
Schulnote {f} Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Lohngruppe, Schulnote, Dienstgrad
Marke f; Zeichen n; Schulnote f
Marke f, Zeichen n, Schulnote f
Zensur f, Schulnote f, Note f
Zensuren pl, Schulnoten pl, Noten pl
hervorragend (Zensur 1+)
sehr gut (Zensur 1)
gut (Zensur 2)
befriedigend (Zensur 3)
genügend (Zensur 4)
mangelhaft (Zensur 5)
ungenügend (Zensur 6)
mark, grade Am.
marks, grades
very good
fail, inadequate
fail, inadequate
Ungenügend n; Nichtgenügend n Ös. Schw.; Fünfer m Ös.; Fleck Ös. ugs.; Pinsch Ös. ugs. (Schulnote)
Ich habe in Biologie ein Ungenügend ein Nichtgenügend Ös. Schw. eine Sechs ugs. einen Fünfer Ös. ugs. bekommen.
fail (school grade)
I got a fail in biology.
Ungenügend n; Nichtgenügend n Ös. Schw.; Fünfer m Ös.; Fleck Ös. ugs.; Pinsch Ös. ugs. (Schulnote)
Ich habe in Biologie ein Ungenügend ein Nichtgenügend Ös. Schw. eine Sechs ugs. einen Fünfer Ös. ugs. bekommen.
die Lückenhaftigkeit unseres Wissens über mikrobiologische Vorgänge
fail (school grade)
I got a fail in biology.
the sketchiness of our knowledge of microbiological processes
Zensur f; Schulnote f; Note f school
Zensuren pl; Schulnoten pl; Noten pl
gute Noten
die bestmögliche Note
hervorragend (Zensur 1+)
sehr gut (Zensur 1; Note 1 Ös.; Note 6 Schw.)
gut (Zensur 2; Note 2 Ös.; Note 5 Schw.)
befriedigend (Zensur 3; Note 3 Ös.)
genügend (Zensur 4; Note 4 Ös. Schw.)
mangelhaft (Zensur 5)
ungenügend (Zensur 6); nicht genügend (Note 5 Ös.; Note 3 Schw.)
mark; grade Am.
marks; grades
high marks
with distinction
very good; outstanding (grade A)
good; above average (grade B)
satisfactory; average (grade C)
adequate; below average (grade D)
poor (grade E)
fail; inadequate; unsatisfactory (grade F)
Schulnote f; Note f; Zensur f Norddt. veraltend school
Schulnoten pl; Noten pl; Zensuren pl
gute Noten
hervorragend (Note 1+ Dt.)
sehr gut (Note 1 Dt. Ös.; Note 6 Schw.)
gut (Note 2 Dt. Ös.; Note 5 Schw.)
befriedigend (Note 3 Dt. Ös.)
genügend (Note 4 Dt. Ös. Schw.)
mangelhaft (Note 5 Dt.)
ungenügend (Note 6 Dt.); nicht genügend (Note 5 Ös.; Note 3 Schw.)
eine Prüfung mit Auszeichnung bestehen
das Studium mit Auszeichnung abschließen absolvieren
mark; grade Am.
