
Therapieversagen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Therapieversagen n; Behandlungsmisserfolg m med.
treatment failure; therapeutical failure; failure of therapy
Therapieversagen n; Behandlungsmisserfolg m med.
treatment failure; therapeutical failure; failure of therapy
Heilverfahren n, Therapie f, Behandlung f
Heilverfahren pl, Therapien pl, Behandlungen pl
therapiebegleitende Maßnahmen
treatments accompanied by therapy
(Therapie) absetzen
to break off
Heilverfahren, Therapie
Brustkrebs-Therapie f med.
breast cancer treatment
Chelat-Therapie f (gegen Schwermetallvergiftung) med.
chelation therapy
Heilverfahren n; Therapie f; Behandlung f
Heilverfahren pl; Therapien pl; Behandlungen pl
therapiebegleitende Maßnahmen
Therapie statt Strafe (für Drogensüchtige)
treatments accompanied by therapy
therapy instead of punishment (for drug addicts)
auf etw. ansprechen; auf etw. reagieren; für etw. empfänglich sein adj
auf die Therapie nicht ansprechen med.
ansprechbar sein v (Patient) med.
ein Automodell mit einer gut hervorragend ansprechenden Lenkung
to be responsive to sth.
not to be responsive to the therapy; to be resistant to the therapy
to be responsive (patient)
a car model with responsive highly responsive steering
fotodynamische Therapie f PDT med.
photodynamic therapy PDT
gewohnheitsmäßig; schablonenhaft adj; Standard...; Routine... pej.
eine Therapie mit Ciclosporin nach Schema med.
routine; ordinary pej.
a routine therapy with cyclosporine; a routine cyclosporine therapy
von sich aus; selbstständig; unaufgefordert; aus eigenem Antrieb adv (Person)
Der Leidensdruck wurde so groß dass er von sich aus nach einer Therapie verlangte.
of sb.'s own accord
The level of suffering became so high that he requested therapy of his own accord.
umfassend; umfänglich adv
jdn. umfassend informieren
Wir werden dafür sorgen dass die Interessen der Konsumenten umfassend gewahrt bleiben.
Die Patienten müssen über Vor- und Nachteile dieser Therapie umfassend aufgeklärt werden.
to comprehensively inform sb.
We will ensure that the interests of consumers are fully protected.
Patients need to receive a full explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of this therapy.
Beratungsgespräch n (Therapie)
counselling talk Br.; counseling talk eAm.
Brustkrebs-Therapie f med.
brusterhaltende Therapie BET
breast cancer treatment
breast-conserving therapy
Erweiterung f verengter Bronchien; Bronchusaufdehnung f; Bronchodilatation f; Bronchospasmolyse f selten; Broncholyse f selten (Therapie) med.
dilatation of a (constricted) bronchus; bronchodilatation (therapy)
Heilbehandlung f; medizinische Behandlung f; Behandlung f (von jdm.); Heilverfahren n; Therapie f (bei etw.) med.
chirurgische Behandlung
Folgebehandlung f; Folgetherapie f
Langzeitbehandlung f; Langzeittherapie f
pharmakologische Behandlung
Scheinbehandlung f
stationäre Behandlung
Symptombehandlung f
Sofortbehandlung f
therapiebegleitende Maßnahmen
Therapie statt Strafe (für Drogensüchtige)
in ärztlicher Behandlung sein
die Behandlung von Krebs; die Krebsbehandlung
eine neue Behandlung von bei Depressionen
sich wegen Nierensteinen behandeln lassen
Die beste Behandlung bei einer Erkältung ist Ruhe und viel Flüssigkeitszufuhr.
medical treatment; treatment (of sb.); therapy (for sth.)
surgical treatment
follow-on therapy
long-term treatment; long-term therapy
pharmacologic treatment
placebo treatment
stationary treatment
symptom treatment; treatment of symptoms rare
immediate therapy
treatments accompanied by therapy
therapy instead of punishment (for drug addicts)
to be under medical treatment
the treatment of cancer, cancer treatment
a new treatment for depression
to undergo treatment for kidney stones
The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.
