
Deutsche USV : unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung {f} [electr] Synonyme


Englische UPS : uninterruptable power supply Synonyme

ups and downs  Lissajous figure  alternation  back-and-forth  chain of circumstances  chain reaction  chapter of accidents  coming and going  concatenation of events  ebb and flow  feast and famine  flux and reflux  ins and outs  reciprocation  rhythmic play  seesaw  seesawing  sine wave  teeter  teeter-totter  teeter-tottering  teetering  to-and-fro  tottering  vicious circle  vicissitudes  vicissitudes of fortune  wigwag  
upset  abash  abashed  abroad  addle  addle the wits  adrift  afflict  afflicted  afraid  agitate  agitated  agitation  ail  all up with  all-overs  amiss  angry  angst  answer  answer conclusively  anxiety  anxiety hysteria  anxiety neurosis  anxious bench  anxious concern  anxious seat  anxiousness  apprehension  apprehensive  apprehensiveness  argue down  askew  astray  at sea  awry  baffle  bafflement  balk  balking  ball up  balled-up  be lost  beat  beat up  beaten  becloud  bedazzle  befuddle  befuddlement  belied  bend  beset  bested  bewilder  bewildered  bewilderment  blast  bloodless revolution  bluster  bobbery  boil  boiling  bother  botheration  bothered  bottom side up  bouleversement  brave  brawl  breakdown  breakup  broil  brouhaha  bug  bugger up  burden  bustle  cacophony  cankerworm of care  capsizal  capsize  capsized  care  careen  cast down  cataclysm  catastrophe  chagrin  chagrined  challenge  chaos  chaotic  chapfallen  check  checkmate  churn  churn up  circumvent  clean slate  clean sweep  cloud  clueless  cockeyed  commotion  complete answer  computer revolution  concern  concernment  confound  confounded  confounding  confoundment  confront  confuse  confused  confusion  confutation  confute  confuted  conquer  conquest  contradict  contradiction  contravene  controversion  controvert  conturbation  convulse  convulsed  convulsion  counter  counteract  countermand  counterrevolution  counterwork  cross  crush  crushed  culbute  culbuter  curve  dash  dashed  daze  dazzle  debacle  debilitate  deck  defeat  defeated  deflated  defy  demolish  demolition  demoralize  demoralized  denial  denied  deny  deposal  derange  deranged  derangement  destroy  dilemma  disarrange  disarranged  disarrangement  disarray  disarticulation  disbalance  discarded  discombobulate  discombobulation  discomfit  discomfited  discomfiture  discomfort  discomforted  discompose  discomposed  discomposure  disconcert  disconcerted  disconcertedness  disconcerti  
upsetting  agitating  annoying  baffling  bewildering  bothering  bothersome  breathtaking  chafing  charged  cliff-hanging  confounding  confusing  discomposing  disconcerting  dismaying  disquieting  distracting  distressful  distressing  disturbing  electric  embarrassing  enigmatic  exciting  exhilarating  fretting  galvanic  harassing  heady  heart-expanding  heart-stirring  heart-swelling  heart-thrilling  impressive  inflammatory  intoxicating  intricate  jarring  jolting  maddening  mind-blowing  moving  mysterious  mystifying  overcoming  overmastering  overpowering  overwhelming  perplexing  perturbing  piquant  plaguing  problematic  provocative  provoking  puzzling  ravishing  soul-stirring  spirit-stirring  stimulating  stimulative  stirring  striking  suspenseful  suspensive  tantalizing  telling  thrilling  thrilly  tormenting  troublesome  troubling  unsettling  worrisome  worrying  
upshot  accomplishment  aftereffect  aftermath  answer  ascertainment  backwash  burden  by-product  clearing up  climax  completion  conclusion  consequence  consequent  core  corollary  cracking  culmination  decipherment  decoding  denouement  derivation  derivative  determination  development  disentanglement  distillate  effect  end  end result  ending  event  eventuality  eventuation  explanation  fallout  feedback  finding  finding-out  finish  fruit  gist  harvest  interpretation  issue  legacy  logical outcome  meat  offshoot  offspring  outcome  outgrowth  pith  precipitate  product  purport  reason  repercussion  resolution  resolving  result  resultant  riddling  sense  sequel  sequela  sequence  sequent  short  solution  solving  sorting out  termination  thrust  unraveling  unriddling  unscrambling  unspinning  untangling  untwisting  unweaving  wake  working  working-out  wrap-up  
