
Vermessungsschiff Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Vermessungsschiff n naut.
Vermessungsschiffe pl
survey ship
survey ships
Vermessungsschiff n naut.
Vermessungsschiffe pl
survey ship
survey ships
Erhebung, Vermessung, erheben, vermessen
Anthropometrie f, Lehre von der Vermessung des menschlichen Körpers
Bathymetrie f, Vermessung der topographischen Gestalt der Meeresböden geol. phys.
Bezugspunkt m (Vermessung)
datum point
Festpunkt m, Höhenfestpunkt m (Vermessung)
amtlicher Höhenfestpunkt
örtlicher Höhenfestpunkt
ordnance datum
site datum
Gon n, Neugrad n (Vermessung)
gradian, centesimal degree
Messung f, Vermessung f
Messungen pl, Vermessungen pl
Normalnull n (Vermessung)
datum line
Orthogonalmethode f (Vermessung)
offset planning
Rückblick m (Vermessung)
Triangulation f (Vermessung)
triangulation (surveying)
Vermessung f, Landvermessung f, Absteckung f, Erkundung f
fotogrammetrische Vermessung
survey, surveying
photogrammetric survey
Vorblick m (Vermessung)
Zwischenblick m (Vermessung)
intermediate sight
Anthropometrie f; Lehre von der Vermessung des menschlichen Körpers
Aufnahme f (von etw.) (kartografische Vermessung)
Geländeaufnahme f; Feldbegehung f; Oberflächenbegehung f (Archäologie)
bauliche Aufnahme
geologische Aufnahme
topografische Aufnahme von etw.
Aufnahme eines Bergwerks; markscheiderische Aufnahme
survey (of sth.) (mapping)
survey of the ground
survey of the buildings and site
geological survey
topographic survey of sth.
survey of a mine
Bathymetrie f; Vermessung des Meeresbodens geol.
konsistente digitale Bathymetrie
consistent digital bathymetry
Datum m; Festpunkt m (Bezugspunkt für die Vermessung eines Landes)
Höhenfestpunkt m HFP ; Höhenmarke f
Datumspunkt m; Bezugspunkt m
Lagefestpunkt m LFP
Normalhorizont m; wahrer Horizont
Normalnull (n); amtlicher (Höhen-) Festpunkt
Normalnull (n) für Großbritannien (mittlerer Meeresspiegel bei Newlyn Cornwall)
lokaler (Höhen-) Festpunkt
datum point of altitude; elevation mark
datum point; datum mark
datum point of position
datum surface; true level
ordnance datum Br.
Ordnance Datum Br. (mean sea level near Newlyn Cornwall)
site datum
Gon n; Neugrad n (Vermessung)
gradian; centesimal degree
Kampimetrie f; Vermessung Bestimmung des Gesichtsfeldes; Gesichtsfeldvermessung f med.
campimetry; visual field examination
Landvermessung f; Vermessung f
amtliche Landvermessung
fotogrammetrische Vermessung
geologischer Dienst
land survey; surveying of land; land surveying; surveying
ordnance survey; ordnance surveying OS Br.
photogrammetric survey
geological survey
Messung f; Vermessung f
Messungen pl; Vermessungen pl
Echtzeitmessung f
real-time measurement
Messung f; Vermessung f
Messungen pl; Vermessungen pl
Nivelliergerät n; Nivellierinstrument n; Nivellier n (Messgerät zur Bestimmung von Höhenunterschieden) (Vermessung)
Nivelliergeräte pl; Nivellierinstrumente pl; Nivellier pl
leveling instrument; automatic level; auto level; dumpy level (surveying)
leveling instruments; automatic levels; levels; dumpy levels
Normalnull n; Normal-Null n (Vermessung)
datum line; datum level
Triangulation f; Triangulierung f (Vermessung)
triangulation (surveying)
Vermessung f; Messen n (von etw.) (Vorgang)
die Messung der Eigenschwingung
die genaue Messung der Körpertemperatur
Die Messung dieser Eigenschaften wurde an fünf Proben vorgenommen durchgeführt.
measurement (of sth.)
the measurement of the natural frequency
the accurate measurement of body temperature
The measurement of these properties was performed carried out on five samples.
Polygonzug m (Mittel zur Vermessung)
Aufnahme f (von etw.) (kartografische Vermessung)
bauliche Aufnahme; Aufnahme der Bausubstanz; Bauaufnahme f
Geländeaufnahme f; Feldbegehung f; Oberflächenbegehung f (Archäologie)
geologische Aufnahme
topografische Aufnahme von etw.
Aufnahme eines Bergwerks; markscheiderische Aufnahme
survey (of sth.) (mapping)
survey of the building(s) and site; building survey; survey of the structure; full structural survey
survey of the ground
geological survey
topographic survey of sth.
survey of a mine
Datum n; Festpunkt m (Bezugspunkt für die Vermessung eines Landes)
Höhenfestpunkt m HFP ; Höhenmarke f
Datumspunkt m; Bezugspunkt m
Lagefestpunkt m LFP
Normalhorizont m; wahrer Horizont
Normalnull (n); amtlicher (Höhen-) Festpunkt
Normalnull (n) für Großbritannien (mittlerer Meeresspiegel bei Newlyn, Cornwall)
lokaler (Höhen-) Festpunkt
datum point of altitude; elevation mark
datum point; datum mark
datum point of position
datum surface; true level
ordnance datum Br.
Ordnance Datum Br. (mean sea level near Newlyn, Cornwall)
site datum
Dreiecksvermessung f; Dreiecksaufnahme f; Triangulierung f; Triangulation f (Vermessung)
triangulation (surveying)
