
Deutsche Sommergetreide {n} [agr] Synonyme

Englische summer cereals; spring cereals; summer corn Synonyme

summer  aestival  arctic  autumn  autumnal  boreal  broiling sun  brumal  buy time  canicular  canicular days  consume time  dog days  equinoctial  fair weather  good old summertime  growing season  heat wave  hibernal  hiemal  high summer  hot wave  hot weather  humid weather  keep time  kill time  look for time  measure time  midday sun  midsummer  midwinter  muggy weather  occupy time  out of season  pass time  put in time  race against time  seasonal  solstitial  spend time  spring  springlike  stuffy weather  sultry weather  summerlike  summerly  summertide  summertime  summery  sunshiny weather  take time  take up time  use time  vernal  vertical rays  warm weather  weekend  winter  winterlike  wintery  wintry  work against time  
summer school  alternate  alternative school  blab school  boarding school  central school  consolidated school  continuation school  correspondence school  country day school  dame school  day school  evening school  extension  finishing school  free school  informal school  night school  nongraded school  open classroom school  pensionat  platoon school  private school  progressive school  public school  school without walls  special school  storefront school  street academy  union school  vacation school  
summer stock  Broadway  burlesque  carnival  circus  drama  entertainment industry  legit  legitimate stage  off Broadway  off-off-Broadway  playland  repertory drama  show biz  show business  stage world  stagedom  stageland  stock  strawhat  strawhat circuit  the boards  the footlights  the scenes  the stage  the theater  theater world  theatromania  theatrophobia  variety  vaudeville  
summerhouse  alcove  arbor  belvedere  bower  cloche  cold frame  conservatory  coolhouse  forcing bed  forcing house  forcing pit  gazebo  glasshouse  greenhouse  hotbed  hothouse  kiosk  lathhouse  nursery  orangery  pagoda  pergola  pinery  retreat  seedbed  
summery  aestival  arctic  autumn  autumnal  beryl-green  berylline  blood-hot  blood-warm  blue-green  bluish-green  boreal  brumal  calid  canicular  chartreuse  chloranemic  chlorine  chlorotic  citrine  citrinous  emerald  equatorial  equinoctial  foliaged  genial  glaucescent  glaucous  glaucous-green  grassy  green  green as grass  green-blue  greenish  greenish-blue  greenish-yellow  greensick  hibernal  hiemal  holly  ivy  ivy-green  leafy  leaved  luke  lukewarm  midsummer  midwinter  mild  olivaceous  olive  olive-green  out of season  porraceous  room-temperature  seasonal  smaragdine  solstitial  spring  springlike  subtropical  summer  summerlike  summerly  sunny  sunshiny  temperate  tepid  thermal  thermic  toasty  tropical  unfrozen  verdant  verdurous  vernal  vernant  vert  virescent  warm  warm as toast  warmish  winter  winterlike  wintery  wintry  yellowish-green  

Sommergetreide {n} [agr] Definition

Broom corn
() A variety of Sorghum vulgare, having a joined stem, like maize, rising to the height of eight or ten feet, and bearing its seeds on a panicle with long branches, of which brooms are made.
(n.) A thickening of the epidermis at some point, esp. on the toes, by friction or pressure. It is usually painful and troublesome.
(n.) A single seed of certain plants, as wheat, rye, barley, and maize
(n.) The various farinaceous grains of the cereal grasses used for food, as wheat, rye, barley, maize, oats.
(n.) The plants which produce corn, when growing in the field
(n.) A small, hard particle
(v. t.) To preserve and season with salt in grains
(v. t.) To form into small grains
(v. t.) To feed with corn or (in Sctland) oats
(v. t.) To render intoxicated
Sea corn
() A yellow cylindrical mass of egg capsule of certain species of whelks (Buccinum), which resembles an ear of maize.
(v. i.) To leap
(v. i.) To issue with speed and violence
(v. i.) To start or rise suddenly, as from a covert.
(v. i.) To fly back
(v. i.) To bend from a straight direction or plane surface
(v. i.) To shoot up, out, or forth
(v. i.) To issue or proceed, as from a parent or ancestor
(v. i.) To grow
(v. t.) To cause to spring up
(v. t.) To produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly.
(v. t.) To cause to explode
(v. t.) To crack or split
(v. t.) To cause to close suddenly, as the parts of a trap operated by a spring
(v. t.) To bend by force, as something stiff or strong
(v. t.) To pass over by leaping
(v. i.) A leap
(v. i.) A flying back
(v. i.) Elastic power or force.
(v. i.) An elastic body of any kind, as steel, India rubber, tough wood, or compressed air, used for various mechanical purposes, as receiving and imparting power, diminishing concussion, regulating motion, measuring weight or other force.
(v. i.) Any source of supply
(v. i.) Any active power
(v. i.) That which springs, or is originated, from a source
(v. i.) A race
(v. i.) A youth
(v. i.) A shoot
(v. i.) That which causes one to spring
(v. i.) The season of the year when plants begin to vegetate and grow
(v. i.) The time of growth and progress
(v. i.) A crack or fissure in a mast or yard, running obliquely or transversely.
(v. i.) A line led from a vessel's quarter to her cable so that by tightening or slacking it she can be made to lie in any desired position
(v.) One who sums
(n.) A large stone or beam placed horizontally on columns, piers, posts, or the like, serving for various uses. Specifically: (a) The lintel of a door or window. (b) The commencement of a cross vault. (c) A central floor timber, as a girder, or a piece reaching from a wall to a girder. Called also summertree.
(n.) The season of the year in which the sun shines most directly upon any region
(v. i.) To pass the summer
(v. t.) To keep or carry through the summer
(v. t.) To plow and work in summer, in order to prepare for wheat or other crop
(n.) The duty of keeping watch and ward (see the Note under Watch, n., 1) with a horn to be blown upon any occasion of surprise.

