
Tiefenschieblehre Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Tiefenschieblehre f; Tiefenlehre f techn.
Tiefenschieblehren pl; Tiefenlehren pl
vernier depth gauge; calliper Br. caliper Am. depth gauge
vernier depth gauges; calliper caliper depth gauges
Tiefenschieblehre f; Tiefenlehre f techn.
Tiefenschieblehren pl; Tiefenlehren pl
vernier depth gauge; calliper Br. caliper Am. depth gauge
vernier depth gauges; calliper caliper depth gauges
TiefenschÀrfe f photo.
depth of field
Bildauflösung f; BildschÀrfe f; TiefenschÀrfe f (Foto TV)
image definition; definition; clarity; focus (photography TV)
SchÀrfentiefe f; TiefenschÀrfe f photo.
depth of field DOF
BildschÀrfe f; TiefenschÀrfe f; SchÀrfe f; Bildauflösung f; Auflösung f (Optik; Fotografie, TV)
image definition; definition; image resolution; resolution; clarity; focus (optics; photography, TV)
SchÀrfentiefe f; TiefenschÀrfe f photo.
depth of field DOF
Tiefenschieblehre f; Tiefenlehre f techn.
Tiefenschieblehren pl; Tiefenlehren pl
vernier depth gauge; calliper Br. caliper Am. depth gauge
vernier depth gauges; calliper caliper depth gauges
Erosion f; Abtragung f; Abtrag m (Abtragung und Verfrachtung von Feststoffen an der ErdoberflÀche) geol.
großflĂ€chige Abtragung; GesteinsentblĂ¶ĂŸung f; Denudation f
rĂŒckschreitende Erosion; RĂŒckwĂ€rtserosion f
latente Erosion; unterbrochene Erosion
OberflÀchenerosion f; FlÀchenerosion f; flÀchenhafte Erosion f; flÀchenhafte Abtragung f; Schichterosion f
Tiefenerosion f; Tiefenschurf m; Linearerosion f; lineare Erosion; linienhafte Erosion; linienhafte Abtragung
Bodenerosion f; Bodenabtragung f; Bodenabtrag m
Flusserosion f; Fluvialerosion f; fluviale Erosion f; fluviatile Erosion f
Seitenerosion; Seitenschliff m; Seitenschurf m; Lateralerosion f
Flusssohlenerosion f; Sohlenerosion f
Gletschererosion f; Glazialerosion f; glaziale Erosion; Exaration f
Ufererosion f; Abtragung von Ufermaterial
Rillenerosion f (durch abfließendes Wasser)
Rinnenerosion f; Runsenerosion f; Grabenerosion f (durch Fließwasser)
Wassererosion f; aquatische Erosion; Auswaschung durch FließgewĂ€sser
Winderosion f; Àolische Erosion; Windabtragung f; Abblasung f; Deflation f
erosion; truncation (removal and transportation of solid matter from Earth's surface)
backward erosion; headward erosion; headcut erosion; retrograde erosion; retrogressive erosion; knickpoint retreat
potential erosion; interrupted erosion
surface erosion; sheet erosion; sheet wash
vertical erosion; downcutting; degradation
soil erosion; land erosion
river erosion; stream erosion; fluvial erosion; fluviatile erosion
lateral erosion
river bed erosion; streambed erosion; bed erosion; stream-channel erosion; channel scour
glacial erosion; exaration
streambank erosion; bank erosion; washing of a bank
rill erosion; rill wash (by run-off water)
gully erosion; gullying (by running water)
water erosion; wash
wind erosion; blowing erosion; aeolian erosion; eolation; deflation

Deutsche Tiefenschieblehre Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Tiefenschieblehre Synonym nachschlagen

