
Deutsche Teebeutel Synonyme

Beuteltee  ÂTeebeutel  ÂTeesackerl  (umgangssprachlich)  
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Englische tea bag Synonyme

tea  DET  DMT  LSD  Mary  Mary Jane  STP  THC  TV dinner  acid  afternoon tea  alfresco meal  antidepressant  ataractic  barbecue  boo  breakfast  brunch  buffet supper  cannabis  clambake  coffee break  cookout  diethyltryptamine  dimethyltryptamine  diner  dinner  elevenses  fish fry  gage  ganja  grass  hallucinogen  hash  hashish  hay  hemp  high tea  hot luncheon  joint  kava  lunch  luncheon  marijuana  mash  meat breakfast  mescal  mescal bean  mescal button  mescaline  mind-altering drug  mind-blowing drug  mind-expanding drug  morning glory seeds  petit dejeuner  peyote  picnic  pot  psilocin  psilocybin  psychedelic  psychic energizer  psychoactive drug  psychochemical  psychotomimetic  reefer  roach  stick  supper  tea break  tea party  teatime  tiffin  tranquilizer  weed  wiener roast  wienie roast  
teach  broaden the mind  catechize  civilize  coach  communicate  demonstrate  direct  discipline  drill  edify  educate  enlighten  exercise  give instruction  give lessons in  ground  guide  illumine  impart  implant  inculcate  indoctrinate  inform  instill  instruct  instruction  lesson  open the eyes  practice  prepare  rear  reeducate  school  schooling  set right  sharpen the wits  show  show how  teach a lesson  teach the rudiments  teaching  train  training  tuition  tutelage  tutor  
teach in  beef  bitch  boycott  challenge  complaint  compunction  demonstration  demur  demurrer  exception  expostulation  grievance  grievance committee  howl  indignation meeting  kick  march  nonviolent protest  objection  picketing  protest  protest demonstration  protestation  qualm  rally  remonstrance  remonstration  scruple  sit-in  squawk  strike  
teachable  apt  bright  clever  docile  educable  facile  formable  homely  humble  humble-looking  humble-visaged  humblest  impressionable  inglorious  innocuous  instructable  intelligent  least  low  lowest  lowliest  lowly  malleable  mean  modest  moldable  motivated  plain  plastic  pliable  poor  quick  ready  receptive  ripe for instruction  schoolable  simple  small  susceptible  thirsty for knowledge  trainable  undistinguished  unimportant  unpretentious  willing  
teacher  Aaronic priesthood  Dutch uncle  Melchizedek priesthood  Polonius  Seventy  admonisher  adviser  advisor  apostle  backseat driver  bishop  boss  buttinsky  bwana  chef  chief  church dignitary  cicerone  coach  confidant  consultant  counsel  counselor  deacon  docent  doctor  dominie  don  ecclesiarch  educationist  educator  elder  employer  expert  fellow  forerunner  goodman  guide  guru  high priest  husband  instructor  kibitzer  lecturer  liege  liege lord  lord  lord paramount  master  meddler  mentor  mistress  monitor  nestor  orienter  overlord  padrone  paramount  paterfamilias  pathfinder  patriarch  patron  preceptist  preparationist  preparator  preparer  priest  professor  rabbi  sahib  schoolmaster  schoolmistress  schoolteacher  seigneur  seignior  starets  trailblazer  trainer  tutor  
teaching  a belief  adage  ana  analects  aphorism  apothegm  article of faith  assignment  autodidactic  axiom  belief  byword  canon  catchword  chalk talk  charge  coeducational  collected sayings  command  commission  credo  creed  cultural  current saying  dictate  dictum  didactic  direction  disciplinary  discourse  disquisition  distich  doctrine  dogma  edifying  educating  educational  educative  enlightening  epigram  exercise  exhortatory  exposition  expression  faith  gnome  golden saying  harangue  homework  homiletic  homily  hortatory  illuminating  informative  initiatory  injunction  instruction  instructive  introductory  lecture  lecture-demonstration  lecturing  lesson  maxim  moral  moral lesson  morality  moralization  mot  motto  object lesson  oracle  order  orthodoxy  phrase  pithy saying  preaching  preachment  precept  preceptive  prescript  prescription  principle  propaedeutic  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  recital  recitation  religion  religious belief  religious faith  saw  saying  self-teaching  sentence  sententious expression  sermon  set task  skull session  sloka  stock saying  sutra  system of beliefs  talk  task  tenet  text  theology  tradition  tuitionary  verse  wisdom  wisdom literature  wise saying  witticism  word  words of wisdom  
teachy  academic  donnish  moral  moralizing  pedagogic  pedantic  preachy  preceptorial  professorial  professorlike  schoolmastering  schoolmasterish  schoolmasterlike  schoolmasterly  schoolmistressy  schoolteacherish  schoolteachery  sermonizing  teacherish  teacherlike  teachery  tutorial  