marks; grades
high marks
very good; outstanding (grade A)
good; above average (grade B)
satisfactory; average (grade C)
adequate; below average (grade D)
poor (grade E)
fail; inadequate; unsatisfactory (grade F)
to pass an exam withz distinction
to graduate with distinction

Deutsche Schulnote {f} Synonyme

Note  Schulnote  Zensur  
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Englische mark Synonyme

mark  John Hancock  X  accent  accent mark  account  affection  aim  alphabet  alphabetize  amount  ampersand  analyze  anatomize  angle brackets  animadvert  apostrophe  appoint  appraise  appreciate  approve  argue  aroma  assess  assign  asterisk  atomize  attaint  attend  attend to  attention  attest  attribute  autograph  autolithograph  backlash  backwash  badge  banner  bar  basis for belief  be a printmaker  be characteristic  be indicative of  be significant of  be symptomatic of  beat the drum  bedaub  behold  bench mark  besmear  besmirch  besmoke  bespeak  bestain  betoken  birthmark  blacken  blaze  blaze a trail  blemish  blood  bloodstain  blot  blotch  blow the trumpet  blur  body of evidence  bookmark  border line  bound  boundary  boundary condition  boundary line  bourn  braces  bracket  brand  break boundary  breakoff point  breathe  breed  breve  bruise  bullet  butt  by-end  by-purpose  cachet  cairn  caliber  call  cancel  capitalize  carve  cast  caste mark  catstone  cedilla  ceiling  celebrate  centered dot  chain of evidence  chalk  chalk up  change  character  characteristic  characterize  check  check off  checkmark  chip  chisel  chop logic  christcross  chump  cicatrix  cicatrize  cipher  circumscription  clan  class  client  clout  clue  cognizance  colon  color  comma  commemorate  compass  concern  concernment  configuration  confine  conjugate  connote  consequence  consequentiality  consideration  conspicuousness  correct  countermark  countersign  countersignature  counterstamp  crease  cribble  criterion  cross  crosshatch  cull  customer  custos  cut  cutoff  cutoff point  dab  dagger  dapple  darken  dash  data  datum  daub  deadline  decimal point  decline  decrease  define  degree  delimit  delimitation  demarcate  demonstrate  denominate  denomination  denote  dent  describe  description  designate  designation  destinate  destination  destine  desynonymize  determinant  determine  devaluate  devalue  device  devote  diaere  
mark down  beat down  book  break  calendar  carve  catalog  chalk  chalk up  cheapen  check in  chronicle  clip  cut  cut back  cut down  cut prices  decline  decry  deflate  depreciate  devaluate  devalue  dive  docket  downgrade  engrave  enroll  enscroll  enter  fall  fall in price  file  fill out  give way  grave  impanel  incise  index  inscribe  insert  jew down  jot down  list  log  lower  make a memorandum  make a note  make an entry  make out  matriculate  minute  nose-dive  note  note down  pare  place upon record  plummet  plunge  poll  post  post up  put down  put in writing  put on paper  put on tape  record  reduce  reduce to writing  register  sag  set down  shave  slash  slump  tabulate  take down  tape  tape-record  trim  underprize  undervalue  videotape  write  write down  write in  write off  write out  write up  
mark off  allocate  allot  analyze  anatomize  appoint  appropriate to  assign  assign to  atomize  be characteristic  blaze  blaze a trail  blemish  blotch  blueprint  bound  brand  chalk  chalk up  change  characterize  chart  check  check off  chop logic  cicatrize  circle in  circumscribe  dapple  dash  define  delimit  delimitate  demarcate  describe  destine  desynonymize  detail  determine  diagram  difference  differentiate  discolor  discriminate  disequalize  disjoin  distinguish  diversify  divide  dot  earmark  enclose  engrave  fate  fix  fleck  freckle  gash  graph  hatch  impress  imprint  individualize  individuate  keynote  lay off  lay out  line  lot  make a distinction  make a mark  make assignments  map  map out  mark  mark boundaries  mark out  mark out for  mark the periphery  measure off  measure out  modify  mottle  nick  notch  ordain  pace off  particularize  pencil  pepper  personalize  plot  plot out  point  portion off  prick  print  punch  punctuate  puncture  refine a distinction  reserve  restrict  restrict to  riddle  rope off  rule off  scar  scarify  schedule  score  scotch  scratch  seal  seam  segregate  separate  set  set apart  set aside  set off  set out  set the limit  set the pace  set the tone  sever  severalize  sketch  sketch out  sound the keynote  specialize  specify  speck  speckle  split hairs  splotch  spot  stain  stake out  stamp  step off  stigmatize  streak  striate  stripe  surround  tag  tattoo  tick  tick off  trace  underline  underscore  vary  
