
Sheraton Stil Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Sheraton-Stil m (englischer Möbelstil)
Sheraton; Sheraton style (English furniture style)
Diktion f, Ausdrucksweise f, Stil m, Sprache f
Diktionen pl
Stil m, Art f, Fasson f
eleganter Stil, guter Stil
übertreibend adj
übertriebener Stil
hyperbolic style
wenn uns der Stil der Ware gefällt
if the style of the goods suits us
Diktion f; Ausdrucksweise f; Stil m; Sprache f
Diktionen pl
Stil m; Art f; Fasson f
Stil m; Manier f
im gleichen Stil; in die gleiche Kerbe
Wenn Sie so weitermachen dann ...
Wenn das so weitergeht ...
in similar vein; in the same vein
If you continue in this vein then ...
If things continue in this vein ...
altertümelnd; archaisierend geh. adj ling.
altertümelnder Stil
archaizing style
diskursiv; folgernd adj lit.
ein diskursiver Stil
a discursive style
flüssig; fließend adj
ein flüssiger Stil
a flowing fluid style
etw. nachahmen; nachbilden; simulieren v
nachahmend; nachbildend; simulierend
nachgeahmt; nachgebildet; simuliert
ahmt nach
ahmte nach
einen Stil nachahmen
to mimic sth.; to emulate sth.
mimicking; emulating
mimicked; emulated
to emulate a style
schwerfällig adj (Stil)
(einen Stil eine Strecke) schwimmen v
an einem Wettschwimmen teilnehmen
Kannst du schon rückenschwimmen im Rückenstil schwimmen?
Sie war die erste Frau die den Ärmelkanal schwimmend durchquerte.
to swim sth. (stroke stretch)
to swim a race
Can you swim backstroke yet?
She was the first woman to swim the Channel.
tanzen v
er sie tanzt
ich er sie tanzte
er sie hat hatte getanzt
in einer Formation mit gleichbleibenden Reihen tanzen; im Line-Dance-Stil tanzen
Darf ich bitten? (Aufforderung zum Tanz)
to dance
he she dances
I he she danced
he she has had danced
to line dance
Shall we dance?
übertreibend; übertrieben adj
übertriebener Stil
hyperbolic; hyperbolical
hyperbolic style
unverwechselbar; unverkennbar; jdm. eigen; für jdn. typisch charakteristisch; ganz persönlich; klassisch adj
sein unverwechselbarer Gesangsstil
eine Markenkollektion econ.
die hauseigene Kosmetikmarke
die hoteleigenen Körperpflegesets
die klassischen Gewürze der thailändischen Küche
Mit der neuen Inszenierung fand der Choreograph zu seiner Handschrift zu seinem ganz persönlichen Stil zurück.
signature ...
his signature singing style
a signature collection
a company's signature brand of cosmetics
a hotel's signature toiletries
the signature flavours of Thai cookery
The choreographer's new staging is a return to his signature style.
weichen v; Platz machen
weichend; Platz machend
gewichen Platz gemacht
du weichst
er sie weicht
ich er sie wich
er sie ist war gewichen
Der extravagante Stil ist einer einfacheren Eleganz gewichen.
to give way; to yield
giving way
given way
you give way
he she gives way
I he she gave way
he she has had given way
The extravagant style has given way to a simpler elegance.
italianisiert adj
im italienischen Stil
italianate {adj}
italianate {adj}
zeitgenössisch adj; authentisch adj (den Stil einer best. Zeit betreffend)
period {adj} only before nouns (having a style typical of a certain epoch)
kurz adj; knapp adj (Stil)
taut {adj}
Barkarole f; Barcarole f (Musikstück im Stil venezianischer Gondellieder) mus.
barcarolle; barcarole (musical piece in the style of Venetian gondolier songs)
Eleganz f
Stil Geschmack haben
to have flair
Stil m; Art f; Fasson f
Kunksstil m
art style
Stil m; Manier f
im gleichen Stil; in die gleiche Kerbe
Wenn Sie so weitermachen, dann …
Wenn das so weitergeht …
in similar vein; in the same vein
If you continue in this vein, then …
If things continue in this vein …
altmodisch; klassisch; altehrwürdig; alt adj
klassische Möbel
altmodische Kleidung; ehemals modische und jetzt wieder angesagte Kleidung
Vintage-Stil m
vintage furniture
vintage clothes
vintage style
etw. aufführen; vortragen; darbieten; spielen; geben veraltend v art
aufführend; vortragend; darbietend; spielend; gebend
aufgeführt; vorgetragen; dargeboten; gespielt; gegeben
nicht aufgeführt
ein Theaterstück aufführen
Vorführungen im Stil der Renaissance darbieten
die Rolle des König Lear spielen; den König Lear spielen
Das Musical ist in London schon einmal aufgeführt worden.
Die Walisische Folkgruppe wird auf der Nebenbühne spielen.
Was spielen sie heute Abend?; Was wird heute Abend gespielt?; Was wird heute Abend gegeben? geh. veraltend; Was gibt's heute Abend (zu sehen)?
to perform sth.
to perform a play
to perform renaissance-style entertainments
to perform the part role of King Lear; to play King Lear
The musical comedy has already been performed in London.
The Welsh folk band will be performing on the side stage.
What's on tonight?
dicht; verdichtet; gedrängt; auf das Wesentliche beschränkt adj (Stil) lit. mus.
taut (style)
erhaben; edel adj (Stil usw.) ling.
lofty (style etc.)
gewagt; grenzwertig; ausgefallen; aus dem Rahmen fallend adj (Stil, Künstler)
edgy (style, artist)
lapidar adj (Stil, Sprache)
lapidary (style, language)
(von jdm. etw.) schwärmen v
Als Student schwärmte Dimitri für Gedichte im Stil des Symbolismus.
„Er hat einen fantastischen Stil“, schwärmte sie.
to be enthusiastic; to rhapsodize; to rhapsodise Br. (about sb. sth.)
being enthusiastic; rhapsodizing; rhapsodising
been enthusiastic; rhapsodized; rhapsodised
is enthusiastic; rhapsodizes; rhapsodises
was enthusiastic; rhapsodized; rhapsodised
As a university student Dimitri was enthusiastic about symbolist style poetry.
'His style is phantastic' she rhapsodized.
(einen Stil, eine Strecke) schwimmen v
an einem Wettschwimmen teilnehmen
Kannst du schon rückenschwimmen im Rückenstil schwimmen?
Sie war die erste Frau, die den Ärmelkanal schwimmend durchquerte.
to swim sth. (stroke, stretch)
to swim a race
Can you swim backstroke yet?
She was the first woman to swim the Channel.
unverwechselbar; unverkennbar; jdm. eigen; für jdn. typisch charakteristisch; ganz persönlich; klassisch adj
sein unverwechselbarer Gesangsstil
eine Markenkollektion econ.
die hauseigene Kosmetikmarke
die hoteleigenen Körperpflegesets
die klassischen Gewürze der thailändischen Küche
Mit der neuen Inszenierung fand der Choreograph zu seiner Handschrift zu seinem ganz persönlichen Stil zurück.
signature …
his signature singing style
a signature collection
a company's signature brand of cosmetics
a hotel's signature toiletries
the signature flavours of Thai cookery
The choreographer's new staging is a return to his signature style.
einer Sache weichen; Platz machen v (Sache)
weichend; Platz machend
gewichen, Platz gemacht
es weicht
es wich
es war gewichen
Der extravagante Stil ist einer einfacheren Eleganz gewichen.
Ihr anfänglicher Pessimismus wich der Hoffnung.
Das alte Gasthaus musste einem modernen Bürogebäude weichen Platz machen.
to give way to sth. (of a thing)
giving way
given way
it gives way
it gave way
it had given way
The extravagant style has given way to a simpler elegance.
Her initial pessimism gave way to hope.
The old tavern had to give way to a modern office building.
Bebop m (Jazz-Stil) mus.
bebop (style of Jazz)
Sheraton-Stil m (englischer Möbelstil)
Sheraton; Sheraton style (English furniture style)
blumig adj (Ausdruck, Stil, ...) übtr.
flowery {adj} (expression, style, ...) fig.