Schmerzbehandlung f; Schmerztherapie f; analgetische Therapie f med.
pain management; pain treatment; treatment for pain; pain therapy; analgesic treatment; analgesic therapy
(Therapie) absetzen v
to break off
auf etw. ansprechen; auf etw. reagieren v; für etw. empfänglich sein v
auf die Therapie nicht ansprechen med.
ansprechbar sein v (Patient) med.
ein Automodell mit einer gut hervorragend ansprechenden Lenkung
to be responsive to sth.
not to be responsive to the therapy; to be resistant to the therapy
to be responsive (patient)
a car model with responsive highly responsive steering
fotodynamische Therapie f PDT med.
photodynamic therapy PDT
gewohnheitsmäßig; schablonenhaft adj; Standard…; Routine… pej.
eine Therapie mit Ciclosporin nach Schema med.
routine; ordinary pej.
a routine therapy with cyclosporine; a routine cyclosporine therapy
heilend; heilsam; heilbringend selten; kurativ geh. adj med. pharm.
kurative Therapie
die heilenden heilsamen Eigenschaften von Kräutern
curative; salutiferous rare
curative therapy
the curative properties of herbs
infektionsverhütend; infektionsverhindernd; infektionsbekämpfend; antiinfektiös adj med.
antiinfektiöse Therapie
anti-infective; anti-infectious; anti-microbial
anti-microbial therapy
rhythmisierende Therapie f (mit Medikamenten) med.
anti-arrhythmic (drug) therapy
von sich aus; selbstständig; unaufgefordert; aus eigenem Antrieb adv (Person)
Der Leidensdruck wurde so groß, dass er von sich aus nach einer Therapie verlangte.
of sb.'s own accord
The level of suffering became so high that he requested therapy of his own accord.
sogenannte r s; so genannte r s; angebliche r s; selbsternannte r s (Person) adj (Ausdruck des inhaltlichen Infragestellens eines Ausdrucks)
sogenannte Experten; selbsternannte Experten
deine sogenannten Freunde
Diese sogenannte angebliche Therapie hat sein Leben ruiniert.
alleged; so-called (used to express your view that an expression is inappropriate in substance)
so-called experts
your so-called friends
This so-called therapy has ruined his life.
umfassend adv
jdn. umfassend informieren
etw. umfassend renovieren
Wir werden dafür sorgen, dass die Interessen der Konsumenten umfassend gewahrt bleiben.
Die Patienten müssen über Vor- und Nachteile dieser Therapie umfassend aufgeklärt werden.
comprehensively; extensively
to comprehensively inform sb.
to comprehensively extensively refurbish sth.
We will ensure that the interests of consumers are fully protected.
Patients need to receive a full explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of this therapy.
Einhaltung f; Einhalten n; Befolgung f; Befolgen n; Beachtung f; Beachten n (von etw.)
Beachtung der Vorschriften
unter Einhaltung von etw.; unter Beachtung von etw.; in Entsprechung +Gen.; entsprechend +Dat (vor- oder nachgestellt); …konform; …gemäß; …treu
mangelhafte Erfüllung
Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen; Gesetzeskonformität f jur.
Einhaltung der Handelsvorschriften
Einhaltung anderweitiger Verpflichtungen
Erfüllung einer Bedingung
die strenge Befolgung von Grundsätzen wie Überprüfung der Kundenidentität
Termintreue f
(hohe) Therapietreue f; Therapieadhärenz f; (hohe) Umsetzungstreue f med.
die Einhaltung der Vorschriften gewährleisten
Dem Wunsch seiner sterbenden Mutter entsprechend wurde er Katholik.
In Entsprechung eines Gerichtsbeschlusses hat die Firma ihre Geschäftstätigkeit eingestellt.
Sie agierten nicht ganz regelkonform.; Sie hielten sich nicht genau an die Regeln.
observance (of sth.); observation (of sth.); adherence (to sth.); compliance (with sth.)
observance of the regulation; compliance with the regulation
in observance of sth.; in adherence to sth.; in compliance with sth.
defective compliance
compliance with the law
trade compliance
compliance with a condition
the strict observance of policies like Know-Your-Customer
adherence to schedules; adherence to delivery dates
(good) medical compliance; (good) medical adherence; (good) adherence to treatment; concordance with treatment
in compliance with instructions
to ensure secure enforce compliance with the rules
He became a Catholic in compliance with his mother's dying wish.
In compliance with a court order, the company has ceased operations.
They were not in full compliance with the rules.
Denkansatz m; Ansatz m (für etw.); Zugang m (zu etw.)
