
Union Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Union f
Europäische Union f EU
European Union EU
Europäische Union f EU
European Union EU
Réunion n RE geogr.
EU : Europäische Union f
EU : European Union
Afrikanische Union f pol.
African Union
CSU : Christlich-Soziale Union
Christian Social Union
Union Jack m; britische Fahne
Union Jack
Union Jack m, britische Fahne
Union Jack
Rat der Europäischen Union pol.
Council of the European Union
Iberische Union f pol. hist.
Iberian Union
CDU : Christlich-Demokratische Union
Christian Democratic Union
Christlich-Soziale Union f CSU pol. Dt.
Christian Social Union
Saint-Denis (Hauptstadt von Réunion) geogr.
Saint-Denis (capital of Reunion)
Christlich-Soziale Union f CSU pol. Dt.
Christian Social Union
Christlich-Demokratische Union f (CDU) pol.
Christian Democratic Union
National Union of Mineworkers (Minengewerkschaft)
National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)
UdSSR : Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken
USSR : Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
Christlich-Demokratische Union f CDU pol. Dt.
Christian Democratic Union
Christlich-Demokratische Union f CDU pol. Dt.
Christian Democratic Union
Zollkodex m der Europäischen Union UZK ; Unionszollkodex m
Union Customs Code UCC
Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken UdSSR pol. hist.
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics USSR
Verbindungsbüro n
Verbindungsbüro bei der Europäischen Union
laison office
Liaison Office to the European Union
Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken UdSSR pol. hist.
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics USSR
Weltnaturschutzunion f; Internationale Union zur Bewahrung der Natur
International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN
Eurovision f (Teil der Union der Europäischen Rundfunkorganisationen)
Eurovision (part of the European Broadcasting Union)
Vereinigung f; Verbindung f; Union f; Verein m
Vereinigungen pl
Vereinigung f, Verbindung f, Union f, Verein m
Vereinigungen pl
Grundrecht n pol.
Grundrechte pl
Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union
basic right; fundamental right
basic rights; fundamental rights
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Entwicklungsgeschichte f +Gen. pol. soc.
die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Europäischen Union
evolution (of sth.)
the evolution of the European Union
feierlich, ernst adj
am feierlichsten
Feierliche Erklärung zur Europäischen Union
more solemn
most solemn
Solemn Declaration on European Union
Amtsblatt n Abl. adm.
Amtsblätter pl
im Amtsblatt bekannt gebend bekanntgebend
Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union
official gazette; official journal OJ
official gazettes; official journals
Official Journal of the European Union; EU Official Journal
Rat m; Kollegium n
Räte pl; Kollegien pl
Rat der Europäischen Union pol.
der Rat der Justiz- und Innenminister; der JI-Rat (EU) pol.
Council of the European Union
the Council of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers; the JHA Council (EU)
feierlich; ernst adj
am feierlichsten
feierliches Versprechen
Feierliche Erklärung zur Europäischen Union hist.
more solemn
most solemn
extremely solemn
solemn pledge
Solemn Declaration on the European Union
Staatsvertrag m; Vertrag m (über etw.) pol. jur.
Staatsverträge pl; Verträge pl
Vertrag über die Europäische Union
Römische Verträge
Vertrag von Paris
treaty (über etw.)
Treaty on European Union
Treaties of Rome
Treaty of Paris
Vertrag m, Staatsvertrag m
Verträge pl, Staatsverträge pl
Vertrag über die Europäische Union
unmittelbar anwendbarer Vertrag
Römische Verträge
Vertrag von Paris
Treaty on European Union
self-executing treaty
Treaties of Rome
Treaty of Paris
Abordnung f; Delegation f +Gen. bei adm.
Abordnungen pl; Delegationen pl
Handelsdelegation f
eine Delegation der europäischen Union
die Ad-hoc-Delegation des Parlaments
die polnische Delegation bei der UNO-Generalversammlung
eine Delegation führen
delegation (from to)
trade delegation
a delegation from the European Union
the Parliament's ad-hoc delegation
the Polish delegation to the UN General Assembly
to head a delegation
Abordnung f; Delegation f +Gen. bei adm.
Abordnungen pl; Delegationen pl
Handelsdelegation f
eine Delegation der europäischen Union
die Ad hoc-Delegation des Parlaments
die polnische Delegation bei der UNO-Generalversammlung
eine Delegation führen
delegation (from to)
trade delegation
a delegation from the European Union
the Parliament's ad-hoc delegation
the Polish delegation to the UN General Assembly
to head a delegation
Zusammenarbeit f; Kooperation f geh. (mit jdm. bei etw.) adm.
internationale Kooperation
interinstitutionelle Zusammenarbeit
politische Kooperation; politische Zusammenarbeit
polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit
Verwaltungszusammenarbeit f
Zusammenarbeit von Bibliotheken
die Zusammenarbeit mit den Mitgliedsstaaten of the Europäischen Union in Strafsachen
Auf gute Zusammenarbeit! (Trinkspruch)
Ich freue mich auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit!
co-operation; cooperation (with sb. in on sth.)
international cooperation
interinstitutional cooperation
political cooperation
police cooperation
administrative cooperation
co-operation of libraries; interlibrary co-operation
co-operation with the EU member states in criminal matters
(Here's) to a bright future of cooperation!; (Here's) to a successful time working together!; (Here's) to successful partnership! (toast)
I am looking forward to working with you!
Staatsvertrag m; Völkerrechtsvertrag m; (völkerrechtlicher) Vertrag m (mit zwischen jdm. über etw.) pol. jur.
Staatsverträge pl; Völkerrechtsverträge pl; Verträge pl
Beitrittsvertrag m
Garantievertrag m
Grenzvertrag m
Kollektivvertrag m
rechtssetzender Staatsvertrag; normativer völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
rechtsgeschäftlicher Völkerrechtsvertrag
(innerstaatlich) unmittelbar anwendbarer Vertrag
