
Deutsche Zusammenstoss Synonyme


Englische brush Synonyme

brush  Arabia Deserta  Death Valley  Sahara  action  aerial combat  affray  air brush  air-dry  anhydrate  armored combat  art paper  attouchement  back country  backlog  backwoods  bake  ball the jack  barrel  barren  barren land  barrens  battle  battle royal  bavin  beak  bed  bed down  besom  blot  boom  boondock  boondocks  borderland  boscage  bowl along  bracken  brake  break  breath  breeze  breeze along  bridle  broom  brush  brush by  brush off  brush-off  brushwood  bullfight  bump  bunt  burn  bush  bush country  bushveld  camera lucida  camera obscura  canvas  caress  cauda  caudal appendage  caudation  chalk  charcoal  chuck  clash  clash of arms  clean  clip  cockfight  collide  combat  come in contact  con  conflict  contact  contingence  copse  crayon  cue  cure  curry  currycomb  cut along  cutaneous sense  dab  dehumidify  dehydrate  desert  desiccate  desolation  dismiss  disregard  dock  dogfight  drain  drawing paper  drawing pencil  drench  drier  dry  dust bowl  easel  embroilment  encounter  engagement  evaporate  exchange of blows  exsiccate  fagot  fantail  feed  feel  feeling  fight  fillip  fingertip caress  fire  fire fight  firewood  fixative  fleet  flick  flip  flirt  flit  fly  fly low  fodder  foot  forests  fray  frontier  gather  gentle  glance  go fast  go over  graze  groom  ground  ground combat  grove  hairbrush  hand-mindedness  hand-to-hand combat  hand-to-hand fight  handle  harness  heath  highball  hinterland  hit  hitch  house-to-house combat  howling wilderness  ignore  impinge  impingement  impingence  insolate  karroo  kiln  kindling  kindlings  kiss  lambency  lap  lay figure  lick  light touch  litter  log  lunar landscape  lunar waste  make knots  manage  maulstick  medium  melee  milk  mummify  naval combat  nip  nudge  osculate  osculation  outback  outpost  outstrip the wind  paint  paintbrush  palette  palette knife  parch  passage of arms  pastel  pat  peck  pencil  pick  pigments  pigtail  pile  pitched batt  
brush aside  abandon  abjure  brush off  chuck  chuck out  contemn  contradict  decline  deny  despise  disapprove  discard  disclaim  discount  disdain  dismiss  disown  disregard  drop the subject  except  exclude  forget  forget about it  forget it  forswear  ignore  lay aside  let it go  let slip  pass by  pass up  push aside  put aside  rebuff  recant  refuse  refuse to consider  reject  renounce  repel  repudiate  repulse  scout  set aside  shove away  shrug off  sneeze at  spurn  think nothing of  throw away  throw out  thrust aside  turn away  turn away from  turn out  waive  
brush off  abandon  beat back  broom  brush  brush aside  chase  chase away  chase off  cold shoulder  cut  dismiss  dismissal  drive away  drive back  drop the subject  fend off  forget  forget about it  forget it  hold off  keep off  lay aside  let it go  let slip  pack off  push aside  push back  put aside  put back  rebuff  refusal  refuse  repel  repulse  send away  send off  send packing  set aside  shrug off  sneeze at  snub  spurn  spurning  sweep  sweep out  sweep up  think nothing of  thrust aside  thrust back  turn away from  turn back  vacuum  vacuum-clean  ward off  whisk  
brush up  bone up  brighten up  cram  cram up  dress  fettle  fix  freshen  furbish  furbish up  get up  get up on  groom  manicure  plume  polish  polish up  preen  read up on  refresh the memory  renovate  repair  restudy  retouch  review  revive  rub up  shine  spruce  spruce up  study up  study up on  tone up  touch up  vamp  vamp up  

