
Deutsche Warenliste Synonyme

Englische list of articles Synonyme

list  Mystik tape  Scotch tape  account  adhesive tape  adjoin  alphabetize  analyze  angularity  annals  arena  arrange  ascend  assort  backset  band  bandage  bank  bar  batten  beading  beadroll  befringe  belt  bibliography  bind  binding  board  book  border  bordering  bordure  bound  break down  brim  brink  brow  calendar  call up  cant  capsize  careen  carve  catalog  catalogue  catalogue raisonne  categorize  cellophane tape  census  chalk  chalk up  check in  checklist  chronicle  cincture  class  classify  climb  close  cloth tape  coast  codify  come a cropper  commandeer  composition  confine  conscript  constituents  container  content  contents  coop  correspondence  court  courtyard  crack  craze  cultivate  culture  curtilage  cut  decline  delimited field  delve  descend  detach  detach for service  dig  digest  dip  directory  divide  divisions  docket  documentation  draft  dress  drop  edge  edging  elements  enclave  enclosure  enframe  engrave  enlist  enroll  enscroll  enter  enumerate  fall  fall away  fall down  fall flat  fall headlong  fall off  fall over  fall prostrate  fallow  fascia  featheredge  fertilize  field  file  fill out  fillet  fimbria  fimbriation  flange  flounce  flounder  fold  force  frame  friction tape  frill  frilling  fringe  furbelow  galloon  get a cropper  girdle  go downhill  go uphill  grade  grave  ground  group  guts  handlist  harrow  heel  hem  history  hoe  impanel  impress  incise  inclination  incline  index  induct  ingredients  innards  inscribe  insert  insides  inventory  itemize  items  join  jot down  keel  keep score  labellum  labium  labrum  lap  lath  lay down  lean  lean over  leaning  leaning tower  ledge  letters  levy  lie along  ligula  ligule  limb  limbus  line  lip  listing  log  lurch  make a memorandum  make a note  make an entry  make out  march  marge  margin  marginate  mark down  masking tape  matriculate  memorial  minute  mobilize  motif  mulch  muster  muster in  note  note  
list price  asking price  bargain price  bid  bid price  cash price  controlled price  current price  current quotation  cut price  fixed price  flat rate  going price  market price  neat price  net  package price  piece price  price list  prices current  quotation  quoted price  recommended price  selling price  stock market quotations  trade price  unit price  wholesale price  
listen  NB  attend  attend to  auscultate  be all ears  bend an ear  bug  cock the ears  eavesdrop  examine by ear  give attention  give audience to  give ear  give ear to  hark  hear  hear out  hearken  hearken to  heed  intercept  lend an ear  listen at  listen in  listen to  mind  obey  pay attention to  sit in on  straitened circumstances  tap  wiretap  
listen in  attend  attend to  auscultate  be all ears  bend an ear  bug  buzz  call  call up  cock the ears  dial  eavesdrop  examine by ear  give a ring  give attention  give audience to  give ear  hang up  hark  hear  hear out  hearken  heed  hold the phone  intercept  lend an ear  listen  listen at  listen to  make a call  phone  ring  ring off  ring up  sit in on  tap  telephone  tune down  tune in  tune up  wiretap  
listener  accepter  acquirer  addressee  audience  audient  audiophile  auditor  beholder  consignee  eavesdropper  getter  hearer  hearkener  hi-fi fan  holder  listenership  looker  obtainer  overhearer  payee  procurer  receiver  recipient  snoop  spectator  taker  trustee  viewer  
listening  all ears  attention  attentive  audibility  audience  audition  aural examination  aural sense  auscultation  bugging  conference  eager attention  ear  eavesdropping  electronic surveillance  examination by ear  favorable attention  hearing  heeding  hushed attention  interview  listening in  open-eared  rapt attention  sense of hearing  tryout  wiretapping  
listing  aslant  aslope  atilt  bevel  beveled  bias  biased  booking  canted  canting  careening  cataloging  chronicling  contour plowing  cultivating  cultivation  culture  dressing  enlistment  enrollment  entering  entry  fallowing  filing  furrowing  harrowing  heeling  hoeing  ill-balanced  impanelment  inclinational  inclinatory  inclined  inclining  indexing  inscribing  inscription  insertion  inventorying  itemization  leaning  logging  lopsided  matriculation  off-balance  out of plumb  out of square  overbalanced  pitched  plowing  posting  pruning  raking  record keeping  recordation  recording  recumbent  register  registration  registry  shelving  shelvy  sideling  sidelong  slant  slanted  slanting  slantways  slantwise  sloped  sloping  tabulation  thinning  tilling  tilted  tilting  tipped  tipping  tipsy  top-heavy  unbalanced  unstable  unsteady  weeding  working  
listless  Laodicean  Olympian  aloof  anemic  apathetic  asthenic  ataractic  benumbed  blah  blase  bloodless  bored  careless  casual  chicken  comatose  cool  cowardly  dead  debilitated  desensitized  detached  devil-may-care  disinterested  dispassionate  disregardful  distant  dopey  dormant  drooping  droopy  drugged  dull  easygoing  effete  enervated  etiolated  exanimate  faint  faintish  feeble  flabby  flaccid  floppy  gone  gutless  heartless  heavy  hebetudinous  heedless  hopeless  imbecile  impassive  impotent  in a stupor  inanimate  inattentive  incurious  indifferent  inert  inexcitable  insouciant  jaded  lackadaisical  languid  languishing  languorous  leaden  lethargic  lifeless  limber  limp  lukewarm  lumpish  lustless  marrowless  mindless  moribund  negligent  nerveless  nonchalant  numb  numbed  passive  perfunctory  phlegmatic  pithless  pluckless  pococurante  pooped  powerless  reckless  regardless  resigned  rubbery  sapless  sated  sinewless  slack  sleepy  slow  sluggish  soft  somnolent  soporific  spent  spineless  spiritless  spunkless  stagnant  stagnating  stoic  stolid  strengthless  stultified  stupefied  supine  tepid  thoughtless  torpid  turned-off  unanxious  uncaring  unconcerned  undiscriminating  unemotional  unenthusiastic  unhardened  uninquiring  uninterested  uninvolved  unmindful  unnerved  unsolicitous  unstrung  vegetable  vegetative  wan  weak  weakly  weary  withdrawn  world-weary  
listlessness  accidia  acedia  adynamia  aloofness  anemia  apathy  ataraxia  ataraxy  atony  benumbedness  blah  blah feeling  blahs  bloodlessness  boredom  cachexia  cachexy  carelessness  casualness  comatoseness  cowardice  debilitation  debility  detachment  disinterest  disinterestedness  dispassion  disregard  disregardfulness  drowsiness  dullness  easygoingness  enervation  ennui  etiolation  faintness  fatigue  feebleness  flabbiness  flaccidity  heartlessness  heaviness  hebetude  heedlessness  hopelessness  impassiveness  impassivity  impotence  inanimation  inappetence  inattention  incuriosity  incuriousness  indifference  indifferentism  indifferentness  indiscrimination  inexcitability  insouciance  intellectual inertia  jadedness  lack of affect  lack of appetite  lack of interest  lackadaisicalness  languidness  languishment  languor  languorousness  lassitude  lenitude  lentor  lethargicalness  lethargy  lifelessness  mindlessness  negligence  nonchalance  numbness  oscitancy  passiveness  passivity  phlegm  phlegmaticalness  phlegmaticness  plucklessness  pococurantism  prostration  recklessness  regardlessness  resignation  resignedness  satedness  sleepiness  sloth  slothfulness  slowness  sluggishness  softness  somnolence  sopor  soporifousness  spiritlessness  spunklessness  stolidity  strengthlessness  stupefaction  stupor  supineness  torpidity  torpidness  torpitude  torpor  unanxiousness  unconcern  uninquisitiveness  uninterestedness  unmindfulness  unsolicitousness  weakliness  weakness  weariness  withdrawal  withdrawnness  world-weariness  

