
Deutsche Ziege Synonyme

Bock  ÂGeiß  ÂGeißbock  ÂHippe  (regional)  ÂZiege  ÂZiegenbock  
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Englische goat Synonyme

goat  Priapus  aphrodisiomaniac  balker  balky horse  billy  billy goat  broad jumper  buck  bucking bronco  buckjumper  butt  byword  byword of reproach  crock  crowbait  derision  dirty old man  doe  doeling  dog  dupe  eroticomaniac  erotomaniac  fair game  fall guy  figure of fun  flea  fool  frog  game  garron  gazelle  gazingstock  grasshopper  gynecomaniac  hack  he-goat  high jumper  hopper  hurdle racer  hurdler  jackrabbit  jade  jest  jestingstock  joke  jughead  jumper  jumping bean  jumping jack  kangaroo  kid  laughingstock  leaper  lecher  mockery  monkey  mountain goat  nag  nanny  nanny goat  old goat  patsy  plug  pole vaulter  roarer  rogue  rosinante  salmon  satyr  scalawag  scapegoat  she-goat  stag  stiff  stock  sunfisher  target  timber topper  toy  vaulter  victim  whipping boy  whistler  whoremaster  whoremonger  
goatherd  Gyropilot  automatic pilot  boatheader  boatsteerer  cattleman  cicerone  courier  cowboy  cowgirl  cowhand  cowherd  cowman  cowpuncher  coxswain  dragoman  drover  gaucho  gooseboy  gooseherd  guide  guidepost  guider  helmsman  herd  herder  herdsman  hogherd  horse wrangler  horseherd  mercury  navigator  pigman  pilot  pointer  puncher  river pilot  sheepherder  sheepman  shepherd  shepherdess  steerer  steersman  swanherd  swineherd  tour director  tour guide  vaquero  waddy  wrangler  
goatish  animal  aphrodisiomaniacal  asinine  bawdy  bovid  bovine  caprid  caprine  carnal  clitoromaniacal  concupiscent  cowish  cowlike  deerlike  dirty  ejaculatory  equestrian  equine  erotic  eroticomaniacal  erotomaniacal  fleshly  goatlike  gynecomaniacal  hircine  hoggish  hoofed  horny  horsy  hot  hot-blooded  hysteromaniacal  itching  ithyphallic  lascivious  lecherous  lewd  libidinous  lickerish  lubricious  lustful  mulish  nymphomaniacal  obscene  orgasmic  orgastic  ovine  passionate  piggish  priapic  prurient  randy  ruminant  salacious  satyric  sensual  sex-starved  sexual  sexy  sheepish  sheeplike  steamy  swinish  ungulate  unsatisfied  

Ziege Definition

Billy goat
() A male goat.
(n.) A hollow-horned ruminant of the genus Capra, of several species and varieties, esp. the domestic goat (C. hircus), which is raised for its milk, flesh, and skin.
Jaal goat
() A species of wild goat (Capra Nubiana) found in the mountains of Abyssinia, Upper Egypt, and Arabia
Jemlah goat
() The jharal.

goat Bedeutung

caprine animal
any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns
billy goat
male goat
female goat
domestic goat
Capra hircus
any of various breeds of goat raised for milk or meat or wool
Cashmere goat
Kashmir goat
Himalayan goat having a silky undercoat highly prized as cashmere wool
Angora Angora goat a domestic breed of goat raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair
wild goat undomesticated goat
bezoar goat
pasang Capra aegagrus
wild goat of Iran and adjacent regions
goat antelope bovid related to goats but having antelope-like features: mountain goats, gorals, serows, chamois, gnu goats
mountain goat
Rocky Mountain goat
Oreamnos americanus
sure-footed mammal of mountainous northwestern North America
gnu goat
Budorcas taxicolor
large heavily built goat antelope of eastern Himalayan area
forest goat
spindle horn
Pseudoryx nghetinhensis
cow-like creature with the glossy coat of a horse and the agility of a goat and the long horns of an antelope, characterized as a cow that lives the life of a goat
goat cheese
made from goats' milk
Capricorn the Goat
the tenth sign of the zodiac, the sun is in this sign from about December to January
goat god
(Greek mythology) god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks, represented as a man with goat's legs and horns and ears, identified with Roman Sylvanus or Faunus
(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Capricorn
a victim of ridicule or pranks
goat herder
a person who tends a flock of goats
goat grass
Aegilops triuncalis
European grass naturalized as a weed in North America, sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock
goat's rue goat rue
Galega officinalis
tall bushy European perennial grown for its pinnate foliage and slender spikes of blue flowers, sometimes used medicinally
goat's rue wild sweet pea
Tephrosia virginiana
perennial subshrub of eastern North America having downy leaves yellowish and rose flowers and, source of rotenone
goat's foot
Oxalis caprina
short-stemmed South African plant with bluish flowers
goat willow
florist's willow
pussy willow Salix caprea
much-branched Old World willow having large catkins and relatively large broad leaves
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