
Reblaus {f} [zool] Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Reblaus f zool.
phylloxera; vine pest
Reblaus f zool.
phylloxera, vine pest
Aasfliege f zool.
Aasfliegen pl
carrion fly, fleshfly, flesh fly
carrion flies, fleshflies, flesh flies
Allesfresser m zool.
Allesfresser pl
omnivore, omnivorous animal
omnivores, omnivorous animals
Ameise f zool.
Ameisen pl
Ameisenwespe f zool.
Ameisenwespen pl
velvet ant
velvet ants
Angorakaninchen n zool.
Angora rabbit
Angorakatze f zool.
Angora cat
Angoraziege f zool.
Angora goat
Antilope f zool.
Antilopen pl
Auerochse m, Auerochs m zool.
Bachkrebs m zool.
Bachkrebse pl
Bär m zool.
Bären pl
der Große Bär astron.
der Kleine Bär astron.
the Great Bear, the Big Dipper Am., Ursa Major
the Little Bear, the Little Dipper Am., Ursa Minor
Bandwurm m zool.
Bandwürmer pl
tapeworms, cestoda
Bauchflosse f zool.
Bauchflossen pl
ventral fin, pelvic fin
ventral fins, pelvic fins
Bergziege f zool.
Bergziegen pl
mountain goat
mountain goats
Bernhardiner m, Bernhardiner-Hund m zool.
Saint Bernard dog
Beutel m zool. (z.B. von Känguru)
pouch, marsupium
Bibergeil n, Castoreum n (Drüsensekret der Analdrüse des Bibers) zool.
Biene f zool.
Bienen pl
fleißig wie eine Biene übtr.
busy as a bee fig.
Bilch m, Schlafmaus f zool.
Bilche pl, Schlafmäuse pl
Bindenwaran m zool.
water monitor (Varanus salvator)
Blaufelche f zool. (Fischart)
common whitefish
Bockkäfer m zool.
Bockkäfer pl
longhorn beetle
longhorn beetles
Brandente f, Brandgans f zool.
Brasse f, Brachsen m zool.
Brüllaffe m zool.
howler monkey, howler
Brunst f, Brunft f, Brunstzeit f, Brunftzeit f, Paarungszeit f zool.
in der Brunst sein, in der Brunft sein
mating season, rut, rutting season, heat
to be rutting
Brustbeinfortsatz m anat. zool.
Buntwaran m zool.
lace monitor (Varanus varius)
Damwild n zool.
fallow deer
Dinosaurier m zool. hist.
Dinosauriere pl
Döbel m, Kaulbarsch m zool.
Duftmarke f zool.
scent mark
unbefruchtetes Ei zool.
Elritze f zool.
Entpuppung f zool.
Erdmännchen n zool.
Erdmännchen pl
meerkat (Suricata suricatta)
Essigfliege f zool.
Essigfliegen pl
vinegar fly
vinegar flies
Faultier n zool.
Faultiere pl
Fauna f, Tierwelt f zool.
Ferkel n, junges Schwein zool.
Ferkel pl
young pig, piglet, porkling
young pigs
Feuerameise pl zool.
Feuerameisen pl
Importierte Rote Feuerameise (Solenopsis invicta)
fire ant
fire ants
red imported fire ant (RIFA)
Feuerqualle f zool.
lion's mane jellyfish, lion's mane (Cyanea capillata)
Feuerwanze f zool.
Feuerwanzen pl
fire bug
fire bugs
Filzlaus f, Schamlaus f zool., Sackratte f vulg.
Filzläuse pl, Schamläuse pl, Sackratten pl
crab louse, pubic louse (Phthirus pubis)
crab lice, pubic lice
Fliege f zool.
Fliegen pl
weiße Fliege
whitefly, white fly
Fliegender Fisch zool.
flying fish
Fisch m zool.
Fische pl
weder Fisch noch Fleisch
die Fische füttern (Seekranker) ugs.
sich wie ein Fisch auf dem Trockenen fühlen
fish, fishes
neither fish nor fowl
to feed the fishes
to feel like a fish out of water
Fischkunde f, Ichthyologie f zool.