mark time  abide  await  be still  beat time  bide  bide the issue  clock  coast  dally  dawdle  delay  dillydally  fix the time  freeze  hang about  hang around  hold everything  hold on  hold your horses  keep quiet  keep time  lie still  linger  loiter  measure time  not breathe  not stir  remain  remain motionless  repose  rest  set the time  sit tight  sit up  sit up for  stand  stand fast  stand firm  stand still  stay  stay put  stay up  stay up for  stick  stick around  stick fast  sweat  sweat it out  sweat out  take time  tarry  time  tread water  wait  wait a minute  wait and see  wait for  wait on  wait up for  watch  watch and wait  
markdown  break  cheapening  cut  decline  deflation  depreciation  devaluation  dive  lowering  nose dive  plummet  plummeting  plunge  price cut  price fall  price reduction  reduction  sag  slash  slump  
marked  a cut above  above  acclaimed  ahead  appalling  apparent  appointed  appropriate  arresting  ascendant  astonishing  better  capping  carved  celebrated  characteristic  chosen  considerable  conspicuous  creased  cut  decided  destined  devoted  distinctive  distinguished  doomed  eclipsing  egregious  eminent  enchased  engraved  esteemed  estimable  evident  exceeding  excellent  excelling  exceptional  extraordinary  fabled  fabulous  famed  famous  fantastic  far-famed  far-heard  fatal  fated  fateful  finer  foredoomed  formidable  furrowed  glyphic  graved  graven  greater  grooved  higher  honored  idiocratic  idiosyncratic  impressed  imprinted  in ascendancy  in character  in store  in the ascendant  in the cards  incised  incredible  inevitable  inscribed  insculptured  intrinsic  legendary  lined  major  marvelous  memorable  much acclaimed  mythical  noble  notable  noted  noteworthy  noticeable  notorious  obvious  of choice  of mark  of note  one up on  ordained  outstanding  over  patent  peculiar  pointed  popular  prestigious  printed  prominent  pronounced  proper  quintessential  rare  remarkable  rememberable  renowned  reputable  rivaling  salient  sculptured  signal  significant  single  singular  special  stamped  striking  super  superior  surpassing  talked-about  talked-of  telling  tooled  topping  transcendent  transcendental  transcending  true to form  uncommon  unforgettable  unique  unmistakable  upper  well-known  wonderful  written  
markedly  abundantly  acutely  amazingly  amply  apparently  arrantly  astonishingly  awesomely  blatantly  boldly  characteristically  clearly  consequentially  conspicuously  copiously  definitely  discernibly  distinctively  distinctly  eminently  emphatically  evidently  exceptionally  exquisitely  extraordinarily  exuberantly  famously  flagrantly  generously  glaringly  grandly  greatly  importantly  impressively  incredibly  intensely  intrinsically  like no other  magically  magnanimously  magnificently  manifestly  marvelously  materially  momentously  nobly  notably  noticeably  notoriously  observably  obtrusively  obviously  ostensibly  outstandingly  particularly  patently  peculiarly  perceivably  perceptibly  plainly  pointedly  preeminently  profusely  prominently  pronouncedly  recognizably  remarkably  richly  saliently  seeably  signally  significantly  singularly  splendidly  staringly  starkly  strikingly  superlatively  surpassingly  surprisingly  uncommonly  unconcealedly  undisguisedly  uniquely  unmistakably  unusually  visibly  with clarity  wonderfully  wondrous  worthily  
marker  accountant  amanuensis  arch  archivist  barrow  beacon  beam  bench mark  bookkeeper  bookmark  boundary stone  brass  bust  cairn  catstone  cenotaph  clerk  column  cromlech  cross  cup  cyclolith  documentalist  dolmen  engraver  fan marker  filing clerk  flare path  footstone  grave  gravestone  headstone  hoarstone  inscription  landmark  librarian  lighthouse  lightship  mark  mausoleum  megalith  memento  memorial  memorial arch  memorial column  memorial statue  memorial stone  menhir  milepost  milestone  monolith  monument  mound  necrology  notary  notary public  obelisk  obituary  pharos  pillar  plaque  platform  prize  prothonotary  pylon  pyramid  racon  radar beacon  radio beacon  record clerk  recorder  recordist  register  registrar  reliquary  remembrance  ribbon  rostral column  scorekeeper  scorer  scribe  scrivener  seamark  secretary  shaft  shrine  stela  stenographer  stone  stonecutter  stupa  tablet  testimonial  timekeeper  tomb  tombstone  tope  tower  trophy  watchtower  wind cone  wind indicator  wind sock  
