
Deutsche Vortag {m} (von) Synonyme

Englische day before previous day eve Synonyme

day  International Date Line  Platonic year  abundant year  academic year  aeon  age  annum  annus magnus  antedate  bissextile year  broad day  calendar month  calendar year  century  common year  cycle  cycle of indiction  date  date line  datemark  dawn  day glow  daylight  dayshine  daytide  daytime  decade  decennary  decennium  defective year  dusk  epoch  era  fateful moment  fiscal year  fortnight  full sun  generation  great year  green flash  heyday  hour  indiction  instant  interval  juncture  kairos  leap year  lifetime  light  light of day  lunar month  lunar year  lunation  luster  lustrum  man-hour  microsecond  midday sun  millennium  millisecond  minute  moment  moment of truth  month  moon  noonlight  noontide light  period  point  point of time  postdate  pregnant moment  prime  psychological moment  quarter  quinquennium  ray of sunshine  regular year  season  second  semester  session  shine  sidereal year  solar year  space  span  spell  stage  stretch  sun  sun spark  sunbeam  sunbreak  sunburst  sunlight  sunshine  term  time  time lag  trimester  twelvemonth  twilight  week  weekday  while  year  
day by day  again and again  cyclically  daily  day after day  epochally  every day  every hour  frequently  hour by hour  hourly  in time  many a time  many times  many times over  often  on the beat  over and over  periodically  recurrently  repeatedly  rhythmically  seasonally  several times  synchronously  time after time  time and again  times without number  year after year  
day in day out  always  and night  at all times  ceaselessly  constantly  continually  daily  daily and hourly  day after day  day and night  enduringly  ever  ever and anon  every day  every hour  every moment  for an age  for life  for long  hour after hour  hourly  incessantly  interminably  long  long ago  long since  month after month  morning  night and day  noon  on and on  perennially  perpetually  persistently  protractedly  rapidly  regularly  right along  since time began  steadily  sustainedly  the livelong day  till doomsday  time immemorial  unceasingly  undyingly  unendingly  unintermittently  uninterruptedly  unvaryingly  without cease  without letup  without stopping  year after year  
Day of Atonement  Fast of Av  Feast of Tabernacles  Feast of Weeks  Hanukkah  High Holy Days  New Year  Ninth of Av  Passover  Pentecost  Pesach  Purim  Rosh Hashanah  Shabuoth  Simhath Torah  Sukkoth  Yom Kippur  asceticism  cold purgatorial fires  fasting  flagellation  hair shirt  lustration  maceration  mortification  penance  penitence  penitential act  penitential exercise  purgation  purgatory  repentance  sackcloth and ashes  
day off  AWOL  French leave  High Holiday  High Holy Day  abeyance  abscondence  absence  absence without leave  absentation  absenteeism  absenting  bank holiday  break  caesura  cease-fire  church feast  cut  day of festivities  default  departure  disappearance  drop  escape  excused absence  feast  feast day  festival day  fete day  fixed feast  fleeing  furlough  gala day  hesitation  high day  holiday  holy day  hooky  interim  interlude  intermezzo  intermission  intermittence  interruption  interval  lapse  layoff  leave  leave of absence  leaving  legal holiday  letup  lull  nonappearance  nonattendance  pause  recess  red-letter day  remission  respite  rest  running away  sabbatical leave  sick leave  stand-down  stay  suspension  truancy  truantism  truce  unexcused absence  vacation  
