
Deutsche Teilbereich Synonyme

Arbeitsgebiet  ÂSegment  ÂSparte  ÂTeilbereich  
Abschnitt  ÂAusschnitt  ÂBereich  ÂBruchstück  ÂFetzen  ÂFragment  ÂSegment  ÂStück  ÂStückchen  ÂTeil  ÂTeilbereich  ÂUnvollendetes  
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Englische partition Synonyme

partition  abstraction  alienation  allotment  apportion  apportioning  apportionment  area  barrier  bisector  booth  boundary  brattice  breaking up  budgeting  buffer  buffer state  bulkhead  bumper  carve  carve up  cell  chamber  cloison  collision mat  compartment  cushion  cut  cut up  cutting  cutting the pie  deal  detachment  diameter  diaphragm  disarticulation  disassociation  disburse  disconnectedness  disconnection  discontinuity  disengagement  disjointing  disjunction  dislocation  dispense  disperse  dissepiment  dissolution  distribution  district  disunion  divide  divide into shares  divide up  divide with  divider  dividing  dividing line  dividing wall  division  divorce  divorcement  divvy  divvy up  dole out  doling out  equator  fence off  fender  halfway mark  incoherence  interseptum  isolation  line of demarcation  luxation  mat  measure out  meting out  midriff  midsection  pad  panel  parcel  parcel out  parceling  paries  part  parting  partitioning  party wall  portion  portioning  property line  rationing  removal  repartition  room  rupture  screen  section  segment  segmentation  segmenting  separate  separation  separatism  separator  septulum  septum  set apart  share  share out  share with  sharing  sharing out  shock pad  slice  slice the pie  slice up  slicing  split  split up  split-up  splitting  stall  subdivide  subdivision  subtraction  wall  wall off  withdrawal  zone  zoning  
partitioned  apart  asunder  bipartite  dichotomous  discontinuous  discrete  distinct  divergent  in two  incoherent  insular  mural  noncohesive  parietal  separate  septal  unassociated  unattached  unattended  unconnected  unjoined  walled  


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