team  age group  band  battalion  bevy  body  both  brace  bracket  brigade  bunch  cabal  cast  clique  cohort  collaborate  combine  company  complement  conjugate  conspire  contingent  cooperate  corps  coterie  couple  couple up  couplet  covey  crew  crowd  detachment  detail  distich  division  double harness  double-harness  double-team  doublet  duad  duet  duo  dyad  eight  eleven  equipage  faction  first string  first team  five  fleet  four-in-hand  gang  group  grouping  groupment  in-group  join together  join up  junta  link up  match  mate  mates  mob  movement  nine  out-group  outfit  pack  pair  pair off  party  peer group  phalanx  platoon  posse  randem  regiment  reserves  rig  rowing crew  salon  second string  second team  set  set of two  side  span  spike  spike team  squad  stable  string  tandem  team up  the two  third string  three-up  tribe  troop  troupe  turnout  twain  two  twosome  unicorn  unite  varsity  wing  yoke  
team spirit  accord  accordance  affinity  agape  agreement  amity  bipartisanship  bonds of harmony  brotherly love  caritas  cement of friendship  charity  coaction  coadjuvancy  coadministration  coagency  cochairmanship  codirectorship  collaboration  collaborativeness  collectivism  collusion  commensalism  common effort  common enterprise  communalism  communion  communism  communitarianism  community  community of interests  compatibility  complicity  concert  concord  concordance  concurrence  congeniality  cooperation  cooperativeness  correspondence  duet  duumvirate  ecumenicalism  ecumenicism  ecumenism  empathy  esprit  esprit de corps  feeling of identity  fellow feeling  fellowship  frictionlessness  good vibes  good vibrations  happy family  harmony  identity  joining of forces  joint effort  joint operation  kinship  like-mindedness  love  mass action  morale  mutual assistance  mutualism  mutuality  octet  oneness  peace  pooling  pooling of resources  pulling together  quartet  quintet  rapport  rapprochement  reciprocity  septet  sextet  sharing  solidarity  symbiosis  sympathy  symphony  synergism  synergy  teamwork  trio  triumvirate  troika  understanding  union  unison  united action  unity  
team up  act in concert  act together  act with  affiliate  affiliate with  align with  ally  amalgamate  associate  band  band together  be in cahoots  be in league  bracket  bunch  bunch up  cabal  cement a union  centralize  club  club together  coact  coalesce  collaborate  collude  combine  come into  come together  concert  concord  concur  confederate  conjugate  consociate  consolidate  conspire  cooperate  couple  couple up  creep in  do business with  double-harness  double-team  enlist  enroll  enter  federalize  federate  flock to  fuse  gang  gang up  get heads together  get into  get together  get together with  go along with  go in partners  go in partnership  go in with  go into  go partners  go with  hang together  harmonize  hold together  hook up  hook up with  join  join forces  join fortunes with  join hands with  join in  join together  join up  join up with  join with  keep pace with  keep together  league  league together  league with  line up with  make common cause  marry  match  mate  merge  organize  pair  pair off  partner  play ball  pull together  put heads together  rally round  range with  reciprocate  run parallel to  side with  sign on  sign up  sneak in  span  stand in with  stand together  stand up with  strike in with  string along with  swing in with  take out membership  take part with  take sides with  take up membership  team  team up with  team with  throw in together  throw in with  tie in  tie in with  tie up  tie up with  unionize  unite  unite efforts  unite with  wed  work together  yoke  
teamed  affiliate  affiliated  allied  associate  associated  cabalistic  confederate  confederated  conspiratorial  corporate  coupled  enleagued  federate  federated  in cahoots  in league  in partnership  in with  leagued  married  paired  partners with  wed  wedded  
teammate  ace  amigo  associate  bedfellow  bedmate  benchfellow  birthmate  bosom buddy  buddy  bunkie  bunkmate  butty  camarade  chamberfellow  chum  classmate  clubmate  co-worker  colleague  comate  companion  company  compeer  comrade  confrere  consociate  consort  copartner  copemate  copesmate  couchmate  cradlemate  crony  cupmate  fellow  fellow student  fellow worker  general partner  girl friend  gossip  jailmate  mate  messmate  old crony  pal  pard  pardner  partner  pewmate  playfellow  playmate  roommate  schoolfellow  schoolmate  secret partner  shelfmate  shipmate  shopmate  side partner  sidekick  sidekicker  silent partner  sleeping partner  special partner  tablemate  tentmate  watchmate  waymate  workfellow  yokefellow  yokemate  
teamster  Jehu  Sunday driver  backseat driver  bullwhacker  bus driver  busman  cabby  cabdriver  cabman  cameleer  carter  cartman  charioteer  chauffeur  coachman  coachy  cocher  cochero  drayman  driver  elephant driver  gharry-wallah  hack  hackdriver  hackman  hacky  harness racer  hit-and-run driver  jitney driver  joyrider  mahout  motorist  mule skinner  muleteer  reinsman  road hog  skinner  speeder  stage coachman  taxidriver  truck driver  trucker  truckman  vetturino  voiturier  wagoner  wagonman  whip  
