pfortaderthrombose {f} [med] Definition

(n.) A door or gate
(n.) The lesser gate, where there are two of different dimensions.
(n.) Formerly, a small square corner in a room separated from the rest of the apartment by wainscoting, forming a short passage to another apartment.
(n.) By analogy with the French portail, used by recent writers for the whole architectural composition which surrounds and includes the doorways and porches of a church.
(n.) The space, at one end, between opposite trusses when these are terminated by inclined braces.
(n.) A prayer book or breviary
(a.) Of or pertaining to a porta, especially the porta of the liver
(n.) See Rake, a mineral vein.
(a.) Both renal and portal. See Portal.
(n.) The obstruction of a blood vessel by a clot formed at the site of obstruction
(n.) One of the vessels which carry blood, either venous or arterial, to the heart. See Artery, 2.
(n.) One of the similar branches of the framework of a leaf.
(n.) One of the ribs or nervures of the wings of insects. See Venation.
(n.) A narrow mass of rock intersecting other rocks, and filling inclined or vertical fissures not corresponding with the stratification
(n.) A fissure, cleft, or cavity, as in the earth or other substance.
(n.) A streak or wave of different color, appearing in wood, and in marble and other stones
(n.) A train of association, thoughts, emotions, or the like
(n.) Peculiar temper or temperament
(v. t.) To form or mark with veins

thrombosis of the portal vein; pylethrombosis / thromboses of the portal vein; pylethromboses Bedeutung

one of the horny ribs that stiffen and support the wing of an insect
portal tomb
a prehistoric megalithic tomb typically having two large upright stones and a capstone
portal a grand and imposing entrance (often extended metaphorically), the portals of the cathedral, the portals of heaven, the portals of success
accessory cephalic vein
vena cephalica accessoria
a vein that passes along the radial edge of the forearm and joins the cephalic vein near the elbow
accessory hemiazygos vein
accessory hemiazygous vein
vena hemiazygos accessoria
a vein formed by the union of the th to th posterior intercostal veins, empties into the azygos vein
accessory vertebral vein
vena vertebralis accessoria
a vein that accompanies the vertebral vein but passes through the foramen of the transverse process of the th cervical vertebra and empties into the brachiocephalic vein
accompanying vein
vena comitans
a vein accompanying another structure, a vein may accompany an artery in such a way that the arterial pulses aid venous return
anastomotic vein
vena anastomotica
either of two communicating veins serving the brain
angular vein
vena angularis
a short vein formed by the supraorbital vein and the supratrochlear vein and continuing as the facial vein
anterior vertebral vein
vena vertebralis anterior
a vein that accompanies the ascending cervical artery and opens into the vertebral vein
appendicular vein
vena appendicularis
a vein that accompanies the appendicular artery and empties into the ileocolic vein
arcuate vein of the kidney
vena arcuata renis
veins that receive blood from interlobular veins of kidney and rectal venules
auricular vein
vena auricularis
one of two veins serving the ear region
axillary vein
vena axillaris
a continuation of the basilic vein and brachial vein that becomes the subclavian vein
azygos vein
azygous vein
vena azygos
one of a system of veins that drain the thoracic and abdominal walls, arises as a continuation of the right ascending lumbar vein and terminates in the superior vena cava
basal vein
vena basalis
a large vein passing along the medial surface of the temporal lobe and emptying into the great cerebral vein
basilic vein
vena basilica
a vein that drains the back of the hand and forearm and empties into the axillary vein
basivertebral vein
vena basivertebralis
one of a number of veins draining the spongy substance of the vertebrae and emptying into the anterior internal vertebral venous plexus
brachial vein
vena brachialis
two veins in either arm that accompany the brachial artery and empty into the axillary vein
brachiocephalic vein
innominate vein
vena brachiocephalica
veins formed by the union of the internal jugular and subclavian veins
bronchial vein
vena bronchialis
veins serving the bronchi, empty into the azygos vein
cardinal vein any of the major venous channels in primitive adult vertebrates and in embryos of higher vertebrates
anterior cardinal vein a major drainage channel from the cephalic part of the body
posterior cardinal vein a major drainage channel from the caudal part of the body
common cardinal vein the major return channels to the heart, formed by anastomosis of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins
central vein of retina
vena centrales retinae
vein formed by the union of the retinal veins, accompanies central arteries of the retina in the optic nerve
central vein of suprarenal gland
vena centralis glandulae suprarenalis
a single draining vein, on the right it empties into the inferior vena cava, on the left it empties into the left renal vein
cephalic vein
vena cephalica
a large vein of the arm that empties into the axillary vein
cerebellar vein
vena cerebellum
the veins draining the cerebellum
cerebral vein
vena cerebri
any of several veins serving the cerebral hemispheres of the brain
anterior cerebral vein
vena cerebri anterior
accompanies the anterior cerebral artery and empties into the basal vein
anterior facial vein
vena facialis anterior
a continuation of the angular vein, unites with the retromandibular vein before emptying into the internal jugular vein
great cerebral vein
vena cerebri magna
a cerebral vein formed by the two internal cerebral veins and continuing into the sinus rectus
inferior cerebral vein
venae cerebrum inferior
veins that drain the undersurface of the cerebral hemispheres and empty into the cavernous and transverse sinuses
internal cerebral vein
vena cerebrum internus
two paired veins passing caudally near the midline and uniting to form the great cerebral vein
middle cerebral vein
vena cerebri media
either of two cerebral veins
deep middle cerebral vein accompanies the middle cerebral artery deep in the Sylvian fissure, empties into the basal vein
superficial middle cerebral vein a large vein along the line of the Sylvian fissure to the cavernous sinus
superior cerebral vein
vena cerebrum superior
a cerebral vein that drains the dorsal convexity of the cerebral hemisphere and empties into the cavernous sinus
cervical vein
deep cervical vein
vena cervicalis profunda
a vein that accompanies an artery of the same name
choroid vein
vena choroidea
either of two veins serving the choroid coat of the eye
circumflex vein
vena circumflexa
any of several curved parallel veins accompanying arteries of the same name
circumflex iliac vein
vena circumflexa ilium
accompanies the artery of the same name
circumflex femoral vein
vena circumflexus femoris
either of two veins that accompany arteries of the same name serving the hip and thigh
clitoral vein
vena clitoridis
veins that serve the clitoris
colic vein
vena colica
vein serving the large intestine
common facial vein vein formed by union of facial vein and the retromandibular vein and emptying into the jugular vein
costoaxillary vein one of several veins connecting intercostal veins with the lateral thoracic vein or the thoracoepigastric vein
cutaneous vein
vena cutanea
one of a number of veins in the subcutaneous tissue that empty into deep veins
cystic vein
vena cystica
vein that drains the gallbladder
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