
Zweig Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Arm, Zweig
Zweig m
Pfad, Zweig
kleiner Zweig
Zweig, Filiale
Er kam auf keinen grünen Zweig.
He got nowhere.
(kleiner) Zweig m
Zweige pl
(biegsamer) Zweig m
Zweige pl
withe; withy
Abschnitt, Bereich, Sektor, Zweig, Branche
Zerfallsanteil m; Zweig m (Kerntechnik)
branch (nuclear engineering)
'Der Amokläufer' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'Amok' (by Zweig work title)
'Der Amokläufer' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'Amok' (by Zweig work title)
'Die Schachnovelle' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'The Royal Game'; 'The Chess Story' (by Zweig work title)
angegliedert; angeschlossen; Zweig… adj adm.
angegliedert; angeschlossen; Zweig... adj adm.
'Die Schachnovelle' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'The Royal Game', 'The Chess Story' (by Zweig work title)
'Ungeduld des Herzens' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'Beware of Pity' (by Zweig work title)
'Die Axt von Wandsbek' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'The Axe of Wandsbek' (by Zweig work title)
'Rausch der Verwandlung' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'The Post-Office Girl' (by Zweig work title)
'Verwirrung der Gefühle' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'Confusion of Feelings' (by Zweig work title)
'Ungeduld des Herzens' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'Beware of Pity' (by Zweig work title)
'Die Axt von Wandsbek' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'The Axe of Wandsbek' (by Zweig work title)
'Verwirrung der Gefühle' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'Confusion of Feelings' (by Zweig work title)
'Rausch der Verwandlung' (von Zweig Werktitel) lit.
'The Post-Office Girl' (by Zweig work title)
Cyberpunk m (Zweig der Science-Fiction-Literatur) lit.
cyberpunk (science fiction subgenre)
Zweig m (eines Leitungsnetzes) electr.
entkoppelte Zweige pl
branch (of a supply network)
conjugate branches
Pfad m, Weg m, Steg m, Zweig m
Pfade pl, Wege pl, Stege pl, Zweige pl
Zweig m; Ast m bot.
Zweige pl; Äste pl
Fichtenzweige pl
Verformung der Äste
pine branches
branch deformation
Gerte f; Rute f (abgeschnittener dünner, biegsamer Zweig) bot.
Gerten pl; Ruten pl
switch (slender, flexible shoot cut from a tree)
Zweig m, Ast m bot.
Zweige pl, Äste pl
kleiner Zweig, Zweigchen n
Verformung der Äste
branch deformation
Pfad m; Weg m; Steg m; Zweig m
Pfade pl; Wege pl; Stege pl; Zweige pl
neue Wege gehen
to tread new paths
Zweig m; Ast m bot.
Zweige pl; Äste pl
kleiner Zweig; Zweigchen n; Reis n
Verformung der Äste
branch deformation
kleiner (grüner) Zweig m; (sprießendes) Zweiglein n; (frisches) Reis n geh. bot.
kleine Zweige pl; Zweigleine pl; Reise pl
Akazienzweig m
spray; sprig
sprays; sprigs
acacia sprig
Abstammungslinie f; Familienzweig m; Blutlinie f obs. soc.
Abstammungslinien pl; Familienzweige pl; Blutlinien pl
männliche Abstammungslinie; männliche Linie; männlicher Zweig; Mannesstamm m
weibliche Abstammungslinie; weibliche Linie; weiblicher Zweig
family line; line of ancestry; lineage; filiation
