
austreten (aus) Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Auslaufen n, Austreten n, Durchsickern n
Durchsickern n von Informationen
leakage of information
aus einem Verein austreten
to resign from
resigning from
resigned from
to resign from a club
austreten, aussteigen, nicht beitreten
to contract out
resign from
aus einem Verein austreten
to resign from a club
Auslaufen n; Austreten n; Durchsickern n
Durchsickern n von Informationen
leakage of information
Zigarette f
Zigaretten pl
filterlose Zigarette
elektrische Zigarette; E-Zigarette
Rauchen von E-Zigaretten
eine Schachtel Zigaretten
eine Stange Zigaretten
sich seine eigenen Zigaretten drehen
eine Zigarette ausdrücken; eine Zigarette austreten
Bitte nehmen Sie eine Zigarette!
unfiltered cigarette; filterless cigarette; no-filter cigarette
electronic cigarette; e-cigarette; electronic vaping device
a package Br. pack Am. of cigarettes
a carton of cigarettes
to roll one's own cigarettes
to gind out () a cigarette
A cigarette please?; Won't you try one of mine?
etw. abbrechen; etw. einstellen v adm.
abbrechend; einstellend
abgebrochen; eingestellt
ein Abonnement abbestellen
eine Behandlung abbrechen med.
eine Busline einstellen transp.
die Herstellung eines Produkts einstellen; ein Produkt auflassen Ös. econ.
austreten (aus einer Organisation)
to discontinue sth.
to discontinue a subscription
to discontinue a treatment
to discontinue a bus route
to discontinue a product
to discontinue membership
austreten v (aus)
aus einem Verein austreten
aus der Gewerkschaft austreten
aus einer Partei austreten
aus der Kirche austreten
to withdraw (from); to resign (from); to leave; to quit
withdrawing; resigning; leaving; quitting
withdrawn; resigned; left; quit
to resign withdraw from an association a club; to take one's name off the books
to resign from the trade union
to leave a party; to resign withdraw from a party
to leave the Church; to secede from the Church
austreten v (Schuhe; Pfade)
to wear out
austreten; aussteigen; nicht beitreten v
austretend; aussteigend; nicht beitretend
ausgetreten; ausgestiegen; nicht beitreten
eine Vereinbarung vertraglich abbedingen
to contract out
contracting out
contracted out
to contract out an agreement
austreten (aus); herausströmen (aus)
to spew (from) (e.g. gas)
Austreten n (Flüssigkeit Gas); Auslaufen n; Durchsickern n (Flüssigkeit)
leaking-out; leakage (of a liquid gas)
die Fraktionszugehörigkeit Dt. Schw.; die Klubzugehörigkeit Ös. (im Parlament) f pol.
die Fraktion den Klub Ös. verlassen; aus der Fraktion dem Klub Ös. austreten
aus der Fraktion dem Klub Ös. der Konservativen ausscheiden
einen Abgeordneten aus der Fraktion dem Klub Ös. ausschließen
the party whip Br.; the whip Br. (membership of a parliamentary group)
to resign the whip
to resign the Tory whip Br.
to withdraw the whip from an MP
Gewerkschaft f
Gewerkschaften pl
Beamtengewerkschaft f
berufsgebundene Gewerkschaft; Fachgewerkschaft f
Industriegewerkschaft f
Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten; Angestelltengewerkschaft f
Gewerkschaft der Postangestellten; Postgewerkschaft f
Zugehörigkeit zu einer Gewerkschaft
Zusammenarbeit zwischen Geschäftsleitung und Gewerkschaft
einer Gewerkschaft beitreten
aus einer Gewerkschaft austreten
trade union TU ; labor union Am.; union
trade unions; labor unions; unions
civil servants' union
craft union
industrial union
office workers union
post office workers union
union membership; union affiliation
union-management co-operation
to join a union; to become a member of the union
to resign from a union; to leave quit a union; to cancel give up your union membership
Kirchenaustritt m; Austritt m aus der Kirche relig.
aus der Kirche austreten
leaving the Church
to leave the Church
Zigarette f
Zigaretten pl
filterlose Zigarette
elektrische Zigarette; E-Zigarette
Rauchen von E-Zigaretten; elektrisches Dampfen; E-Dampfen; Dampfen
eine Schachtel ein Päckchen Ös. Zigaretten
eine Stange Zigaretten
sich eine Zigarette anzünden
sich seine eigenen Zigaretten drehen