upside down  a rebours  against the grain  anarchic  arsy-varsy  ass over elbows  ass-backwards  back-to-front  backwards  balled up  bollixed up  bottom side up  bottom up  by contraries  capsized  chaotic  chiastic  confused  contra  contrarily  contrariously  contrariwise  conversely  everted  fouled up  galley-west  haywire  head over heels  heels over head  helter-skelter  higgledy-piggledy  hugger-mugger  hyperbatic  in a mess  in flat opposition  inside out  introverted  invaginated  inversed  inversely  inverted  jumbled  just the opposite  mixed up  mixed-up  mucked up  muddled  nay rather  on the contrary  oppositely  otherwise  outside in  over  palindromic  per contra  quite the contrary  rather  resupinate  retroverted  reversed  scattered  screwed up  skimble-skamble  snafu  to the contrary  topsy-turvy  tout au contraire  transposed  turned around  vice versa  wrong side out  
upstage  DR  act  act as foil  appear  arrogant  backstage  barnstorm  before an audience  before the footlights  behind the scenes  big  cold-shoulder  come out  condescending  domineering  down left  down right  downstage  emote  emotionalize  get top billing  haughty  high-faluting  high-flown  high-hat  high-headed  high-nosed  hoity-toity  in the limelight  lofty  mime  not receive  off stage  on the stage  onstage  overbearing  pantomime  patronizing  patter  perform  play  play the lead  playact  proud  purse-proud  rebuff  register  repulse  sketch  snub  star  steal the show  stooge  stuck-up  superior  toplofty  tread the boards  troupe  turn away from  up left  uppish  uppity  upright  
upstairs  above  abovestairs  airward  aloft  aloof  heavenward  high  high up  in the air  in the clouds  on high  on stilts  on the peak  on tiptoe  over  overhead  skyward  straight up  tiptoe  to the zenith  up  up attic  up north  up steps  upalong  uphill  uphillward  uplong  upstream  upstreamward  uptown  upward  upwards  upwith  
upstanding  Christian  blameless  bolt upright  clean  creditable  decent  downright  erect  estimable  ethical  fair  full of integrity  good  high-minded  high-principled  highly respectable  honest  honorable  immaculate  inviolate  irreproachable  just  law-abiding  law-loving  law-revering  manly  moral  noble  principled  pure  raised  rampant  rearing  reputable  respectable  right  right-minded  righteous  spotless  stainless  stand-up  standing up  sterling  straight-up  true-dealing  true-devoted  true-disposing  true-souled  true-spirited  truehearted  unblemished  uncorrupt  uncorrupted  undefiled  unimpeachable  unspotted  unstained  unsullied  untarnished  upended  upraised  upreared  upright  uprighteous  vertical  virtuous  worthy  yeomanly  
upstart  Babbitt  Philistine  Young Turk  adventurer  arriviste  bob up  boldface  boor  bounder  bourgeois  bourgeois gentilhomme  brazenface  break water  bright young man  cad  churl  chutzpanik  clown  comer  emigrant  epicier  fledgling  float up  fly up  fountain  gate-crasher  greenhorn  groundling  gush  guttersnipe  hooligan  hussy  ill-bred fellow  immigrant  intruder  jet  jump up  leap up  looby  lout  low fellow  malapert  minx  modern  modern generation  modern man  modernist  modernizer  mucker  mushroom  name-dropper  neologism  neologist  neology  neonate  neoteric  neoterism  neoterist  new arrival  new boy  new generation  new man  newcomer  newly-rich  nobody  nouveau riche  nouveau roturier  nouveau-riche  novus homo  outsider  parvenu  parvenue  peasant  pig in clover  pop up  pretender  pup  puppy  recruit  ribald  rising generation  rocket  rookie  roturier  rough  roughneck  rowdy  ruffian  saucebox  settler  shoot up  skyrocket  slob  smart aleck  smart-ass  smarty  smarty-pants  social climber  spring up  sprout  spurt  squatter  start up  status seeker  stowaway  stripling  surface  swaggerer  tenderfoot  tufthunter  upleap  upshoot  upspear  upspring  vault up  vulgarian  vulgarist  whippersnapper  wise guy  wise-ass  would-be gentleman  yokel  