Warenliste Definition

(n.) A line inclosing or forming the extremity of a piece of ground, or field of combat
(v. t.) To inclose for combat
(v. i.) To hearken
(v. t.) To listen or hearken to.
(v. i.) To desire or choose
(v. i.) To lean
(n.) Inclination
(n.) An inclination to one side
(n.) A strip forming the woven border or selvedge of cloth, particularly of broadcloth, and serving to strengthen it
(n.) A limit or boundary
(n.) The lobe of the ear
(n.) A stripe.
(n.) A roll or catalogue, that is row or line
(n.) A little square molding
(n.) A narrow strip of wood, esp. sapwood, cut from the edge of a plank or board.
(n.) A piece of woolen cloth with which the yarns are grasped by a workman.
(n.) The first thin coat of tin.
(n.) A wirelike rim of tin left on an edge of the plate after it is coated.
(v. t.) To sew together, as strips of cloth, so as to make a show of colors, or form a border.
(v. t.) To cover with list, or with strips of cloth
(v. t.) To enroll
(v. t.) To engage, as a soldier
(v. t.) To cut away a narrow strip, as of sapwood, from the edge of
(v. i.) To engage in public service by enrolling one's name

list of articles Bedeutung

toilet articles
artifacts used in making your toilet (washing and taking care of your body)
inclination lean
the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical, the tower had a pronounced tilt, the ship developed a list to starboard, he walked with a heavy inclination to the right
list system
scrutin de liste
scrutin de liste system
based on the principle of proportional representation, voters choose between party lists, the number elected from each list being determined by the percentage cast for each list out of the total vote
articles of incorporation a legal document that creates a corporation, it is filed with a state by the founders of a corporation and is governed by the laws of the state
a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)
A-list a list of names of specially favored people, the boss gave me his A-list of people we should try to recruit
class list
honours list
a list issued by examiners that categorizes students according to the class of honours they achieved in their degree examinations
distribution list list of names to whom a communication should be sent
free list a list of commodities that are not subject to tariffs
grocery list a list of groceries to be purchased
grocery list shopping list a list of heterogenous items that someone wants, the union came to the table with a whole grocery list of demands
hit list a list of victims to be eliminated (as by murder)
stock list
a detailed list of all the items in stock
mailing list a list of names and addresses to which advertising material is mailed
play list
a list of musical selections for performance or for broadcast by radio
price list a listing of prices for different goods or services
push-down list
push-down stack
a list in which the next item to be removed is the item most recently stored (LIFO)
shopping list a list of items to be purchased
short list
a list of applicants winnowed from a longer list who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen
sick list a list of those who are ill (e.g. on a warship or in a regiment etc)
wish list a list of events that you wish would occur
waiting list a roster of those waiting to obtain something
articles of agreement
shipping articles
a contract between crew and captain of a ship
Articles of Confederation a written agreement ratified in by the thirteen original states, it provided a legal symbol of their union by giving the central government no coercive power over the states or their citizens
list-processing language
a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
list price the selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list, often subject to discounts, I got it at % off the list price
Civil List a sum of money voted by British Parliament each year for the expenses of the British royal family
list processing processing data that is given in the form of chained lists
give or make a list of, name individually, give the names of, List the states west of the Mississippi
number list enumerate, We must number the names of the great mathematicians
tilt to one side, The balloon heeled over, the wind made the vessel heel, The ship listed to starboard
list lean cause to lean to the side, Erosion listed the old tree
list include in a list, Am I listed in your register?
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128 Bewertungen 5


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