
Deutsche Vexierspiegel Synonyme

Englische distorting mirror Synonyme

Vexierspiegel Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Distort
(n.) A looking-glass or a speculum
(n.) That which gives a true representation, or in which a true image may be seen
(n.) See Speculum.
(v. t.) To reflect, as in a mirror.

distorting mirror Bedeutung

mirror carp domestic carp with some large shining scales
car mirror a mirror that the driver of a car can use
hand glass hand mirror a mirror intended to be held in the hand
mirror polished surface that forms images by reflecting light
outside mirror car mirror that reflects the view at side and behind car
parabolic mirror a parabolic reflector for light radiation
pier glass
pier mirror
a large mirror between two windows
rearview mirror car mirror that reflects the view out of the rear window
mirror image
reflection reflexion
a likeness in which left and right are reversed
mirror a faithful depiction or reflection, the best mirror is an old friend
conservation of parity
spaceeflection symmetry
mirror symmetry
(physics) parity is conserved in a universe in which the laws of physics are the same in a right-handed system of coordinates as in a left-handed system
mirror-image relation
the relation of opposition between crystals or molecules that are reflections of one another
mirror reflect or resemble, The plane crash in Milan mirrored the attack in the World Trade Center
mirror reflect as if in a mirror, The smallest pond at night mirrors the firmament above
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