
Deutsche Schopfkasarka Synonyme

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Englische Crested Shelduck Synonyme

Schopfkasarka Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Crest
(a.) Having a crest.
(a.) Having a crest of feathers or hair upon the head.
(a.) Bearing any elevated appendage like a crest, as an elevated line or ridge, or a tuft.
(n.) The sheldrake.

Crested Shelduck Bedeutung

crested myna
Acridotheres tristis
dark brown crested bird of southeastern Asia
tree swift
crested swift
birds of southeast Asia and East Indies differing from true swifts in having upright crests and nesting in trees
shelduck female sheldrake
crested screamer distinguished from the horned screamer by a feathery crest on the back of the head
crested cariama
seriema Cariama cristata
Brazilian Cariama, sole representative of the genus Cariama
great crested grebe
Podiceps cristatus
large Old World grebe with black ear tufts
rock hopper
crested penguin
small penguin of the Falkland Islands and New Zealand
crested coral root
Hexalectris spicata
orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins, southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States
crested wheatgrass
crested wheat grass
fairway crested wheat grass
Agropyron cristatum
Eurasian grass grown in United States great plains area for forage and erosion control
crested plumed (of a knight's helmet) having a decorative plume
crested topknotted
(of a bird or animal) having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head, often used in combination, golden crested, crested iris, crested oriole, tufted duck, tufted loosestrife
crested bearing an heraldic device
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