
Deutsche Radarkuppel {f} Synonyme

Englische blister Synonyme

blister  abscess  air bubble  aposteme  assail  attack  balloon  bed sore  bilge  birthmark  blackhead  bladder  blain  blaze  bleb  blemish  blob  blood blister  boil  boss  bow  brand  bubble  bubo  bulb  bulge  bulla  bump  bunch  bunion  burl  burn  burn in  burn off  button  cahot  canker  canker sore  carbuncle  cast  castigate  cauterize  chancre  chancroid  char  check  chilblain  chine  cicatrix  clump  coal  cold sore  comedo  condyle  convex  crack  crater  craze  cupel  defacement  defect  deformation  deformity  disfiguration  disfigurement  distortion  dowel  ear  eschar  excoriate  fault  felon  fester  festering  fever blister  fistula  flame  flange  flap  flaw  flay  found  freckle  furuncle  furunculus  fustigate  gall  gathering  globule  gnarl  gumboil  handle  hemangioma  hemorrhoids  hickey  hill  hump  hunch  jog  joggle  keloid  kibe  kink  knob  knot  knur  knurl  lash  lentigo  lesion  lip  loop  lump  milium  mole  mountain  needle scar  nevus  nub  nubbin  nubble  oxidate  oxidize  papilloma  papula  papule  parch  paronychia  parulis  peg  petechia  piles  pimple  pit  pock  pockmark  polyp  port-wine mark  port-wine stain  pustule  pyrolyze  rib  ridge  rift  ring  rising  roast  scab  scar  scarify  scathe  scorch  scourge  scratch  sear  sebaceous cyst  shoulder  singe  skin alive  slash  soap bubble  soft chancre  solder  sore  spine  split  stigma  strawberry mark  stud  sty  style  suppuration  swelling  swinge  tab  torrefy  track  trounce  tubercle  tubercule  twist  ulcer  ulceration  verruca  vesicate  vesicle  vulcanize  wale  warp  wart  weal  weld  welt  wen  wheal  whelk  whitehead  whitlow  wound  
blistered  adust  ashen  ashy  beaten  blebby  blistering  blistery  bubbling  bubbly  burbling  burbly  burned  burnt  burnt-up  carbonated  chiffon  consumed  consumed by fire  ebullient  effervescent  fizzy  gutted  incinerated  parched  puffed  pyrographic  pyrolyzed  scorched  seared  singed  souffle  souffleed  sparkling  spumescent  sunburned  vesicant  vesicated  vesicatory  vesicular  whipped  
blistering  afflict  annoy  ardent  baking  beaten  blasted  blazing  blebby  bleeding  blessed  blistered  blistery  blooming  boiling  bother  branding  broiling  bubbling  bubbly  burbling  burbly  burning  burning hot  calcination  canicular  carbonated  carbonization  cauterization  cautery  chiffon  cineration  combustion  concremation  cracking  cremation  cupellation  cursed  cussed  deflagration  destructive distillation  discomfort  distillation  distilling  ebullient  effervescent  execrable  fatigue  feverish  fiery  fizzy  flaming  flushed  grilling  heated  hot  hot as fire  hot as hell  incineration  infernal  irk  irritate  jade  like a furnace  like an oven  overheated  overwarm  oxidation  oxidization  parching  piping hot  puffed  pyrolysis  red-hot  refining  roasting  scalding  scorching  scorification  searing  seething  self-immolation  simmering  singeing  sizzling  sizzling hot  smelting  smoking hot  souffle  souffleed  sparkling  spumescent  sudorific  suttee  sweating  sweaty  sweltering  sweltry  the stake  thermogenesis  toasting  torrid  vesicant  vesicated  vesication  vesicatory  vesicular  wear  whipped  white-hot  
blistery  beaten  blebby  blistered  blistering  bubbling  bubbly  burbling  burbly  carbonated  chiffon  ebullient  effervescent  fizzy  puffed  souffle  souffleed  sparkling  spumescent  vesicant  vesicated  vesicatory  vesicular  whipped  

Radarkuppel {f} Definition

(n.) A vesicle of the skin, containing watery matter or serum, whether occasioned by a burn or other injury, or by a vesicatory
(n.) Any elevation made by the separation of the film or skin, as on plants
(n.) A vesicatory
(v. i.) To be affected with a blister or blisters
(v. t.) To raise a blister or blisters upon.
(v. t.) To give pain to, or to injure, as if by a blister.

blister Bedeutung

blister beetle
beetle that produces a secretion that blisters the skin
blister pack
bubble pack
packaging in which a product is sealed between a cardboard backing and clear plastic cover
(pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid
blister rust
Cronartium ribicola
fungus causing white pine blister rust and having a complex life cycle requiring a plant of genus Ribes as alternate host
blister (botany) a swelling on a plant similar to that on the skin
oral herpes
herpes labialis
cold sore
fever blister
caused by herpes simplex virus type (HSV-)
blister blight a disease of tea plants
blister blight a disease of Scotch pines
blister rust
white-pine rust
white pine blister rust
any of several diseases of pines caused by rust fungi of the genus Cronartium and marked by destructive invasion of bark and sapwood and producing blisters externally
water blister blister containing a nonpurulent clear watery content
blood blister blister containing blood or bloody serum usually caused by an injury
blister a flaw on a surface resulting when an applied substance does not adhere (as an air bubble in a coat of paint)
blister copper an impure form of copper having a black blistered surface
get blistered, Her feet blistered during the long hike
blister cause blisters to form on, the tight shoes and perspiration blistered her feet
subject to harsh criticism, The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday, the professor scaled the students, your invectives scorched the community
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