market  Dow-Jones Industrial Average  Wall Street  agora  auto show  balance of trade  bazaar  be in  big business  bill of sale  boat show  browse  business  business dealings  buy and sell  call  campo  carriage trade  carry  clientage  clientele  close out  commerce  commercial affairs  commercial complex  commercial relations  competitive market  convert into cash  custom  cut under  deal in  dealing  dealings  demand  dump  effect a sale  emporium  exchange  exposition  fair  fair trade  flea fair  flea market  forum  free trade  furnish  give  go marketing  go shopping  handle  hawk  industry  intercourse  job  long market  make a sale  make available  market cross  market index  market overt  marketing  marketplace  mart  mass market  mercantile business  merchandise  merchandising  merchantry  move  multilateral trade  open market  outlet  patronage  peddle  piazza  place  plaza  public  purchasing public  reciprocal trade  resell  restraint of trade  retail  retailing  rialto  rural market  sacrifice  sale  sales  sell  sell off  sell on consignment  sell out  sell over  sell retail  sell short  sell up  sell wholesale  selling  shop  shopping center  shopping mall  shopping plaza  show  showroom  small business  spotty market  square  staple  steady market  stiff market  stock market  stock price index  store  street market  strong market  suburban market  supermarket  the business world  the market  the marketplace  ticker market  tie-in  top-heavy market  trade  trade fair  trade in  traffic  traffic in  truck  turn into money  turn over  turnover  undercut  undersell  unilateral trade  unload  unsteady market  vend  weak market  wholesale  wholesaling  wholesome  window-shop  youth market  
market research  consumer preference study  consumer research  consumer survey  direct-mail selling  hard sell  hawking  high-pressure salesmanship  huckstering  jobbing  low-pressure salesmanship  mail-order selling  marketing  marketing research  merchandising  peddling  promotion  retailing  sales campaign  sales promotion  salesmanship  selling  sellout  soft sell  wholesaling  
market value  account  asking price  bearish prices  bid price  book value  bullish prices  call price  closing price  conversion factor  decline  face  face value  fixed price  flash price  flurry  flutter  high  issue par  issue price  low  market price  net worth  nominal value  offering price  opening price  par  par value  parity  pennyworth  price  put price  quotation  quoted price  rally  rate  settling price  stated value  swings  value  value received  worth  
marketing  balance of trade  big business  business  business dealings  buy  buying  buying power  buying up  catalog buying  coemption  commerce  commercial affairs  commercial relations  consumer power  consumer preference study  consumer research  consumer sovereignty  consumer survey  consumerism  cornering  dealing  dealings  direct-mail selling  emption  fair trade  free trade  hard sell  hawking  high-pressure salesmanship  hire purchase  huckstering  impulse buying  industry  installment buying  intercourse  jobbing  low-pressure salesmanship  mail-order buying  mail-order selling  market  market research  marketing research  mercantile business  merchandising  merchantry  money illusion  multilateral trade  peddling  promotion  purchase  purchasing  purchasing power  rebuying  reciprocal trade  repurchase  restraint of trade  retail  retailing  sales  sales campaign  sales promotion  salesmanship  selling  sellout  shopping  shopping spree  small business  soft sell  the business world  the marketplace  trade  traffic  truck  unilateral trade  wholesale  wholesaling  window-shopping  
marketplace  agora  amphitheater  arena  athletic field  auditorium  auto show  background  bazaar  bear garden  boat show  bowl  boxing ring  bull ring  campo  campus  canvas  circus  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  commercial complex  course  emporium  exposition  fair  field  flea fair  flea market  floor  forum  ground  gym  gymnasium  hall  hippodrome  lists  locale  market  market cross  market overt  mart  mat  milieu  open forum  open market  palaestra  parade ground  piazza  pit  place  platform  plaza  precinct  prize ring  public square  purlieu  range  rialto  ring  scene  scene of action  scenery  setting  shopping center  shopping mall  shopping plaza  show  site  sphere  square  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  staple  street market  terrain  theater  tilting ground  tiltyard  trade fair  walk  wrestling ring  