Englische vernier depth gauge; calliper caliper depth gauge Synonyme

Tiefenschieblehre Definition

Broad gauge
() A wider distance between the rails than the "standard" gauge of four feet eight inches and a half. See Gauge.
(n.) The quality of being deep
(n.) Profoundness
(n.) Lowness
(n.) That which is deep
(n.) The number of simple elements which an abstract conception or notion includes
(n.) A pair of toothed wheels which work together.
(v. t.) To measure or determine with a gauge.
(v. t.) To measure or to ascertain the contents or the capacity of, as of a pipe, barrel, or keg.
(v. t.) To measure the dimensions of, or to test the accuracy of the form of, as of a part of a gunlock.
(v. t.) To draw into equidistant gathers by running a thread through it, as cloth or a garment.
(v. t.) To measure the capacity, character, or ability of
(n.) A measure
(n.) Measure
(n.) Any instrument for ascertaining or regulating the dimensions or forms of things
(n.) Any instrument or apparatus for measuring the state of a phenomenon, or for ascertaining its numerical elements at any moment
(n.) Relative positions of two or more vessels with reference to the wind
(n.) The depth to which a vessel sinks in the water.
(n.) The distance between the rails of a railway.
(n.) The quantity of plaster of Paris used with common plaster to accelerate its setting.
(n.) That part of a shingle, slate, or tile, which is exposed to the weather, when laid
Sea gauge
() See under Gauge, n.
(n.) A short scale made to slide along the divisions of a graduated instrument, as the limb of a sextant, or the scale of a barometer, for indicating parts of divisions. It is so graduated that a certain convenient number of its divisions are just equal to a certain number, either one less or one more, of the divisions of the instrument, so that parts of a division are determined by observing what line on the vernier coincides with a line on the instrument.
Water gauge
() A wall or bank to hold water back.
Water gauge
() An instrument for measuring or ascertaining the depth or quantity of water, or for indicating the height of its surface, as in the boiler of a steam engine. See Gauge.

vernier depth gauge; calliper [Br.] caliper [Am.] depth gauge / vernier depth gauges; calliper caliper depth gauges Bedeutung

analysis depth psychology
a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders, based on the theories of Sigmund Freud, his physician recommended psychoanalysis
wind gauge
wind gage
a gauge for recording the speed and direction of wind
broad gauge a railroad track (or its width) broader than the standard . inches
an instrument for measuring the distance between two points (often used in the plural)
depth charge
depth bomb
a bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water, antisubmarine device
depth finder navigational instrument used to measure the depth of a body of water (as by ultrasound or radar)
depth gauge
depth gage
a gauge for measuring the depth of grooves or holes or other concavities
fuel gauge
fuel indicator
an indicator of the amount of fuel remaining in a vehicle
gasoline gauge
gasoline gage
gas gauge
gas gage
petrol gauge
petrol gage
gauge that indicates the amount of gasoline left in the gasoline tank of a vehicle
a measuring instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc.
inside caliper caliper for measuring inside dimensions (the size of a cavity or hole), points on its legs curve outward
micrometer gauge
micrometer caliper
caliper for measuring small distances
narrow gauge a railroad track (or its width) narrower than the standard . inches
odd-leg caliper caliper having the points on its legs both curve in the same direction
outside caliper caliper for measuring outside dimensions, points on its legs curve inward
pressure gauge
pressure gage
gauge for measuring and indicating fluid pressure
rain gauge
rain gage
gauge consisting of an instrument to measure the quantity of precipitation
sonic depth finder
depth finder for determining depth of water or a submerged object by means of ultrasound waves
standard gauge railroad track having the standard width of . inches
strain gauge
strain gage
a gauge for measuring strain in a surface
surface gauge
surface gage
scribing block
gauge consisting of a scriber mounted on an adjustable stand, used to test the accuracy of plane surfaces
vacuum gauge
vacuum gage
a gauge for indicating negative atmospheric pressure
vernier caliper
vernier micrometer
a caliper with a vernier scale for very fine measurements
vernier scale
a small movable scale that slides along a main scale, the small scale is calibrated to indicate fractional divisions of the main scale
water gauge
water gage
water glass
gauge for indicating the level of water in e.g. a tank or boiler or reservoir
wire gauge
wire gage
gauge for measuring the diameter of wire
depth degree of psychological or intellectual profundity
gauge caliber calibre
diameter of a tube or gun barrel
gauge the thickness of wire
gauge the distance between the rails of a railway or between the wheels of a train
depth the attribute or quality of being deep, strong, or intense, the depth of his breathing, the depth of his sighs, the depth of his emotion
the extent downward or backward or inward, the depth of the water, depth of a shelf, depth of a closet
astuteness profundity
the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas
depth (usually plural) the deepest and most remote part, from the depths of darkest Africa, signals received from the depths of space
gauge boson a particle that mediates the interaction of two elementary particles
Paul Vernier
French mathematician who described the vernier scale (-)
standard of measurement
accepted or approved instance or example of a quantity or quality against which others are judged or measured or compared
depth (usually plural) a low moral state, he had sunk to the depths of addiction
gauge mix in specific proportions, gauge plaster
gauge adapt to a specified measurement, gauge the instruments
gauge measure precisely and against a standard, the wire is gauged
measure the diameter of something with calipers
guess judge
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time), I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds
gauge determine the capacity, volume, or contents of by measurement and calculation, gauge the wine barrels
gauge rub to a uniform size, gauge bricks
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