upsurge  access  accession  accretion  accrual  accruement  accumulation  addition  advance  aggrandizement  amplification  anabasis  appreciation  arise  ascend  ascension  ascent  augment  augmentation  ballooning  bloating  boom  boost  broadening  build  buildup  clamber  climb  climbing  come up  crescendo  curl upwards  development  edema  elevation  enlarge  enlargement  escalade  expand  expansion  extension  flood  fountain  gain  go up  greatening  grow up  growth  gush  gyring up  heighten  hike  increase  increment  inflation  jet  jump  leap  levitate  levitation  loom  mount  mounting  multiplication  multiply  productiveness  proliferation  raise  rear  rear up  rise  rise up  rising  rocketing up  saltation  shooting up  snowballing  soaring  spiral  spire  spout  spread  spring  spurt  stand up  surge  swarm up  sweep up  swelling  takeoff  taking off  tower  tumescence  up  upclimb  upcoming  updraft  upgang  upgo  upgoing  upgrade  upgrow  upgrowth  upheave  uphill  upleap  uplift  upping  uprisal  uprise  uprising  uprush  upshoot  upslope  upspin  upstream  upsurgence  upswarm  upsweep  upswing  uptrend  upturn  upwind  vault  wax  waxing  widening  zooming  
upsweep  anabasis  ascension  ascent  clamber  climb  climbing  cock up  elevation  escalade  fountain  gush  gyring up  increase  jet  jump  leap  levitation  mount  mounting  rise  rising  rocketing up  saltation  shooting up  slope up  soaring  spout  spring  spurt  surge  takeoff  taking off  trend upwards  turn up  upbend  upcast  upclimb  upcoming  upcurve  updraft  upgang  upgo  upgoing  upgrade  upgrowth  uphill  upleap  uplift  upping  uprisal  uprise  uprising  uprush  upshoot  upslope  upsurge  upsurgence  upswing  uptrend  upturn  vault  zooming  
upswing  Great Leap Forward  access  accession  accretion  accrual  accruement  accumulation  addition  advance  advancement  aggrandizement  amelioration  amendment  amplification  anabasis  appreciation  ascension  ascent  augmentation  ballooning  bettering  betterment  bloating  boom  boost  broadening  buildup  clamber  climb  climbing  crescendo  development  edema  elevation  enhancement  enlargement  enrichment  escalade  eugenics  euthenics  expansion  extension  flood  fountain  furtherance  gain  greatening  growth  gush  gyring up  headway  hike  improvement  increase  increment  inflation  jet  jump  leap  levitation  lift  melioration  mend  mending  mount  mounting  multiplication  pickup  preferment  productiveness  progress  progression  proliferation  promotion  raise  recovery  restoration  revival  rise  rising  rocketing up  saltation  shooting up  snowballing  soaring  spout  spread  spring  spurt  surge  swelling  takeoff  taking off  tumescence  up  upbeat  upclimb  upcoming  updraft  upgang  upgo  upgoing  upgrade  upgrowth  uphill  upleap  uplift  upping  uprisal  uprise  uprising  uprush  upshoot  upslope  upsurge  upsurgence  upsweep  uptrend  upturn  upward mobility  vault  waxing  widening  zooming  

USV : unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung {f} [electr] Definition

Horse power
() The power which a horse exerts.
Horse power
() A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers for doing work. It is the power required for the performance of work at the rate of 33,000 English units of work per minute
Horse power
() A machine worked by a horse, for driving other machinery
(n.) Same as Poor, the fish.
