
Deutsche Tonnenhof Synonyme

Englische buoy dump; buoy yard Synonyme

buoy  Carling float  Mae West  Roman candle  aid to navigation  alarm  amber light  balefire  balsa  balsa raft  beacon  beacon fire  bear up  bell  bell buoy  blinker  blue peter  bob  boom  breeches buoy  buoy up  caution light  cork  cork jacket  ejection capsule  ejection seat  ejector seat  elevate  flare  float  float high  fog bell  fog signal  fog whistle  foghorn  glance  go light  gong buoy  green light  hearten  heliograph  high sign  hold up  international alphabet flag  international numeral pennant  keep up  kick  leer  life belt  life buoy  life jacket  life net  life preserver  life raft  life ring  life vest  lifeboat  lifeline  lift  lollipop  marker beacon  nod  nudge  parachute  parachute flare  pilot flag  poke  police whistle  pontoon  quarantine flag  radio beacon  raft  raise  red flag  red light  ride high  rocket  rubber dinghy  safety belt  sailing aid  semaphore  semaphore flag  semaphore telegraph  sign  signal  signal beacon  signal bell  signal fire  signal flag  signal gong  signal gun  signal lamp  signal light  signal mast  signal post  signal rocket  signal shot  signal siren  signal tower  siren  spar buoy  stop light  support  surfboard  sustain  the nod  the wink  touch  traffic light  traffic signal  upbear  uphold  uplift  upraise  waft  watch fire  water wings  white flag  wigwag  wigwag flag  wink  yellow flag  
buoy up  afford support  animate  back  back up  bear  bear up  bolster  bolster up  boost  brace  brighten  buoy  buttress  carry  cast up  cheer  cradle  crutch  cushion  elevate  encourage  enliven  erect  escalate  exhilarate  float  float high  give a lift  give support  gladden  hearten  heave  heft  heighten  heist  hike  hoick  hoist  hold  hold up  inspire  inspirit  invigorate  jerk up  keep afloat  keep up  knock up  lend support  levitate  lift  lift up  liven  lob  loft  mainstay  maintain  perk up  pick up  pillow  prop  raise  raise up  rear  rear up  reinforce  rejoice  rejoice the heart  ride high  rise  set up  shore  shore up  shoulder  sky  stay  stick up  subsidize  subvention  support  sustain  throw up  underbrace  undergird  underlie  underpin  underset  up  upbear  upbuoy  upcast  upheave  uphoist  uphold  upkeep  uplift  upraise  uprear  upthrow  vitalize  waft  
buoyancy  adaptability  airiness  ascent  bounce  bounciness  breeziness  bubbliness  buoyance  carefreeness  chirpiness  daintiness  debonairness  delicacy  downiness  effervescence  elasticity  ethereality  extensibility  exuberance  flexibility  floatability  fluffiness  foaminess  frothiness  gentleness  give  gossameriness  jauntiness  lack of weight  levitation  levity  light heart  lightheartedness  lightness  lightsomeness  liveliness  perkiness  pertness  rebound  resilience  resiliency  responsiveness  snap  softness  spring  springiness  stretch  stretchability  stretchiness  tenderness  tone  tonicity  tonus  unheaviness  volatility  weightlessness  yeastiness  
buoyant  adaptable  adaptive  afloat  airy  animated  blithe  bouncy  breezy  bright  carefree  cheerful  convalescent  corky  debonair  ebullient  effervescent  elastic  expansive  extensile  flexible  flexile  floatable  floating  floaty  free and easy  jaunty  light  light-hearted  lighthearted  lightsome  lively  peppy  perky  recuperative  recuperatory  resilient  responsive  reviviscent  springy  stretch  stretchable  stretchy  supernatant  vivacious  volatile  

Tonnenhof Definition

(n.) A float
(v. t.) To keep from sinking in a fluid, as in water or air
(v. t.) To support or sustain
(v. t.) To fix buoys to
(v. i.) To float
Can buoy
() See under Buoy, n.
(n.) A thick, ill-shapen piece
(v. t.) A dull, gloomy state of the mind
(v. t.) Absence of mind
(v. t.) A melancholy strain or tune in music
(v. t.) An old kind of dance.
(v. t.) To knock heavily
(v. t.) To put or throw down with more or less of violence
(n.) A car or boat for dumping refuse, etc.
(n.) A ground or place for dumping ashes, refuse, etc.
(n.) That which is dumped.
(n.) A pile of ore or rock.
(v. t.) A rope or tackle for hoisting or lowering yards, sails, flags, etc.
Main yard
() The yard on which the mainsail is extended, supported by the mainmast.
(n.) A yard or place for tilting.
(v. i.) A rod
(v. i.) A branch
(v. i.) A long piece of timber, as a rafter, etc.
(v. i.) A measure of length, equaling three feet, or thirty-six inches, being the standard of English and American measure.
(v. i.) The penis.
(v. i.) A long piece of timber, nearly cylindrical, tapering toward the ends, and designed to support and extend a square sail. A yard is usually hung by the center to the mast. See Illust. of Ship.
(n.) An inclosure
(n.) An inclosure within which any work or business is carried on
(v. t.) To confine (cattle) to the yard

