
bringen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

to bring (brought,brought)
to bring
es bringen
to cut the mustard coll.
Opfer bringen
make sacrifices
Zinsen bringen
carry an interest
Nutzen bringen
to profit
in Wut bringen
in Wut bringen
to incense
Ergebnis bringen
yield a result
ins Bett bringen
to take to bed
ins Bett bringen
to put to bed
zustande bringen
to bring about
zustande bringen
bring about
in Gefahr bringen
in Umlauf bringen
zum Reden bringen
get someone talking
ins reine bringen
to iron out
ans Licht bringen
to bring to light
ins reine bringen
iron out
in Verruf bringen
in Verruf bringen
ans Licht bringen
bring to light
in Verkehr bringen
put in circulation
nach Hause bringen
to take home
in Ordnung bringen
to put in order
in Ordnung bringen
put in order
zum Eitern bringen
in Ordnung bringen
fix up
zum Halten bringen
bring to a stop
in Einklang bringen
in Versform bringen
zum Halten bringen
to bring to a stop
in Ordnung bringen
to fix up Am.
bringen, mitbringen
auf Touren bringen
to jump-start
guten ertrag bringen
yield well
etw. zu Wege bringen
to manage sth.; to accomplish sth.
zum Ausdruck bringen
in Einklang bringen
to bring in line
ihn ins Bett bringen
put him to bed
in Unordnung bringen
in Unordnung bringen
zur Strecke bringen
to run down
zur Strecke bringen
to account for
fertig bringen v
to be capable of
auf die Seite bringen
in eine Linie bringen
in Misskredit bringen
zum Schweigen bringen
zum Schweigen bringen
in Verbindung bringen
auf eine Idee bringen
get an idea from something
zum Schweigen bringen
durcheinander bringen
mix up
zum Schweigen bringen
to silence
auf den Markt bringen
to put on the market
auf den Markt bringen
put on the market
jdn. in Rage bringen
make sb. furious
etw. zu Wege bringen
to manage sth., to accomplish sth.
auf Touren bringen v
to jump-start
zum Halten bringen v
to bring to a stop
jdn. in Fahrt bringen
to get sb. going
fertig bringen, leiten
bringen, herbeibringen
bring (irr.)
zum Stillstand bringen
durcheinander bringen
to hash up
in Ordnung bringen v
to fix up Am.
unter einen Hut bringen
jdn. auf Draht bringen
to bring sb. up to scratch
in Ordnung bringen Am
to fix up am
zum Stillstand bringen
to stall
jdn. zum Reden bringen
to make sb. talk
etw. in Anschlag bringen
to take sth. into account
aus dem Konzept bringen
to bowl over fig.
wieder in Umlauf bringen
in Anrechnung zu bringen
etw. in Verkehr bringen
to put sth. into circulation
etw. in Gang bringen v
to set sth. in train
etw. zu Wege bringen v
to manage sth.; to accomplish sth.
... auf die Waage bringen
to weigh in at ...
schlechten ertrag bringen
yield poorly
wieder in Ordnung bringen
jdn. zur Raserei bringen
to drive sb. mad
wieder in Umlauf bringen
to recirculate
etw. hinter sich bringen
to get sth. over and done with
auf neuesten Stand bringen
das Haus zum Beben bringen
raise the roof
jdn. in Fahrt bringen v
to get sb. going
etw. zum Scheitern bringen
to derail sth.
an den Bettelstab bringen
to beggar
in Einklang bringen (mit)
to bring into accordance, to harmonize, to reconcile (with)
etw. in Erfahrung bringen
to learn sth., to find out sth., to come to know sth.
jdn. zum Sprechen bringen
to get sb. to speak
jdn. ans Arbeiten bringen
to ginger sb. up
aus dem Konzept bringen v
to bowl over fig.
in Geldverlegenheit bringen
Ungnade, in Ungnade bringen
um die Ecke bringen ugs.
to put away coll.
verursachen, zuwege bringen
bring about
etwas auf die Beine bringen
to get something going
jdn. in Misskredit bringen
to put false colors upon sb.
etw. auf den Punkt bringen
to get to the heart of sth.