Deutsche Sheraton Stil Synonyme

architektonischer  Stil  ÂBauweise  
Art  ÂFasson  ÂStil  ÂWeise  
Klasse  ÂLebensart  ÂStil  
Ausdrucksweise  ÂDiktion  ÂLokution  ÂRedestil  ÂStil  
Benehmen  ÂEtikette  ÂManieren  ÂStil  ÂUmgangsformen  
architektonischer Stil  Bauweise  
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Englische Sheraton; Sheraton style Synonyme

Sheraton Stil Definition

(n.) A custom, as in some ancient boroughs, by which lands and tenements descend to the youngest son, instead of the eldest
(a.) Of or pertaining to England, or to its inhabitants, or to the present so-called Anglo-Saxon race.
(a.) See 1st Bond, n., 8.
(n.) Collectively, the people of England
(n.) The language of England or of the English nation, and of their descendants in America, India, and other countries.
(n.) A kind of printing type, in size between Pica and Great Primer. See Type.
(n.) A twist or spinning motion given to a ball in striking it that influences the direction it will take after touching a cushion or another ball.
(v. t.) To translate into the English language
(v. t.) To strike (the cue ball) in such a manner as to give it in addition to its forward motion a spinning motion, that influences its direction after impact on another ball or the cushion.
(v. t.) That with which anything is furnished or supplied
(v. t.) Articles used for convenience or decoration in a house or apartment, as tables, chairs, bedsteads, sofas, carpets, curtains, pictures, vases, etc.
(v. t.) The necessary appendages to anything, as to a machine, a carriage, a ship, etc.
(v. t.) The masts and rigging of a ship.
(v. t.) The mountings of a gun.
(v. t.) Builders' hardware such as locks, door and window trimmings.
(v. t.) Pieces of wood or metal of a lesser height than the type, placed around the pages or other matter in a form, and, with the quoins, serving to secure the form in its place in the chase.
(v. t.) A mixed or compound stop in an organ
(a.) Of or relating to the English who are born or reside in India
(v. t.) An instrument used by the ancients in writing on tablets covered with wax, having one of its ends sharp, and the other blunt, and somewhat expanded, for the purpose of making erasures by smoothing the wax.
(v. t.) Hence, anything resembling the ancient style in shape or use.
(v. t.) A pen
(v. t.) A sharp-pointed tool used in engraving
(v. t.) A kind of blunt-pointed surgical instrument.
(v. t.) A long, slender, bristlelike process, as the anal styles of insects.
(v. t.) The pin, or gnomon, of a dial, the shadow of which indicates the hour. See Gnomon.
(v. t.) The elongated part of a pistil between the ovary and the stigma. See Illust. of Stamen, and of Pistil.
(v. t.) Mode of expressing thought in language, whether oral or written
(v. t.) Mode of presentation, especially in music or any of the fine arts
(v. t.) Conformity to a recognized standard
(v. t.) Mode or phrase by which anything is formally designated
(v. t.) A mode of reckoning time, with regard to the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
(v. t.) To entitle