eine Zigarette im Aschenbecher ausdrücken ausdämpfen Ös.
eine Zigarette ausmachen
eine Zigarette (am Boden) austreten
Bitte, nehmen Sie eine Zigarette!
unfiltered cigarette; filterless cigarette; no-filter cigarette
electronic cigarette; e-cigarette; electronic vaping device
vaping of e-cigarettes; vaping (vape)
a packet Br. pack Am. of cigarettes
a carton of cigarettes
to light a cigarette; to light up a cigarette
to roll your own cigarettes
to stub out a cigarette in the ashtray
to put out () a cigarette
to crush a cigarette with your foot
A cigarette, please?; Won't you try one of mine?
etw. abbrechen; etw. einstellen v adm.
abbrechend; einstellend
abgebrochen; eingestellt
ein Abonnement abbestellen
eine Behandlung abbrechen med.
eine Busline einstellen transp.
ein Produkt auslaufen lassen aus dem Programm nehmen auflassen Ös.; die Herstellung eines Produkts einstellen econ.
austreten (aus einer Organisation)
to discontinue sth.
to discontinue a subscription
to discontinue a treatment
to discontinue a bus route
to discontinue a product
to discontinue membership
aus einer Institution austreten; ausscheiden v adm.
austretend; ausscheidend
ausgetreten; ausgeschieden
vorzeitig ausscheiden
aus dem Dienst ausscheiden
aus dem Geschäft ausscheiden
als Gesellschafter Teilhaber ausscheiden econ.
aus der Regierung aus dem Kabinett ausscheiden
aus einem Verein austreten
aus der Gewerkschaft austreten
aus einer Partei austreten
aus der Kirche austreten
to withdraw (from an institution); to resign (from an institution); to leave (an institution); to quit (an institution)
withdrawing; resigning; leaving; quitting
withdrawn; resigned; left; quit
to withdraw prematurely; to resign prematurely
to quit the service
to retire from business
to withdraw (from a partnership); to cease to be a partner
to resign from the Government from the Cabinet
to resign withdraw from an association a club; to take one's name off the books
to resign from the trade union
to leave a party; to resign withdraw from a party
to leave the Church; to secede from the Church
austreten; hinausgehen v
austretend; hinausgehend
ausgetreten; hinausgegangen
to egress
austreten (aus); herausströmen (aus) v (Gas)
to spew (from) (gas)
pinkeln; schiffen; pullern Norddt. Mitteldt.; strullen Norddt. Mitteldt.; strunzen Mitteldt.; pieseln Mittelwestdt. Bayr. Ös.; bieseln Süddt.; seichen Süddt.; pischen Ös.; wiescherln Ös. ugs.; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen müssen humor.; klein machen Kindersprache; Pipi machen Kindersprache; Lulu machen Ös. Kindersprache; ablitern humor.; pissen slang; brunzen Süddt. Ös. Schw. slang v (urinieren)
pinkelnd; schiffend; pullernd; strullend; strunzend; pieselnd; bieselnd; seichend; pischend; wiescherlnd; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen müssend; klein machend; Pipi machend; Lulu machend; abliternd; pissend; brunzend
gepinkelt; geschifft; gepullert; gestrullt; gestrunzt; gepieselt; gebieselt; geseicht; gepischt; gewiescherlt; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen gemusst; klein gemacht; Pipi gemacht; Lulu gemacht; abgelitert; gepisst; gebrunzt
pinkeln pieseln pullern gehen; Pipi Lulu machen gehen Kindersprache; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen gehen humor.
to pee; to take a pee; to have a pee Br.; to piddle; to tinkle children's speech; to have take a tinkle children's speech; to wee Br. children's speech; to wee-wee Br. children's speech; to do wee-wee Br. children's speech coll.; to piss slang; to take a leak slang; to have a leak Br. slang; to take have a slash Br. slang; to take a piddle coll. (urinate)
peing; taking a pee; having a pee; piddling; tinkling; have taking a tinkle; weing; wee-weing; doing wee-wee; pissing; taking a leak; having a leak; take having a slash
peed; taken a pee; had a pee; piddled; tinkled; had taken a tinkle; weed; wee-weed; done wee-wee; pissed; taken a leak; had a leak; taken had a slash
to go tinkle children's speech; to go wee-wee children's speech; to go for a pee Br.
to go and take a pee; to go and take a leak

