
Deutsche Volksetymologie Synonyme

Englische folk etymology Synonyme

folk  Everyman  John Doe  Public  acknowledged  admitted  animal kingdom  blood  body politic  breed  brood  citizenry  clan  class  common man  commonwealth  community  community at large  constituency  conventional  cultural community  customary  deme  dwellers  established  estate  ethnic group  everybody  everyman  everyone  everywoman  family  fixed  folks  general public  gens  gentry  habitancy  hallowed  handed down  heroic  hoary  house  household  immemorial  inhabitants  inveterate  kind  kindred  legendary  line  lineage  linguistic community  long-established  long-standing  matriclan  men  menage  mythological  nation  nationality  of long standing  of the folk  oral  order  patriclan  people  people at large  people in general  persons  phratry  phyle  plant kingdom  polity  populace  population  prescriptive  public  race  received  recognized  rooted  sept  society  species  speech community  state  stem  stirps  stock  strain  time-honored  totem  traditional  tribe  tried and true  true-blue  understood  unwritten  venerable  whole people  world  worshipful  you and me  
folk hero  big name  celebrity  constellation  cynosure  figure  galaxy  great man  hero  heroine  idol  immortal  important person  lion  luminaries  luminary  man of mark  master spirit  name  notability  notable  person of note  personage  pleiad  pop hero  popular hero  popular idol  public figure  social lion  somebody  star  superstar  worthy  
folk singer  ballad singer  balladeer  bard  fili  folk-rock singer  gleeman  jongleur  minnesinger  minstrel  rhapsode  rhapsodist  scop  serenader  street singer  strolling minstrel  troubadour  trovatore  wait  wandering minstrel  
folklore  Mishnah  Spiritus Mundi  Sunna  Talmud  ancient wisdom  archetypal myth  archetypal pattern  charm  common law  custom  fairy lore  fairyism  folk motif  folktale  immemorial usage  legend  lore  myth  mythical lore  mythicism  mythology  mythos  popular belief  racial memory  spell  superstition  superstitiousness  tradition  traditionalism  traditionality  
folks  agnate  ancestry  blood  blood relation  blood relative  brood  children  clansman  cognate  collateral  collateral relative  connections  consanguinean  distaff side  distant relation  enate  family  flesh  flesh and blood  german  get  hearth  homefolks  house  household  issue  kin  kindred  kinfolk  kinnery  kinsfolk  kinsman  kinsmen  kinswoman  kith and kin  menage  near relation  next of kin  offspring  people  posterity  relations  relatives  sib  sibling  spear kin  spear side  spindle kin  spindle side  sword side  tribesman  uterine kin  
folksiness  Bohemianism  affability  casualness  common touch  cordiality  ease  easiness  easygoingness  familiarity  graciousness  homeliness  homeyness  informality  informalness  irregularity  looseness  naturalness  offhandedness  plainness  relaxedness  simplicity  sociability  unaffectedness  unceremoniousness  unconstrainedness  unconstraint  unconventionality  unpretentiousness  
folksy  Bohemian  affable  casual  cordial  degage  easy  easygoing  familiar  free and easy  gracious  haymish  homely  homey  informal  irregular  loose  natural  offhand  offhanded  plain  relaxed  simple  sociable  unaffected  unassuming  unceremonious  unconstrained  unconventional  unofficial  unstudied  
folktale  Marchen  Mishnah  Spiritus Mundi  Sunna  Talmud  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  ancient wisdom  apologue  archetypal myth  archetypal pattern  bedtime story  common law  custom  detective story  fable  fabliau  fairy tale  fantasy  fiction  folk motif  folk story  folklore  gest  ghost story  horse opera  immemorial usage  legend  lore  love story  mystery  mystery story  myth  mythology  mythos  nursery tale  parable  racial memory  romance  science fiction  shocker  space fiction  space opera  suspense story  thriller  tradition  traditionalism  traditionality  whodunit  work of fiction  
folkway  acculturation  action  actions  activity  acts  address  affectation  air  bearing  behavior  behavior pattern  behavioral norm  behavioral science  bon ton  carriage  civilization  complex  comportment  conduct  conformity  consuetude  convention  cultural drift  culture  culture area  culture center  culture complex  culture conflict  culture contact  culture pattern  culture trait  custom  demeanor  deportment  doing  doings  established way  ethos  etiquette  fashion  folkways  gestures  goings-on  guise  key trait  maintien  manner  manners  method  methodology  methods  mien  modus vivendi  mores  motions  movements  moves  observable behavior  observance  pattern  poise  port  pose  posture  practice  praxis  prescription  presence  procedure  proceeding  proper thing  ritual  social convention  social science  society  standard behavior  standard usage  standing custom  style  tactics  time-honored practice  tone  tradition  trait  trait-complex  usage  use  way  way of life  ways  what is done  wont  wonting  

Volksetymologie Definition

(n.) That branch of philological science which treats of the history of words, tracing out their origin, primitive significance, and changes of form and meaning.
(n.) That part of grammar which relates to the changes in the form of the words in a language
(n. collect. & pl.) Alt. of Folks
Folk lore
() Tales, legends, or superstitions long current among the people.

folk etymology Bedeutung

folk dancing
folk dance
a style of dancing that originated among ordinary people (not in the royal courts)
folk art genre of art of unknown origin that reflects traditional values of a society
etymology the study of the sources and development of words
etymology a history of a word
folk etymology a popular but erroneous etymology
folk song
folk ballad
a song that is traditionally sung by the common people of a region and forms part of their culture
folk music
ethnic music
the traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community
folk tale
a tale circulated by word of mouth among the common folk
folks common people
people in general (often used in the plural), they're just country folk, folks around here drink moonshine, the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next
home folk folks from your own home town
family family line
folk kinfolk
people descended from a common ancestor, his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower
a social division of (usually preliterate) people
folk dancer someone who does folk dances
folk poet a folk writer who composes in verse
folk singer
a singer of folk songs
folk writer a writer of folktales
folk dance perform a folk-dance
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Bei einer Volksetymologie, auch Fehletymologie, Paretymologie und Eindeutung, handelt es sich laut Meyers Großem Universallexikon um eine naive Verdeutlichung bzw. Motivation eines isolierten, nicht mehr verstandenen Wortes durch Anlehnung an ein klangähnliches Wort. Der etymologische Zusammenhang, der dabei hergestellt wird, ist historisch falsch, z. B. Armbrust . Dies ist ein historischer Wortbildungsprozess, bei dem ein unbekanntes Wort nach dem Vorbild eines vertraut klingenden Wortes gebildet wird. Hierbei kann sowohl der Wortkörper phonologisch verändert werden, als auch durch das Mittel der Analogie eine phantasievolle Neubildung eintreten.

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