Vertrag, der in innerstaatliches Recht umgesetzt werden muss
Vertrag über die Europäische Union
Römische Verträge
Vertrag von Paris
Kündigung eines Staatsvertrags
einen völkerrechtlichen Vertrag ein internationales Abkommen kündigen aufkündigen
treaty; agreement under international law (with between sb. on sth.)
treaties; agreement under international laws
treaty of accession
treaty of guarantee
treaty of limits
collective treaty
law-making treaty
contractual treaty; non-law-making treaty; ordinary treaty
self-executing treaty
non-self-executing treaty
Treaty on European Union
Treaties of Rome
Treaty of Paris
withdrawal from a treaty
to denounce a treaty; to withdraw from an international agreement
Ausschuss m; Ausschuß m alt adm.
Ausschüsse pl
in einem Ausschuss sein; einem Ausschuss angehören
beratender Ausschuss
federführender Ausschuss
mitberatender Ausschuss
ständiger Ausschuss
Sanktionsausschuss m (des UNO-Sicherheitsrats)
Sportausschuss m
Verteidigungsausschuss m
Verfahren des beratenden Ausschusses
Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales
Ausschuss für Bildung Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung
Ausschuss für die Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union
Ausschuss für Ernährung Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Ausschuss für Familie Senioren Frauen und Jugend
Ausschuss für Gesundheit
Ausschuss für Kultur und Medien
Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe
Ausschuss für Tourismus
Ausschuss für Umwelt Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Ausschuss für Verkehr Bau und Stadtentwicklung
Ausschuss für Wahlprüfung Immunität und Geschäftsordnung
Wahlprüfungsausschuss m
Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Ausschuss für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Auswärtiger Ausschuss
Finanzausschuss m
Der Ausschuss tagt in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung. pol.
to be on a committee; to be a memeber of a committee; to sit on a committee; to serve on a committee
advisory committee; consultative committee
committee responsible
committee asked for an opinion
standing committee
sanctions committee (of the UN Security Council)
Sports Committee
Defence Committee
advisory committee procedure
Committee on Labour and Social Affairs
Committee on Education Research and Technology Assessment
Committee on the Affairs of the European Union
Committee on Food Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Committee on Family Affairs Senior Citizens Women and Youth
Committee on Health
Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs
Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid
Committee on Tourism
Committee on the Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Committee on Transport Building and Urban Development
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections Immunity and the Rules of Procedure
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections
Committee on Economics and Technology
Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Finance Committee
The committee meets in different configurations.
Ausschuss m adm. pol.
Ausschüsse pl
Ad-hoc-Ausschuss m adm.
beratender Ausschuss
federführender Ausschuss
Gründungsausschuss m
Kontrollausschuss m
mitberatender Ausschuss
ständiger Ausschuss
Bundestagsausschuss m
Regierungsausschuss m
Sanktionsausschuss m (des UNO-Sicherheitsrats)
Sportausschuss m
Verteidigungsausschuss m
Verfahren des beratenden Ausschusses
Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales
Ausschuss für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung
Ausschuss für die Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union
Ausschuss für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Ausschuss für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Ausschuss für Gesundheit
Ausschuss für Kultur und Medien
Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe
Ausschuss für Tourismus
Ausschuss für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Ausschuss für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung
Ausschuss für Wahlprüfung, Immunität und Geschäftsordnung
Wahlprüfungsausschuss m
Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Ausschuss für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Auswärtiger Ausschuss
Finanzausschuss m
gemeinsamer Ausschuss nach Artikel 53a des Grundgesetzes Dt.
Ausschuss zur Vorbereitung der Konferenz zur Überprüfung des Aktionsprogramms
in einem Ausschuss sein; einem Ausschuss angehören
Der Ausschuss tagt in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung.
ad hoc committee
advisory committee; consultative committee
committee responsible
founding committee
supervisory committee; control committee
committee asked for an opinion
standing committee
Bundestag Committee; German parliamentary committee
government committee; governmental commission
sanctions committee (of the UN Security Council)
Sports Committee
Defence Committee Br.; Defense Committee Am.
advisory committee procedure
Committee on Labour and Social Affairs
Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment
Committee on the Affairs of the European Union
Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Committee on Health
Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs
Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid
Committee on Tourism
Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Committee on Transport, Building and Urban Development
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections, Immunity and the Rules of Procedure
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections
Committee on Economics and Technology
Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Finance Committee
joint committee under Article 53a of the German Constitutio
preparatory committee of the review conference on the programme of action
to be on a committee; to be a member of a committee; to sit on a committee; to serve on a committee
The committee meets in different configurations.

