
Sport treiben Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Sport treiben
go in for sports
Treiben Sie Sport?
Do you do any sport?
sich bewegen; Sport treiben
to take exercise
Sport m
viel Sport treiben
to do a lot of sport
Sport treiben; sich bewegen
Sport treibend; sich bewegend
Sport getrieben; sich bewegt
to get exercise
getting exercise
got exercise
Sport treiben, sich bewegen
Sport treibend, sich bewegend
Sport getrieben, sich bewegt
to get exercise
getting exercise
got exercise
Sport treiben v; sich bewegen v
Sport treibend; sich bewegend
Sport getrieben; sich bewegt
to get exercise
getting exercise
got exercise
trainieren; Sport treiben v sport
trainierend; Sport treibend
trainiert; Sport getrieben
Gymnastik machen
to work out
working out
worked out
to work out at the gym
trainieren, Sport treiben v sport
trainierend, Sport treibend
trainiert, Sport getrieben
Gymnastik machen
to work out
working out
worked out
to work out at the gym
Spiel n
Spiele pl
ein Spiel spielen
ein Spiel verlieren
etw. aufs Spiel setzen
Zu-Null-Spiel n (Tennis) sport
freies Spiel (ohne Wertung) sport
Wie ist das Spiel ausgegangen? sport
mit jdm. ein doppeltes Spiel treiben
play; game
to play a game
to lose a game
to gamble with sth.
love game
free play
What is the final score (of the game)?
to play fast and loose with sb.
Sport m sport
Sport betreiben treiben treiben machen; sporteln
viel Sport treiben
beim Sporteln
Betreiben Sie einen Sport?
Sport habe ich in der Schule nie gemocht.
Wieso bringen sie im Fernsehen so viel Sport?
Sie haben sich über seine Sprechweise mokiert.
sport Br.; sports Am.
to do play sport sports
to do a lot of sport; to play a lot of sports
while doing sport while playing sports
Do you play a sport?; Do you play any sports?
I always hated sport sports at school.
Why is there so much sport sports on TV?
They made sport of the way he talked. (old-fashioned)
Sport m (als individuelle Betätigung oder Wettkampf) sport
Kraftsport m
Luftsport m
Frauensport m
Männersport m
Profisport m
Sport betreiben treiben treiben machen; sporteln
beim Sporteln
Betreiben Sie einen Sport?
Ich habe früher viel Sport getrieben.
Sport habe ich in der Schule nie gemocht.
Wieso bringen sie im Fernsehen so viel Sport?
sport Br.; sports Am. (as individual activity or competition)
power sport; strength sports
air sport sports
female sport sports; female dominated sport sports
male sport sports; male dominated sport sports
pro sport sports; professional sport sports
to do play sport sports
while doing sport while playing sports
Do you play a sport?; Do you play any sports?
I used to do play a lot of sport.
I always hated sport sports at school.
Why is there so much sport sports on TV?

