
Deutsche Stirnrad Ausgleichsgetriebe Synonyme

Englische spur differential Synonyme

spur  accelerate  activation  actuation  aculeate  acuminate  animate  appendage  arm  arouse  awaken  barb  barbel  barbule  bill  bough  branch  brashly  breakwater  bundle  bustle  cage  cape  catalyst  cheer on  chersonese  cog  comb  coral reef  corral  countenance  crag  crest  crowd  cuspidate  delta  dispatch  drive  drive on  drove  edge  egg on  encourage  encouragement  excitant  excite  exhort  expedite  fang  favor  file  flog  foreland  forward  gad  gadfly  gaff  goad  goad on  grind  hand  harrow  haste  hasten  hasten on  hastily  head  headland  herd  hie on  hilltop  hone  hook  hound on  hurry  hurry along  hurry on  hurry up  hustle  hustle up  imp  impel  impetuously  impetus  impromptu  impulse  impulsively  incautiously  incentive  incitation  incite  incitement  induce  inducement  instigate  instigation  jag  joint  knoll  lash  leg  limb  link  lobe  lobule  lofty peak  member  motivate  motivation  motive  mountaintop  mull  naze  needle  ness  nudge  offshoot  oilstone  on the spot  organ  oxgoad  peak  pecten  peninsula  pic  pico  pike  pinion  pinnacle  point  poke  precipice  precipitate  press  pressure  prick  process  prod  projection  promontory  prompt  prompting  prong  propel  provocation  provoke  punch cattle  push  push on  push through  quicken  quill  railroad through  rake  rally  ramification  rashly  ratchet  recklessly  reef  reset  ride herd on  root on  round up  rouse  rowel  runner  rush  rush along  sandspit  sawtooth  scion  set  sharpen  shepherd  sic  snag  snaggle  speed  speed along  speed on  speed up  spiculate  spike  spine  spire  spit  spray  sprig  sprocket  spur on  stampede  steeple  stimulant  stimulate  stimulation  stimulus  sting  stir  strap  strop  suddenly  summit  switch  tail  taper  tendril  thoughtlessly  tine  tongue  tooth  tor  twig  unexpectedly  unpremeditatedly  unthinkingly  urge  urge on  urging  whet  whip  whip along  whip on  whiplash  wing  wrangle  
spurious  affected  apocryphal  artificial  assumed  baseborn  bastard  bogus  brummagem  colorable  colored  contrived  counterfeit  counterfeited  deceitful  distorted  dressed up  dummy  embellished  embroidered  ersatz  factitious  fake  faked  false  falsified  fatherless  feigned  fictitious  fictive  forged  fraudulent  garbled  hypocritical  illegitimate  imitation  inauthentic  junky  make-believe  man-made  meretricious  misbegotten  miscited  miscreated  misquoted  misreported  misstated  mock  natural  perverted  phony  pinchbeck  pretend  pretended  pseudo  put-on  quasi  queer  self-styled  sham  shoddy  simulated  snide  so-called  soi-disant  substitute  supposititious  synthetic  tin  tinsel  titivated  twisted  unauthentic  unauthoritative  unfounded  ungenuine  unnatural  unreal  unreliable  warped  
spurn  abjure  ban  banish  beat back  blackball  brush aside  brush off  cast out  chase  chase away  chase off  chuck  chuck out  cold-shoulder  contemn  contradict  cut  cut direct  decline  deny  deport  despise  disapprove  discard  disclaim  discount  disdain  disfellowship  dismiss  disown  disregard  drive away  drive back  except  exclude  excommunicate  exile  expatriate  expel  extradite  fend off  flout  forswear  fugitate  fuss  hold off  humiliation  ignore  keep off  look down upon  ostracize  