Zusammenstoss Definition

(n.) An instrument composed of bristles, or other like material, set in a suitable back or handle, as of wood, bone, or ivory, and used for various purposes, as in removing dust from clothes, laying on colors, etc. Brushes have different shapes and names according to their use
(n.) The bushy tail of a fox.
(n.) A tuft of hair on the mandibles.
(n.) Branches of trees lopped off
(n.) A thicket of shrubs or small trees
(n.) A bundle of flexible wires or thin plates of metal, used to conduct an electrical current to or from the commutator of a dynamo, electric motor, or similar apparatus.
(n.) The act of brushing
(n.) A skirmish
(n.) A short contest, or trial, of speed.
(n.) To apply a brush to, according to its particular use
(n.) To touch in passing, or to pass lightly over, as with a brush.
(n.) To remove or gather by brushing, or by an act like that of brushing, or by passing lightly over, as wind
(v. i.) To move nimbly in haste
Brush turkey
() A large, edible, gregarious bird of Australia (Talegalla Lathami) of the family Megapodidae. Also applied to several allied species of New Guinea.
Brush wheel
() A wheel without teeth, used to turn a similar one by the friction of bristles or something brushlike or soft attached to the circumference.
Brush wheel
() A circular revolving brush used by turners, lapidaries, silversmiths, etc., for polishing.

brush Bedeutung

brush contact with something dangerous or undesirable, I had a brush with danger on my way to work, he tried to avoid any brushes with the police
brush-off a curt or disdainful rejection
brush brushing the act of brushing your hair, he gave his hair a quick brush
brush brushing the act of brushing your teeth, the dentist recommended two brushes a day
a minor short-term fight
brush turkey
Alectura lathami
black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea
brush kangaroo
any of various small or medium-sized kangaroos, often brightly colored
brush-tailed phalanger
Trichosurus vulpecula
bushy-tailed phalanger
prairie wolf
brush wolf
Canis latrans
small wolf native to western North America
brush a bushy tail or part of a bushy tail (especially of the fox)
nymphalid butterfly
brush-footed butterfly
four-footed butterfly
medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and mucheduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast
brush-tailed porcupine
brush-tail porcupine
porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail
bristle brush a brush that is made with the short stiff hairs of an animal or plant
brush an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
brush conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor
rigger brush
a long slender pointed sable brush used by artists
sable sable brush
sable's hair pencil
an artist's brush made of sable hairs
scrub brush
scrubbing brush
a brush with short stiff bristles for heavy cleaning
shaving brush a brush used to apply lather prior to shaving
brush cut a short haircut with hairs standing up like a brush
brush fire an uncontrolled fire that consumes brush and shrubs and bushes
light touch
momentary contact
a dense growth of bushes
brush discharge discharge between electrodes creating visible streamers of ionized particles
quail bush
quail brush
white thistle Atriplex lentiformis
spiny shrub with silvery-scurfy foliage of alkaline plains of southwestern United States and Mexico
sage brush
any of several North American composite subshrubs of the genera Artemis or Seriphidium
bud brush
bud sagebrush
Artemis spinescens
a perennial that is valuable as sheep forage in the United States
coyote brush
coyote bush
chaparral broom
kidney wort
Baccharis pilularis
widely spreading evergreen shrub of southwestern United States with flower heads in a leafy panicle
rabbit brush
rabbit bush
Chrysothamnus nauseosus
pleasantly aromatic shrub having erect slender flexible hairy branches and dense clusters of small yellow flowers covering vast areas of western alkali plains and affording a retreat for jackrabbits, source of a yellow dye used by the Navajo
shaving-brush tree
Pseudobombax ellipticum
tree of Mexico to Guatemala having densely hairy flowers with long narrow petals clustered at ends of branches before leaves appear
round round off polish up
brush up
bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state, polish your social manners
brush remove with or as if with a brush, brush away the crumbs, brush the dust from the jacket, brush aside the objections
review brush up
refresh one's memory, I reviewed the material before the test
brush aside
brush off discount
push aside
bar from attention or consideration, She dismissed his advances
tell off
brush down
reprimand, She told the misbehaving student off
brush touch lightly and briefly, He brushed the wall lightly
brush rub with a brush, or as if with a brush, Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket
brush clean with a brush, She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet
brush on apply with a brush, Brush butter on the roast
brush cover by brushing, brush the bread with melted butter
sweep across or over, Her long skirt brushed the floor, A gasp swept cross the audience
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