Denkansätze pl; Ansätze pl; Zugänge pl
Therapieansatz m
richtiger Denkansatz
falscher Denkansatz
pragmatischer Zugang
wissenschaftlicher Ansatz
basic approach; approach (to sth.)
basic approaches; approaches
therapeutic approach
right approach
wrong approach
pragmatic approach
scientific approach
Denkansatz m; Ansatz m (für etw.); Zugang m (zu etw.)
Denkansätze pl; Ansätze pl; Zugänge pl
Gesamtansatz zur Migrationsfrage
Therapieansatz m
richtiger Denkansatz
falscher Denkansatz
pragmatischer Zugang
wissenschaftlicher Ansatz
basic approach; approach (to sth.)
basic approaches; approaches
global approach to the migration issue
therapeutic approach
right approach
wrong approach
pragmatic approach
scientific approach
Behandlungserfolg m; Therapieerfolg m med.
Behandlungserfolge pl; Therapieerfolge pl
therapeutical success; success of therapy
therapeutical successes; successes of therapy
Behandlungsergebnis n; Therapieergebnis n med.
Behandlungsergebnisse pl; Therapieergebnisse pl
treatment outcome
treatment outcomes
Rückenstreckbank f; Streckbank f (Therapiegerät) med.
Rückenstreckbänke pl; Streckbänke pl
stretch toning table; body stretching machine; human body stretcher (therapeutic equipment)
stretch toning tables; body stretching machines; human body stretchers
Therapiegerät n med.
therapeutic equipment
Therapiehund m (Arbeitshund) zool.
Therapiehunde pl
therapy dog (working dog)
therapy dogs
Therapieverfahren n; Therapiemethode f med.
Therapieverfahren pl; Therapiemethoden pl
therapy method; therapeutic method
therapy methods; therapeutic methods
Therapieprogramm n med. adm.
Therapieprogramme pl
treatment programme
treatment programmes
therapierbar; heilbar adj med.
remediable; capable of being remedied
therapierbar adj med.
schwer therapierbar
nicht therapierbar
unheilbar adj
untreatable {adj}
untreatable {adj}
Therapierbarkeit f med.
behandlungsresistent; therapierefraktär; refraktär adj (Krankheit) med.
resistant to treatment; treatment-refractory; refractory; obstinate; intractable (disease)
jdn. therapieren
to give therapy to so.
jdn. etw. therapieren
to treat so. sth.
jdn. therapieren v
to give therapy to st.
jdn. etw. therapieren v
to treat sb. sth.
Schuh m
Schuhe pl
Bowlingschuhe pl
Flechtschuhe pl
Hausschuhe pl
Kletterschuhe pl
Leinensportschuhe pl; Leinenschuhe pl; Segelschuhe pl; Bootsschuhe pl
Rahmenschuhe pl
Straßenschuhe pl
Therapieschuhe pl; Rehaschuhe pl; Verbandschuhe pl med.
seine Schuhe anziehen
flache Schuhe
Schuhe mit Kreppsohle
Schuhe mit Plateausohle
spitze Schuhe
ein anderes Paar Schuhe übtr.; etwas ganz anderes
Diesen Schuh lasse ich mir nicht anziehen. Dieses Mascherl lasse ich mir nicht umhängen. Ös. übtr.
bowling shoes
braided shoes
indoor shoes
climbing shoes
plimsoll shoes Br.; plimsolls Br.; keds Am. tm
welt-sewn shoes; welted shoes
outdoor shoes
therapeutic shoes; therapy shoes; post-operative shoes; healing shoes; wound-care shoes
to put on one's shoes
flat shoes
crepe-soled shoes
elevator shoes
pointed-toe shoes
a whole new ballgame fig.
The cap Br. shoe Am. doesn't fit and I'm not willing to wear it. fig.
Sitzung f; Veranstaltung f
Sitzungen pl; Veranstaltungen pl
Behandlungssitzung f; Therapiesitzung f med.
Beratungssitzung f; Beratungsveranstaltung f
Gebetssitzung f; Gebetsveranstaltung f
Kontaktveranstaltungen pl an Schulen
Laborsitzung f
Werkstattsitzung f
event session; activity session; session
event sessions; activity sessions; sessions
therapy session
counselling session
prayer session
outreach sessions in schools
laboratory session
workshop session
hospitieren v school stud.
bei jdm. hospitieren
Ich hospitierte bei der Therapiesitzung
to sit in on classes; to sit in on lectures; to audit classes Am.; to audit lectures Am.
sitting in on classes; sitting in on lectures; auditing classes; auditing lectures
sat in on classes; sat in on lectures; audited classes; audited lectures
to sit in on sb.'s class(es) lecture(s); to audit sb.'s class(es) lecture(s)
I sat in on the therapy session.