Fischotter m zool.
Graue Fleischfliege f zool.
Larve der Fleischfliege
flesh fly (Sarcophaga carnaria)
flesh worm
Fleischfresser m zool.
Fleischfresser pl
carnivorous animal
carnivorous animals
Floh m zool.
Flöhe pl
jdm. einen Floh ins Ohr setzen übtr.
to put so. a flea in his
her ear, to put an idea into someone's head, to put a bee in the bonnet fig.
Florfliege f zool. (Insekt)
Florfliegen pl
Gemeine Florfliege f, Grüne Florfliege f, Goldauge n
lacewing, chrysopid
lacewings, chrysopids
green lacewing, stink fly
Flossenfäule f zool.
Flossenstachel m zool.
Flossenstacheln pl
fin ray
fin rays
Flusspferd n zool.
Flusspferde pl
river horse
river horses
Fransenflügler m, Thripse f, Blasenfuß m, Gewittertierchen n zool.
Fransenflügler pl, Thripsen pl, Blasenfüße pl, Gewittertierchen pl
thrips, thrip, thunderfly, thunderbug
thrips, thunderflies, thunderbugs
Fresswerkzeuge pl zool.
Frettkatze f, Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) zool.
Frettkatzen pl, Fossas pl
fossa, fossa cat
fossas, fossa cats
Froschlaich m zool.
Fuchsbandwurm m zool.
Echinococcus multilocularis
Garnele f zool. cook.
Garnelen pl
shrimp, prawn
shrimps, prawns
Gartenkreuzspinne f (Araneus diadematus) zool.
Gartenkreuzspinnen pl
garden spider
garden spiders
Gepard m zool.
Geparde pl
cheetah, hunting-leopard
cheetahs, hunting-leopards
Gespenstschrecke f, Phasmid zool.
Gespenstschrecken pl, Phasmiden pl
ghost insect, Phasmatodea
ghost insects, phasmatodea
Gewächshausblasenfuß m zool.
Gewächshausblasenfüße pl
greenhouse thrip, black thrip
greenhouse thrips, black thrips
Giftschlange f zool.
Giftschlangen pl
poisonous snake
poisonous snakes
Glühwürmchen n zool.
Glühwürmchen pl
glow worm, glowworm
glow worms, glowworms
Grauhörnchen n zool.
Grauhörnchen pl
grey squirrel
grey squirrels
Grizzlybär m zool.
Grizzlybären pl
grizzly bear
grizzly bears
Grottenolm m, Olm m zool.
Grünschalenmuschel f zool.
green shell mussel
Haarwild n zool.
furred game, game animals
Häsin f zool.
Halbaffe m zool.
Halbaffen pl
Haarmilbe f zool.
Haarmilben pl
hair mite
hair mites
Hausmaus f zool.
Hausmäuse pl
house mouse
house mice
abgestreifte Haut f zool.
Hengst m, Deckhengst m, Zuchthengst m zool.
Hengste pl, Deckhengste pl, Zuchthengste pl
Herdentier n zool.
Herdentiere pl
gregarious animal
gregarious animals
Hermelin n (Mustela erminea) zool.
Hermeline pl
stoat, short-tailed weasel
Heuschrecke f zool.
Heuschrecken pl
Hochzeitsflug m zool.
Hochzeitsflüge pl
nuptial flight
nuptial flights
Hohltier n zool.
Hohltiere pl
Honigbiene f zool. agr.
Honigbienen pl
honey bee
honey bees
Hornträger pl (Bovidae) zool.
Huftier n zool.
Huftiere pl
ungulate, hoofed mammal, hoofed animal
ungulates, hoofed mammals, hoofed animals
Hund m zool.
Hunde pl
kein schlafenden Hunde wecken Sprw.
vor die Hunde gehen übtr.
let sleeping dogs lie prov.
ti go to the dogs fig.
Insekt n zool.
Insekten pl
Insektenfresser m zool.
Insektenfresser pl
insectivore, insectivorous animal
insectivores, insectivorous animals
Jaguar m zool.