Landvermessung f; Vermessung f
amtliche Landvermessung
fotogrammetrische Vermessung
geologischer Dienst
land survey; surveying of land; land surveying; surveying
ordnance survey; ordnance surveying OS Br.
photogrammetric survey
geological survey
Messsucherkamera f (Vermessung, Navigation) photo. techn.
Messsucherkameras pl
rangefinder camera (surveying, naviagion)
rangefinder cameras
Messung f; Vermessung f
Messungen pl; Vermessungen pl
Echtzeitmessung f
Einzelmessung f
real-time measurement
single measurement; individual measurement
hydrografisch; hydrographisch adj geogr. naut.
hydrografische Vermessungen
Internationale hydrographische Organisation
hydrographic surveys
International Hydrographic Organization IHO
hydrografisch; hydrographisch adj geogr. naut.
hydrografische Vermessungen
Internationale hydrographische Organisation
hydrographic surveys
International Hydrographic Organization IHO
Vermessungsamt n
land surveying office
land surveying office
Vermessungsamt n adm.
land surveying office
Vermessungsarbeiten pl
survey activity
Vermessungsingenieur m; Vermessungsingenieurin f
Vermessungsingenieure pl; Vermessungsingenieurinnen pl
geodetic engineer
geodetic engineers
Vermessungskompass m; Zirkumferentor m (Vermessungswesen)
surveyor's compass; circumferentor (surveying)
Vermessungskunde f
Vermessungsmarke f (Vermessungswesen)
Vermessungsmarken pl
survey marker; survey mark; geodetic mark (surveying)
survey markers; survey marks; geodetic marks
Vermessungsnetz n; Triangulationsnetz n (Vermessungswesen)
triangulation network (surveying)
Vermessungspunkt m
triangulation station
Vermessungspunkt m
Vermessungspunkte pl
triangulation station
triangulation stations
Vermessungsschiff n naut.
Vermessungsschiffe pl
survey ship
survey ships
Vermessungstrupp m
Vermessungstrupps pl
survey party; surveying party
survey parties; surveying parties
Affinauswertung f (Photogramm) (Vermessungswesen)
affine plotting (surveying)
Einvisieren n nach Richtung und Höhe (Vermessungswesen)
boning-in (surveying)
Fluchtstab m; Fluchtstange f; Mire f; Jalon m (Vermessungswesen)
Fluchtstäbe pl; Fluchtstangen pl; Miren pl; Jalons pl
range pole rod; ranging pole rod (surveying)
range poles rods; ranging poles rods
Gradbogen m; Limbus m (Vermessungswesen)
graduated arc; limb (surveying)
Höhenkote f; Kote f (Vermessungswesen)
altitude; elevation (surveying)
Höhenschichtlinie f; Höhenlinie f; Schichtlinie f; Gefälllinie f; Niveaulinie f; Isohypse f (Vermessungswesen Kartografie)
Höhenschichtlinien pl; Höhenlinien pl; Schichtlinien pl; Gefälllinien pl; Niveaulinien pl; Isohypsen pl
mit Höhenlinien versehen
contour line; contour gradient; surface contour line; topographic contour (line); contour; isohypsometric line; isohypse; isoheight (surveying map making)
contour lines; contour gradients; surface contour lines; topographic contours; contours; isohypsometric lines; isohypses; isoheights
to contour
Kettenlänge f; Kettenzug m (Vermessungswesen)
length of the chain (surveying)
Kotentafel f (Vermessungswesen)
hypsometric tables (surveying)
Messrad n (Vermessungswesen)
ambulator (surveying)
Querprofil n; Profil n (Vermessungswesen)
lateral section (surveying)
Spiegelkreuz n; Winkelspiegel m (Vermessungswesen)
Spiegelkreuze pl; Winkelspiegel pl
optical square (surveying)
optical squares
Tachymetertheodolit m (Vermessungswesen)
transit instrument; transit (surveying)
Trassieren n; Trassierung f; Trassenführung f; Linienführung f (Straße; Bahn; Vermessungswesen) constr.
gute Linienführung
routing; laying out; layout (of the line); aligning; alignment (road railway surveying)
good alignment
Umschlagen n des Fernrohrs (Vermessungswesen)
rotation transit of the telescope (surveying)
Wassertiefenlinie f; Tiefenlinie f; Linie f gleicher Wassertiefe; Isobathe f (Vermessungswesen)
depth curve; fathom curve; depth contour; subsurface contour; bottom contour line; isobath (surveying)
Winkelhalbiergerät n (Vermessungswesen)
angle bisector (surveying)
Winkelmesser m (Vermessungswesen)
Winkelmesser pl
graphometer circle; graphometer (surveying)
graphometer circles; graphometers
Winkelspiegel m (Optik; Vermessungswesen)
Winkelspiegel pl
corner reflector (optics; surveying)
corner reflectors
etw. abpflocken; etw. mit Pflöcken abstecken; etw. trassieren v (Vermessungswesen)
abpflockend; mit Pflöcken absteckend; trassierend
abgepflockt; mit Pflöcken abgesteckt; trassiert
to stake out off sth.; to peg out sth.; to set out sth. with poles
staking out off; pegging out; setting out with poles
staked out off; pegged out; set out with poles
etw. abstecken; markieren; trassieren v (Vermessungswesen)
absteckend; markierend; trassierend
abgesteckt; markiert; trassiert
to mark out sth. (surveying)
marking out
marked out