Einhaltung f; Einhalten n; Beachtung f; Beachten n; Befolgung f; Befolgen n; Erfüllung f (von etw.); Konformität f (mit etw.)
unter Einhaltung von etw.; unter Beachtung von etw.; in Entsprechung +Gen; entsprechend +Dat (vor- oder nachgestellt); -konform; -gemäß; -treu
mangelhafte Erfüllung
Einhaltung Befolgung des Gesetzes; Gesetzeskonformität f; Gesetzestreue f
Einhaltung der Handelsvorschriften
Einhaltung anderweitiger Verpflichtungen
Erfüllung einer Bedingung
(hohe) Therapietreue med.
die Einhaltung der Vorschriften gewährleisten
Dem Wunsch seiner sterbenden Mutter entsprechend wurde er Katholik.
In Entsprechung eines Gerichtsurteils hat die Firma ihre Geschäftstätigkeit eingestellt.
Sie agierten nicht ganz regelkonform.; Sie hielten sich nicht genau an die Regeln.
compliance (with sth.)
in compliance with sth.
defective compliance
compliance with the law
trade compliance
compliance with a condition
(good) compliance concordance with treatment; (good) adherence to treatment
in compliance with instructions
to ensure secure enforce compliance with the rules
He became a Catholic in compliance with his mother's dying wish.
In compliance with a court order the company has ceased operations.
They were not in full compliance with the rules.
Therapieversagen n; Behandlungsmisserfolg m med.
treatment failure; therapeutical failure; failure of therapy

Deutsche Therapieversagen Synonyme

Englische treatment failure; therapeutical failure; failure of therapy Synonyme

treatment  airing  analysis  arrangement  article  atmosphere  balance  basic training  briefing  brushwork  buzz session  canvassing  care  causerie  clearing the decks  colloquium  color  composition  conference  consideration  curative measures  cure  curing  custodianship  debate  debating  deliberation  descant  design  dialectic  dialogue  discourse  discussion  disquisition  dissertation  draftsmanship  equipment  essay  etude  examination  exchange of views  excursus  exposition  familiarization  feature  first aid  first approach  fixing  forum  foundation  groundwork  grouping  handling  healing  healing arts  homily  hospitalization  introductory study  investigation  joint discussion  line  logical analysis  logical discussion  lucubration  makeready  making ready  management  manufacture  means of dealing  medical care  medical treatment  medicamentation  medication  medicines  memoir  mobilization  monograph  morceau  note  open discussion  open forum  outline  painterliness  pandect  panel discussion  paper  paragraph  perspective  piece  planning  prearrangement  preliminaries  preliminary  preliminary act  preliminary step  preliminary study  prep  preparation  preparatory study  preparing  prepping  prerequisite  pretreatment  processing  prolegomenon  propaedeutic  provision  psychotherapy  rap  rap session  readying  regime  regimen  research paper  review  screed  seminar  shading  shadow  sketch  spadework  special article  stewardship  study  survey  symposium  technique  term paper  theme  therapeusis  therapeutics  therapy  thesis  tone  town meeting  tract  tractate  training  treatise  trial  tryout  usage  values  ventilation  warm-up  

Therapieversagen Definition

(n.) Cessation of supply, or total defect
(n.) Omission
(n.) Want of success
(n.) Decay, or defect from decay
(n.) A becoming insolvent
(n.) A failing
(a.) Of or pertaining to the healing art
(n.) Therapeutics.