(Motor) auf Touren bringen
to rev up
jdn. in Verlegenheit bringen
to put so. on the spot
jdn. aus der Fassung bringen
to throw so. coll.
ruinieren; in Verruf bringen
to darn
jdn. etw. Sicherheit bringen
to entrench sb. sth.
jdn. aus dem Konzept bringen
to put sb. off his her stride
jemanden zum Grübeln bringen
make someone think
alles durcheinander bringen
to muck things about
auf den neusten Stand bringen
etw. hinter sich bringen v
to get sth. over and done with
jdn. etw. zu Fall bringen v
to trip up () sb. sth.
Nutzen bringen, Nutzen finden
ruinieren, in Verruf bringen
to darn
jdn. aus der Fassung bringen
to throw (stump) sb.
feiern, in Erinnerung bringen
den Stein ins Rollen bringen
to set the ball rolling
den Stein ins Rollen bringen
to get the ball rolling
jdn. aus dem Konzept bringen
to put sb. off his
her stride
zur Einsicht bringen (durch)
to chasten (by)
etw. unter die Leute bringen
to make sth. public
jdn. ans Arbeiten bringen v
to ginger sb. up
etw. wieder in Schuss bringen
to give sth. a new lease of life
jdn. an den Bettelstab bringen
to beggar sb.; to reduce sb. to begging
machen; schaffen; dazu bringen
jdn.ins Hintertreffen bringen
to put sb. behind
auf den neuesten Stand bringen
zur Explosion bringen, sprengen
to detonate
holen, bringen, lesen, erhalten
etw. zum Scheitern bringen v
to derail sth.
er wird es nie zu etwas bringen
he'll never get anywhere
Scherben bringen Glück. Sprw.
Broken crockery brings you luck.
etw. auf den Punkt bringen v
to get to the heart of sth.
die Bücher zum Abschluss bringen
make up one's accounts
wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringen
to rebalance
etw. zum Stillstand bringen v
to stall sth.; to stalemate sth.
zum Schweigen bringen (Kritiker)
to outface
das Auto zur Inspektion bringen
to put the car in for a service
jdn. etw. unter Kontrolle bringen
to bring so. sth. to heel
mit sich bringen, zur Folge haben
jdn. aus dem Konzept bringen v
to put sb. off his her stride
einen Kompromiss zustande bringen
effect a compromise
ein Produkt auf den Markt bringen
launch a product
ein Buch in kurze Fassung bringen
abridge a book
Er wird es nie zu etwas bringen.
He'll never get anywhere.
jdn. etw. Sicherheit bringen v
to entrench sb. sth.

Deutsche bringen Synonyme

an  die  Kandare  nehmen  (umgangssprachlich)  drosseln  jemanden  zur  Besinnung  bringen  jemanden  zur  Vernunft  bringen  mäßigen  zügeln  zur  Räson  bringen  
chaotisieren  (umgangssprachlich)  durcheinander  bringen  in  Unordnung  bringen  verheddern  verknäueln  verwirren  
aufs  Tapet  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  zur  Sprache  bringen  
in  Gang  bringen  starten  zum  Laufen  bringen  
(Baby)  zur  Welt  bringen  auf  die  Welt  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  entbinden  gebären  niederkommen  
abhaken  (umgangssprachlich)  abschließen  ad  acta  legen  beenden  beendigen  besiegeln  erledigen  unter  Dach  und  Fach  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  zu  Ende  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  
abfassen  aufs  Papier  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  notieren  Protokoll  schreiben  protokollieren  schreiben  texten  verfassen  zu  Papier  bringen  
auf  Vordermann  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  auf  Zack  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  verbessern  
in  Umlauf  bringen  Inverkehrbringen  
bringen  einbringen  erwirtschaften  
bringen  herbringen  mitbringen  
durcheinander  bringen  verwechseln  (mit)  
in  Schwung  bringen  zum  Durchbruch  verhelfen  
bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  können  schaffen  
assoziieren  in  Verbindung  bringen  verknüpfen  
auf  Linie  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  gleichschalten  
aus  dem  Gleichgewicht  bringen  destabilisieren  entstabilisieren  
einkassieren  kassieren  kippen  zu  Fall  bringen  
ausbalancieren  ausgleichen  austarieren  ins  Gleichgewicht  bringen  
eingreifen  einrücken  in  Eingriff  bringen  ineinander  greifen  
jemanden  zu  etwas  bringen  nötigen  vorschreiben  zwingen  
(sich)  rentieren  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  Nutzen  abwerfen  
aktualisieren  auf  den  neuesten  Stand  bringen  updaten  (umgangssprachlich)  
aufhalten  eindämmen  Einhalt  gebieten  zum  Stillstand  bringen  
abkanzeln  abwerten  diskreditieren  in  Misskredit  bringen  niedermachen  
hochgehen  lassen  (umgangssprachlich)  sprengen  zur  Explosion  bringen  
einhergehen  in  Zusammenhang  bringen  korrelieren  kovariieren  (fachsprachlich)  zusammenhängen  
trauen  unter  die  Haube  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  verheiraten  vermählen  
beirren  derangieren  durcheinander  bringen  irreführen  verunsichern  verwirren  
aus  der  Fassung  bringen  ärgern  belästigen  reizen  sekkieren  (österr.)  
