
Deutsche Rindenbast {m} Synonyme

Englische bast; inner bark Synonyme

bastard  SOB  affected  apocryphal  artificial  assumed  bantling  bar sinister  baseborn  bastard child  bastardy  bird  blackguard  bogus  brummagem  bugger  by-blow  cat  chap  character  colorable  colored  counterfeit  counterfeited  creep  criminal  cross  crossbred  crossbreed  devil  distorted  dressed up  duck  dummy  embellished  embroidered  enfant terrible  ersatz  evildoer  factitious  fake  faked  false  falsified  fart  fatherless  feigned  feller  fellow  fictitious  fictive  garbled  guy  half blood  half-breed  heel  hood  hooligan  illegitimacy  illegitimate  illegitimate child  imitation  jasper  jerk  joker  junky  knave  lad  limb  louse  love child  lowlife  make-believe  malefactor  man-made  meanie  misbegotten  mischief  miscreant  miscreated  mock  mongrel  mother  mule  natural  offender  perverted  phony  pill  pinchbeck  pretended  pseudo  put-on  quasi  queer  rapscallion  rascal  rat  reprobate  rogue  scalawag  scoundrel  self-styled  sham  shit  shithead  shitheel  shoddy  simulated  sinner  so-called  soi-disant  spurious  stinkard  stinker  stud  supposititious  synthetic  tin  tinsel  titivated  turd  twisted  unauthentic  ungenuine  unnatural  unreal  warped  
bastardize  adulterate  brutalize  contaminate  corrupt  cut  debase  debauch  demoralize  denaturalize  denature  deprave  dilute  doctor  doctor up  fortify  lace  pervert  pollute  spike  tamper with  vitiate  warp  water  water down  
baste  bake  bang  barbecue  bastinado  batter  bawl out  beat  belabor  belt  berate  birch  blanch  boil  braise  brew  broil  brown  buffet  cane  chew out  clobber  club  coddle  cook  cowhide  cudgel  curry  cut  devil  do  do to perfection  drub  fire  flagellate  flail  flap  flog  fricassee  frizz  frizzle  fry  fustigate  give a whipping  give the stick  griddle  grill  hammer  heat  horsewhip  knock  knout  lace  lambaste  larrup  lash  lay on  maul  mill  oven-bake  pan  pan-broil  parboil  paste  patter  pelt  pistol-whip  poach  pommel  pound  prepare  prepare food  pulverize  pummel  rail  rap  rawhide  roast  saute  scallop  scourge  sear  shirr  simmer  sledgehammer  smite  spank  steam  stew  stir-fry  strap  stripe  swinge  switch  tell off  thrash  thresh  thump  toast  tongue-lash  trounce  truncheon  wallop  whale  whip  whop  wig  
bastille  POW camp  black hole  borstal  borstal institution  bridewell  brig  bucket  caboose  calaboose  can  cell  chokey  concentration camp  condemned cell  confine  constrain  death cell  death house  death row  detention camp  federal prison  forced-labor camp  gaol  guardhouse  hoosegow  house of correction  house of detention  immure  incarcerate  industrial school  intern  internment camp  jail  jailhouse  jug  keep  labor camp  lockup  maximum-security prison  minimum-security prison  oubliette  pen  penal colony  penal institution  penal settlement  penitentiary  prison  prison camp  prisonhouse  quod  reform school  reformatory  sponging house  state prison  stockade  the hole  tollbooth  training school  
bastion  abatis  acropolis  advanced work  balistraria  bank  banquette  barbed-wire entanglement  barbican  barricade  barrier  bartizan  battlement  beachhead  blockhouse  breastwork  bridgehead  bulwark  bunker  casemate  castle  cheval-de-frise  circumvallation  citadel  contravallation  counterscarp  curtain  demibastion  dike  donjon  drawbridge  earthwork  enclosure  entanglement  escarp  escarpment  fasthold  fastness  fence  fieldwork  fort  fortalice  fortification  fortress  garrison  garrison house  glacis  hold  keep  loophole  lunette  machicolation  mantelet  martello  martello tower  merlon  mote  motte  mound  outwork  palisade  parados  parapet  peel  peel tower  pillbox  portcullis  post  postern gate  rampart  rath  ravelin  redan  redoubt  safehold  sally port  scarp  sconce  stockade  strong point  stronghold  tenaille  tower  tower of strength  vallation  vallum  ward  work  