(n.) The act or manner of treating
(n.) Entertainment

treatment failure; therapeutical failure; failure of therapy Bedeutung

failure an unexpected omission, he resented my failure to return his call, the mechanic's failure to check the brakes
failure an act that fails, his failure to pass the test
beauty treatment enhancement of someone's personal beauty
cruel or inhumane treatment, the child showed signs of physical abuse
inhuman treatment
a cruel act, a deliberate infliction of pain and suffering
care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury)
therapy (medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.), the quarterback is undergoing treatment for a knee injury, he tried every treatment the doctors suggested, heat therapy gave the best relief
hormone replacement therapy
hormoneeplacement therapy
hormones (estrogen and progestin) are given to postmenopausal women, believed to protect them from heart disease and osteoporosis
infrared therapy the use of infrared radiation (as by infrared lamps or heating pads or hot water bottles) to relieve pain and increase circulation to a particular area of the body
inflation therapy therapy in which water or oxygen or a drug is introduced into the respiratory tract with inhaled air
megavitamin therapy therapy based on a theory that taking very large doses of vitamins will prevent or cure physical or psychological disorders
occupational therapy therapy based on engagement in meaningful activities of daily life, especially to enable or encourage participation in such activities in spite of impairments or limitations in physical or mental functions
physical therapy
therapy that uses physical agents: exercise and massage and other modalities
herbal therapy
botanical medicine
the use of plants or plant extracts for medicinal purposes (especially plants that are not part of the normal diet)
behavior therapy
behavior modification
psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behavior
aversion therapy any technique of behavior modification that uses unpleasant stimuli in a controlled fashion to alter behavior in a therapeutic way, primarily used for alcoholism or drug abuse (but with little success)
exposure therapy a form of behavior therapy in which a survivor confronts feelings or phobias or anxieties about a traumatic event and relives it in the therapy situation
implosion therapy
a technique used in behavior therapy, client is flooded with experiences of a particular kind until becoming either averse to them or numbed to them
reciprocal inhibition
reciprocal-inhibition therapy
a method of behavior therapy based on the inhibition of one response by the occurrence of another response that is mutually incompatible with it, a relaxation response might be conditioned to a stimulus that previously evoked anxiety
cliententered therapy a method of psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers in which the client determines the focus and pace of each session
group therapy
group psychotherapy
psychotherapy in which a small group of individuals meet with a therapist, interactions among the members are considered to be therapeutic
family therapy any of several therapeutic approaches in which a family is treated as a whole
play therapy form of psychotherapy for children that uses play situations for diagnosis or treatment
radiation therapy
radiation actinotherapy
(medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance
radium therapy
the use of radium in radiation therapy
Xay therapy the therapeutic use of X rays
shock therapy
shock treatment
treatment of certain psychotic states by the administration of shocks that are followed by convulsions
electroconvulsive therapy
electroshock therapy
the administration of a strong electric current that passes through the brain to induce convulsions and coma
insulin shock
insulin shock therapy
insulin shock treatment
the administration of sufficient insulin to induce convulsions and coma
metrazol shock
metrazol shock therapy
metrazol shock treatment
the administration of sufficient Metrazol to induce convulsions and coma
speech therapy any therapy intended to correct a disorder of speech
thrombolytic therapy therapy consisting of the administration of a pharmacological agent to cause thrombolysis of an abnormal blood clot
orthodontic treatment dental treatment that corrects irregularities of the teeth or of the relation of the teeth to surrounding anatomy, treatment is usually by braces or mechanical aids, orthodontic treatment of facial abnormalities
autogenic therapy
autogenic training
training patients in self-induced relaxation
treatment handling the management of someone or something, the handling of prisoners, the treatment of water sewage, the right to equal treatment in the criminal justice system
silent treatment an aloof refusal to speak to someone you know
drug cocktail
highly active antiretroviral therapy
a combination of protease inhibitors taken with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, used in treating AIDS and HIV
treatment a manner of dealing with something artistically, his treatment of space borrows from Italian architecture
discussion treatment
an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic, the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic, his treatment of the race question is badly biased
short shrift
summary treatment
a brief and unsympathetic rejection, they made short shrift of my request
failure an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose, the surprise party was a complete failure
breakdown equipment failure a cessation of normal operation, there was a power breakdown
brake failure brakes fail to stop a vehicle
engine failure engine does not run
power outage
power failure
equipment failure resulting when the supply of power fails, the ice storm caused a power outage
loser nonstarter
unsuccessful person
a person with a record of failing, someone who loses consistently
failure loss of ability to function normally, kidney failure
circulatory failure failure of the cardiovascular system to supply adequate amounts of blood to body tissues
heart failure
coronary failure
inability of the heart to pump enough blood to sustain normal bodily functions
congestive heart failure inability to pump enough blood to avoid congestion in the tissues
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