Deutsche Vermessungsschiff Synonyme


Englische survey ship Synonyme

survey  abbreviation  abbreviature  abrege  abridgment  abstract  analysis  appraisal  appraise  appraisement  appreciate  approximation  article  assay  assemblage  assembly  assess  assessment  assize  assizement  audit  autopsy  boss  brief  calculate  calculation  calibrate  caliper  call-up  canvass  capsule  causerie  census  chaperon  check  check a parameter  check out  check over  check up  check up on  collection  colligation  collocation  combination  command  comment upon  comparison  compend  computation  compute  con  concourse  concurrence  condensation  condensed version  conduct a poll  confluence  conflux  congregation  conspectus  consumer research  consumer-preference survey  contemplate  contemplation  convergence  corralling  correction  criticize  data-gathering  deal with  descant  determination  dial  digest  discourse  discuss  discussion  disquisition  dissert  dissertate  dissertation  divide  domination  draft  enquiry  epitome  essay  estimate  estimation  etude  evaluate  evaluation  examination  examine  excursus  exposition  eye  eyeball inspection  eyereach  eyeshot  eyesight  fathom  feature  field of view  field of vision  first approach  gathering  gauge  gauging  give an examination  give the eye  give the once-over  go into  go over  graduate  handle  hard look  head  homily  horizon  ingathering  inquire into  inquiry  inspect  inspection  instrumentation  introductory study  inventory  investigate  investigation  junction  juxtaposition  ken  leer  leer at  limit of vision  line of sight  look at  look into  look over  lucubration  make a survey  measure  measurement  measuring  memoir  mensurate  mensuration  mete  meter  metric system  mobilization  monitor  monograph  morceau  muster  naked eye  note  observe  ocular inspection  ogle  ogle at  opinion poll  outline  outlook  outlook over  overhaul  overhauling  overlook  oversee  overview  pace  pandect  paper  paragraph  pass over  pass under review  peer at  perlustratio  
surveying  altimetry  appraisal  appraisement  approximation  assessment  assize  assizement  bathymetry  biometrics  biometry  cadastration  calculation  cartography  chorography  computation  correction  craniometry  determination  estimate  estimation  evaluation  gauging  geodesy  geodetic satellite  geodetics  geography  goniometry  hypsography  hypsometry  instrumentation  measure  measurement  measuring  mensuration  metric system  metrology  navigation  oceanography  orbiting geophysical observatory  planimetry  psychometrics  psychometry  quantification  quantization  rating  stereometry  survey  telemetering  telemetry  topography  triangulation  valuation  
surveyor  Big Brother  appraiser  assayer  assessor  auditor  boatswain  boss  cartographer  chief  chorographer  comptroller  controller  estimator  evaluator  floor manager  floorman  floorwalker  foreman  gaffer  ganger  gauger  geodesist  head  headman  inspector  land surveyor  measurer  meter  monitor  noncommissioned officer  oceanographer  overman  overseer  proctor  sirdar  slave driver  straw boss  subforeman  super  superintendent  supervisor  taskmaster  topographer  valuator  valuer  visitor  