marking  armory  aroma  attribute  badge  badge of office  badges  baton  birthmark  blaze  blazonry  blemish  blotch  brand  brassard  burr  button  cachet  cap and gown  cast  caste mark  chain  chain of office  character  characteristic  check  checkmark  chiseling  cicatrix  class ring  cockade  collar  configuration  cross  cross-hatching  cut  dapple  decoration  demitint  differentia  differential  discoloration  distinctive feature  dot  dress  eagle  earmark  emblems  engravement  engraving  ensigns  etch  etching  fasces  feature  figure  figurehead  flavor  fleck  fleur-de-lis  flick  freckle  gash  gem-engraving  glass-cutting  glyptic  graving  gust  hack  half tint  hallmark  hammer and sickle  hatching  heraldry  idiocrasy  idiosyncrasy  impress  impression  incision  index  individualism  inscript  inscription  insignia  jot  keynote  lapel pin  lentigo  line  lineaments  lining  livery  mace  macula  mannerism  mantle  mark  markings  medal  mold  mole  mortarboard  mottle  nature  nevus  nick  notch  odor  old school tie  particularity  patch  peculiarity  pin  point  polka dot  prick  property  puncture  quality  quirk  regalia  ring  rose  savor  scar  scarification  school ring  score  scoring  scotch  scratch  scratching  seal  shamrock  shape  sigillography  singularity  skull and crossbones  slash  slashing  smack  specialty  speck  speckle  sphragistics  splash  splotch  spot  staff  stain  stamp  stigma  stipple  stippling  strawberry mark  swastika  taint  tang  tartan  taste  tattoo  tattoo mark  thistle  tick  tie  tint  tittle  token  tooling  trait  trick  type-cutting  uniform  verge  wand  watermark  
marksman  Admirable Crichton  Nimrod  Zouave  adept  archer  artilleryman  artisan  artist  attache  authority  bersagliere  bowman  cannoneer  carabineer  chasseur  connaisseur  connoisseur  consultant  cordon bleu  crack shot  craftsman  dead shot  deadeye  diplomat  diplomatist  dogface  doughfoot  elder statesman  experienced hand  expert  expert consultant  expert rifleman  foot soldier  footslogger  fusileer  good shot  graduate  grenadier  grunt  gun  gunman  gunner  handy man  hunter  infantryman  journeyman  light infantryman  markswoman  musketeer  no slouch  paddlefoot  politician  pro  professional  professor  proficient  rifle  rifleman  savant  shark  sharp  sharpshooter  shooter  shot  sniper  statesman  targetshooter  technical adviser  technician  toxophilite  trapshooter  
marksmanship  ability  address  adeptness  adroitness  airmanship  artfulness  artisanship  artistry  bravura  brilliance  capability  capacity  cleverness  command  competence  control  coordination  craft  craftsmanship  cunning  deftness  dexterity  dexterousness  dextrousness  diplomacy  efficiency  expertise  facility  finesse  grace  grip  handiness  horsemanship  ingeniousness  ingenuity  know-how  mastership  mastery  practical ability  proficiency  prowess  quickness  readiness  resource  resourcefulness  savoir-faire  savvy  seamanship  skill  skillfulness  style  tact  tactfulness  technical brilliance  technical mastery  technical skill  technique  timing  virtuosity  wit  wizardry  workmanship  

Schulnote {f} Definition

(n.) The official stamp of the Goldsmiths' Company and other assay offices, in the United Kingdom, on gold and silver articles, attesting their purity. Also used figuratively
(n.) A license of reprisals. See Marque.
(n.) An old weight and coin. See Marc.
(n.) The unit of monetary account of the German Empire, equal to 23.8 cents of United States money
(n.) A visible sign or impression made or left upon anything
(n.) A character or device put on an article of merchandise by the maker to show by whom it was made
(n.) A character (usually a cross) made as a substitute for a signature by one who can not write.
(n.) A fixed object serving for guidance, as of a ship, a traveler, a surveyor, etc.
(n.) A trace, dot, line, imprint, or discoloration, although not regarded as a token or sign
(n.) An evidence of presence, agency, or influence
(n.) That toward which a missile is directed
(n.) Attention, regard, or respect.
(n.) Limit or standard of action or fact
(n.) Badge or sign of honor, rank, or official station.
(n.) Preeminence
(n.) A characteristic or essential attribute
(n.) A number or other character used in registring
(n.) Image
(n.) One of the bits of leather or colored bunting which are placed upon a sounding line at intervals of from two to five fathoms. The unmarked fathoms are called "deeps."