outlaw  pack off  pass by  pass up  pick and choose  proscribe  push aside  push back  put back  rebuff  recant  refuse  refuse to consider  refuse to receive  reject  relegate  renounce  repel  reprobate  repudiate  repulse  rusticate  scoff  scorn  scorn to receive  scout  send away  send down  send off  send packing  send to Coventry  shove away  slight  sneer  sneer at  sneeze at  sniff  snort  snub  spit upon  spurning  steer clear of  the cold shoulder  the go-by  throw away  throw out  thrust back  thrust out  transport  turn away  turn back  turn down  turn out  waive  ward off  
spurned  contemned  declined  declined with thanks  denied  despised  disapproved  discarded  discounted  disdained  dismissed  disowned  excepted  excluded  forsaken  forsworn  ignored  jilted  loveless  lovelorn  not considered  rebuffed  refused  rejected  renounced  repudiated  repulsed  scouted  unbeloved  uncherished  unloved  
spurt  a breath  acceleration  access  ado  advance  agitation  anabasis  ascension  ascent  belch  bit  blow out  blowout  bob up  bother  botheration  break water  bundle  burst  burst of speed  bustle  canter  cascade  cast forth  chase  clamber  climb  climbing  commotion  crowd  dart ahead  dash  dash ahead  dash off  dash on  dead run  debouch  debouchment  decant  discharge  disembogue  disgorge  disgorgement  dissiliency  dogtrot  double-time  drain  drain out  effort  ejaculate  ejaculation  elevation  emission  empty  eruct  eructation  erupt  eruption  escalade  exhaust  expel  expulsion  extravasate  extravasation  feery-fary  ferment  festinate  fidgetiness  find vent  fit  flank speed  flap  flare-up  flat-out speed  float up  flow  flow out  flurry  flush  fluster  flutter  flutteriness  fly up  font  forced draft  fount  fountain  full gallop  fuss  fussiness  gallop  get going  get moving  geyser  gush  gush out  gyring up  hand gallop  hasten  headlong rush  heavy right foot  high lope  hubbub  hullabaloo  hurry  hurry on  hurry through  hurry up  hurry-scurry  hustle  improvement  increase  instant  interval  jet  jog trot  jump  jump up  leap  leap up  levitation  little  little bit  little while  lope  lose no time  maelstrom  make a dash  make a spurt  make haste  maximum speed  moment  mount  mounting  move quickly  no time  open throttle  outbreak  outburst  outflow  outpour  pair of winks  play  plunge  pop up  post  pother  pour  pour forth  pour out  press on  push on  race  rapids  restlessness  rise  rising  rocket  rocketing up  run  run out  rush  rush ahead  rush through  saltation  scamper  scramble  scud  scurry  scuttle  send forth  send out  shoot  shoot ahead  shoot up  shooting up  short spell  short time  skyrocket  sluice out  small space  soaring  span  spasm  spate  spell  spew  spew out  spit  spout  spout out  spouter  spray  spring  spring up  sprint  sprit  spritz  spurtle  squirt  start up  stew  stir  surface  surge  s  
spurtle  condensation  condense  distill  distillation  douse  dribble  drip  dripping  dripple  drop  filter  flush  font  fount  fountain  geyser  gurgle  gush  jet  leach  leaching  lixiviate  lixiviation  percolate  percolation  plash  play  rush  seep  seepage  seeping  slop  slosh  spatter  spew  spit  splatter  splosh  splurge  spout  spouter  spray  spritz  spurt  squirt  surge  swash  sweat  sweating  trickle  tricklet  vomit  vomit forth  vomit out  weep  well  