(n.) Ability to act, regarded as latent or inherent
(n.) Ability, regarded as put forth or exerted
(n.) Capacity of undergoing or suffering
(n.) The exercise of a faculty
(n.) The agent exercising an ability to act
(n.) A military or naval force
(n.) A large quantity
(n.) The rate at which mechanical energy is exerted or mechanical work performed, as by an engine or other machine, or an animal, working continuously
(n.) A mechanical agent
(n.) Applied force
(n.) A machine acted upon by an animal, and serving as a motor to drive other machinery
(n.) The product arising from the multiplication of a number into itself
(n.) Mental or moral ability to act
(n.) The degree to which a lens, mirror, or any optical instrument, magnifies
(n.) An authority enabling a person to dispose of an interest vested either in himself or in another person
(n.) Hence, vested authority to act in a given case
(v. t.) To fill up, or keep full
(v. t.) To serve instead of
(v. t.) To fill temporarily
(v. t.) To give
(n.) The act of supplying
(n.) That which supplies a want
(n.) Auxiliary troops or reenforcements.
(n.) The food, and the like, which meets the daily necessities of an army or other large body of men
(n.) An amount of money provided, as by Parliament or Congress, to meet the annual national expenditures
(n.) A person who fills a place for a time
(a.) Serving to contain, deliver, or regulate a supply of anything
Water power
() The power of water employed to move machinery, etc.
Water power
() A fall of water which may be used to drive machinery
Water supply
() A supply of water

UPS : uninterruptable power supply Bedeutung

accession rise to power the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne), Elizabeth's accession in
power dive a dive of an airplane that is accelerated both by gravity and by the power of the engine
power play (ice hockey) a play in which one team has a numerical advantage over the other as a result of penalties, the team was unable to capitalize on the power play
power play a play in which there is a concentration of players in one location on the field of play, they used a power play to return the kickoff
power walking a form of cardiopulmonary exercise consisting of rapid walking accompanied by vigorous swinging of the arms
power play
squeeze play squeeze
an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power, she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away
power trip (slang) a self-aggrandizing action undertaken simply for the pleasure of exercising control over other people
provision supply
the activity of supplying or providing something
building supply store
building supply house
a store where builders can purchase materials for building houses and related structures
electric meter
power meter
a meter for measuring the amount of electric power used
gear geartrain
power train
wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed, the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain
hammer power hammer a power tool for drilling rocks
point power point a wall socket
power brake a brake on an automobile that magnifies a small force applied to the brake pedal into a proportionately larger force applied to slow or stop the vehicle
power cord a cord to conduct power to an electrical appliance
power drill a power tool for drilling holes into hard materials
power line
power cable
cable used to distribute electricity
power loom a loom operated mechanically
power module module that provides power to operate other modules
power mower
motor mower
a lawn mower powered by a gasoline motor
power pack a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment
power saw
saw sawing machine
a power tool for cutting wood
power shovel
a machine for excavating
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
power steering
power-assisted steering
automotive steering where engineer power amplifies the torque applied to the steering wheel
power system
power grid
a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region
power takeoff
a device that transfers power from an engine (as in a tractor or other motor vehicle) to another piece of equipment (as to a pump or jackhammer)
power tool a tool driven by a motor
power pylon
a large vertical steel tower supporting high-tension power lines, power pylons are a favorite target for terrorists
supply chamber a mechanical device for holding something and supplying it as needed
supply closet a closet for storing supplies
supply ship
ship that usually provides supplies to other ships
water system
water supply
a facility that provides a source of water, the town debated the purification of the water supply, first you have to cut off the water
drawing power the capacity for attracting people (customers or supporters)
motive power
the power or ability to move
power hunger
status seeking
a drive to acquire power
will power
the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior
physical strength
staying power
enduring strength and energy
power of appointment authority given (in a will or deed) by a donor to a donee to appoint the beneficiaries of the donor's property
sea power naval strength
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
possession of controlling influence, the deterrent power of nuclear weapons, the power of his love saved her, his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade
legal power
(law) the right and power to interpret and apply the law, courts having jurisdiction in this district
magical ability
magical power
an ability to perform magic
lung-power the ability to speak loudly
possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done, danger heightened his powers of discrimination
flower power a counterculture of young people in the US during the s and s
power series the sum of terms containing successively higher integral powers of a variable
Stevens' law
power law
Stevens' power law
(psychophysics) the concept that the magnitude of a subjective sensation increases proportional to a power of the stimulus intensity
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