teamwork  bipartisanship  coaction  coadjuvancy  coadministration  coagency  cochairmanship  codirectorship  collaboration  collaborativeness  collectivism  collusion  commensalism  common effort  common enterprise  communalism  communism  communitarianism  community  complicity  concert  concord  concordance  concurrence  cooperation  cooperativeness  duet  duumvirate  ecumenicalism  ecumenicism  ecumenism  esprit  esprit de corps  fellow feeling  fellowship  harmony  joining of forces  joint effort  joint operation  mass action  morale  mutual assistance  mutualism  mutuality  octet  pooling  pooling of resources  pulling together  quartet  quintet  reciprocity  septet  sextet  solidarity  symbiosis  synergism  synergy  team spirit  trio  triumvirate  troika  united action  
tear  abrade  abrasion  amputate  assault  attack  autacoid  ax  bacchanal  bacchanalia  bacchanalian  ball the jack  barbarize  bark  barrel  bat  batter  bawling  bender  bile  binge  bisect  blemish  bloody  blubbering  boil  bolt  boom  booze  bout  bowl along  breach  break  breakage  breeze  breeze along  broach  brush  brutalize  bundle  burn  burst  bust  bustle  butcher  buzz about  career  carousal  carouse  carry on  carve  celebration  chafe  chalone  charge  chase  check  chink  chip  chop  chyle  claw  cleave  cleft  clip  colostrum  compotation  concussion  crack  crackle  craze  crevasse  crowd  cry  crying  cut  cut along  cut away  cut in two  cut off  cut open  damage  dart  dash  dash off  dash on  debauch  destroy  devil  dichotomize  digestive secretion  discharge  dispart  dissever  divaricate  divide  double-time  drinking bout  drunk  drunken carousal  endocrine  escapade  evulse  excise  excrete  festinate  fissure  fit of crying  flash burn  fleet  fling  flit  flood of tears  flutter  fly  fly low  fly open  fracture  fray  frazzle  fret  fuss  gall  gallop  gap  gash  gastric juice  get going  get moving  give out  gleet  go fast  go on  good cry  gore  greet  guzzle  hack  halve  hammer  haste  hasten  hew  hie  highball  hole  hormone  humor  hump  hump it  hurry  hurry about  hurry on  hurry through  hurry up  hurry-scurry  hurt  hurtle  hustle  ichor  impair  incise  incision  injure  injury  intestinal juice  jag  jigsaw  lacerate  laceration  lachryma  lachrymosity  lacrimatory  lactate  lactation  lance  lark  lash  lay open  lay waste  leap  lesion  leukorrhea  loot  lose no time  lymph  maim  make a fuss  make haste  make knots  make mincemeat of  mangle  matter  maul  melting mood  milk  mortal wound  move quickly  mucor  mucus  mug  mutilate  mutilation  nip  np  ope  open  open up  orgy  outstrip the wind  overflowing eyes  pancreatic juice  pare  part  peccant humor  phlegm  pierce  pillage  ploy  plunge  post  potation  pou  
tear apart  atomize  break to pieces  carp  catch at straws  cavil  cleave  cut up  defoliate  demolish  denude  disassemble  disintegrate  dismantle  dismember  draw and quarter  fault-find  find fault  flay  fragment  lacerate  maim  make mincemeat of  mangle  mutilate  nitpick  peel  pettifog  pick holes  pick to pieces  pull apart  pull in pieces  pull to pieces  pulverize  quibble  reduce to rubble  rend  shatter  shred  skin  smash  split  strip  sunder  take apart  take exception  tear to pieces  tear to shreds  tear to tatters  total  unbuild  undo  unmake  wrack up  wreck  
tear down  annihilate  asperse  beat down  blow down  break down  bring down  bulldoze  burn down  calumniate  cast down  chop down  cut down  defame  demolish  denigrate  disassemble  dismantle  dismount  fell  flatten  knock down  knock over  level  mow down  prostrate  pull down  rase  raze  ruin  scandal  scandalize  shatter  slander  slur  smash  smear  steamroller  take apart  take down  throw down  unbuild  wrack  wreck  
tear from  badger  blackmail  claim  demand  exact  extort  force from  levy blackmail  pry loose from  rend  rend from  rip  rip from  screw  shake down  snatch from  squeeze  wrench  wrench from  wrest  wring  wring from  
tear gas grenade  aerial bomb  antipersonnel bomb  bomb  bombshell  carcass  concussion grenade  depth bomb  depth charge  fire bomb  gas grenade  grenade  hand grenade  incendiary bomb  incendiary grenade  infernal machine  petard  time bomb  wall grenade  
tear jerking  bathetic  beery  cloying  gooey  gushing  maudlin  mawkish  mushy  namby-pamby  nostalgic  nostomanic  oversentimental  oversentimentalized  romantic  sappy  sentimental  sentimentalized  sloppy  soft  sticky  teary  

Teebeutel Definition

tea bag Bedeutung

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122 Bewertungen 4


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Teebeutel sind kleine Behälter aus speziellem Filterpapier, in denen sich Tee befindet. Die seit der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts existierenden und heute jährlich vielmillionenfach verkauften Alltagsgegenstände dienen der unaufwändigen Zubereitung von Teegetränken.