aufreihen  in  eine  Reihenfolge  bringen  ordnen  sequentialisieren  sequenzialisieren  
offen  zeigen  offenbaren  outen  zu  erkennen  geben  zum  Vorschein  bringen  
in  Schuss  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  in  Stand  setzen  instandsetzen  renovieren  reparieren  
arm  machen  ausbeuten  ausnützen  ausnutzen  schröpfen  um  Hab  und  Gut  bringen  zur  Ader  lassen  
auf  den  Punkt  bringen  den  Nagel  auf  den  Kopf  treffen  (umgangssprachlich)  zutreffend  sein  
durcheinander  bringen  Unbehagen  bereiten  verdutzen  verlegen  machen  verstören  verwirren  
aus  dem  Weg  räumen  ausbügeln  (umgangssprachlich)  ausgleichen  begleichen  (Rechnung)  ins  Reine  bringen  wettmachen  wieder  gutmachen  
animieren  ankurbeln  (umgangssprachlich)  anregen  anspornen  anstacheln  bestärken  ermutigen  jemanden  zu  etwas  bringen  Mut  machen  stärken  
aufregen  ärgern  die  Freude  verderben  empören  entrüsten  erzürnen  in  Harnisch  bringen  verstimmen  wütend  machen  zur  Weißglut  treiben  (umgangssprachlich)  
(Fehler)  ausmerzen  (Mangel)  beheben  (Missstand)  abstellen  (Problem)  bewältigen  abhelfen  Abhilfe  schaffen  bereinigen  beseitigen  in  Ordnung  bringen  lösen  
in  Verruf  bringen  ruinieren  verderben  zu  Grunde  richten  zugrunde  richten  
auflegen  ausgeben  (Banknoten)  ausstellen  emittieren  herausgeben  in  Umlauf  bringen  in  Umlauf  setzen  verbreiten  
darauf  hinauslaufen  hervorbringen  mit  sich  bringen  nach  sich  ziehen  zeitigen  zur  Folge  haben  
(sich)  in  Pose  stellen  (sich)  in  Positur  bringen  posieren  
beinhalten  daherkommen  (umgangssprachlich)  einhergehen  einherkommen  implizieren  (fachsprachlich)  mit  sich  bringen  nach  sich  ziehen  
antreiben  auf  Trab  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  Beine  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  hetzen  jagen  scheuchen  treiben  voranbringen  vorantreiben  
animieren  anstoßen  einsetzen  lassen  entfesseln  ins  Rollen  bringen  loslegen  lassen  (umgangssprachlich)  Starthilfe  geben  veranlassen  
beerdigen  begraben  beisetzen  bestatten  das  letzte  Geleit  geben  einbuddeln  (derb)  unter  die  Erde  bringen  (derb)  zur  letzten  Ruhe  betten  
etwas  kombinieren  etwas  mischen  etwas  miteinander  in  Verbindung  bringen  etwas  verbinden  
abmurksen  (umgangssprachlich)  beiseite  schaffen  (derb)  beseitigen  ermorden  kaltmachen  (umgangssprachlich)  liquidieren  meucheln  neutralisieren  niedermetzeln  töten  terminieren  um  die  Ecke  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  umbringen  umlegen  (umgangssprachlich)  
stänkern  (umgangssprachlich)  Streit  suchen  Stunk  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  Unfrieden  stiften  Unruhe  (in  etwas)  bringen  Unruhe  stiften  
einbuchten  (umgangssprachlich)  einkassieren  (umgangssprachlich)  einlochen  (umgangssprachlich)  einsperren  festnehmen  gefangen  nehmen  hinter  Schloss  und  Riegel  bringen  (umgangssprachlich)  in  Haft  nehmen  inhaftieren  verhaften  verknacken  (umgangssprachlich)  
(Baby) zur Welt bringen  auf die Welt bringen (umgangssprachlich)  entbinden  gebären  niederkommen  
auf Linie bringen (umgangssprachlich)  gleichschalten  
auf Vordermann bringen (umgangssprachlich)  auf Zack bringen (umgangssprachlich)  verbessern  
auf den Punkt bringen  den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen (umgangssprachlich)  zutreffend sein  
aufs Tapet bringen (umgangssprachlich)  zur Sprache bringen  
aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen  destabilisieren  entstabilisieren  
