
Deutsche Toto {m n} Synonyme

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Englische tote Synonyme

tote  add  add up  aggregate  all  be-all and end-all  bear  buck  carry  cart  cast  compute  conduct  convey  entirety  ferry  figure  fly  foot  freight  gross  haul  hump  lift  lug  manhandle  pack  pari-mutuel  pari-mutuel machine  shoulder  sum  sum total  summate  take  tale  tally  tot  tot up  total  total up  totalizer  tote up  transport  waft  whisk  whole  wing  
tote up  add up  add up to  aggregate  aggregate to  amount to  cast up  cipher up  come to  comprise  compute  contain  count up  detail  figure up  foot up  inventory  itemize  mount up to  number  recap  recapitulate  recite  reckon up  reckon up to  recount  rehearse  relate  run into  run to  score up  sum  sum up  summarize  summate  tally  tally up  tot  tot up  tot up to  total  total up  tote  tote up to  unitize  
totem  allegory  ancestral spirits  angel  animal kingdom  ashram  attendant godling  blood  body  breed  brood  caste  charactery  cipher  clan  class  colony  commonwealth  commune  community  control  conventional symbol  daemon  deme  demon  economic class  emblem  endogamous group  extended family  fairy godmother  familiar  familiar spirit  family  folk  genius  genius domus  genius loci  gens  good angel  good genius  guardian  guardian angel  guardian spirit  guide  house  household gods  iconology  ideogram  invisible helper  kind  kinship group  lares and penates  lares compitales  lares familiaris  lares permarini  lares praestites  lares viales  line  lineage  logogram  logotype  love knot  manes  matriclan  ministering angel  moiety  nation  nuclear family  numen  order  patriclan  penates  people  phratria  phratry  phyle  pictogram  plant kingdom  race  sept  settlement  social class  society  special providence  species  stem  stirps  stock  strain  subcaste  symbol  symbolic system  symbolism  symbolization  symbology  token  totem pole  tribe  tutelar god  tutelary  type  


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