
Deutsche Urstromtal {n} [geol] Synonyme


Englische Pleistocene watercourse; icemarginal valley; glacial spillway; glacial stream channel Synonyme

Urstromtal {n} [geol] Definition

(n.) The hollow bed where a stream of water runs or may run.
(n.) The deeper part of a river, harbor, strait, etc., where the main current flows, or which affords the best and safest passage for vessels.
(n.) A strait, or narrow sea, between two portions of lands
(n.) That through which anything passes
(n.) A gutter
(n.) Flat ledges of heavy plank bolted edgewise to the outside of a vessel, to increase the spread of the shrouds and carry them clear of the bulwarks.
(v. t.) To form a channel in
(v. t.) To course through or over, as in a channel.
(a.) Pertaining to ice or to its action
(a.) Resembling ice
(a.) Of or pertaining to the epoch, or the deposits, following the Tertiary, and immediately preceding man.
(n.) The Pleistocene epoch, or deposits.
(n.) A sluiceway or passage for superfluous water in a reservoir, to prevent too great pressure on the dam.
(n.) A current of water or other fluid
(n.) A beam or ray of light.
(n.) Anything issuing or moving with continued succession of parts
(n.) A continued current or course
(n.) Current
(v. i.) To issue or flow in a stream
(v. i.) To pour out, or emit, a stream or streams.
(v. i.) To issue in a stream of light
(v. i.) To extend
(v. t.) To send forth in a current or stream
(v. t.) To mark with colors or embroidery in long tracts.
(v. t.) To unfurl.
(n.) The space inclosed between ranges of hills or mountains
(n.) The place of meeting of two slopes of a roof, which have their plates running in different directions, and form on the plan a reentrant angle.
(n.) The depression formed by the meeting of two slopes on a flat roof.

Pleistocene watercourse; icemarginal valley; glacial spillway; glacial stream channel Bedeutung

the act of flowing or streaming, continuous progression
distribution channel
a way of selling a company's product either directly or via distributors, possible distribution channels are wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct mailers or your own stores
valley pocket gopher
Thomomys bottae
of valleys and mountain meadows of western United States
channel catfish
channel cat
Ictalurus punctatus
freshwater food fish common throughout central United States
blue catfish
blue cat
blue channel catfish
blue channel cat
a large catfish of the Mississippi valley
red drum
channel bass
redfish Sciaenops ocellatus
large edible fish found off coast of United States from Massachusetts to Mexico
channel a passage for water (or other fluids) to flow through, the fields were crossed with irrigation channels, gutters carried off the rainwater into a series of channels under the street
channel television channel
TV channel
a television station and its programs, a satellite TV channel, surfing through the channels, they offer more than one hundred channels
Channel Tunnel
the railroad tunnel between France and England under the English Channel
industrial watercourse a canal that is operated by one or more industries
a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction
a conduit through which water flows
epithelial duct
a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance, the tear duct was obstructed, the alimentary canal, poison is released through a channel in the snake's fangs
blood stream
the blood flowing through the circulatory system
stream of consciousness the continuous flow of ideas and feelings that constitute an individual's conscious experience
transmission channel
a path over which electrical signals can pass, a channel is typically what you rent from a telephone company
channel communication channel
(often plural) a means of communication or access, it must go through official channels, lines of communication were set up between the two firms
back channel an alternative to the regular channels of communication that is used when agreements must be made secretly (especially in diplomacy or government), they negotiated via a back channel
stream of consciousness a literary genre that reveals a character's thoughts and feeling as they develop by means of a long soliloquy
a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes), the raft floated downstream on the current, he felt a stream of air, the hose ejected a stream of water
violent stream
a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid), the houses were swept away in the torrent
dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas, two streams of development run through American history, stream of consciousness, the flow of thought, the current of history
Channel Islands National Park a national park in California featuring sea birds and marine life
Kobuk Valley National Park a national park in Alaska having mountains and forests and tundra and sand dunes and archeological sites
Ruhr Valley
a major industrial and coal mining region in the valley of the Ruhr river in northwestern Germany
Channel Island any of a group of British islands in the English Channel off the northern coast of France
Sun Valley a winter sports resort in south central Idaho
Silicon Valley a region in California to the south of San Francisco that is noted for its concentration of high-technology industries
Death Valley a desert area that is part of the Mojave Desert in eastern California and southwestern Nevada, contains the lowest point in North America
Bristol Channel an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean between southern Wales and southwestern England
channel a deep and relatively narrow body of water (as in a river or a harbor or a strait linking two larger bodies) that allows the best passage for vessels, the ship went aground in the channel
English Channel an arm of the Atlantic Ocean that forms a channel between France and Britain
glacial boulder a boulder that has been carried by a glacier to a place far distant from its place of origin
Great Rift Valley ( geology) a depression in southwestern Asia and eastern Africa, extends from the valley of the Jordan River to Mozambique, marked by geological faults
Loire Valley the valley of the Loire River where many French wines originated
Mozambique Channel an arm of the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and southeastern Africa
North Channel a strait between Northern Ireland and Scotland that connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea
rift valley a valley with steep sides, formed by a rift in the earth's crust
San Fernando Valley a fertile valley in southern California to the north of Los Angeles, includes many residential communities
San Joaquin Valley a vast valley in central California known for its rich farmland
Shenandoah Valley a large valley between the Allegheny Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains in northern Virginia, site of numerous battles during the American Civil War
a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth
tidal river
tidewater river
tidal stream
tidewater stream
a stream in which the effects of the tide extend far upstream
a long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river
watercourse natural or artificial channel through which water flows
valley girl a girl who grew up in the tract housing in the San Fernando Valley
jet stream a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing from west to east near the top of the troposphere, has important effects of the formation of weather fronts
Gulf stream a warm ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico northward through the Atlantic Ocean
meteor shower
meteor stream
a transient shower of meteors when a meteor swarm enters the earth's atmosphere
stream orchid
giant helleborine
Epipactis gigantea
orchid growing along streams or ponds of western North America having leafy stems and greenish-brown and pinkish flower in the axil of each upper leaf
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