aus der Fassung bringen  ärgern  belästigen  reizen  sekkieren (österr.)  
bringen (umgangssprachlich)  können  schaffen  
bringen  einbringen  erwirtschaften  
bringen  herbringen  mitbringen  
durcheinander bringen  Unbehagen bereiten  verdutzen  verlegen machen  verstören  verwirren  
durcheinander bringen  verwechseln (mit)  
in Schuss bringen (umgangssprachlich)  in Stand setzen  instandsetzen  renovieren  reparieren  
in Schwung bringen  zum Durchbruch verhelfen  
in Umlauf bringen  Inverkehrbringen  
in Verruf bringen  ruinieren  verderben  zu Grunde richten  zugrunde richten  
Weitere Ergebnisse für bringen Synonym nachschlagen

Englische to bring Synonyme

to  against  as far as  en route to  for  headed for  in  in consideration of  in contemplation of  in order to  in passage to  in transit to  into  on  on route to  over against  so  so as to  so that  till  toward  towards  until  unto  up  up to  upon  versus  
to a degree  a bit  a little  after a fashion  appositely  appreciably  at any rate  at best  at least  at most  at the least  at the most  at the outside  at worst  comparatively  detectably  extremely  fairly  germanely  in a manner  in a measure  in a way  in part  in some measure  incompletely  kind of  leastwise  merely  mildly  moderately  modestly  not absolutely  not comprehensively  not exhaustively  only  part  partially  partly  pertinently  pretty  pro tanto  proportionately  purely  quite  rather  relatively  relevantly  scarcely  simply  slightly  so far  somewhat  sort of  thus far  to an extent  to some degree  to some extent  tolerably  very  visibly  
to and fro  alternately  back and forth  backward and forward  backwards and forwards  by turns  capriciously  changeably  desultorily  erratically  every other  hitch and hike  in and out  in rotation  in turns  inconstantly  make and break  mutatis mutandis  off and on  on and off  reciprocally  ride and tie  round and round  seesaw  shuttlewise  turn about  uncertainly  unsteadfastly  unsteadily  up and down  variably  vice versa  waveringly  
to be expected  according to expectation  any day  any hour  any minute  any moment  any time  any time now  as a rule  as expected  as may be  as per usual  as things go  as usual  chiefly  commonly  counted on  customarily  expected of  generally  habitually  imminently  impendingly  in character  just as predicted  just like one  mainly  most often  mostly  naturally  normally  normatively  one all over  ordinarily  prescriptively  regularly  taken for granted  usually  
to blame  accountable  accusable  amenable  answerable  arraignable  at fault  blamable  blameworthy  censurable  chargeable  criminal  culpable  faulty  guilty  impeachable  implicated  imputable  inculpated  indictable  involved  liable  open to criticism  peccant  reprehensible  reproachable  reprovable  responsible  responsible for  
to come  about to be  advancing  already in sight  approaching  approximate  approximative  at hand  attracted to  billed  booked  brewing  close  close at hand  coming  desired  destinal  destined  determined  drawn to  emergent  eventual  extrapolated  fatal  fated  fatidic  forthcoming  future  futuristic  gathering  going to happen  hereafter  hoped-for  immediate  imminent  impendent  impending  in danger imminent  in prospect  in reserve  in store  in the cards  in the offing  in the wind  in view  instant  later  looming  lowering  lurking  menacing  near  near at hand  nearing  on the horizon  oncoming  overhanging  planned  plotted  predicted  preparing  probable  projected  prophesied  prospective  proximate  scheduled  slated  that will be  threatening  to-be  ultimate  upcoming  waiting  
