
Deutsche Wetterofen Synonyme

Englische ventilating furnace Synonyme

Wetterofen Definition

Almond furnace
() A kind of furnace used in refining, to separate the metal from cinders and other foreign matter.
(n.) Alt. of Ash-oven
(n.) An inclosed place in which heat is produced by the combustion of fuel, as for reducing ores or melting metals, for warming a house, for baking pottery, etc.
(n.) A place or time of punishment, affiction, or great trial
(n.) To throw out, or exhale, as from a furnace
Pernot furnace
() A reverberatory furnace with a circular revolving hearth, -- used in making steel.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ventilate

ventilating furnace Bedeutung

blast furnace a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores, combustion is intensified by a blast of air
electric furnace any furnace in which the heat is provided by an electric current
furnace an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
furnace lining
lining consisting of material with a high melting point, used to line the inside walls of a furnace
furnace room a room (usually in the basement of a building) that contains a furnace for heating the building
gas furnace a furnace that burns gas
oil burner
oil furnace
a furnace that burns oil
open-hearth furnace a furnace for making steel in which the steel is placed on a shallow hearth and flames of burning gas and hot air play over it
reverberatory furnace a furnace in which the material that is being treated is heated indirectly by flames that are directed at the roof and walls of the furnace
solar dish
solar collector
solar furnace
a concave mirror that concentrates the rays of the sun, can produce high temperatures
Stassano furnace
electric-arc furnace
an electric furnace in which an electric arc provides the source of heat for making steel
tank furnace furnace into one end of which a batch of measured raw materials is shoveled and from the other end molten glass is obtained
ventilation system
ventilating system
a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air, she was continually adjusting the ventilation
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