Deutsche Union Synonyme

CDU  ÂChristlich  Demokratische  Union  Âdie  Schwarzen  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKonservative  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂUnion  
Christlich  Soziale  Union  ÂCSU  ÂKonservative  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchwarze  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂUnion  
Sowjetunion  ÂSSSR  ÂSU  ÂUdSSR  ÂUnion  der  Sozialistischen  Sowjetrepubliken  
Allianz  ÂBündnis  ÂBund  ÂFöderation  ÂKoalition  ÂKonföderation  ÂPakt  ÂSchulterschluss  ÂStaatenbund  ÂUnion  ÂVereinigung  ÂZusammenschluss  
Gesellschaft  ÂInteressengemeinschaft  ÂInteressengruppe  ÂInteressenverband  ÂLobby  ÂSeilschaft  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂUnion  ÂVerband  ÂVerbindung  ÂVerein  ÂVereinigung  
EG  (hist.)  ÂEU  ÂEuropäische  Gemeinschaft  (hist.)  ÂEuropäische  Union  ÂEWG  (hist.)  
Christlich Soziale Union  CSU  Konservative (umgangssprachlich)  Schwarze (umgangssprachlich)  Union  
credit union  Bund  Rochdale cooperative  alliance  assemblage  association  axis  band  bank  bank credit  
Union Jack  Dannebrog  Jolly Roger  Old Glory  Star-Spangled Banner  Stars and Stripes  Union Flag  and blue  banderole  banner  
union  Anschluss  Bund  Rochdale cooperative  abutment  abuttal  accompaniment  accord  accordance  addition  
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Englische union Synonyme

union  Anschluss  Bund  Rochdale cooperative  abutment  abuttal  accompaniment  accord  accordance  addition  adjoiningness  adjunct  affairs  affiliation  affinity  agape  agglomeration  agglutination  aggregation  agreement  alignment  alliance  allying  amalgamating  amalgamation  amity  ankle  anschluss  apposition  approximation  appulse  articulation  assemblage  assent  assimilation  associating  association  axis  band  bed  blend  blending  bloc  body  bond  bond of matrimony  bonds of harmony  boundary  bracketing  bridebed  brotherhood  brotherly love  butt  cabal  cahoots  caritas  cartel  cement of friendship  centralization  cervix  charity  chorus  circle  clinch  closeness  closure  club  clustering  co-working  coaction  coadunation  coalescence  coalition  cohabitation  coherence  coincidence  collaboration  colleagueship  collectivity  college  collegialism  collegiality  collusion  combination  combine  combined effort  combining  combo  common market  communication  communion  community  community of interests  compatibility  composition  comradeship  concatenation  concert  concerted action  concomitance  concord  concordance  concourse  concurrence  confederacy  confederating  confederation  confluence  conformance  conformation  conformity  confraternity  congeniality  congeries  conglomeration  congress  congruence  congruency  congruity  conjoining  conjugal bond  conjugal knot  conjugation  conjunction  connectedness  connecting link  connecting rod  connection  consilience  consistency  consolidation  consonance  consort  consortium  conspiracy  consumer cooperative  conterminousness  contiguity  contrariety  convergence  cooperation  cooperative  cooperative society  copartnership  copartnery  copulation  corps  correspondence  coterminousness  council  coupling  coverture  credit union  customs union  dealings  deduction  disjunction  dovetail  economic community  ecumenism  elbow  embodiment  embrace  empathy  encompassment  enosis  eq  
Union Jack  Dannebrog  Jolly Roger  Old Glory  Star-Spangled Banner  Stars and Stripes  Union Flag  and blue  banderole  banner  banneret  black flag  blue ensign  bunting  burgee  coachwhip  colors  ensign  flag  gonfalon  gonfanon  guidon  house flag  jack  long pennant  merchant flag  national flag  oriflamme  pennant  pennon  pennoncel  red  red ensign  royal standard  signal flag  standard  streamer  swallowtail  tricolor  vexillum  white  
unionize  affiliate  ally  associate  band together  be in cahoots  bunch  bunch up  cabal  cement a union  centralize  club  club together  come together  confederate  consociate  conspire  couple  federalize  federate  gang  gang up  go in partners  go in partnership  hook up with  join forces  join fortunes with  join together  join up with  join with  league  marry  organize  pair  pair off  partner  stand together  stand up with  team up with  team with  throw in with  tie in with  tie up with  unite with  wed  