summer cereals; spring cereals; summer corn Bedeutung

a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
corn dance a rain dance of Amerindians
spring break a week or more of recess during the spring term at school
summer tanager
summer redbird
Piranga rubra
of middle and southern United States, male is deep roseed the female mostly yellow
leopard frog
spring frog Rana pipiens
common North American green or brownish frog having white-edged dark oval spots
green frog
spring frog Rana clamitans
similar to bullfrog, found in or near marshes and ponds, of United States and Canada
spring peeper
Hyla crucifer
a small brown tree toad having a shrill call heard near wetlands of eastern United States and Canada in early spring
corn snake
red rat snake
Elaphe guttata
large harmless snake of southeastern United States, often on farms
spring chicken a young chicken having tender meat
wood duck
summer duck
wood widgeon
Aix sponsa
showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees
spring cankerworm variably colored looper, larva of Paleacrita vernata
corn borer European corn borer moth
corn borer moth
Pyrausta nubilalis
native to Europe, in America the larvae bore into the stem and crown of corn and other plants
corn borer Pyrausta nubilalis larva of the European corn borer moth, a serious pest of maize
corn earworm
cotton bollworm
tomato fruitworm
tobacco budworm
Heliothis zia
larva of a noctuid moth, highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops
summer flounder
Paralichthys dentatus
flounder of eastern coast of North America
air cushion air spring a mechanical device using confined air to absorb the shock of motion
box spring a coiled bedspring in a frame that is covered with cloth
camp summer camp a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months, city kids get to see the country at a summer camp
coil spring
volute spring
a spring in the shape of a coil
corn exchange an exchange where grains are bought and sold
leaf spring long narrow spring consisting of several layers of metal springs bracketed together
set gun
spring gun
a gun that is set to fire on any intruder that comes in contact with the wire that sets it off
spiral spring a spring that is wound like a spiral
spring a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed, the spring was broken
spring balance
spring scale
a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring
spring mattress a mattress containing springs in a rigid frame
summer house a country house (usually located in the country) that provides a cool place to live in the summer
corn something sentimental or trite, that movie was pure corn
the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
summer stock theatrical productions performed by a stock company during the summer
corn gluten gluten prepared from corn
corn gluten feed a feed consisting primarily of corn gluten
corn chowder chowder containing corn
corn sugar dextrose used as sweetening agent
candy corn a small yellow and white candy shaped to resemble a kernel of corn
corn pudding pudding made of corn and cream and egg
corn fritter fritter containing corn or corn kernels
bully beef
corned beef
corn beef
beef cured or pickled in brine
corn oil oil from the germs of corn grains
corn cake baked in a pan or on a griddle (southern and midland)
skillet corn bread cornbread usually containing ham or bacon bits and cooked in a skillet
ash cake
corn tash
corn bread wrapped in cabbage leaves and baked in hot ashes (southern)
corn dab
corn dodger
small oval cake of corn bread baked or fried (chiefly southern)
corn muffin cornbread muffin
corn flake crisp flake made from corn
corn chip thin piece of cornmeal dough fried
summer squash any of various fruits of the gourd family that mature during the summer, eaten while immature and before seeds and rind harden
crookneck squash
summer crookneck
yellow squash with a thin curved neck and somewhat warty skin
green onion
spring onion
a young onion before the bulb has enlarged, eaten in salads
edible corn
ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food
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