
Deutsche aufspannen Synonyme

aufspannen  aufziehen  spannen  
aufspannen  aufziehen  spannen  
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Englische stretch Synonyme

stretch  adaptability  adaptable  adaptive  add to  aesthetic distance  aggrandize  airing  amble  amplify  amplitude  and quarter  answer  archery ground  area  athletic field  athletics  augment  avail  badminton court  balloon  ballyhoo  baseball field  basketball court  be equal to  be lengthy  be prolonged  bear  belong  bend  billiard parlor  bit  bloat  bloating  blow up  bounce  bounciness  bouncy  bowling alley  bowling green  breadth  break  breaking point  breather  broaden  build  build up  bulk  bulk out  buoyance  buoyancy  buoyant  burlesque  calisthenics  caricature  carry  carry too far  clearance  compass  constitutional  continue  continuous tenure  course  court  cover  crane  crescendo  cricket ground  croquet ground  croquet lawn  daily dozen  day  deep space  depths of space  develop  diamond  diapason  dilate  dimensions  distance  distend  distension  distort  divergence  do  do it  drag out  draw  draw out  draw the longbow  drill  elastic  elasticity  elongate  elongation  embellish  encompass  enlarge  enlistment  environ  exaggerate  exercise  exercising  expand  expanse  expansion  extend  extend out  extensibility  extensile  extension  extent  extreme tension  fairway  farness  fateful moment  field  fill out  fill the bill  fit  flexibility  flexible  flexile  football field  forced march  fudge  fulfill  gamut  get by  gibbet  give  glaciarium  go  go around  go out  go to extremes  golf course  golf links  greaten  gridiron  gym  gymnasium  gymnastic exercises  gymnastics  hack it  hang  haul  heave  hike  hike up  hitch  hold  hour  hyperbolize  ice rink  increase  infield  infinity  inflate  inflation  instant  interval  isometrics  jaunt  juncture  just do  kairos  lay it on  leeway  length  lengthen  lengthen out  lengthening  lengthiness  let out  lie  light-years  linear measures  links  liveliness  lively  long time  longitude  longness  lynch  magnify  make  make much of  make the grade  march  margin  measure  meet  meet r  
stretch of the imagination  apparition  brainchild  bubble  chimera  delirium  eidolon  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  fiction  figment  hallucination  idle fancy  illusion  imagery  imagination  imagining  insubstantial image  invention  maggot  make-believe  myth  phantasm  phantom  romance  sick fancy  thick-coming fancies  trip  vapor  vision  whim  whimsy  wildest dreams  
stretch out  adjourn  be lengthy  be prolonged  belong  carry  carry out  chatter  continue  cover  crane  dawdle  defer  delay  drag out  draw  draw out  dwell on  elongate  encompass  environ  extend  extend out  fill out  go  go out  hang fire  hang up  hold  hold off  hold over  hold up  lay aside  lay by  lay over  lengthen  lengthen out  let out  lie  lie down  linger on  never finish  outdistance  outlie  outrange  outreach  outstretch  pad  perorate  pigeonhole  postpone  procrastinate  produce  prolong  prolongate  prorogate  prorogue  protract  pull  push aside  put aside  put off  put on ice  range  range out  reach  reach out  recess  recline  repose  reserve  run  run out  set aside  set by  shelve  shift off  sleep on  span  speak at length  spin out  sprawl  spread  stand on tiptoes  stand over  stave off  stay  straddle  straggle  strain  stretch  string out  surround  suspend  sweep  table  take a recess  take in  tauten  temporize  tense  thrust out  tighten  waive  
stretch the truth  aggrandize  amplify  ballyhoo  be untruthful  build up  burlesque  caricature  carry too far  deceive  draw the longbow  equivocate  exaggerate  falsify  fib  go to extremes  hyperbolize  lay it on  lie  lie flatly  magnify  make much of  mislead  overcharge  overdo  overdraw  overestimate  overpraise  overreach  overreact  oversell  overspeak  overstate  overstress  pile it on  prevaricate  puff  speak falsely  story  stretch  talk big  talk in superlatives  tell a lie  tout  travesty  
stretched  aggrandized  amplified  ballyhooed  disproportionate  dragged out  drawn  drawn out  elongated  exaggerated  excessive  exorbitant  extended  extravagant  extreme  grandiloquent  high-flown  hyperbolic  inflated  inordinate  lengthened  magnified  overdone  overdrawn  overemphasized  overemphatic  overestimated  overgreat  overlarge  overpraised  oversold  overstated  overstressed  overwrought  prodigal  profuse  prolongated  prolonged  protracted  puffed  pulled  spun out  straggling  strained  stretched out  strung out  superlative  taut  tense  tight  touted  
stretched out  deltoid  dragged out  drawn  drawn out  drawn-out  elongated  extended  fan-shape  fan-shaped  fanlike  fanned  fanning  flabelliform  flared  flaring  interminable  languishing  lasting  lengthened  lingering  long  long-continuing  long-drawn  long-drawn-out  long-pending  long-winded  marathon  open  outspread  outstretched  overlong  patulous  prolongated  prolonged  protracted  pulled  splay  splayed  splaying  spraddled  spraddling  sprangled  sprangling  sprawling  sprawly  spread  spreading  spun out  spun-out  straggling  strained  stretched  stretched out  strung out  taut  tense  tight  unfolded  wide-open  widespread  
stretcher bearer  Aquarius  Ganymede  Hebe  bearer  bheesty  busboy  caddie  cargo handler  carrier  carrier pigeon  carter  common carrier  conveyer  coolie  cupbearer  drayman  express  expressman  freighter  gun bearer  hauler  homing pigeon  letter carrier  litter-bearer  porter  redcap  shield-bearer  skycap  stevedore  the Water Bearer  transporter  truck driver  trucker  wagoner  water boy  water carrier  
stretching  aggrandizement  amplification  ballyhoo  big talk  bloat  bloatedness  bloating  blowing up  breaking point  burlesque  caricature  diastole  dilatation  dilation  distension  doziness  dropsy  drowsiness  edema  elongation  enhancement  enlargement  exaggerating  exaggeration  excess  exorbitance  expansion  extension  extravagance  extreme  extreme tension  flatulence  flatulency  flatus  gassiness  grandiloquence  heaviness  heightening  huckstering  hyperbole  hyperbolism  inflation  inordinacy  intumescence  languor  lengthening  lethargy  magnification  meteorism  oscitancy  oscitation  overdistension  overdrawing  overemphasis  overestimation  overexpansion  overextension  overkill  overstatement  overstrain  overstraining  overstretching  pandiculation  prodigality  production  profuseness  prolongation  protraction  puff  puffery  puffiness  puffing  puffing up  sensationalism  sleepiness  snapping point  somnolence  somnolency  strain  straining  stretch  stringing out  superlative  swell  swellage  swelling  swollenness  tall talk  tension  touting  travesty  tumefaction  tumescence  tumidity  tumidness  turgescence  turgidity  turgidness  tympanism  tympany  windiness  yawning  
stretchy  adaptable  adaptive  anesthetized  bouncy  buoyant  cataleptic  comatose  doped  dozy  dreamy  drowsy  drugged  drugged with sleep  elastic  extensile  flexible  flexile  half asleep  heavy  heavy with sleep  heavy-eyed  in a stupor  languid  lethargic  lively  napping  narcoleptic  narcose  narcotized  narcous  nodding  oscitant  out of it  resilient  responsive  sedated  sleep-drowned  sleep-drunk  sleep-filled  sleep-swollen  sleepful  sleepy  slumberous  slumbery  snoozy  somnolent  soporific  springy  stretch  stretchable  stuporose  stuporous  supple  whippy  yawning  yawny  