Rindenbast {m} Definition

Angostura bark
() An aromatic bark used as a tonic, obtained from a South American of the rue family (Galipea cusparia, / officinalis).
Angustura bark
() See Angostura bark.
(v. t.) To strip the bark from
(v. t.) To abrade or rub off any outer covering from
(v. t.) To girdle. See Girdle, v. t., 3.
(v. t.) To cover or inclose with bark, or as with bark
(v. i.) To make a short, loud, explosive noise with the vocal organs
(v. i.) To make a clamor
(n.) The short, loud, explosive sound uttered by a dog
(n.) Alt. of Barque
Bark beetle
() A small beetle of many species (family Scolytidae), which in the larval state bores under or in the bark of trees, often doing great damage.
Bark louse
() An insect of the family Coccidae, which infests the bark of trees and vines.
(n.) The inner fibrous bark of various plants
(n.) A thick mat or hassock. See 2d Bass, 2.
Calisaya bark
() A valuable kind of Peruvian bark obtained from the Cinchona Calisaya, and other closely related species.
(n.) A shrub in the West Indies (Lagetta Iintearia)
Mancona bark
() See Sassy bark.
(n.) A white-flowered rosaceous shrub (Neillia, / Spiraea, opulifolia), common in the Northern United States. The bark separates into many thin layers, whence the name.
Quillaia bark
() The bark of a rosaceous tree (Quillaja Saponaria), native of Chili. The bark is finely laminated, and very heavy with alkaline substances, and is used commonly by the Chilians instead of soap. Also called soap bark.
Sassy bark
() The bark of a West African leguminous tree (Erythrophlaeum Guineense, used by the natives as an ordeal poison, and also medicinally
Winter's bark
() The aromatic bark of tree (Drimys, / Drymis, Winteri) of the Magnolia family, which is found in Southern Chili. It was first used as a cure for scurvy by its discoverer, Captain John Winter, vice admiral to sir Francis Drake, in 1577.

bast; inner bark Bedeutung

bark beetle small beetle that bores tunnels in the bark and wood of trees, related to weevils
spruce bark beetle
Dendroctonus rufipennis
small beetle that likes to bore through the bark of spruce trees and eat the cambium which eventually kills the tree, the spruce bark beetle is the major tree-killing insect pest of Alaska spruce forests
bark louse
any of several insects living on the bark of plants
a sailing ship with (or more) masts
birchbark canoe
birch bark
a canoe made with the bark of a birch tree
bark the sound made by a dog
bark a noise resembling the bark of a dog
Bast cat- or lion-headed Egyptian goddess, represents life-giving power of the sun
dundathu pine
queensland kauri
smooth bark kauri
Agathis robusta
Australian timber tree resembling the kauri but having wood much lighter in weight and softer
cinnamon cinnamon bark aromatic bark used as a spice
cassia cassia-bark tree
Cinnamomum cassia
Chinese tree with aromatic bark, yields a less desirable cinnamon than Ceylon cinnamon
cassia bark
Chinese cinnamon
aromatic bark of the cassia-bark tree, less desirable as a spice than Ceylon cinnamon bark
cinnamon bark aromatic bark of Saigon cinnamon used medicinally as a carminative
family Winteraceae
winter's bark family
small family of chiefly tropical shrubs and trees of genera Drimys and Pseudowintera, sometimes included in Magnoliaceae
winter's bark winter's bark tree
Drimys winteri
South American evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a light soft wood similar to basswood
dita bark
devil tree
Alstonia scholaris
evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes, bark formerly used medicinally
Cuban bast
blue mahoe
mahoe majagua mahagua Hibiscus elatus
erect forest tree of Cuba and Jamaica having variably hairy leaves and orange-yellow or orangeed flowers, yields a moderately dense timber for cabinetwork and gunstocks
canella bark
white cinnamon
highly aromatic inner bark of the Canella winterana used as a condiment and a tonic
cabbage bark
cabbage-bark tree
cabbage tree Andira inermis
tree with shaggy unpleasant-smelling toxic bark and yielding strong durable wood, bark and seeds used as a purgative and vermifuge and narcotic
Cartagena bark
Cinchona cordifolia
Cinchona lancifolia
Colombian tree, source of Cartagena bark (a cinchona bark)
cinchona cinchona bark
Peruvian bark
Jesuit's bark
medicinal bark of cinchona trees, source of quinine and quinidine
fever tree Georgia bark
Pinckneya pubens
ornamental shrub or small tree of swampy areas in southwestern United States having large pink or white sepals and yielding Georgia bark for treating fever
cascarilla bark
eleuthera bark
sweetwood bark
aromatic bark of cascarilla, used as a tonic and for making incense
(botany) tissue that conducts synthesized food substances (e.g., from leaves) to parts where needed, consists primarily of sieve tubes
bast bast fiber strong woody fibers obtained especially from the phloem of from various plants
cascara sagrada
chittam bark
chittem bark
dried bark of the cascara buckthorn used as a laxative
bark tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants
winter's bark aromatic bark having tonic and stimulant properties
tapa bark
tappa bark
the thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus
angostura bark
the bitter bark of a South American tree, used in medicines and liqueurs and bitters
chestnut blight
chestnut canker
chestnut-bark disease
a disease of American chestnut trees
bark tan (a skin) with bark tannins
bark speak in an unfriendly tone, She barked into the dictaphone
bark make barking sounds, The dogs barked at the stranger
remove the bark of a tree
bark cover with bark
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