
Deutsche aktuelle Stunde {f} Synonyme

einmal  pro  Stunde  Âim  Stundentakt  Âstündlich  
alle  15  Minuten  Âviermal  pro  Stunde  Âviertelstündlich  ÂViertelstundentakt  
alle  30  Minuten  Âhalbstündlich  ÂHalbstundentakt  Âzweimal  pro  Stunde  
Ende  des  2.  Weltkriegs  in  Europa  ÂKriegsende  ÂStunde  Null  
sechzig  Minuten  ÂStunde  ÂVierundzwanzigstel  eines  Tages  
Kilometer  pro  Stunde  Âkm/h  ÂSachen  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂStundenkilometer  (umgangssprachlich)  
Kilometer pro Stunde  km/h  Sachen (umgangssprachlich)  Stundenkilometer  
einmal pro Stunde  im Stundentakt  stündlich  
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Englische question time Synonyme

question  Chinese puzzle  Parthian shot  Pyrrhonism  absurd  address  affirmation  agonize over  allegation  answer  apostrophe  apprehension  approach  ask  ask a question  ask about  ask questions  assertion  assuredly  at issue  averment  awake a doubt  baffling problem  basis  be at sea  be curious  be diffident  be doubtful  be dubious  be skeptical  be uncertain  beat about  bill  blind bargain  bone of contention  borderline case  brain twister  bring into question  burden  burn with curiosity  calendar  call in question  case  catechism  catechize  certainly  challenge  chance  chapter  clause  comment  communicate with  companion bills amendment  concern  confusion  contact  contest  contingency  correspond  crack  cross-interrogatory  cross-question  crossword puzzle  crux  debatable  debating point  declaration  definitely  demand  demurral  demurrer  dictum  difficulty  diffidence  dig around for  dig up  dispute  distrust  distrustfulness  double contingency  doubt  doubtful  doubtfulness  doubtlessly  dragnet clause  dubiety  dubiousness  enacting clause  enigma  enigmatic question  enquiry  escalator clause  essence  establish connection  examine  exclamation  expression  feel unsure  feeler  focus of attention  focus of interest  gamble  gape  gawk  get to  gist  greet with skepticism  greeting  grill  grope  guess  half believe  half-belief  harbor suspicions  have reservations  head  heading  hold-up bill  impossible  in doubt  in question  inconceivable  indubitably  inquire  inquire of  inquiry  insupportable  interjection  interpellate  interrogate  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  interview  issue  jigsaw puzzle  joker  knot  knotty point  leader  leading question  leeriness  living issue  main point  maintain connection  make advances  make contact with  make inquiry  make overtures  make up to  matter  matter in hand  meat  mention  mind-boggler  misdoubt  misgive  misgiving  mistrust  mistrustfulness  moot point  motif  motion  m  
question mark  Chinese puzzle  baffling problem  bone of contention  brain twister  catechism  cross-interrogatory  cross-question  crossword puzzle  crux  debating point  demand  enigma  enigmatic question  feeler  floorer  inquiry  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  issue  jigsaw puzzle  knot  knotty point  leader  leading question  mind-boggler  moot point  mystery  nut to crack  perplexed question  perplexity  point at issue  point in question  poser  problem  puzzle  puzzlement  puzzler  query  question  question at issue  quodlibet  sixty-four dollar question  sticker  stumper  topic  tough proposition  trial balloon  vexed question  why  
questionable  a bit thick  a bit thin  absurd  ambiguous  amoral  arguable  at issue  beguiling  beyond belief  borderline  catchy  confutable  conjectural  conscienceless  contestable  controversial  controvertible  corrupt  corrupted  criminal  crooked  dark  debatable  deceiving  deceptive  delusive  delusory  deniable  devious  dishonest  dishonorable  disputable  doubtable  doubtful  dubious  dubitable  equivocal  evasive  fallacious  false  felonious  fishy  fly-by-night  fraudulent  hallucinatory  hard of belief  hard to believe  hardly possible  iffy  ill-got  ill-gotten  illusive  illusory  immoral  implausible  improbable  in dispute  in doubt  in dubio  in question  inconceivable  incredible  indirect  insidious  misleading  mistakable  moot  more than doubtful  not deserving belief  not kosher  obscure  open to doubt  open to question  open to suspicion  passing belief  preposterous  problematic  problematical  refutable  ridiculous  rotten  shady  shameless  shifty  sinister  slippery  speculative  staggering belief  suppositional  suspect  suspicious  tall  thick  thin  trickish  tricksy  tricky  trustless  unbelievable  uncertain  unconscienced  unconscientious  unconscionable  unconvincing  undependable  underhand  underhanded  unearthly  unethical  ungodly  unimaginable  unlikely  unprincipled  unpromising  unreliable  unsavory  unscrupulous  unstraightforward  unsure  unthinkable  untrustworthy  untrusty  unworthy of belief  vague  without remorse  without shame  
questioner  Paul Pry  Peeping Tom  asker  busybody  catechist  cross-interrogator  cross-questioner  detective  eavesdropper  examiner  gossip  inquirer  inquisitionist  inquisitive  inquisitor  interlocutor  interpellator  interrogator  interrogatrix  interviewer  nosy Parker  opinion-sampler  poller  pollster  prober  pry  querier  querist  questionist  quidnunc  quizzer  rubberneck  rubbernecker  sampler  scopophiliac  secret agent  sightseer  snoop  snooper  voyeur  yenta  
questioning  Pyrrhonic  Socratic method  agnostic  answering  asking  bringing into question  catechetical method  catechistic  catechization  catechizing  challenge  communicating  communicational  communional  conversational  curious  disbelieving  dispute  distrustful  doubtful  doubting  dubious  examination  from Missouri  in doubt  inquiring  inquisitional  inquisitorial  interacting  interactional  interactive  intercommunicational  intercommunicative  intercommunional  interpellation  interresponsive  interrogation  interrogational  interrogative  interrogatory  investigative  leery  linguistic  mistrustful  mistrusting  oral  probing  pumping  query  querying  question  quiz  quizzical  quizzing  responsive  scrupulous  seeking  shy  skeptical  speech  suspecting  suspicious  telepathic  transmissional  unbelieving  uncertain  untrusting  verbal  wary  
questionnaire  agenda  beadroll  cadastre  calendar  canvass  census  census report  checklist  checkroll  conduct a poll  consumer research  consumer-preference survey  docket  dramatis personae  head count  honor roll  inquiry  jury list  jury panel  lineup  make a survey  muster  muster roll  nose count  opinion poll  order of business  poll  program  property roll  public-opinion poll  questionary  returns  roll  roll call  roster  rota  sample  scroll  survey  tax roll  