Sheraton; Sheraton style (English furniture style) Bedeutung

body English a motion of the body by a player as if to make an object already propelled go in the desired direction
English Civil War civil war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I, -
English Revolution
Glorious Revolution
Bloodless Revolution
the revolution against James II, there was little armed resistance to William and Mary in England although battles were fought in Scotland and Ireland (-)
English sparrow
house sparrow
Passer domesticus
small hardy brown-and-grey bird native to Europe
style a slender bristlelike or tubular process, a cartilaginous style
English lady crab
Portunus puber
crab of the English coasts
English toy spaniel British breed having a long silky coat and rounded head with a short upturned muzzle
English foxhound an English breed slightly larger than the American foxhounds originally used to hunt in packs
English setter an English breed having a plumed tail and a soft silky coat that is chiefly white
English springer
English springer spaniel
a breed having typically a black-and-white coat
cocker spaniel
English cocker spaniel
a small breed with wavy silky hair, originally developed in England
Old English sheepdog
large sheepdog with a profuse shaggy bluish-grey-and-white coat and short tail, believed to trace back to the Roman occupation of Britain
English bulldog
a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw, developed originally in England for bull baiting
English sole
lemon sole Parophrys vitulus
popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America
bedroom furniture furniture intended for use in a bedroom
diningoom furniture furniture intended for use in a dining room
English horn
cor anglais
a doubleeed woodwind instrument similar to an oboe but lower in pitch
English saddle
English cavalry saddle
a saddle having a steel cantle and pommel and no horn
piece of furniture
article of furniture
furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy, they had too much furniture for the small apartment, there was only one piece of furniture in the room
lawn furniture furniture intended for use on a lawn or in a garden
office furniture furniture intended for use in an office
Sheraton a furniture style that originated in England around , simple in design with straight lines and classical ornamentation
a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving, he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus
classical style the artistic style of ancient Greek art with its emphasis on proportion and harmony
elan flair
distinctive and stylish elegance, he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
manner mode
way fashion
how something is done or how it happens, her dignified manner, his rapid manner of talking, their nomadic mode of existence, in the characteristic New York style, a lonely way of life, in an abrasive fashion
artistic style
the style of a particular artist or school or movement, an imaginative orchestral idiom
life style
modus vivendi
a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes
hair style
the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)
trend style
the popular taste at a given time, leather is the latest vogue, he followed current trends, the s had a style of their own
haute couture
high fashion
high style
trend-setting fashions
architectural style
style of architecture
type of architecture
architecture as a kind of art form
perpendicular style
English-Gothic architecture
a Gothic style in th and th century England, characterized by vertical lines and a fourentered (Tudor) arch and fan vaulting
style a particular kind (as to appearance), this style of shoe is in demand
English the discipline that studies the English language and literature
style sheet a sheet summarizing the editorial conventions to be followed in preparing text for publication
Shakespearean sonnet
Elizabethan sonnet
English sonnet
a sonnet consisting three quatrains and a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg
Oxford English Dictionary
an unabridged dictionary constructed on historical principles
New English Bible a modern English version of the Bible and Apocrypha
style editorial directions to be followed in spelling and punctuation and capitalization and typographical display
old style
old style font
a typeface (based on an th century design) distinguished by irregularity and slanted ascender serifs and little contrast between light and heavy strokes
Basic English a simplified form of English proposed for use as an auxiliary language for international communication, devised by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards
English language
an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch, the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries
American English
American language
the English language as used in the United States
African American Vernacular English
African American English
Black English
Black English Vernacular
Black Vernacular
Black Vernacular English
a nonstandard form of American English characteristically spoken by African Americans in the United States
King's English
Queen's English
English as spoken by educated persons in southern England
Middle English English from about to
Modern English English since about
Old English
English prior to about
Oxford English the dialect of English spoken at Oxford University and regarded by many as affected and pretentious
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