Jaguare pl
Kätzchen n, junge Katze f zool.
Kätzchen pl
kitten, kitty coll.
Kaiman m zool.
Kaimane pl
Kalb n zool.
Kälber pl
Kalmar m zool.
Kalmare pl
squid, calamary
Kaltblüter m zool.
cold-blooded animal
Echte Karettschildkröte f zool.
Echte Karettschildkröten pl
hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
hawksbill turtles
Unechte Karettschildkröte f zool.
Unechte Karettschildkröten pl
loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)
loggerhead sea turtles
Karibu m, wildes Rentier in Nordamerika zool.
Katze f zool.
Katzen pl
Kaulquappe f zool.
Kaulquappen pl
polliwog, pollywog
polliwogs, pollywogs
Kaurischnecke f zool.
cowry, cowrie
Kegelrobbe f zool.
Kegelrobben pl
grey seal
grey seals
Kennzeichen n zool.
recognition mark
Kieferlose m, f zool. (Agnatha)
Kitz n, Rehkitz n, Rehkalb n, Hirschkalb n, Tierjunges zool.
Kleiderlaus f zool.
Kleiderläuse pl
clothes louse
clothes lice
Kleidermotte f zool.
Kleidermotten pl
webbing clothes moth
webbing clothes moths
Kloakentier n zool.
Kloakentiere pl (Monotremata)
Koala m, Koalabär m zool.
Koalas pl, Koalabären pl
koala, koala bear
koalas, koala bears
Königstiger m, Bengaltiger m, Indischer Tiger zool.
Königstiger pl, Bengaltiger pl, Indische Tiger
Bengal tiger, Royal Bengal tiger
Bengal tigers, Royal Bengal tigers
Komodowaran m zool.
Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis
Kopflaus m zool.
Kopfläuse pl
head louse
head lice
Küken n zool.
Küken pl
chicks, chickens
Kuh f zool.
Kühe pl
Kurznasen-Maräne f zool. (Fischart)
shortnose cisco
Laichgründe pl zool.
spawning grounds
Laichzeit f zool.
spawning season
Lamm n zool.
Lämmer pl
Lämmchen n zool.
little lamb, lambkin
Languste f zool.
Langusten pl
spiny lobster
spiny lobsters
Lederschildkröte f zool.
Lederschildkröten pl
leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
leatherback sea turtles
Leittier n zool.
Leittiere pl
Lidgecko m zool.
Lidgeckos pl
eyelash gecko
eyelash geckos
Maispoularde f zool. agr. cook.
Maispoularden pl
corn poulard
corn poulards
Makake m zool.
Makaken pl
Malamut m, Alaska-Schlittenhund m zool.
Malamuts pl, Alaska-Schlittenhunde pl
malamute, malemute, Alaskan malamute
malamutes, malemutes, Alaskan malamutes
Marderhund m zool.
raccoon dog
Maus f zool.
Mäuse pl
Meerbarbe f zool.
red mullet
Meeresschildkröte f zool.
sea turtle
Meerestier n zool.
Meerestiere pl
marine creature
marine creatures
Mehlwurm m zool.
Mehlwürmer pl
Milbe f zool.
Milben pl
Mönchsaffe m zool.
Mönchsaffen pl
monk saki
monk sakis
Molch m, Wassermolch m zool.
Molche pl, Wassermolche pl
junger Molch
Molluske f, Weichtier n zool.
Mollusken pl
mollusc Br., mollusk Am.
molluscs, mollusks
Mücke f, Stechmücke f, Schnake f, Gelse f Ös. zool.
Mücken pl, Stechmücken pl, Schnaken pl, Gelsen pl
Mufflon n, Muffelwild n, Wildschaf n zool.
Mufflons pl
Muriden pl, Muridae pl, Mäuseartige, Familie der Mäuse und Ratten zool.
mausartiges Nagetier, zur Familie der Muridae gehöriges Nagetier
Mustang m zool.
Muttertier n zool.
Muttertiere pl
mother, dam
mothers, dams
Nackenfell n zool.
Nagetier n zool.
