
Deutsche Schauspielkunst Synonyme

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Englische dramatic art; histrionic art Synonyme

dramatic  Alcaic  Anacreontic  Castalian  Homeric  Hudibrastic  Pierian  Pindaric  Theocritean  actor-proof  all-star  alto  ballet  balletic  bardic  baritone  bass  bravura  breathtaking  bucolic  choral  choric  cinematic  cinematographic  coloratura  colorful  complete  considerable  didactic  dithyrambic  dramatical  dramatist  dramatizer  dramaturge  dramaturgic  eclogic  effective  elegiac  epic  exaggerated  expressive  extraordinary  falsetto  film  filmic  flamboyant  graphic  ham  hammy  heroic  histrionic  hymnal  idyllic  impressive  legitimate  liturgical  lyric  major  marked  melodramatic  milked  mock-heroic  monodramatic  movie  narrative  noticeable  operatic  overacted  overdone  overplayed  pastoral  poetic  poetico-mystical  poetico-mythological  poetico-philosophic  poetlike  psalmic  psalmodial  psalmodic  radical  rhapsodic  runic  sacred  sapphic  scenic  sensational  shocking  showy  singing  skaldic  soprano  spectacular  stage  stagelike  stageworthy  stagy  starstruck  startling  stellar  stirring  striking  sudden  tenor  theaterlike  theatrical  thespian  thrown away  treble  underacted  underplayed  vaudevillian  vivid  vocal  
dramatics  Thespian art  amateur theatricals  blazon  bravura  brilliancy  daring  dash  demonstration  display  dramatic art  dramatic form  dramatic irony  dramatic stroke  dramatic structure  dramaticism  dramatism  dramaturgy  eclat  etalage  exhibition  exhibitionism  false front  fanfaronade  figure  flair  flaunt  flaunting  flourish  histrionics  histrionism  manifestation  melodramatics  pageant  pageantry  parade  play construction  sensationalism  sham  show  showing-off  spectacle  splash  splurge  staginess  theatricalism  theatricality  theatricals  theatricism  theatrics  vaunt  

Schauspielkunst Definition

(a.) Alt. of Dramatical
(a.) Alt. of Histrionical

dramatic art; histrionic art Bedeutung

dramatic production
dramatic performance
the act of performing a drama, the group joined together in a dramatic production
dramatic art
theatre r
the art of writing and producing plays
dramatic composition
dramatic work
a play for performance on the stage or television or in a movie etc.
play drama dramatic play a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage, he wrote several plays but only one was produced on Broadway
dramatic irony (theater) irony that occurs when the meaning of the situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play
dramatic event
an episode that is turbulent or highly emotional
dramatic suitable to or characteristic of drama, a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape, a dramatic rescue at sea
characteristic of acting or a stage performance, often affected, histrionic gestures, an attitude of melodramatic despair, a theatrical pose
sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect, a dramatic sunset, a dramatic pause, a spectacular display of northern lights, it was a spectacular play, his striking good looks always created a sensation
dramatic used of a singer or singing voice that is marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style, a dramatic tenor, a dramatic soprano
dramatic pertaining to or characteristic of drama, dramatic arts
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