Deutsche austreten (aus) Synonyme

aussteigen  Âaustreten  
austreten  Âentsprießen  Âentspringen  Âherrühren  (von)  
austreten  (umgangssprachlich)  Âharnen  ÂLulu  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmiktieren  (fachsprachlich)  Âpieseln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âpinkeln  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPipi  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âpissen  (derb)  Âpullern  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschiffen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âstrullen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âurinieren  ÂWasser  lassen  
austreten (umgangssprachlich)  harnen  Lulu machen (umgangssprachlich)  miktieren (fachsprachlich)  pieseln (umgangssprachlich)  pinkeln (umgangssprachlich)  Pipi machen (umgangssprachlich)  pissen (derb)  pullern (umgangssprachlich)  schiffen (umgangssprachlich)  
austreten  entsprießen  entspringen  herrühren (von)  
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Englische leakage Synonyme

leakage  ablation  access  admission  break  breakout  consumption  decrease  decrement  deliverance  delivery  depletion  depreciation  dissipation  distillation  drain  dribble  drip  dripping  drippings  drop  emergence  entrance  entree  entry  erosion  escape  escapism  evaporation  evasion  exhaustion  expenditure  extrication  flight  freeing  getaway  import  importation  importing  impoverishment  income  incoming  infiltration  ingoing  ingress  ingression  input  insertion  insinuation  intake  interpenetration  introduction  introgression  intrusion  issuance  issue  jailbreak  leak  leaking  liberation  outlet  penetration  percolation  prisonbreak  reception  release  rescue  riddance  seepage  setting-free  shrinkage  trickle  using  using up  vent  wastage  waste  wearing  wearing away  

austreten (aus) Definition

(v. t.) The act of informing, or communicating knowledge or intelligence.
(v. t.) News, advice, or knowledge, communicated by others or obtained by personal study and investigation
(v. t.) A proceeding in the nature of a prosecution for some offens against the government, instituted and prosecuted, really or nominally, by some authorized public officer on behalt of the government. It differs from an indictment in criminal cases chiefly in not being based on the finding of a grand juri. See Indictment.
(n.) A leaking
(n.) An allowance of a certain rate per cent for the leaking of casks, or waste of liquors by leaking.

leakage / leakage of information Bedeutung

information gathering the act of collecting information
information warfare
the use of information or information technology during a time of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a specific adversary or adversaries, not everyone agrees that information warfare is limited to the realm of traditional warfare
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
data system
information system
system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization
superhighway information superhighway an extensive electronic network (such as the internet) used for the rapid transfer of sound and video and graphics in digital form
selective information
(communication theory) a numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome, the signal contained thousands of bits of information
information knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction
information theory (computer science) a statistical theory dealing with the limits and efficiency of information processing
information technology
the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information
information science
information processing
the sciences concerned with gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying recorded information
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(computer science) a code for information exchange between computers made by different companies, a string of binary digits represents each character, used in most microcomputers
information return a return that provides information to the tax collector but does not compute the tax liability
electronic database
on-line database
computer database
electronic information service
(computer science) a database that can be accessed by computers
a message received and understood
inside information
true confidential information, after the trial he gave us the real details
intelligence intelligence information secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy), we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage
lead steer
confidential information
an indication of potential opportunity, he got a tip on the stock market, a good lead for a job
insider information important information about the plans or condition of a corporation that has not been released to the public, use for personal profit is illegal
information bulletin a bulletin containing the latest information
information formal accusation of a crime
the discharge of a fluid from some container, they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe, he had to clean up the leak
National Technical Information Service
an agency in the Technology Administration that is a primary resource for government-funded scientific and technical and engineering and business related information
Defense Technical Information Center
the agency in the Department of Defense that provides scientific and technical information to federal agencies and their contractors
Defense Information Systems Agency
a combat support agency in the Department of Defense responsible for developing and operating and supporting information systems to serve the needs of the President and the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn, statistical data
information measure a system of measurement of information based on the probabilities of the events that convey information
information age a period beginning in the last quarter of the th century when information became easily accessible through publications and through the manipulation of information by computers and computer networks
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