aufspannen Definition

(v. t.) To reach out
(v. t.) To draw out to the full length
(v. t.) To cause to extend in breadth
(v. t.) To make tense
(v. t.) To draw or pull out to greater length
(v. t.) To exaggerate
(v. i.) To be extended
(v. i.) To extend or spread one's self, or one's limbs
(v. i.) To be extended, or to bear extension, without breaking, as elastic or ductile substances.
(v. i.) To strain the truth
(v. i.) To sail by the wind under press of canvas
(n.) Act of stretching, or state of being stretched
(n.) A continuous line or surface
(n.) The extent to which anything may be stretched.
(n.) The reach or extent of a vessel's progress on one tack
(n.) Course

stretch Bedeutung

reaching stretch
the act of physically reaching or thrusting out
stretch extension to or beyond the ordinary limit, running at full stretch, by no stretch of the imagination, beyond any stretch of his understanding
exercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent
stretch reflex
myotactic reflex
reflex contraction of a muscle when an attached tendon is pulled, important in maintaining erect posture
stretch a straightaway section of a racetrack
stretch pants trousers made of a stretchy fabric
stretch mark a narrow band resulting from tension on the skin (as on abdominal skin after pregnancy)
the capacity for being stretched
stretch receptor a receptor in a muscle that responds to stretching of the muscle tissue
stretch a large and unbroken expanse or distance, a stretch of highway, a stretch of clear water
an unbroken period of time during which you do something, there were stretches of boredom, he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary
stretch extend extend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body, Stretch your legs!, Extend your right arm above your head
stretch out put out extend hold out
stretch forth
thrust or extend out, He held out his hand, point a finger, extend a hand, the bee exserted its sting
stretch out
stretch (the neck) so as to see better, The women craned their necks to see the President drive by
stretch stretch out extend one's body or limbs, Let's stretch for a minute--we've been sitting here for over hours
extend stretch d increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance, stretch the soup by adding some more cream, extend the casserole with a little rice
stretch become longer by being stretched and pulled, The fabric stretches
make long or longer by pulling and stretching, stretch the fabric
load adulterate
stretch f dilute debase
corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance, often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones, adulterate liquor
stretch extend the scope or meaning of, often unduly, Stretch the limits, stretch my patience, stretch the imagination
stretch pull in opposite directions, During the Inquisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rack
stretch stretch out lie down comfortably, To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass
stretch out
extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length, Unfold the newspaper, stretch out that piece of cloth, extend the TV antenna
stretch along
occupy a large, elongated area, The park stretched beneath the train line
stretch easily stretched, stretch hosiery
stretch(a) having an elongated seating area, a stretch limousine
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