Deutsche Sport treiben Synonyme

Sport  treiben  sporteln  (umgangssprachlich)  
Sport  Sportart  
Körpererziehung  Leibesübungen  Leibesertüchtigung  Sport  
Durchgang  Durchlauf  Partie  (Sport)  Runde  
auseinander  treiben  zerstreuen  
Böses  Treiben  Unwesen  
Handel  treiben  handeln  
hehlen  Hehlerei  treiben  
auf  den  Strand  setzen  auf  Grund  treiben  
aufregen  Ã¤rgern  die  Freude  verderben  empören  entrüsten  erzürnen  in  Harnisch  bringen  verstimmen  wütend  machen  zur  Weißglut  treiben  (umgangssprachlich)  
antreiben  auf  Trab  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  Beine  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  hetzen  jagen  scheuchen  treiben  voranbringen  vorantreiben  
auseinander  jagen  auseinander  treiben  zerstreuen  
knospen  Knospen  treiben  sprießen  
(es)  treiben  (mit)  begatten  (umgangssprachlich)  bumsen  (vulgär)  den  Beischlaf  vollführen  ficken  (vulgär)  Geschlechtsverkehr  haben  koitieren  kopulieren  Liebe  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  miteinander  schlafen  nageln  (vulgär)  pimpern  (derb)  poppen  (umgangssprachlich)  rammeln  (umgangssprachlich)  schnackseln  (umgangssprachlich)  Sex  haben  Sex  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  vögeln  (vulgär)  
Böses Treiben  Unwesen  
Handel treiben  handeln  
Sport treiben  sporteln (umgangssprachlich)  
Sport  Sportart  
auseinander treiben  zerstreuen  
sport  Beau Brummel  Monopoly  Ping-Pong  Rugby  Scrabble  acrobatics  action  adventurer  advertise  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Sport Synonym nachschlagen

Englische go in for sports Synonyme

go  Olympic games  Olympics  abstain from  accompany  accomplished fact  accomplishment  accord  achievement  act  act on  act upon  acta  action  admire  adopt  advance  adventure  adventuresomeness  adventurousness  aggression  aggressiveness  agree  agree to  agree with  aim  almost  ambitiousness  apply to  approach  approaching  arrival  articulate  ascend  assail  assault  assay  assent to  associate  associate with  attack  attempt  back  back up  bang  bank on  be annihilated  be blooded  be changed  be consumed  be converted into  be destroyed  be done for  be effective  be getting along  be gone  be guided by  be in action  be lost  be no more  be received  be remembered  be successful  be there  be wiped out  bear  bear a hand  become  begin  belong  bend to  bias  bid  birr  blend  blow  blow up  bout  brave  break  brook  budge  buzz off  carry  carry on  carry out  catch on  cease  cease to be  cease to exist  cease to live  chance  change  change place  chatter  choose  circle  circulate  circumstance  clean  click  climb  clip off  collapse  come about  come along  come away  come off  come on  come to be  come to naught  come to nothing  commemorated  communicate with  commute  concern  concours  conduce  conk out  connect  connect with  contest  continue  contribute  count on  coup  course  court  cover  cover ground  crack  cruise  date  dealings  decamp  decathlon  decease  decline  decrease  deed  defecate  degenerate  delve into  dematerialize  depart  depart this life  depend on  derby  descend  deteriorate  detonate  die  die away  die out  dig  diminish  disappear  discuss  disintegrate  dispel  disperse  dispose  dissipate  dissolve  do  do a fade-out  do something  do something about  doing  doings  double-header  doubles  drift away  drive  drop  dwindle  dynamism  ebb  effective  effectual  effort  elapse  embark on  embrace  encompass  encounter  end  endeavor  endure  engage in  engagement  enter  enterprise  enterprisingness  enunciat  