daybook  Domesday Book  account book  accounts payable ledger  accounts receivable ledger  address book  adversaria  album  annals  annual  appointment calendar  appointment schedule  balance sheet  bank ledger  bankbook  bimonthly  biweekly  blankbook  blotter  books  calendar  card ledger  cashbook  catalog  check sheet  chronicle  chronology  classified catalog  clock card  commonplace book  cost card  cost ledger  cost sheet  court calendar  daily  date slip  datebook  desk calendar  diary  diptych  docket  engagement book  ephemeris  factory ledger  fortnightly  gazette  inventory  journal  ledger  log  logbook  loose-leaf notebook  magazine  memo book  memorandum book  memory book  monthly  newsmagazine  notebook  organ  pad  passbook  periodical  petty cashbook  pictorial  pocket notebook  pocketbook  police blotter  purchase ledger  quarterly  record  record book  register  registry  review  sales journal  sales ledger  scrapbook  scratch pad  serial  slick magazine  spiral notebook  stock ledger  stores ledger  suspense ledger  table  tablet  time book  time chart  time scale  time schedule  time sheet  time study  timecard  timetable  trade magazine  triptych  weekly  workbook  writing tablet  yearbook  
daybreak  aurora  break of day  brightening  chanticleer  cockcrow  cocklight  crack of dawn  dawn  dawning  day-peep  daylight  dayspring  first brightening  light  morn  morning  peep of day  prime  sunrise  sunup  vestibule of Day  
daydream  Walter Mitty  absence of mind  absentmindedness  absorption  abstractedness  abstraction  airy nothing  autism  bad dream  be absent  bemusement  brown study  bubble  castle-building  chimera  conceiving  daydreamer  daydreaming  deception  deluded belief  delusion  depth of thought  dereism  divagate  dream  dream of  dream vision  dreaming  dreamland  dreamworld  engrossment  false belief  fantasy  fantasying  fit of abstraction  freak out  go woolgathering  ignis fatuus  illusion  imagination  imagining  incubus  misbelief  misconception  moon  mooning  moonraking  muse  musefulness  musing  muted ecstasy  nightmare  nostalgia  phantasm  pipe dream  pipe-dream  pipe-dreaming  preoccupation  reverie  self-deceit  self-deception  self-delusion  stargaze  stargazing  stray  study  trance  trick  trip  vapor  vision  wander  wishful thinking  wishfulness  wistful eye  wistfulness  woolgathering  wrong impression  yearnfulness  
daydreamer  Don Quixote  Quixote  Walter Mitty  absence of mind  absentmindedness  absorption  abstractedness  abstraction  bemusement  brown study  castle-building  daydream  daydreaming  depth of thought  dream  dreamer  dreamer of dreams  dreaming  engrossment  enthusiast  escapist  fantasy  fantasying  fit of abstraction  idealist  lotus-eater  mooning  moonraking  muse  musefulness  musing  muted ecstasy  pipe dream  pipe-dreaming  preoccupation  prophet  reverie  rhapsodist  romancer  romantic  romanticist  seer  stargazing  study  trance  utopian  utopianist  utopianizer  visionary  wishful thinker  woolgathering  
daylight  PR  aurora  ballyhoo  blurb  break of day  bright light  brightening  broad day  celebrity  chanticleer  clarity  cockcrow  cocklight  common knowledge  crack of dawn  cry  currency  dawn  dawning  day  day glow  day-peep  daybreak  dayshine  dayspring  daytide  daytime  dusk  eclat  exposure  fame  famousness  first brightening  full sun  glare  green flash  hoopla  hue and cry  light  light of day  limelight  maximum dissemination  midday sun  morn  morning  noonlight  noontide light  notoriety  open  peep of day  plug  press notice  prime  public eye  public knowledge  public relations  public report  publicity  publicity story  publicness  puff  ray of sunshine  reclame  report  shine  spotlight  sun  sun spark  sunbeam  sunbreak  sunburst  sunlight  sunrise  sunshine  sunup  twilight  vestibule of Day  write-up  
daystar  Aldebaran  Canicula  Dog Star  Hesper  Hesperus  Lucifer  North Star  Phosphor  Phosphorus  Polaris  Sirius  Sol  Venus  Vesper  celestial body  chromosphere  comet  corona  evening star  fixed stars  heavenly body  living sapphires  lodestar  morning star  orb  orb of day  phoebus  photosphere  polar star  polestar  solar flare  solar prominence  solar wind  sphere  starry host  stars  sun  
daytime  broad day  dawn  day  day glow  daylight  dayshine  daytide  dusk  full sun  green flash  light of day  midday sun  noonlight  noontide light  ray of sunshine  shine  sun spark  sunbeam  sunbreak  sunburst  sunlight  sunshine  twilight  


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