Nagetiere pl
Nasenbär m zool.
coati, coati-mondi
Nestflüchter m zool.
precocial bird, nidifugous bird, precocial animal
Nesthocker m zool.
nidicolous bird, nidicolous animal
Nilwaran m zool.
Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus)
Oktopus m zool.
Pampashase m, Mara m zool.
Pampashasen pl, Maras pl
mara, pampas hare (Dolichotis)
maras, pampas hares

Deutsche Reblaus {f} [zool] Synonyme

Englische phylloxera; vine pest Synonyme

Reblaus {f} [zool] Definition

(n.) The European siskin (Carduelis spinus), a small green and yellow finch, related to the goldfinch.
Arbor vine
() A species of bindweed.
(n.) A fatal epidemic disease
(n.) Anything which resembles a pest
(n.) A small hemipterous insect (Phylloxera vastatrix) allied to the aphids. It attacks the roots and leaves of the grapevine, doing great damage, especially in Europe.
(n.) The diseased condition of a vine caused by the insect just described.
(n.) Any woody climbing plant which bears grapes.
(n.) Hence, a climbing or trailing plant
(a.) Covered with vines.
Water vine
() Any plant of the genus Phytocrene, climbing shrubs of Asia and Africa, the stems of which are singularly porous, and when cut stream with a limpid potable juice.

phylloxera; vine pest Bedeutung

pest any unwanted and destructive insect or other animal that attacks food or crops or livestock etc., he sprayed the garden to get rid of pests, many pests have developed resistance to the common pesticides
vine snake slender arboreal snake found from southern Arizona to Bolivia
genus Phylloxera
type genus of the Phylloxeridae: plant lice
grape louse
grape phylloxera
Phylloxera vitifoleae
destructive to various grape plants
tin pest
tin disease
tin plague
the transformation of ordinary white tin into powdery grey tin at very cold temperatures
a persistently annoying person
leather flower vase-fine
vase vine
Clematis viorna
scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals
peanut vine
Arachis hypogaea
widely cultivated American plant cultivated in tropical and warm regions, showy yellow flowers on stalks that bend over to the soil so that seed pods ripen underground
Nepal trumpet flower
Easter lily vine
Beaumontia grandiflora
evergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers
pipe vine
Aristolochia macrophylla
Aristolochia durior
hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe
Barbados gooseberry Barbados-gooseberry vine
Pereskia aculeata
West Indian woody climber with spiny stems and numerous fragrant white flowers in panicles followed by small yellow to orange fruits
climbing fumitory
Allegheny vine
Adlumia fungosa
Fumaria fungosa
vine with feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers, sometimes placed in genus Fumaria
climbing hempweed
climbing boneset
wild climbing hempweed
climbing hemp-vine
Mikania scandens
herb of tropical America having vanilla-scented flowers, climbs up trees
cinnamon vine
Chinese yam
Dioscorea batata
hardy Chinese vine naturalized in United States and cultivated as an ornamental climber for its glossy heart-shaped cinnamon-scented leaves and in the tropics for its edible tubers
elephant's-foot tortoise plant
Hottentot bread vine
Hottentot's bread vine
Dioscorea elephantipes
South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark
gourd gourd vine any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears fruits with hard rinds
pumpkin vine
autumn pumpkin
Cucurbita pepo
a coarse vine widely cultivated for its large pulpy round orange fruit with firm orange skin and numerous seeds, subspecies of Cucurbita pepo include the summer squashes and a few autumn squashes
squash vine
any of numerous annual trailing plants of the genus Cucurbita grown for their fleshy edible fruits
summer squash
summer squash vine
Cucurbita pepo melopepo
any of various usually bushy plants producing fruit that is eaten while immature and before the rind or seeds harden
prairie gourd
prairie gourd vine
Missouri gourd
wild pumpkin
buffalo gourd
Cucurbita foetidissima
perennial vine of dry parts of central and southwestern United States and Mexico having small hard mottled green inedible fruit
melon vine
any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons, watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers
watermelon vine
Citrullus vulgaris
an African melon
sweet melon
sweet melon vine
Cucumis melo