Stirnrad Ausgleichsgetriebe Definition

(a.) Relating to or indicating a difference
(a.) Of or pertaining to a differential, or to differentials.
(a.) Relating to differences of motion or leverage
(n.) An increment, usually an indefinitely small one, which is given to a variable quantity.
(n.) A small difference in rates which competing railroad lines, in establishing a common tariff, allow one of their number to make, in order to get a fair share of the business. The lower rate is called a differential rate. Differentials are also sometimes granted to cities.
(n.) One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one another or to a magnet or armature common to both, that one coil produces polar action contrary to that of the other.
(n.) A form of conductor used for dividing and distributing the current to a series of electric lamps so as to maintain equal action in all.
(n.) A sparrow.
(n.) A tern.
(n.) An implement secured to the heel, or above the heel, of a horseman, to urge the horse by its pressure. Modern spurs have a small wheel, or rowel, with short points. Spurs were the badge of knighthood.
(n.) That which goads to action
(n.) Something that projects
(n.) One of the large or principal roots of a tree.
(n.) Any stiff, sharp spine, as on the wings and legs of certain burds, on the legs of insects, etc.
(n.) A mountain that shoots from any other mountain, or range of mountains, and extends to some distance in a lateral direction, or at right angles.
(n.) A spiked iron worn by seamen upon the bottom of the boot, to enable them to stand upon the carcass of a whale, to strip off the blubber.
(n.) A brace strengthening a post and some connected part, as a rafter or crossbeam
(n.) The short wooden buttress of a post.
(n.) A projection from the round base of a column, occupying the angle of a square plinth upon which the base rests, or bringing the bottom bed of the base to a nearly square form. It is generally carved in leafage.
(n.) Any projecting appendage of a flower looking like a spur.
(n.) Ergotized rye or other grain.
(n.) A wall that crosses a part of a rampart and joins to an inner wall.
(n.) A piece of timber fixed on the bilge ways before launching, having the upper ends bolted to the vessel's side.
(n.) A curved piece of timber serving as a half to support the deck where a whole beam can not be placed.
(v. t.) To prick with spurs
(v. t.) To urge or encourage to action, or to a more vigorous pursuit of an object
(v. t.) To put spurs on
(v. i.) To spur on one' horse
(n.) A gold coin, first made in the reign of Edward IV., having a star on the reverse resembling the rowel of a spur. In the reigns of Elizabeth and of James I., its value was fifteen shillings.
(n.) Any one of several species of handsome gastropod shells of the genus Trochus, or Imperator. The shell is conical, with the margin toothed somewhat like the rowel of a spur.
(a.) Having one or more spurs on the bend of the wings.

spur differential Bedeutung

differential diagnosis a systematic method of diagnosing a disorder (e.g., headache) that lacks unique symptoms or signs
differential blood count counting the number of specific types of white blood cells found in cubic millimeter of blood, may be included as part of a complete blood count
branch line
spur track
a railway line connected to a trunk line
differential analyzer an analog computer designed to solve differential equations
differential gear
a bevel gear that permits rotation of two shafts at different speeds, used on the rear axle of automobiles to allow wheels to rotate at different speeds on curves
a sharp prod fixed to a rider's heel and used to urge a horse onward, cowboys know not to squat with their spurs on
spur gear
spur wheel
gear wheels that mesh in the same plane
differential a quality that differentiates between similar things
marginal cost
incremental cost
differential cost
the increase or decrease in costs as a result of one more or one less unit of output
difference threshold
differential threshold
difference limen
differential limen
the smallest change in stimulation that a person can detect
differential calculus
method of fluxions
the part of calculus that deals with the variation of a function with respect to changes in the independent variable (or variables) by means of the concepts of derivative and differential
derived function
differential coefficient
first derivative
the result of mathematical differentiation, the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another, df(x)
differential psychology the branch of psychology that studies measurable differences between individuals
differential equation an equation containing differentials of a function
partial differential equation a differential equation involving a functions of more than one variable
a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something, the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves
spur tubular extension at the base of the corolla in some flowers
any sharply pointed projection
spur blight a disease of raspberries
spur goad with spurs, the rider spurred his horse
spur equip with spurs, spur horses
spur strike with a spur
give heart or courage to
spur incite or stimulate, The Academy was formed to spur research
spur-of-the-moment in response to an unforeseen need, a spur-of-the-moment party
differential relating to or showing a difference, differential treatment
differential involving or containing one or more derivatives, differential equation
on the spur of the moment
on impulse, without premeditation, he decided to go to Chicago on the spur of the moment, he made up his mind suddenly
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