to do  ado  agitation  bluster  bobbery  boil  boiling  bother  botheration  brawl  broil  brouhaha  burst  bustle  churn  clamor  coil  commotion  conturbation  discomposure  disorder  disquiet  disquietude  disturbance  donnybrook  donnybrook fair  dustup  ebullience  ebullition  eddy  effervescence  embroilment  excitement  feery-fary  ferment  fermentation  fever  feverishness  fidgetiness  fidgets  fit  flap  flurry  fluster  flutter  flutteration  flutteriness  foment  foofaraw  fracas  free-for-all  fume  furore  fuss  fussiness  hassle  helter-skelter  hubbub  hullabaloo  hurly-burly  hurrah  hurry  hurry-scurry  inquietude  jitters  jumpiness  maelstrom  malaise  melee  moil  nerviness  nervosity  nervousness  pell-mell  perturbation  pother  racket  rampage  restlessness  riot  roil  rough-and-tumble  roughhouse  rout  row  ruckus  ruction  ruffle  rumpus  scramble  seethe  seething  shindy  spasm  spurt  stew  stir  sweat  swirl  swirling  trepidation  trepidity  trouble  tumult  tumultuation  turbidity  turbulence  turmoil  twitter  unease  unquiet  unrest  uproar  upset  vortex  whirl  yeastiness  
to spare  de trop  dispensable  excess  expendable  expletive  extra  fresh  gratuitous  held back  held in reserve  held out  in abeyance  in excess  in hand  left  leftover  mint  needless  net  new  nonessential  odd  original  outstanding  over  pleonastic  pristine  prolix  put aside  put by  redundant  remaining  remanent  reserve  saved  spare  stored  supererogatory  superfluous  surplus  surviving  suspended  tautologic  tautologous  unapplied  unbeaten  uncalled-for  unconsumed  unemployed  unessential  unexercised  unexpended  unhandled  unnecessary  unneeded  unspent  untapped  untouched  untrodden  unused  unutilized  verbose  waived  
to the hilt  ad infinitum  all over  altogether  at all points  at full length  completely  comprehensively  entirely  every bit  every inch  every whit  exhaustively  fully  globally  head and shoulders  heart and soul  hundred per cent  in all respects  in every respect  in extenso  in full  in full measure  inclusively  inside and out  inside out  integrally  largely  neck deep  on all counts  one and all  outright  overall  root and branch  roundly  thoroughly  through and through  throughout  to the brim  to the death  to the end  totally  tout a fait  unconditionally  unreservedly  wholly  you name it  
to the letter  absolutely  dead  definitely  directly  even  exactly  expressly  faithfully  in all respects  in every respect  ipsissimis verbis  just  literally  literatim  plumb  point-blank  positively  precisely  right  rigidly  rigorously  square  squarely  straight  strictly  undeviatingly  unerringly  verbally  verbatim  verbatim et litteratim  word by word  word for word  
to the point  Spartan  a propos  abbreviated  abridged  ad rem  adapted  admissible  aposiopestic  appertaining  applicable  applying  apposite  appropriate  apropos  apt  becoming  befitting  belonging  brief  brusque  clipped  close  compact  compendious  compressed  concise  condensed  contracted  crisp  curt  cut  docked  dovetailing  elliptic  epigrammatic  felicitous  fit  fitted  fitting  geared  germane  gnomic  happy  in plain English  in plain words  in point  involving  just right  laconic  likely  material  matter-of-factly  meshing  naturally  on the button  opportune  pat  pertaining  pertinent  pithy  plainly  point-blank  pointed  pruned  qualified  relevant  reserved  right  seasonable  sententious  short  short and sweet  shortened  simply  sortable  succinct  suitable  suited  suiting  summary  synopsized  taciturn  tailored  terse  tight  to the purpose  truncated  unaffectedly  
