
Prorektor Definition

(n.) A judicial court of chancery, which in England and in the United States is distinctively a court with equity jurisdiction.
(n.) A person who is appointed to superintend, or preside over, something
(n.) The keeper of a prison.
(n.) The universe
(n.) An association, society, guild, or corporation, esp. one capable of having and acquiring property.
(n.) An institution organized and incorporated for the purpose of imparting instruction, examining students, and otherwise promoting education in the higher branches of literature, science, art, etc., empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties, as in theology, law, medicine, music, etc. A university may exist without having any college connected with it, or it may consist of but one college, or it may comprise an assemblage of colleges established in any place, with professors for instructing students in the sciences and other branches of learning.
(n.) A defect
(n.) A moral fault or failing
(n.) The buffoon of the old English moralities, or moral dramas, having the name sometimes of one vice, sometimes of another, or of Vice itself
(n.) A kind of instrument for holding work, as in filing. Same as Vise.
(n.) A tool for drawing lead into cames, or flat grooved rods, for casements.
(n.) A gripe or grasp.
(v. t.) To hold or squeeze with a vice, or as if with a vice.
(prep.) In the place of
(prep.) Denoting one who in certain cases may assume the office or duties of a superior
(a.) Of or pertaining to a viceroy or viceroyalty.

university vice-chancellor [Br.]; university provost [Am.] / university vice-chancellors; university provosts Bedeutung

vice-presidency the office and function of a vice president
vice a specific form of evildoing, vice offends the moral standards of the community
vice crime a vice that is illegal
extension service
university extension
an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students
Brown University
a university in Rhode Island
Cambridge University
a university in England
Carnegie Mellon University an engineering university in Pittsburgh
city university an urban university in a large city
Columbia University
a university in New York City
Cornell University a university in Ithaca, New York
Duke University a university in Durham, North Carolina
Harvard University
a university in Massachusetts
Ohio State University a university in Columbus, Ohio
Oxford University
a university in England
Paris University
University of Paris
a university in Paris, intellectual center of France
Princeton University
a university in New Jersey
redbrick university (British informal) a provincial British university of relatively recent founding, distinguished from Oxford University and Cambridge University
Stanford University
a university in California
university establishment where a seat of higher learning is housed, including administrative and living quarters as well as facilities for research and teaching
University of California at Berkeley a university in Berkeley, California
University of Chicago a university in Chicago, Illinois
University of Michigan a university in Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Nebraska a university in Lincoln, Nebraska
University of North Carolina a university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
University of Pennsylvania
a university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh a university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
University of Sussex
Sussex University
a red-brick university in Brighton, England
University of Texas a university in Austin, Texas
University of Vermont a university in Burlington, Vermont
University of Washington a university in Seattle, Washington
University of West Virginia a university in Morgantown, West Virginia
University of Wisconsin a university in Madison, Wisconsin
Yale University
a university in Connecticut
moral weakness
vice squad a police group to enforce laws against gambling and prostitution
provost guard a detachment under the command of a provost marshall
university the body of faculty and students at a university
university a large and diverse institution of higher learning created to educate for life and for a profession and to grant degrees
Open University a British university that is open to people without formal academic qualifications and where teaching is by correspondence or broadcasting or summer school
provost court a military court for trying people charged with minor offenses in an occupied area
chancellor the honorary or titular head of a university
premier prime minister
the person who is head of state (in several countries)
Chancellor of the Exchequer
the British cabinet minister responsible for finance
college student
university student
a student enrolled in a college or university
executive vice president a vice president holding executive power
Lord Chancellor
Lord High Chancellor
the highest officer of the Crown who is head of the judiciary and who presides in the House of Lords
provost a highanking university administrator
provost marshal the supervisor of the military police
senior vice president the ranking vice president in a firm that has more than one
vice admiral an admiral ranking below a full admiral and above a rear admiral
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126 Bewertungen 3


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Prorektor ist an deutschen Hochschulen und Universitäten mit Rektoratsverfassung der Titel des oder der Stellvertreter des Rektors mit eigenem Geschäftsbereich innerhalb des Rektorats. Bei mehreren Prorektoren wird die Reihenfolge der Vertretung innerhalb des Rektorats festgelegt. Universitäten mit Präsidialverfassung verwenden statt Prorektor die Bezeichnung Vizepräsident, in Bremen wird die Bezeichnung Konrektor verwendet, in Österreich Vizerektor, in der Schweiz sind sowohl Prorektor als auch Vizerektor und Vizepräsident gebräuchlich.