
Deutsche Schwanengesang {m} Synonyme

Englische swan song Synonyme

swan  alabaster  avifauna  baby bird  bird  bird of Jove  bird of Juno  bird of Minerva  bird of night  bird of passage  bird of prey  birdie  birdlife  birdy  cage bird  chalk  chick  cygnet  diving bird  dove  driven snow  eagle  eaglet  fish-eating bird  fledgling  fleece  flightless bird  flour  foam  fowl  fruit-eating bird  fulmar  game bird  insect-eating bird  ivory  lily  maggot  migrant  migratory bird  milk  nestling  oscine bird  owl  paper  passerine bird  peacock  peafowl  peahen  pearl  perching bird  pigeon  ratite  sea bird  seed-eating bird  sheet  shore bird  silver  snow  songbird  squab  storm petrel  stormy petrel  wading bird  warbler  water bird  waterfowl  wildfowl  
swan dive  belly buster  belly flop  belly whopper  cannonball  crash dive  dive  drop  fall  gainer  header  jackknife  nose dive  parachute jump  pitch  plunge  pounce  power dive  running dive  sky dive  stationary dive  stoop  swoop  
swan song  PS  Parthian shot  Z  addendum  afterthought  apodosis  appendix  back matter  benefit  bill  catastrophe  ceasing  cessation  chant du cygne  choral service  chorus  coda  codicil  colophon  conclusion  consequence  consummation  continuance  continuation  crack of doom  culmination  curtain  curtains  death  death song  debut  decease  denouement  destination  destiny  doom  double take  dying words  effect  eisteddfod  end  end point  ending  entertainment  envoi  epilogue  eschatology  exhibit  exhibition  expiration  farewell performance  fate  final solution  final twitch  final words  finale  finality  finis  finish  flesh show  folk-music festival  folk-sing  follow-through  follow-up  goal  hootenanny  izzard  jam session  last  last breath  last gasp  last things  last trumpet  last words  latter end  music festival  musicale  omega  opera festival  parting shot  payoff  performance  period  peroration  postface  postfix  postlude  postscript  premiere  presentation  presentment  production  quietus  refrain  resolution  resting place  rock festival  second thought  sequel  sequela  sequelae  sequelant  sequent  sequitur  service of song  show  sing  sing-in  singfest  singing  stage presentation  stoppage  stopping place  subscript  suffix  supplement  tag  term  terminal  termination  terminus  theatrical performance  tryout  windup  
swank  Babylonian  Corinthian  airs  awe-inspiring  awful  barbaric  bounce  brave show  braw  chic  chichi  classy  clothes-conscious  cock  cosmopolitan  dapper  dashing  deluxe  dressed to advantage  dressed to kill  elaborate  elegant  exquisite  extravagant  fancy  fine  flamboyant  genteel  glorious  grand  grandiose  highfaluting ways  imposing  impressive  jaunty  lofty airs  look big  luxurious  magnificent  majestic  natty  neat  nifty  nobby  noble  ostentatious  palatial  peacock  peacockery  peacockish  peacockishness  peacocky  plush  pontificate  posh  prance  pretensions  pretentious  princely  proud  put on  put on airs  put on side  recherche  ritz it  ritzy  sharp  side  sleek  smart  smug  snappy  snazzy  soigne  soignee  sophisticated  spiffy  splashy  splendacious  splendid  splendiferous  spruce  stalk  stately  strut  strutting  style-conscious  sumptuous  superb  superfancy  superfine  swagger  swaggering  swanky  swash  swashbuckle  swashbucklering  swashbucklery  swashbuckling  swell  swell it  swish  tony  trendy  tricksy  trig  trim  vain pretensions  vaporing  well-dressed  well-groomed  with-it  
swanky  Babylonian  Corinthian  awe-inspiring  awful  barbaric  braw  chic  chichi  classy  clothes-conscious  cosmopolitan  dapper  dashing  deluxe  dressed to advantage  dressed to kill  elaborate  elegant  exquisite  extravagant  fancy  fashionable  fine  genteel  glorious  grand  grandiose  imposing  impressive  jaunty  luxurious  magnificent  majestic  natty  neat  nifty  nobby  noble  palatial  plush  posh  princely  proud  recherche  ritzy  sharp  sleek  smart  smug  snazzy  soigne  soignee  sophisticated  spiffy  splendacious  splendid  splendiferous  spruce  stately  style-conscious  stylish  sumptuous  superb  superfancy  superfine  swank  swell  swish  tricksy  trig  trim  well-dressed  well-groomed  
swansdown  blubber  breeze  butter  clay  cushion  dough  down  eiderdown  feather bed  feathers  fleece  floss  flue  fluff  foam  fur  fuzz  kapok  lint  pile  pillow  plush  pudding  puff  putty  rubber  satin  silk  thistledown  velvet  wax  wool  zephyr  