go about  about ship  accept  assume  attack  attempt  back and fill  bat around  bear away  bear off  bear to starboard  beat  beat about  become public  box off  break  bring about  bring round  buckle to  bum  buzz about  cant  cant round  cast  cast about  change course  change the heading  circle  circuit  circuiteer  circulate  circumambulate  circummigrate  circumnavigate  circumvent  close the circle  come about  come forth  come full circle  come out  compass  count ties  cycle  describe a circle  divagate  double a point  drift  embark in  embark upon  encircle  encompass  endeavor  engage in  enter on  enter upon  fall into  fall to  fetch about  find vent  flank  flit  fly about  gad  gad about  gallivant  get about  get abroad  get afloat  get around  get exposure  get under way  girdle  girdle the globe  go around  go at  go forth  go in for  go into  go round  go the round  go the rounds  go upon  gybe  gyre  have at  have currency  heave round  heel  hit the road  hit the trail  hobo  issue  jaunt  jibe  jibe all standing  knock about  knock around  lap  launch forth  launch into  lay about  make a circuit  meander  miss stays  mooch  move into  nomadize  orbit  peregrinate  pererrate  pitch into  pivot  pivot about  plunge into  ply  proceed to  prowl  put about  put back  ramble  range  revolve  roam  round  round a point  rove  run about  saunter  see the light  set about  set at  set forward  set going  set to  sheer  shift  skirt  slew  spin  spiral  spread  spread about  spread like wildfire  straggle  stray  stroll  surround  swerve  swing  swing round  swing the stern  swivel  tack  tackle  take on  take up  throw about  traipse  tramp  turn  turn about  turn around  turn back  turn round  turn tail  turn to  undertake  vagabond  vagabondize  veer  veer around  venture upon  walk the tracks  wander  wayfare  wear  wear ship  wheel  wheel about  whirl  wind  yaw  
go after  attend  bedog  bring  bring back  c  call for  chase  chase after  chivy  come after  come behind  come on  displace  dog  emanate  ensue  fetch  fetch and carry  follow  follow after  follow up  get  give chase  go and get  go behind  go fetch  go for  go get  go to get  heel  hollo after  hound  hunt  inherit  issue  make after  move behind  obtain  overtake  pick up  procure  prosecute  pursue  quest  quest after  raise the hunt  replace  result  retrieve  run after  search  secure  seek  seek out  shadow  shag  string along  succeed  supervene  tag  tag after  tag along  tail  tailgate  take out after  track  trail  trail after  tread close upon  
go against  antagonize  be antipathetic  be at cross-purposes  be inimical  beat against  clash  collide  conflict  conflict with  confute  contradict  contrapose  contravene  counter  counteract  counterattack  counterpose  countervail  counterwork  cross  go counter to  interfere with  join the opposition  lock horns  meet head-on  militate against  not abide  oppose  oppugn  play at cross-purposes  protest  resist  run against  run counter to  swim upstream  take issue with  traverse  vote against  withstand  work against  
go ahead  John Hancock  OK  acceptance  admission  advance  advancement  advancing  adventuresome  adventuresomeness  adventurous  adventurousness  affirmance  affirmation  aggression  aggressive  aggressiveness  allowance  ambitious  ambitiousness  ameliorate  amend  antecede  approbation  approval  authentication  authorization  begin  blast away  blast off  career  certification  charter  come along  come before  come first  come on  commence  confirmation  consent  countersignature  course  cover ground  develop  dispensation  dive in  drive  drive on  driving  dynamic  dynamism  endorsement  enterprise  enterprising  enterprisingness  fall to  force  forceful  forcefulness  forge ahead  forward  forward motion  forwarding  front  furtherance  furthering  gain  gain ground  gather head  gather way  get ahead  get along  get to  get-up-and-get  get-up-and-go  getup  go  go ahead of  go all out  go along  go before  go fast  go forward  go in advance  go on  go-getting  go-to-itiveness  graduate  green light  grow better  gumption  have priority  head  head into  head the table  head up  headway  hustle  hustling  imprimatur  improve  initiative  jump off  kick off  lead  lead off  leave  liberty  license  look up  make good time  make head against  make headway  make progress  make progress against  make strides  make things hum  make up leeway  march  meliorate  mend  move  move forward  moving  nod  notarization  okay  oncoming  ongoing  onward  onward course  outrank  pass along  pass on  passage  patent  perk up  permission  permission to enter  pick up  pitch in  plunge into  precede  press on  proceed  proceeding  progress  progressing  progression  progressive  progressiveness  promotion  push  pushful  pushfulness  pushiness  pushing  pushingness  pushy  rank  rate  ratification  release  roll  rolling  rolling on  rubber stamp  sanction  scramble  seal  send off  set about  set in  set out  set sail  set to  shape up  shoot ahead  show improvement  sigil  