buoy dump; buoy yard / buoy dumps; buoy yards Bedeutung

garage sale
yard sale
an outdoor sale of used personal or household items held on the seller's premises
breeches buoy a life buoy in the form of a ring with short breeches for support, used to transfer people from a ship
Charlestown Navy Yard the navy yard in Boston where the frigate `Constitution' is anchored
chicken yard
hen yard
chicken run
fowl run
an enclosed yard for keeping poultry
dump a place where supplies can be stored, an ammunition dump
dump truck
tipper truck
tipper lorry
tip truck
truck whose contents can be emptied without handling, the front end of the platform can be pneumatically raised so that the load is discharged by gravity
front yard the yard in front of a house, between the house and the street
holding pen
holding paddock
holding yard
a pen where livestock is temporarily confined
life buoy
life belt
life ring
a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material
main yard yard for a square mainsail
marshalling yard a railway yard in which trains are assembled and goods are loaded
navy yard
naval shipyard
a military shipyard
rope yard
workplace consisting of a long narrow path or shed where rope is made
side yard the grounds at either side of a house
yard an enclosure for animals (as chicken or livestock)
yard a long horizontal spar tapered at the end and used to support and spread a square sail or lateen
yard grounds
the enclosed land around a house or other building, it was a small house with almost no yard
yard railway yard
an area having a network of railway tracks and sidings for storage and maintenance of cars and engines
yard donkey
a winch (or system of winches) powered by an engine and used to haul logs from a stump to a landing or to a skid road
yard goods
piece goods
merchandise in the form of fabrics sold by the yard
yard marker (football) a marker indicating the yard line
yard measure
a ruler or tape that is three feet long
pump-and-dump scheme an illegal scheme for making money by manipulating stock prices, the schemer persuades other people to buy the stock and then sells it himself as soon as the price of the stock rises
core dump (computer science) dump of the contents of the chief registers in the CPU, usually used for debugging
dump (computer science) a copy of the contents of a computer storage device, sometimes used in debugging programs
dump routine a routine that writes from an internal store to some external medium
buoy brightolored, a float attached by rope to the seabed to mark channels in a harbor or underwater hazards
acoustic buoy a buoy that can be heard (at night)
bell buoy
gong buoy
a buoy with a bell on it
whistle buoy
whistling buoy
a buoy that makes a whistling noise
can can buoy a buoy with a round bottom and conical top
conical buoy
nun buoy
a buoy resembling a cone
spar buoy a buoy resembling a vertical log
Scotland Yard
New Scotland Yard
the detective department of the metropolitan police force of London
garbage dump
trash dump
rubbish dump
a piece of land where waste materials are dumped
toxic waste dump
toxic waste site
toxic dumpsite
a location where toxic wastes can be or have been disposed of (often illegally)
yard line in football, line parallel to the goal lines indicating position on the field
yard a tract of land enclosed for particular activities (sometimes paved and usually associated with buildings), they opened a repair yard on the edge of town
yard a tract of land where logs are accumulated
inmate yard bird yardbird
a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison
yard bird
a military recruit who is assigned menial tasks
yard grass
wire grass goose grass Eleusine indica
coarse annual grass having fingerlike spikes of flowers, native to Old World tropics, a naturalized weed elsewhere
asparagus bean
yard-long bean
Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis
Vigna sesquipedalis
South American bean having very long succulent pods
a coarse term for defecation, he took a shit
square yard
sq yd
a unit of area equal to one yard by one yard square
cubic yard
a unit of volume (as for sand or gravel)
a unit of length equal to feet, defined as . centimeters, originally taken to be the average length of a stride
half mile
a unit of length equal to half of mile
quarter mile
a unit of length equal to a quarter of mile
a thousand
one thousand
M K chiliad
G grand
the cardinal number that is the product ofand
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