
Deutsche aufkaufen Synonyme

Englische buy up Synonyme

buy  abide by  accede  accept  accept for gospel  accept implicitly  acclaim  acquiesce  acquiesce in  acquire  advantageous purchase  agree  agree to  agree with  applaud  approach  assent  bargain  be certain  believe  believe without reservation  bribe  buy back  buy in  buy into  buy off  buy on credit  buy up  buying  buying power  buying up  catalog buying  cheer  coemption  complete a purchase  comply  consent  consumer power  consumer sovereignty  consumerism  corner  cornering  corrupt  credit  emption  engross  fix  get  get at  get to  give faith to  give the nod  good buy  good pennyworth  grease  grease the palm  hail  have  hire purchase  hold with  impulse buying  in toto  installment buying  lubricate  mail-order buying  make a buy  marketing  money illusion  monopolize  nod  nod assent  obtain  pay off  pennyworth  procure  purchase  purchasing  purchasing power  put faith in  reach  rebuy  rebuying  receive  redeem  regrate  repurchase  set store by  shopping  shopping spree  sop  square  steal  suborn  subscribe to  swallow  take  take care of  take for granted  take kindly to  take on faith  take on trust  take stock in  tamper with  tickle the palm  trust  vote for  welcome  window-shopping  yes  yield assent  
buy in  buy  buy back  buy into  buy off  buy on credit  buy up  complete a purchase  corner  engross  financier  invest  invest in  lay out money  make a buy  make an investment  monopolize  place  plow back into  plunge  procure  purchase  put  rebuy  regrate  reinvest  repurchase  risk  sink  sink money in  speculate  venture  
buy off  approach  bribe  buy  buy back  buy in  buy into  buy on credit  buy up  complete a purchase  corner  corrupt  engross  fix  get at  get to  grease  grease the palm  have  lubricate  make a buy  monopolize  pay off  procure  purchase  reach  rebuy  regrate  repurchase  sop  square  suborn  take care of  tamper with  tickle the palm  

aufkaufen Definition

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