family lines; lines of ancestry; lineages; filiations
male family line; paternal family line; male lineage; paternal lineage
female family line; maternal family line; female lineage; maternal lineage
Statistik f (Fachgebiet) sci.
analytische Statistik; schließende Statistik
beschreibende Statistik; deskriptive Statistik
Biostatistik f
mathematische Statistik; induktive Statistik
multivariate Statistik
nichtparametrische Statistik
parametrische Statistik
Statistik stochastischer Prozesse
Die Statistik ist ein Zweig der Mathematik.
statistics (science) (used with singular verb forms)
inferential statistics
descriptive statistics
mathematical statistics
multivariate statistics
non-parametric statistics
parametric statistics
statistics of stochastic processes
Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
Statistik f (von etw.); statistische Angaben pl (zu etw.) statist.
Statistiken pl
angewandte Statistik
eine aktuelle Statistik
eine amtliche Statistik
eine saisonbereinigte Statistik
Tagesstatistik f
Wochenstatistik f
Monatsstatistik f
Jahresstatistik f
unterjährige Statistik
Bevölkerungsstatistik f
die weiblichen Maße
laut Statistik
wie (ein Blick auf) die Statistik zeigt ...
eine Statistik von etw. erstellen
Die Statistik ist ein Zweig der Mathematik.
Trau keiner Statistik die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast. Sprw.
statistics; stat coll. (on sth.)
applied statistics
current statistics
official statistics
seasonally adjusted statistics
daily statistics
weekly statistics
monthly statistics
annual statistics
infra-annual statistics
population demographic statistics; vital statistics
vital statistics Br. coll.
according to (the) statistics
as statistics show suggest ...
to compile (a set of) statistics on sth.; to make a statistical survey of sth.
Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
Lies damned lies and statistics. prov.
Diagramm n Diag. ; Grafik f; Karte f (in Zusammensetzungen); Tafel f (in Zusammensetzungen) econ. math. statist.
Diagramme pl; Grafiken pl; Karten pl; Tafeln pl
Ablaufdiagramm n; Ablaufgrafik f; Ablaufschaubild n; Ablaufplan m; Durchlaufplan m (oft fälschlich: Flussdiagramm)
Balkendiagramm n
Fahrzeitentafel f (Bahn)
Großkreiskarte f
Kastendiagramm n; Kastengrafik f
Kastendiagramm n; Kastengrafik f statist.
Liniendiagramm n; Kurvendiagramm n; Kurvenbild n
Punktdiagramm n; Punktediagramm n
Säulendiagramm n
Stamm-Blatt-Diagramm n; Stamm-und-Blatt-Diagramm n; Stamm-und-Blatt-Grafik f; Stamm-und-Blatt-Darstellung f; Zweig-Blätter-Diagramm n; Zweig-Blätter-Grafik f statist.
Stufendiagramm n
räumliches Diagramm
wie das Diagramm zeigt
ein Diagramm erstellen
diagram diag. ; chart; plot Am.
diagrams; charts; plots
flow diagram; flow chart
bar diagram; bar chart
running chart (railway)
great circle chart
box diagram; box plot
box-and-whisker diagram; box-and-whisker plot; box plot
line graph; graph
dot plot; plot (set of points that may or may not be connected by a line)
column diagram; column chart; vertical bar chart
stem-and-leaf plot; stem plot; stem-and-leaf display
graduation diagram
three-dimensional diagram
as shown in the diagram
to draw a diagram; to create a diagram