(v. t.) To put a mark upon
(v. t.) To be a mark upon
(v. t.) To leave a trace, scratch, scar, or other mark, upon, or any evidence of action
(v. t.) To keep account of
(v. t.) To notice or observe
(v. i.) To take particular notice
Plimsoll's mark
() A mark conspicuously painted on the port side of all British sea-going merchant vessels, to indicate the limit of submergence allowed by law
(v. t.) To mark again, or a second time
(n.) A peculiar distinguishing mark or device affixed by a manufacturer or a merchant to his goods, the exclusive right of using which is recognized by law.

mark Bedeutung

bell ringer
bull's eye mark home run
something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal, the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer, scored a bull's eye, hit the mark, the president's speech was a home run
shoulder board
shoulder mark
epaulets that indicate rank
mark the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember, it was in London that he made his mark, he left an indelible mark on the American theater
stretch mark a narrow band resulting from tension on the skin (as on abdominal skin after pregnancy)
a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
chatter mark a mark made by a chattering tool on the surface of a workpiece
an indication of damage
burn mark
a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
strawberry mark
hemangioma simplex
a soft red birthmark
mark of Cain the mark that God set upon Cain now refers to a person's sinful nature
mark grade
a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance), she made good marks in algebra, grade A milk, what was your score on your homework?
Mark Gospel According to Mark the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament
letter of marque
letters of marque
letter of mark and reprisal
a license to a private citizen to seize property of another nation
sign mark a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened), he showed signs of strain, they welcomed the signs of spring
hypertext markup language
hypertext mark-up language
a set of tags and rules (conforming to SGML) for using them in developing hypertext documents
mark stigma
brand stain
a symbol of disgrace or infamy, And the Lord set a mark upon Cain--Genesis
mark print a visible indication made on a surface, some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks, paw prints were everywhere
hoof mark
a visible impression on a surface made by the hoof of an animal
mark a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation), his answer was just a punctuation mark
call mark
call number
a mark consisting of characters written on a book, used to indicate shelf location
check mark
check tick
a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc., as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name
diacritical mark
a mark added to a letter to indicate a special pronunciation
ditto mark
a mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated
dollar mark
dollar sign
a mark ($) written before a number to indicate that it stands for the number of dollars
dollar mark dollar sign
a symbol of commercialism or greed, he worships the almighty dollar, the dollar sign means little to him
accent accent mark a diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation
stress mark a mark indicating the stress on a syllable
punctuation mark
the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases
exclamation mark
exclamation point
a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation
question mark
interrogation point
a punctuation mark (?) placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a question
quotation mark
inverted comma
a punctuation mark used to attribute the enclosed text to someone else
a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity
service stripe
hash mark
an insignia worn to indicate years of service
benchmark bench mark a surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point
lubber's line
lubber line
lubber's mark
lubber's point
a fixed line on a ship's compass indicating its heading
a reference point to shoot at, his arrow hit the mark
a distinguishing symbol, the owner's mark was on all the sheep
load line
Plimsoll line
Plimsoll mark
waterlines to show the level the water should reach when the ship is properly loaded
high-water mark a line marking the highest level reached
low-water mark a line marking the lowest level reached
ripple mark one of a series of small ridges produced in sand by water currents or by wind
fool gull
fall guy
sucker soft touch
a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
sitting duck
easy mark
a defenseless victim
Mark Antony
Mark Anthony
Marcus Antonius
Roman general under Julius Caesar in the Gallic wars, repudiated his wife for the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, they were defeated by Octavian at Actium (- BC)
Clark Mark Clark
Mark Wayne Clark
United States general who was Allied commander in Africa and Italy in World War II and was commander of the United Nations forces in Korea (-)
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Mark Twain
United States writer and humorist best known for his novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (-)
Hopkins Mark Hopkins United States educator and theologian (-)
Mark Saint Mark
St. Mark
Apostle and companion of Saint Peter, assumed to be the author of the second Gospel
Peter Mark Roget
English physician who in retirement compiled a well-known thesaurus (-)
Mark Rothko
United States abstract painter (born in Russia) whose paintings are characterized by horizontal bands of color with indistinct boundaries (-)
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