
Deutsche bewusst Synonyme

bei  Bewusstsein  bewusst  
bewusst  gewahr  klar  
(sich)  bewusst  werden  erkennen  
bewusst  geistig  intellektuell  kognitiv  
absichtlich  Ã¼bermütig  bewusst  dolos  (fachsprachlich)  extra  (umgangssprachlich)  gewollt  gezielt  in  voller  Absicht  mutwillig  vorsätzlich  willentlich  wissentlich  
(sich) bewusst werden  erkennen  
bewusst  geistig  intellektuell  kognitiv  
bewusst  gewahr  klar  
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Englische aware Synonyme

aware  acquainted  advertent  agog  alert  alive  alive to  all ears  all eyes  all-knowing  apperceptive  appercipient  appreciative of  apprehending  apprehensive  apprised  apprised of  assiduous  attentive  au courant  au fait  awake  awake to  aware of  awash  behind the curtain  behind the scenes  brimful  brimming  careful  chock-full  cognizant  cognizant of  comprehending  concentrated  conscious  conscious of  conversant  crammed  crowded  diligent  earnest  enlightened  finical  finicking  finicky  heedful  hep  hep to  hip  impressible  impressionable  impressive  in the know  in the secret  informed  informed of  insightful  intelligent  intense  intent  intentive  jammed  knowing  knowledgeable  let into  loaded  meticulous  mindful  mindful of  nice  niggling  no stranger to  observant  observing  omniscient  on the ball  on the job  on to  open-eared  open-eyed  openmouthed  packed  perceptive  percipient  perspicacious  posted  prehensile  privy to  receptive  regardful  sagacious  seized of  sensible  sensible of  sensible to  sensile  sensitive  sensitive to  sentient  shrewd  streetwise  stuffed  susceptible  susceptive  undeceived  understanding  ware  watchful  wise  wise to  witting  
awareness  advertence  advertency  alertness  apperception  appreciation  appreciativeness  assiduity  assiduousness  attention  attention span  attentiveness  care  cognition  cognizance  concentration  consciousness  consideration  diligence  ear  earnestness  experience  feeling  heed  heedfulness  insight  intentiveness  intentness  mindfulness  noesis  note  notice  observance  observation  percept  perception  realization  recognition  regard  regardfulness  remark  respect  response  response to stimuli  sensation  sense  sense impression  sense perception  sensibility  sensory experience  thought  


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