toad  amphibian  apple-polisher  ass-licker  backscratcher  backslapper  batrachian  bootlick  bootlicker  brown-nose  brownie  bullfrog  clawback  courtier  creature  cringer  croaker  dog  dupe  fawner  flatterer  flunky  footlicker  frog  groveler  handshaker  helot  hoppytoad  hoptoad  instrument  jackal  kowtower  lackey  led captain  lickspit  lickspittle  mealymouth  minion  newt  paddock  peon  polliwog  prick  puppet  salamander  scum  serf  shit  shithead  skunk  slave  snake  spaniel  stinker  stooge  suck  sycophant  tadpole  timeserver  toadeater  toady  tool  tree frog  tree toad  truckler  tufthunter  turd  yes-man  
toadstool  algae  autophyte  bean  bracken  brown algae  climber  conferva  confervoid  creeper  diatom  fern  fruits and vegetables  fucus  fungus  grapevine  green algae  gulfweed  herb  heterophyte  ivy  kelp  legume  lentil  liana  lichen  liverwort  mold  moss  mushroom  parasite  parasitic plant  pea  perthophyte  phytoplankton  planktonic algae  plant families  puffball  pulse  red algae  rockweed  rust  saprophyte  sargasso  sargassum  sea lentil  sea moss  sea wrack  seaweed  smut  succulent  vetch  vine  wort  wrack  
toady  apple-polish  apple-polisher  ass-licker  backscratcher  backslapper  bend the knee  bootlick  bootlicker  bow  bow and scrape  brown-nose  brownie  clawback  courtier  cower  crawl  creature  creep  cringe  cringer  crouch  dupe  fawn  fawner  flatter  flatterer  flunky  follow  footlicker  grovel  groveler  handshaker  helot  instrument  jackal  kneel  kowtow  kowtower  lackey  led captain  lick the dust  lickspit  lickspittle  mealymouth  minion  peon  puppet  serf  slave  spaniel  stooge  stoop  suck  sycophant  tag  tail  timeserver  toad  toadeat  toadeater  tool  trail  truckle  truckler  tufthunter  yes-man  
toadying  abject  apple-polishing  ass-kissing  backscratching  beggarly  bootlicking  brown-nosing  cowering  crawling  cringing  crouching  fawnery  fawning  flattering  flunkyism  footlicking  groveling  handshaking  hangdog  ingratiating  ingratiation  insinuation  kowtowing  mealymouthed  mealymouthedness  obeisance  obeisant  obsequious  obsequiousness  on bended knee  parasitic  parasitism  prostrate  prostration  sniveling  sponging  sycophancy  sycophantic  timeserving  toadeating  toadyish  toadyism  truckling  tufthunting  
toast  French bread  Irish soda bread  Italian bread  anniversaries  appreciation  bake  barbecue  baste  be in heat  beige  belle  bib  black bread  blanch  blaze  bloom  boil  booze  braise  bread  bread stick  bread stuff  brew  broil  brown  brown bread  brownish  brownish-yellow  brunet  burn  celebrating  celebration  ceremony  cheers  chocolate  choke  cinnamon  cocoa  cocoa-brown  coddle  coffee  coffee-brown  combust  commemoration  congratulate  cook  cracked-wheat bread  crust  curry  dark bread  darling  devil  do  do to perfection  drab  drain the cup  dressing ship  drink  drink in  drink off  drink to  drink up  dun  dun-brown  dun-drab  ecru  fanfare  fanfaronade  favorite  fawn  fawn-colored  felicitate  festivity  fine lady  fire  flame  flame up  flare  flare up  flicker  flourish of trumpets  flush  fricassee  frizz  frizzle  fry  fuscous  garlic bread  gasp  glow  good wishes  graham bread  grande dame  greet  greetings  grege  griddle  grill  guzzle  hazel  heat  hero  heroine  holiday  honor  idol  imbibe  incandesce  jubilee  khaki  loaf of bread  lurid  marking the occasion  matzo  matzoth  memorialization  memory  nut bread  nut-brown  observance  