go all out  buckle down  carry through  cut loose  do to perfection  do up brown  drive  drive on  endeavor  exhaust every move  follow out  follow through  follow up  forge ahead  give way to  go ahead  go all lengths  go flat out  go for broke  go the limit  go unrestrained  go whole hog  hump  hump it  hustle  knuckle down  lay to  leave nothing hanging  leave nothing undone  let go  let her out  let loose  make things hum  open her up  open up  overlook nothing  ply the oar  press on  push  run wide open  run wild  scramble  see it through  see out  shoot ahead  shoot the works  spare no effort  step lively  strain every nerve  
go along  abide  advance  be getting along  be so  be such  bide  buzz off  carry on  cease not  come along  come away  come on  come out  come through  commute  continue  contrive  course  cover ground  depart  drag on  endure  exit  fare  fare forth  fetch  flit  flow  gain ground  gang  gang along  gather head  gather way  get ahead  get along  get away  get by  get off  get on  get under way  go  go ahead  go away  go fast  go forward  go off  go on  hie  hold on  hold steady  jog on  keep going  keep on  leave  linger  make good time  make head against  make headway  make out  make progress  make progress against  make strides  make up leeway  manage  march off  mosey  move  move along  move away  move forward  move off  move on  move out  never cease  pass  pass along  pass on  proceed  progress  pull out  remain  roll  roll on  run  run on  sashay  sashay off  shape up  slog on  stack up  stagger along  stagger on  stay  stay on  stem  step forward  stream  take flight  take wing  tarry  toddle along  travel  turn out  up and go  wayfare  wend  wing it  
go along with  OK  accede  accede to  accept  accompany  accord  accord to  acknowledge  acquiesce  act with  admit  agree  agree in opinion  agree provisionally  agree to  agree with  align with  allow  approve  approve of  assent  assent grudgingly  associate  associate with  assort with  attend  avow  band together  be agreeable  be agreeable to  be dying to  be eager  be game  be open to  be ready  be spoiling for  be willing  chime in with  close with  coincide  collaborate  combine  companion  comply  concede  concur  condescend  confederate  confess  conform to  connive at  consent  consent to silently  consociate  consort with  cooperate  couple with  deign  ditto  echo  endorse  express general agreement  face the music  fall in with  flock to  flock together  get together with  give consent  go in with  go with  grant  hang around with  have no objection  herd together  hold with  incline  join  join hands with  join up with  join with  keep company with  keep pace with  knock under  knuckle down  knuckle under  lean  line up with  live with it  look kindly upon  meet  nod  nod assent  not hesitate to  not oppose  not refuse  not resist  obey  okay  own  permit  plunge into  rally round  range with  ratify  recognize  relent  resign  run parallel to  run with  sanction  say aye  say yes  side with  stand in with  strike in with  string along with  submit  succumb  swallow it  swallow the pill  swing in with  take  take it  take kindly to  take part with  take sides with  team up with  throw in with  unite with  vote affirmatively  vote aye  wait on  warrant  wink at  would as leave  would as lief  yield  yield assent  
