
Deutsche Speckseite Synonyme


Englische flitch of bacon Synonyme

Speckseite Definition

(n.) The back and sides of a pig salted and smoked
(n.) The side of a hog salted and cured
(n.) One of several planks, smaller timbers, or iron plates, which are secured together, side by side, to make a large girder or built beam.
(n.) The outside piece of a sawed log

flitch of bacon Bedeutung

flitch side of bacon salted and cured abdominal wall of a side of pork
bacon back and sides of a hog salted and dried or smoked, usually sliced thin and fried
bacon strip a slice of bacon
bacon rind the rind of bacon
Canadian bacon from a boned strip of cured loin
bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich
sandwich filled with slices of bacon and tomato with lettuce
flitch fish steak usually cut from a halibut
bacon and eggs eggs (fried or scrambled) served with bacon
Francis Bacon
Sir Francis Bacon
Baron Verulam
st Baron Verulam
Viscount St. Albans
English statesman and philosopher, precursor of British empiricism, advocated inductive reasoning (-)
Bacon Roger Bacon English scientist and Franciscan monk who stressed the importance of experimentation, first showed that air is required for combustion and first used lenses to correct vision (-)
bird's foot trefoil bird's foot clover
babies' slippers
bacon and eggs
Lotus corniculatus
European forage plant having claw-shaped pods introduced in America
provide bring home the bacon supply means of subsistence, earn a living, He provides for his large family by working three jobs, Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon
win come through
bring home the bacon
deliver the goods
attain success or reach a desired goal, The enterprise succeeded, We succeeded in getting tickets to the show, she struggled to overcome her handicap and won
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