
Deutsche Stauchnagel Synonyme

Englische clinch nail Synonyme

clinch  abduct  adhere  adhere to  affix  afford proof of  agglomerate  anchor  ankle  annex  articulation  ascertain  assure  attach  bear hug  belay  bite  boundary  bring home to  bunch  butt  carry off  cement  certify  cervix  cinch  clamp  clasp  clear up  cleave  cleave to  clench  cling  cling to  clinging  clip  close quarters  closure  clot  cluster  clutch  coagulate  cohere  come together  communicate  complete  conclude  confirm  congeal  conglomerate  connect  connecting link  connecting rod  connection  converge  coupling  cramp  cuddle  death grip  decide  demonstrate  determine  dismiss all doubt  dispose of  dovetail  elbow  embrace  enfold  engraft  ensure  establish  fasten  find out  firm hold  fix  follow  follow from  foothold  footing  freeze to  get at  gliding joint  graft  grapple  grasp  grip  gripe  grow together  hang on  hang on to  hang together  have a case  hinge  hinged joint  hip  hold  hold fast  hold good  hold on  hold on to  hold tight  hold together  hold water  hug  insure  intercommunicate  interface  iron grip  join  joining  joint  juncture  keep hold of  kidnap  knee  knit  knuckle  link  make certain  make fast  make good  make no doubt  make no mistake  make out  make sure  make sure of  mass  meet  merge  miter  moor  mortise  nail down  neck  never let go  nip  persist  pivot  pivot joint  press  prove  prove to be  prove true  purchase  put to  rabbet  reassure  remove all doubt  scarf  screw up  seam  secure  see that  see to it  seizure  set  set at rest  set to  settle  settle the matter  shanghai  shoulder  show  solidify  sort out  squeeze  stay  stay put  stick  stick to  stick together  stitch  suture  symphysis  take hold of  tenure  throttle  tie rod  tight grip  tighten  toehold  toggle  toggle joint  trice up  trim  union  unite  weld  wind up  wrist  
clincher  KO  conclusive argument  coup de grace  crusher  death stroke  deathblow  end-all  ender  final stroke  finisher  finishing stroke  floorer  kayo  kayo punch  knockdown argument  knockout  knockout blow  last dab  quietus  settler  sockdolager  stopper  trump  

Stauchnagel Definition

(n.) A nail with a round head and short shank, tinned and lacquered.
(v. t.) To hold firmly
(v. t.) To set closely together
(v. t.) To bend or turn over the point of (something that has been driven through an object), so that it will hold fast
(v. t.) To make conclusive
(v. i.) To hold fast
(n.) The act or process of holding fast
(n.) A pun.
(n.) A hitch or bend by which a rope is made fast to the ring of an anchor, or the breeching of a ship's gun to the ringbolts.
(n.) the horny scale of plate of epidermis at the end of the fingers and toes of man and many apes.
(n.) The basal thickened portion of the anterior wings of certain hemiptera.
(n.) The terminal horny plate on the beak of ducks, and other allied birds.
(n.) A slender, pointed piece of metal, usually with a head, used for fastening pieces of wood or other material together, by being driven into or through them.
(a.) A measure of length, being two inches and a quarter, or the sixteenth of a yard.
(n.) To fasten with a nail or nails
(n.) To stud or boss with nails, or as with nails.
(n.) To fasten, as with a nail
(n.) To spike, as a cannon.
(a.) Having a head like that of a nail

clinch nail / clinch nails Bedeutung

clinch (boxing) the act of one boxer holding onto the other to avoid being hit and to rest momentarily
clinch squeeze
a tight or amorous embrace, come here and give me a big hug
nail pulling
nail removal
a form of torture in which the fingernails or toenails are removed
nail-tailed wallaby
nail-tailed kangaroo
small wallabies with a horny nail on the tip of the tail
coffin nail
butt fag
finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper, for smoking
a device (generally used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together
clinch the flattened part of a nail or bolt or rivet
clinch clench a small slip noose made with seizing
clout nail
a short nail with a flat head, used to attach sheet metal to wood
corrugated fastener
wiggle nail
a small strip of corrugated steel with sharp points on one side, hammered across wood joints in rough carpentry
double clinch a clinch with two loops
eightpenny nail a nail . inches long
fourpenny nail a nail . inches long
inside clinch a clinch with the end of the line inside the loop
nail a thin pointed piece of metal that is hammered into materials as a fastener
nail hole a hole left after a nail is removed
nail polish
nail enamel
nail varnish
a cosmetic lacquer that dries quickly and that is applied to the nails to color them or make them shiny
outside clinch a clinch with the end of the line outside the loop
sixpenny nail a nail inches long
stub nail a short thick nail
tenpenny nail a nail inches long
nail horny plate covering and protecting part of the dorsal surface of the digits
Clinch River a river that rises in southwestern Virginia and flows generally southwestward across eastern Tennessee to the Tennessee River
nail a former unit of length for cloth equal to
of a yard
settle nail down
make final, put the last touches on, put into final form, let's finalize the proposal
pin down
peg down
nail down
narrow down
define clearly, I cannot narrow down the rules for this game
clinch settle conclusively, clinch a deal
complete a pass
nail apprehend
pick up
take into custody, the police nabbed the suspected criminals
clinch flatten the ends (of nails and rivets), the nails were clinched
clinch secure or fasten by flattening the ends of nails or bolts, The girder was clinched into the wall
nail attach something somewhere by means of nails, nail the board onto the wall
nail boom
hit hard, He smashed a -run homer
clinch embrace amorously
clench clinch hold in a tight grasp, clench a steering wheel
clinch c hold a boxing opponent with one or both arms so as to prevent punches
locate exactly, can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?, The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome
breeze through
pass with flying colors
sweep through
sail through
succeed at easily, She sailed through her exams, You will pass with flying colors, She nailed her astrophysics course
nail down
nail peg
succeed in obtaining a position, He nailed down a spot at Harvard
(of a situation) characterized by or causing suspense
tooth and nail with force and ferocity, she fought tooth and nail
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