go around  advance  answer  ascend  avail  back  back up  be equal to  bear  budge  bypass  change  change place  circle  circuit  circuiteer  circulate  circumambulate  circummigrate  circumnavigate  circumrotate  circumvent  circumvolute  climb  close  close the circle  come full circle  compass  compass about  corner  crank  cycle  descend  describe a circle  detour  deviate  digress  do  do it  double a point  ebb  embay  embosom  embrace  encircle  enclasp  enclose  encompass  enfold  envelop  environ  enwrap  fill the bill  flank  flow  fulfill  get by  get over  girdle  girdle the globe  go  go about  go round  go round about  go sideways  go the round  gyrate  gyre  hack it  hold  invest  involve  just do  lap  make a circuit  make a detour  make the grade  meet  meet requirements  mount  move  move over  orbit  pass  pass muster  pirouette  pivot  plunge  progress  qualify  reach  regress  retrogress  revolve  rise  rotate  round  round a bend  round a corner  round a point  run  satisfy  screw  serve  serve the purpose  shift  sink  skirt  soar  spin  spiral  stand  stand up  stir  stream  stretch  subside  suffice  surround  swing  swivel  take it  travel  turn  turn a corner  turn a pirouette  turn around  turn round  twist  wamble  wane  wheel  whirl  wind  work  wrap  
go around in circles  agonize over  be at sea  be uncertain  beat about  circle  circuit  circuiteer  circulate  circumambulate  circummigrate  circumnavigate  circumvent  close the circle  come full circle  compass  cycle  describe a circle  doubt  encircle  encompass  feel unsure  flank  flounder  girdle  girdle the globe  go about  go around  go round  go the round  grope  gyre  lap  make a circuit  orbit  puzzle over  question  revolve  round  skirt  spiral  surround  thrash about  wheel  wonder  wonder whether  
go astray  abort  backslide  be in error  be mistaken  be wrong  degenerate  depart  deviate  digress  divagate  drift  err  excurse  fall  fall into error  get sidetracked  go adrift  go amiss  go awry  go wrong  lapse  maunder  meander  misbelieve  miscalculate  miscarry  misfire  miss  miss out  miss stays  miss the boat  miss the mark  pererrate  ramble  rove  serve Mammon  slip  slip up  snake  straggle  stray  stumble  trip  turn aside  twist  twist and turn  wander  wind  
go at  accept  ambush  assail  assault  assume  attack  attempt  blitz  buckle to  bushwhack  clip off  come at  come down on  crack down on  descend on  descend upon  do  embark in  embark upon  endeavor  engage in  enter on  enter upon  fall into  fall on  fall to  fall upon  gang up on  get under way  go  go about  go for  go in for  go into  go upon  harry  have at  hit  hit like lightning  jump  land on  launch forth  launch into  lay about  lay at  lay hands on  lay into  light into  make  move into  mug  pitch into  plunge into  pounce upon  pound  proceed to  reach  sail into  set about  set at  set forward  set going  set on  set to  set upon  strike  surprise  swoop down on  tackle  take on  take the offensive  take up  turn to  undertake  venture upon  wade into  
go away  aberrate  be consumed  be getting along  be gone  buzz off  cease  cease to be  cease to exist  come away  decline  dematerialize  depart  deploy  die  die away  die out  diminish  disappear  dispel  disperse  dissipate  dissolve  divaricate  diverge  divide  do a fade-out  drift away  dwindle  ebb  erode  evanesce  evaporate  exit  fade  fade away  fade out  fan out  flee  fly  gang along  get along  get away  get off  get on  get under way  go  go along  go off  go on  hide  leave  leave no trace  leave the scene  march off  melt  melt away  mosey  move away  move off  move out  outspread  pass  pass away  pass out  perish  pull away  pull out  recede  retire  retire from sight  retreat  retrocede  sashay  sashay off  separate  shrink  sink  sink away  splay  spread  stagger along  stand off  suffer an eclipse  take flight  take wing  toddle along  up and go  vanish  vanish from sight  wane  waste  waste away  wear away  widen the distance  wing it  withdraw  
go back  back  back down  back out  back up  beat a retreat  break back  bring back  bring to mind  call back  call to mind  call up  change back  come after  come again  come back  come home  come last  come up again  conjure up  cry back  disengage  do a flip-flop  do an about-face  double  double back  draw back  draw off  echo  evoke  fall astern  fall back  fall behind  flip-flop  follow  give ground  give place  go back over  go backwards  go home  hark back  keep coming  lag behind  look back  mind  move back  pull back  pull out  put back  reappear  recall  recall to mind  recapture  recollect  recur  reevoke  reflect  regress  remember  reoccur  repeat  resound  resume  retire  retrace  retreat  retrogress  retrospect  return  reverberate  revert  review  review in retrospect  revive  run back  see in retrospect  stand back  summon up  think back  think of  trail  trail behind  turn  turn about  turn around  turn back  use hindsight  withdraw  