any of several varieties of vine whose fruit has a netted rind and edible flesh and a musky smell
cantaloupe vine
cantaloup vine
Cucumis melo cantalupensis
a variety of muskmelon vine having fruit with a tan rind and orange flesh
winter melon
Persian melon
honeydew melon
winter melon vine
Cucumis melo inodorus
any of a variety of muskmelon vines having fruit with a smooth white rind and white or greenish flesh that does not have a musky smell
cucumber vine
Cucumis sativus
a melon vine of the genus Cucumis, cultivated from earliest times for its cylindrical green fruit
dishcloth gourd
sponge gourd
rag gourd
strainer vine
any of several tropical annual climbers having large yellow flowers and edible young fruits, grown commercially for the mature fruit's dried fibrous interior that is used as a sponge
guinea gold vine
guinea flower
any of several Australasian evergreen vines widely cultivated in warm regions for their large bright yellow single flowers
bower actinidia
tara vine
Actinidia arguta
climbing Asiatic vine having long finely serrate leaves and racemes of white flowers followed by greenish-yellow edible fruit
Chinese gooseberry
kiwi vine
Actinidia chinensis
Actinidia deliciosa
climbing vine native to China, cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green meat
silver vine
Actinidia polygama
ornamental vine of eastern Asia having yellow edible fruit and leaves with silver-white markings
Jacob's staff
vine cactus
Fouquieria splendens
desert shrub of southwestern United States and Mexico having slender naked spiny branches that after the rainy season put forth foliage and clusters of red flowers
passionflower vine
any of various chiefly tropical American vines some bearing edible fruit
calabar-bean vine
Physostigma venenosum
tropical African woody vine yielding calabar beans
groundnut vine
Indian potato potato bean
wild bean
Apios americana
Apios tuberosa
a North American vine with fragrant blossoms and edible tubers, important food crop of Native Americans
coral vine Kennedia coccinea prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers, Australia and Tasmania
winged bean
winged pea goa bean goa bean vine
Manila bean
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
a tuberous twining annual vine bearing clusters of purplish flowers and pods with four jagged wings, Old World tropics
kudzu vine
Pueraria lobata
fast-growing vine from eastern Asia having tuberous starchy roots and hairy trifoliate leaves and racemes of purple flowers followed by long hairy pods containing many seeds, grown for fodder and forage and root starch, widespread in the southern United States
jade vine
emerald creeper
Strongylodon macrobotrys
vigorous Philippine evergreen twining liana, grown for spectacular festoons of green flowers that resemble lobster claws
silver lace vine
China fleece vine
Russian vine
Polygonum aubertii
twining perennial vine having racemes of fragrant greenish flowers, western China to Russia
trumpet honeysuckle
coral honeysuckle
trumpet flower trumpet vine Lonicera sempervirens
evergreen North American honeysuckle vine having coraled or orange flowers
canarybird flower
canarybird vine
canary creeper
Tropaeolum peregrinum
a climber having flowers that are the color of canaries
soapberry vine tendrillimbing vine
balloon vine
heart pea
Cardiospermum halicacabum
woody perennial climbing plant with large ornamental seed pods that resemble balloons, tropical India and Africa and America
bittersweet American bittersweet
climbing bittersweet
false bittersweet
staff vine
shrubby bittersweet
Celastrus scandens
twining shrub of North America having yellow capsules enclosing scarlet seeds
vine maple
Acer circinatum
small maple of northwestern North America having prostrate stems that root freely and form dense thickets
black-eyed Susan black-eyed Susan vine
Thunbergia alata
tropical African climbing plant having yellow flowers with a dark purple center
cross vine
trumpet flower quartervine
Bignonia capreolata
woody flowering vine of southern United States, stems show a cross in transverse section
trumpet creeper
trumpet vine Campsis radicans
a North American woody vine having pinnate leaves and large red trumpet-shaped flowers
love vine
Cuscuta gronovii
leafless parasitic vine with dense clusters of small white bell-shaped flowers on orange-yellow stems that twine around clover or flax
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