
Zensur Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bereinigung f; Zensur f
bowdlerisation Br.; bowdlerization eAm.
zensierend; regulierend adj
Zensur ausüben
to exercise editorial control
zensieren (Zensur ausüben)
to censore
zensieren; zensurieren Schw. v (Zensur ausüben)
zensierend; zensurierend
zensiert; zensuriert
to censor
Zensur f
Zensur der Presse
der Zensur unterliegen
Zensur abschaffen
der Zensur zum Opfer fallen
press censorship, censorship of the press
to be subject to censorship
to abolish censorship
to fall victim to the censors
Zensur f
Zensur der Presse
der Zensur unterliegen
Zensur abschaffen
der Zensur zum Opfer fallen
durch die Zensur kommen
press censorship; censorship of the press
to be subject to censorship
to abolish censorship
to fall victim to the censors
to get past the censor
Zensur f, Schulnote f, Note f
Zensuren pl, Schulnoten pl, Noten pl
hervorragend (Zensur 1+)
sehr gut (Zensur 1)
gut (Zensur 2)
befriedigend (Zensur 3)
genügend (Zensur 4)
mangelhaft (Zensur 5)
ungenügend (Zensur 6)
mark, grade Am.
marks, grades
very good
fail, inadequate
fail, inadequate
Zensur f; Schulnote f; Note f school
Zensuren pl; Schulnoten pl; Noten pl
gute Noten
die bestmögliche Note
hervorragend (Zensur 1+)
sehr gut (Zensur 1; Note 1 Ös.; Note 6 Schw.)
gut (Zensur 2; Note 2 Ös.; Note 5 Schw.)
befriedigend (Zensur 3; Note 3 Ös.)
genügend (Zensur 4; Note 4 Ös. Schw.)
mangelhaft (Zensur 5)
ungenügend (Zensur 6); nicht genügend (Note 5 Ös.; Note 3 Schw.)
mark; grade Am.
marks; grades
high marks
with distinction
very good; outstanding (grade A)
good; above average (grade B)
satisfactory; average (grade C)
adequate; below average (grade D)
poor (grade E)
fail; inadequate; unsatisfactory (grade F)
Schulnote f; Note f; Zensur f Norddt. veraltend school
Schulnoten pl; Noten pl; Zensuren pl
gute Noten
hervorragend (Note 1+ Dt.)
sehr gut (Note 1 Dt. Ös.; Note 6 Schw.)
gut (Note 2 Dt. Ös.; Note 5 Schw.)
befriedigend (Note 3 Dt. Ös.)
genügend (Note 4 Dt. Ös. Schw.)
mangelhaft (Note 5 Dt.)
ungenügend (Note 6 Dt.); nicht genügend (Note 5 Ös.; Note 3 Schw.)
eine Prüfung mit Auszeichnung bestehen
das Studium mit Auszeichnung abschließen absolvieren
mark; grade Am.
marks; grades
high marks
very good; outstanding (grade A)
good; above average (grade B)
satisfactory; average (grade C)
adequate; below average (grade D)
poor (grade E)
fail; inadequate; unsatisfactory (grade F)
to pass an exam withz distinction
to graduate with distinction

Zensur Definition

(n.) The office or power of a censor

censorship Bedeutung

deleting parts of publications or correspondence or theatrical performances
censoring censorship security review counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy
military censorship all types of censorship conducted by personnel of the armed forces
civil censorship military censorship of civilian communications (correspondence or printed matter of films) entering or leaving of circulating within territories controlled by armed forces
field press censorship security review of news (including all information or material intended for dissemination to the public) subject to the jurisdiction of the armed forces
prisoner of war censorship military censorship of communication to and from prisoners of war and civilian internees held by the armed forces
armed forces censorship military censorship of personal communications to or from persons in the armed forces
primary censorship armed forces censorship performed by personnel of a military unit on the personal communications of persons assigned to that unit
secondary censorship armed forces censorship of the personal communications of officers or civilian employees or enlisted personnel not subject to primary censorship
national censorship censorship under civil authority of communications entering or leaving of crossing the borders of the United States or its territories or possessions
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