Union Definition

Art union
() An association for promoting art (esp. the arts of design), and giving encouragement to artists.
trades union
() Alt. of Trade union
Trade union
() An organized combination among workmen for the purpose of maintaining their rights, privileges, and interests with respect to wages, hours of labor, customs, etc.
(n.) The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one, or the state of being united or joined
(n.) Agreement and conjunction of mind, spirit, will, affections, or the like
(n.) That which is united, or made one
(n.) A textile fabric composed of two or more materials, as cotton, silk, wool, etc., woven together.
(n.) A large, fine pearl.
(n.) A device emblematic of union, used on a national flag or ensign, sometimes, as in the military standard of Great Britain, covering the whole field
(n.) A joint or other connection uniting parts of machinery, or the like, as the elastic pipe of a tender connecting it with the feed pipe of a locomotive engine
(n.) A cask suspended on trunnions, in which fermentation is carried on.

union Bedeutung

conjugation jointure
the act of making or becoming a single unit, the union of opposing factions, he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays
union sexual union
the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes, the casual couplings of adolescents, the mating of some species occurs only in the spring
Cooper Union
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
university founded in by Peter Cooper to offer free courses in the arts and sciences
long underwear
union suit
an undergarment with shirt and drawers in one piece
student union a building on a college campus dedicated to social and organizational activities of the student body
union a device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner)
Union Jack
Union flag
national flag of the United Kingdom
union card a card certifying membership in a labor union
union the occurrence of a uniting of separate parts, lightning produced an unusual union of the metals
union sum join a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets, let C be the union of the sets A and B
European Union
European Community
European Economic Community
Common Market
an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members, he tried to take Britain into the Europen Union
Pan American Union the administrative agency of the Organization of American States
union labor union
trade union
trades union
an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer, you have to join the union in order to get a job
industrial union
vertical union
a labor union that admits all workers in a given industry irrespective of their craft
Teamsters Union an industrial union of truck drivers and chauffeurs and warehouse workers
craft union a labor union whose membership is restricted to workers in a particular craft
credit union a cooperative depository financial institution whose members can obtain loans from their combined savings
company union a union of workers for a single company, a union not affiliated with a larger union
union shop a company allowed to hire nonunion workers on the condition that they will join the union within a specified time
Constitutional Union Party a former political party in the United States, formed in by former Whigs who hoped to preserve the Union
union a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations, the Soviet Union
customs union an association of nations to promote free trade within the union and set common tariffs for nations that are not members
Union Army the northern army during the American Civil War
labor movement
trade union movement
an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement
Union of Burma
a mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal, much opium is grown in Myanmar
Serbia and Montenegro
Union of Serbia and Montenegro
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
a mountainous republic in southeastern Europe bordering on the Adriatic Sea, formed from two of the six republics that made up Yugoslavia until , Serbia and Montenegro were known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia until when they adopted the name of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro
Soviet Union
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
a former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia, established in , included Russia and other soviet socialist republics (Ukraine and Byelorussia and others), officially dissolved December
the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War), he has visited every state in the Union, Lee hoped to detach Maryland from the Union, the North's superior resources turned the scale
Federal Federal soldier
Union soldier
a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War
trade unionist
union member
a worker who belongs to a trade union
union representative a representative for a labor union
healing process involving the growing together of the edges of a wound or the growing together of broken bones
union spousal relationship
the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce), a long and happy marriage, God bless this union
civil union a voluntary union for life (or until divorce) of adult parties of the same sex, parties to a civil union have all the same benefits, protections, and responsibilities under Vermont law as spouses in a marriage
the state of being joined or united or linked, there is strength in union
being of or having to do with the northern United States and those loyal to the Union during the American Civil War, Union soldiers, Federal forces, a Federal infantryman
union of trade unions, the union movement, union negotiations, a union-shop clause in the contract
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