aktuelle Stunde {f} Definition

Benting time
() The season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.
(v. t.) To cross-examine
(n.) The act of asking
(n.) Discussion
(n.) Examination with reference to a decisive result
(n.) That which is asked
(n.) Hence, a subject of investigation, examination, or debate
(n.) Talk
(n.) To ask questions
(n.) To argue
(v. t.) To inquire of by asking questions
(v. t.) To doubt of
(v. t.) To raise a question about
(v. t.) To talk to
(n.) Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof.
(n.) A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future
(n.) The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived
(n.) The duration of one's life
(n.) A proper time
(n.) Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition.
(n.) Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition
(n.) The present life
(n.) Tense.
(n.) The measured duration of sounds
(v. t.) To appoint the time for
(v. t.) To regulate as to time
(v. t.) To ascertain or record the time, duration, or rate of
(v. t.) To measure, as in music or harmony.
(v. i.) To keep or beat time
(v. i.) To pass time
(a.) Honored for a long time
(n.) A tabular statement of the time at which, or within which, several things are to take place, as the recitations in a school, the departure and arrival of railroad trains or other public conveyances, the rise and fall of the tides, etc.
(n.) A plane surface divided in one direction with lines representing hours and minutes, and in the other with lines representing miles, and having diagonals (usually movable strings) representing the speed and position of various trains.
(n.) A table showing the notation, length, or duration of the several notes.

question time Bedeutung

time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
waste of time the devotion of time to a useless activity, the waste of time could prove fatal
time exposure exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
harvest time
the season for gathering crops
haying time
the season for cutting and drying and storing grass as fodder
break time out
a pause from doing something (as work), we took a -minute break, he took time out to recuperate
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
page printer
page-at-a-time printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
time-ball a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time, especially at an observatory
time bomb
infernal machine
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
time capsule container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time
time clock clock used to record the hours that people work
time-delay measuring instrument
time-delay measuring system
chronoscope for measuring the time difference between two events
time exposure a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time-fuse a fuse made to burn for a given time (especially to explode a bomb)
time machine a science fiction machine that is supposed to transport people or objects into the past or the future
time-switch a switch set to operate at a desired time
uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something, the dubiousness of his claim, there is no question about the validity of the enterprise
time of origin
the oldness of wines
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
light time distance measured in terms of the speed of light (or radio waves), the light time from Jupiter to the sun is approximately minutes
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
time series a series of values of a variable at successive times
pulse-time modulation modulation of the time between successive pulses
time sheet a record of the hours worked by employees
rhetorical question a statement that is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answered, he liked to make his points with rhetorical questions
question head the subject matter at issue, the question of disease merits serious discussion, under the head of minor Roman poets
question of fact
matter of fact
a disputed factual contention that is generally left for a jury to decide
question of law
matter of law
a disputed legal contention that is generally left for a judge to decide
time signal a signal (especially electronic or by radio) indicating the precisely correct time
question mark
interrogation point
a punctuation mark (?) placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a question
time signature
musical time signature
a musical notation indicating the number of beats to a measure and kind of note that takes a beat
question an informal reference to a marriage proposal, he was ready to pop the question
motion question a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote, he made a motion to adjourn, she called for the question
previous question a motion calling for an immediate vote on the main question under discussion by a deliberative assembly
inquiry enquiry
an instance of questioning, there was a question about my training, we made inquiries of all those who were present
cross-question a question asked in cross-examination
leading question a question phrased in such a way as to suggest the desired answer, a lawyer may ask leading questions on cross-examination
yes-no question a question that can be answered by yes or no
question interrogation interrogative
interrogative sentence
a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply, he asked a direct question, he had trouble phrasing his interrogations
test paper
examination paper
exam paper
question sheet
a written examination
calling into question
demand for explanation
a challenge to defend what someone has said
good time
a highly pleasurable or exciting experience, we had a good time at the party, celebrating after the game was a blast
time a person's experience on a particular occasion, he had a time holding back the tears, they had a good time together
semantic error
run-time error
runtime error
an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
an instance or single occasion for some event, this time he succeeded, he called four times, he could do ten at a clip
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