Deutsche Zweig Synonyme

Gerte  ÂRute  ÂZweig  
Ast  ÂReiser  Âverholzter  Trieb  ÂZweig  
Nebenlinie  ÂNebenzweig  ÂSeitenast  ÂZweig  
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Englische branch Synonyme

branch  L  V  adolescent stream  affiliate  affiliation  affluent  angle  angle off  apparentation  appendage  arm  arroyo  bayou  bear off  beck  bend  bifurcate  billabong  bine  biotype  birth  bisect  blood  bloodline  body  booking office  bough  bourn  box office  bracket  braided stream  branch off  branch office  branch out  branchedness  branchiness  breed  brook  brooklet  burgeon  burn  by two  cabinet  cable railway  caste  category  chambers  chancellery  chancery  change the bearing  channel  chapter  church  clan  class  cleave  closet  cog railway  common ancestry  communion  community  confluent  confluent stream  consanguinity  consulate  corporate headquarters  crank  creek  crick  crook  crotch  crutch  curve  cut in two  deadwood  delta  den  dendritic drainage pattern  denomination  depart from  department  deploy  derivation  descent  detour  deviate  dichotomize  digress  dimidiate  direct line  disperse  distaff side  divagate  divaricate  diverge  diversify  divide  division  effluent  el  elbow  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  embassy  estate  executive office  expand  extend  extraction  faction  family  fan  fan out  feeder  feeder line  fellowship  female line  filiation  fission  flagellum  flare  flowing stream  fluviation  fork  fresh  freshet  frond  furcate  furcula  furculum  genotype  genus  gill  grade  gravity-operated railway  groin  group  grouping  halve  hand  head  heading  headquarters  heel  home office  hook  horse railway  house  imp  in half  inguen  joint  junction  kill  kin  kingdom  label  lazy stream  leg  legation  level  light railroad  limb  line  line of descent  lineage  link  lobe  lobule  local  lodge  main line  main office  male line  meandering stream  member  metro  midchannel  midstream  millstream  monorail  moving road  navigable river  office  offset  offshoot  open  open up  order  organ  organization  outspread  outstretch  overgrow  overrun  part  party  persuasion  phy  
branch out  bestrew  bifurcate  branch  broadcast  circumfuse  deal out  deploy  diffract  diffuse  dispense  disperse  dispread  disseminate  distribute  divaricate  diverge  expand  extend  fan  fan out  flare  fork  furcate  issue  open  open up  outspread  outstretch  overgrow  overrun  overscatter  oversow  overspread  propagate  publish  radiate  ramify  retail  scatter  sow  sow broadcast  splay  spraddle  sprangle  sprawl  spread  spread like wildfire  spread out  stem  strew  trifurcate  unfold  utter  widen  
branching  V-shaped  Y-shaped  arboreal  arborescence  arborescent  arboriform  arborization  bifidity  biforked  biforking  bifurcate  bifurcated  bifurcation  bipartition  bisected  bisection  bowery  branched  branching off  branchlike  branchy  by two  cleft  cloven  crotched  cutting in two  dendriform  dendritic  dichotomous  dichotomy  dimidiate  dimidiation  divarication  divided  division  foliaged  foliate  foliated  foliose  forked  forking  forklike  furcate  furcation  halved  halving  in half  leafy  leaved  leavy  pronged  ramate  ramification  ramified  ramose  ramous  riven  split  subdivision  tree-shaped  treelike  treelikeness  tridentlike  trifurcate  trifurcated  trifurcation  twiggy  

Zweig Definition

(n.) A shoot or secondary stem growing from the main stem, or from a principal limb or bough of a tree or other plant.
(n.) Any division extending like a branch
(n.) Any member or part of a body or system
(n.) One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance
(n.) A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock
(n.) A warrant or commission given to a pilot, authorizing him to pilot vessels in certain waters.
(a.) Diverging from, or tributary to, a main stock, line, way, theme, etc.
(v. i.) To shoot or spread in branches
(v. i.) To divide into separate parts or subdivision.
(v. t.) To divide as into branches
(v. t.) To adorn with needlework representing branches, flowers, or twigs.
Branch pilot
() A pilot who has a branch or commission, as from Trinity House, England, for special navigation.

branch Bedeutung

arm branch
any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm, the arm of the record player, an arm of the sea, a branch of the sewer
branch line
spur track
a railway line connected to a trunk line
peace offering
olive branch
something offered to an adversary in the hope of obtaining peace
branch water pure natural water from a stream or brook, often distinguished from soda water
Special Branch a government police department dealing with political security
executive branch
Executive Office of the President
the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws
legislative branch the branch of the United States government that has the power of legislating
judicial branch the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice
subdivision arm
a division of some larger or more complex organization, a branch of Congress, botany is a branch of biology, the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages
branch a stream or river connected to a larger one
James Branch Cabell
United States writer of satirical novels (-)
a natural consequence of development
branch a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant
tree branch
any of the main branches arising from the trunk or a bough of a tree
a part of a forked or branching shape, he broke off one of the branches
divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork, The road forks
ramify branch grow and send out branches or branch-like structures, these plants ramify early and get to be very large
branch out
vary in order to spread risk or to expand, The company diversified
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Zweig ist in der Botanik im weiteren Sinn jedes an einem anderen Organ entstandene neue Organ, wenn es dem ersteren morphologisch gleichwertig ist, so dass man also von einem verzweigten Stängel, Ast, Wurzel, Blatt, von verzweigten Zellen, Gefäßen etc. redet.