Vermessungsschiff Definition

(n.) The state of privilege of a burgess.
(n.) The office of a gauger.
(n.) The state of being a high-churchman.
(n.) The character, personality, or office of a hostess.
(n.) A vessel carrying at the masthead a brilliant light, and moored off a shoal or place of dangerous navigation as a guide for mariners.
(n.) An old name for a pilot boat.
(n.) A part of the log. See Log-chip, and 2d Log, n., 2.
(n.) A suffix denoting state, office, dignity, profession, or art
(n.) Pay
(n.) Any large seagoing vessel.
(n.) Specifically, a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts (a mainmast, a foremast, and a mizzenmast), each of which is composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, and square-rigged on all masts. See Illustation in Appendix.
(n.) A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense.
(v. t.) To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation
(v. t.) By extension, in commercial usage, to commit to any conveyance for transportation to a distance
(v. t.) Hence, to send away
(v. t.) To engage or secure for service on board of a ship
(v. t.) To receive on board ship
(v. t.) To put in its place
(v. i.) To engage to serve on board of a vessel
(v. i.) To embark on a ship.
(a.) Rigged like a ship, that is, having three masts, each with square sails.
(v. t.) To inspect, or take a view of
(v. t.) To view with a scrutinizing eye
(v. t.) To examine with reference to condition, situation, value, etc.
(v. t.) To determine the form, extent, position, etc., of, as a tract of land, a coast, harbor, or the like, by means of linear and angular measurments, and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry
(v. t.) To examine and ascertain, as the boundaries and royalties of a manor, the tenure of the tenants, and the rent and value of the same.
(n.) The act of surveying
(n.) A particular view
(n.) The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of, as any part of the earth's surface, whether land or water

survey ship / survey ships Bedeutung

survey study a detailed critical inspection
survey sight
the act of looking or seeing or observing, he tried to get a better view of it, his survey of the battlefield was limited
ship building
the construction of ships
exploratory survey
exploring in order to gain information, scouting in enemy territory is very dangerous
abandoned ship
a ship abandoned on the high seas
merchant ship
a cargo ship, they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms
capital ship a warship of the first rank in size and armament
cargo ship
cargo vessel
a ship designed to carry cargo
clipper clipper ship a fast sailing ship used in former times
container ship
container vessel
a cargo ship designed to hold containerized cargoes, the weight of the documentation of all the consignments on board a contemporary container ship can exceedpounds
cruise ship
cruise liner
a passenger ship used commercially for pleasure cruises
factory ship a whaling ship equipped to process whale products at sea
fire ship a weapon consisting of a ship carrying explosives that is set adrift to destroy enemy ships
ship's galley
caboose cookhouse
the area for food preparation on a ship
gas-turbine ship a ship powered by a gas turbine
guard ship a warship (at anchor or under way) required to maintain a higher degree of readiness than others in its squadron
hospital ship a ship built to serve as a hospital, used for wounded in wartime
Liberty ship a slow cargo ship built during World War II
ship of the line
a warship intended for combat
nuclear-powered ship ship whose motive power comes from the energy of a nuclear reactor
oil tanker
tank ship
a cargo ship designed to carry crude oil in bulk
passenger ship a ship built to carry passengers
patrol boat
patrol ship
a vessel assigned to patrol an area
picket ship a ship serving as a picket
pirate ship
a ship that is manned by pirates
sailing vessel
sailing ship
a vessel that is powered by the wind, often having several masts
school ship
training ship
a ship used to train students as sailors
sea lane
ship route
trade route
a lane at sea that is a regularly used route for vessels
ship r a vessel that carries passengers or freight
ship canal
a canal large enough for seagoing vessels
cargo ships
merchant marine
merchant vessels
conveyance provided by the ships belonging to one country or industry
ship-towed longange acoustic detection system a shipboard system consisting of an acoustic detection system that is towed behind the ship
sister ship a ship that is one of two or more similar ships built at the same time
slave ship a ship used to transport slaves from their homes to places of bondage
small ship a ship that is small
surface ship a warship that operates on the surface of the water
supply ship
ship that usually provides supplies to other ships
tender ship's boat
a boat for communication between ship and shore
transport ship a ship for carrying soldiers or military equipment
treasure ship a thentury ship loaded with treasure
war vessel
combat ship
a government ship that is available for waging war
weather ship an oceangoing vessel equipped to make meteorological observations
whaling ship
a ship engaged in whale fishing
short descriptive summary (of events)
ship's papers official papers which a ship is legally required to have, related to ownership, cargo, etc.
pilot biscuit
pilot bread
sea biscuit
ship biscuit
very hard unsalted biscuit or bread, a former ship's staple
Ordnance Survey the official cartography agency of the British government
ship's company
crew of a ship including the officers, the whole force or personnel of a ship
officer ship's officer a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel, he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines
ship-breaker a contractor who buys old ships and breaks them up for scrap
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