go back on  abandon  back out  be unfaithful  beg off  break faith  cry off  depart from  desert  discard  drop out  evacuate  fail  forsake  jettison  jilt  leave  leave behind  leave flat  maroon  pass the buck  pull out  quit  quit cold  renege  say goodbye to  shift the blame  shift the responsibility  stand down  take leave of  throw over  vacate  withdraw  
go back over  bring back  bring to mind  call back  call to mind  call up  conjure up  evoke  go back  hark back  look back  mind  re-examine  reappraise  rebehold  recall  recall to mind  recapture  recheck  recollect  reconsider  reevoke  reflect  reinquire  remember  rethink  retrace  retrospect  revaluate  review  review in retrospect  revise  revive  see in retrospect  summon up  think back  think of  use hindsight  
go before  announce  antecede  antedate  anticipate  be before  be early  be the bellwether  beacon  blaze the trail  break the trail  come before  come first  foreglimpse  forerun  foresee  forestall  foretaste  front  get ahead of  get before  go ahead of  go in advance  go off half-cocked  guide  have priority  have the start  head  head the line  head the table  head up  herald  introduce  jump the gun  kick off  lap  lead  lead off  lead the dance  lead the way  light the way  outrank  outstrip  pace  pioneer  precede  precurse  predate  preexist  proclaim  rank  rate  set the pace  spearhead  stand first  take precedence  take the lead  usher in  win the start  
go between  Charlie McCarthy  Hermes  Iris  Mercury  Paul Revere  Pheidippides  agent  allegorist  ancilla  annotator  appliance  arbitrator  broker  carrier  cicerone  clarifier  commentator  commissionaire  connection  contact  contrivance  courier  creature  critic  cryptanalyst  cryptographer  cryptologist  decoder  definer  demonstrator  demythologizer  deputy  device  diaskeuast  diplomatic courier  distributor  dragoman  dummy  dupe  editor  emendator  emender  emissary  estafette  euhemerist  exegesist  exegete  exegetist  explainer  explicator  exponent  expositor  expounder  express  front  front man  guide  handmaid  handmaiden  hermeneut  implement  instrument  interagent  interceder  intercessor  intermediary  intermediate  intermediate agent  intermediator  intermedium  internuncio  interpleader  interpreter  intervener  interventionist  interventor  jobber  lever  lexicographer  liaison  link  mechanism  mediary  mediator  medium  message-bearer  messenger  metaphrast  middleman  midwife  minion  mouthpiece  negotiant  negotiator  negotiatress  negotiatrix  nuncio  ombudsman  oneirocritic  organ  paraphrast  pawn  plaything  post  postboy  postrider  puppet  runner  scholiast  servant  slave  spokesman  spokeswoman  stooge  textual critic  tie  tool  toy  translator  vehicle  wholesaler  
go beyond  exaggerate  exceed  overdo  overgo  overjump  overleap  overpass  overreach  overrun  overshoot  overshoot the field  overshoot the mark  overstep  overstride  pass  superabound  surpass  transcend  
go down  be believed  be lost  be received  be swallowed  bite the dust  bow  capsize  carry conviction  cascade  cataract  cave  cave in  collapse  come down  crash  crumple  decline  descend  die  dip  dip down  down  droop  drop  drop down  drop off  ebb  fade  fail  fall  fall away  fall down  fall off  find credence  flop  flop down  flump  flump down  fold  founder  give way  go downhill  go off  go under  gravitate  have enough  hit a slump  hit rock bottom  hit the skids  keel  keel over  lapse  lick the dust  lose  lose altitude  lose out  lose the day  lower  overset  overturn  parachute  pass current  pitch  pitchpole  plop  plop down  plummet  plump  plunge  pounce  pour down  precipitate  rain  reach the depths  run down  sag  say uncle  scuttle  set  settle  settle down  sink  sink down  sink like lead  slide  slip  slouch  slump  slump down  somersault  stoop  submerge  submerse  submit  subside  succumb  surrender  swag  swoop  take the count  topple  touch bottom  trend downward  tumble  turn over  turn turtle  upset  upset the boat  wane  


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