Schwanengesang {m} Definition

(n.) That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc.
(n.) A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music
(n.) More generally, any poetical strain
(n.) Poetical composition
(n.) An object of derision
(n.) A trifle.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of large aquatic birds belonging to Cygnus, Olor, and allied genera of the subfamily Cygninae. They have a large and strong beak and a long neck, and are noted for their graceful movements when swimming. Most of the northern species are white. In literature the swan was fabled to sing a melodious song, especially at the time of its death.
(n.) Fig.: An appellation for a sweet singer, or a poet noted for grace and melody
(n.) The constellation Cygnus.
(n.) A corruption of Swan-upping.
(n.) Alt. of Swans-down
(n.) A yearly expedition on the Thames to take up young swans and mark them, as by Companies of Dyers and Vintners

swan song Bedeutung

swan song
last hurrah
a final performance or effort (especially before retirement)
swan dive
swallow dive
a dive in which the diver arches the back with arms outstretched before entering the water
the act of singing, with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates
song sparrow
Melospiza melodia
small songbird common in North America
song thrush
Turdus philomelos
common Old World thrush noted for its song
swan stately heavy-bodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usually white plumage as adult
mute swan
Cygnus olor
soundless Eurasian swan, commonly domesticated
whooper swan
Cygnus cygnus
common Old World swan noted for its whooping call
tundra swan
Cygnus columbianus
swan that nests in tundra regions of the New and Old Worlds
whistling swan
Cygnus columbianus columbianus
North American subspecies of tundra swan having a soft whistling note
Bewick's swan
Cygnus columbianus bewickii
Eurasian subspecies of tundra swan, smaller than the whooper
trumpeter trumpeter swan
Cygnus buccinator
large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry
black swan
Cygnus atratus
large Australian swan having black plumage and a red bill
swan's down down of the swan
cover version
cover song
a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else, they made a cover of a Beatles' song
swan's down soft woolen fabric used especially for baby clothes
siren call
siren song
the enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous, he succumbed to the siren call of the wilderness
Song of Songs
Song of Solomon
Canticle of Canticles
an Old Testament book consisting of a collection of love poems traditionally attributed to Solomon but actually written much later
Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Children an Apocryphal book consisting of text added to the Book of Daniel
fairytale fairy tale fairy story cock-and-bull story
song and dance
an interesting but highly implausible story, often told as an excuse
call birdsong
the characteristic sound produced by a bird, a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age
song and dance theatrical performance combining singing and dancing
theme song a melody that recurs and comes to represent a musical play or movie
signature signature tune
theme song
a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio
religious song religious music for singing
a short musical composition with words, a successful musical must have at least three good songs
drinking song a song celebrating the joys of drinking, sung at drinking parties
folk song
folk ballad
a song that is traditionally sung by the common people of a region and forms part of their culture
love song
a song about love or expressing love for another person
banquet song
a song (sometimes improvised) sung by guests at a banquet
torch song a popular song concerned with disappointment in love
work song a usually rhythmical song to accompany repetitious work
song a distinctive or characteristic sound, the song of bullets was in the air, the song of the wind, the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead
Sung dynasty
Song dynasty
the imperial dynasty of China fromto , noted for art and literature and philosophy
Swan River daisy
Brachycome Iberidifolia
western Australian annual much cultivated for its flower heads with white or bluish to violet or variegated rays
Swan River everlasting
Rhodanthe manglesii
Helipterum manglesii
Australian annual everlasting having light pink nodding flower heads, sometimes placed in genus Helipterum
swan orchid
any of several orchids of the genus Cycnoches having slender arching columns of flowers suggesting the neck of a swan
song a very small sum, he bought it for a song
verify assert
to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true, Before God I swear I am innocent
swan sweep majestically, Airplanes were swanning over the mountains
c roll wander
stray tramp roam
cast ramble rove
drift vagabond
move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment, The gypsies roamed the woods, roving vagabonds, the wandering Jew, The cattle roam across the prairie, the laborers drift from one town to the next, They rolled from town to town
for a song
for a bargain price
at a low price
for a relatively small amount of money, we bought the house for a song
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Als Schwanengesang bezeichnet man das letzte Werk eines Musikers oder eines Dichters. Auch die letzte Rede eines Politikers wird oft in einem weiteren Sinne des Wortes als Schwanengesang bezeichnet. Eine andere Bezeichnung ist Schwanenlied . Der letzte Werkzyklus von Heinrich Schütz aus seinem Sterbejahr 1672 heißt Schwanengesang , ein typisches Alterswerk. Berühmt ist der letzte Liederzyklus von Franz Schubert, der nach dessen Tod von seinem Verleger unter dem Titel Schwanengesang zusammengestellt wurde.