olive-brown  olive-drab  ovation  oven-bake  pain  pan  pan-broil  pant  parboil  parch  pay tribute to  pita  pledge  poach  precieuse  prepare  prepare food  pull  pumpernickel  quaff  radiate heat  raisin bread  rejoicing  religious rites  remembrance  remembrances  revel  rite  ritual observance  roast  rye bread  salt-rising bread  salutations  salute  salvo  saute  scald  scallop  scorch  seal  seal-brown  sear  seethe  sepia  shimmer with heat  shirr  simmer  sip  smolder  smother  snuff-colored  solemn observance  solemnization  sorrel  sourbread  sourdough bread  spark  staff of life  steam  stew  stifle  stir-fry  suck  suck in  suckle  suffocate  sup  sweat  swelter  swig  swill  tan  taupe  tawny  testimonial  testimonial banquet  testimonial dinner  tipple  toast-brown  tommy  toss do  
toasty  aestival  blood-hot  blood-warm  calid  equatorial  genial  luke  lukewarm  mild  room-temperature  subtropical  summery  sunny  sunshiny  temperate  tepid  thermal  thermic  tropical  unfrozen  warm  warm as toast  warmish  
tobacconist  antique store  apothecary  automobile showroom  baker  bookdealer  bookseller  bookstore  bootery  butcher  candy store  chandler  chemist  cigar store  clothiers  clothing merchant  clothing store  confectioner  confectionery  draper  dress shop  drugstore  dry goods store  drysalter  fishmonger  fishwife  florist  florists  footwear merchant  fruiterer  fur salon  furnisher  furniture store  furrier  gift shop  greengrocer  grocer  groceryman  haberdasher  haberdashery  hardware store  hardwareman  hat shop  hobby shop  ironmonger  ironmongery  jeweler  jewelers  jewelry store  leather goods store  liquor merchant  liquor store  luggage shop  milliners  newsdealer  novelty shop  package store  perfumer  pharmacy  poulterer  saddler  saddlery  schlock house  schlock shop  secondhand shop  secondhand store  shoe store  smoke shop  snuffman  specialty shop  sporting goods store  stationer  stationers  stationery store  sweater shop  sweet shop  thrift shop  tobacco store  tobacconists  toy shop  trimming store  used-car lot  vintner  wine merchant  
tocsin  Klaxon  Mayday  SOS  air-raid alarm  alarm  alarm bell  alarm clock  alarm signal  alarum  alert  all clear  beacon  blinking light  burglar alarm  buzzer  crostarie  fiery cross  fire alarm  fire bell  fire flag  five-minute gun  flashing light  fog bell  fog signal  foghorn  gale warning  hooter  horn  hue and cry  hurricane warning  lighthouse  note of alarm  occulting light  police whistle  sign  signal  signal of distress  siren  small-craft warning  still alarm  storm cone  storm flag  storm warning  two-minute gun  upside-down flag  whistle  
today  as of now  as things are  at present  at this juncture  at this moment  at this point  at this time  but now  contemporaneity  contemporaneousness  even now  for the nonce  for this occasion  here  here and now  hereat  hic et nunc  historical present  in our time  in these days  just now  modernity  newness  now  nowadays  nowness  on the spot  our times  present  present tense  presently  presentness  the Now Generation  the nonce  the now  the present  the present age  the present day  the present hour  the present juncture  the present time  the time being  the times  these days  this day  this hour  this instant  this moment  this night  this point  this stage  tonight  

bringen Definition

(v. t.) To convey to the place where the speaker is or is to be
(v. t.) To cause the accession or obtaining of
(v. t.) To convey
(v. t.) To persuade
(v. t.) To produce in exchange

to bring (broughtbrought) Bedeutung

bring to
bring back
bring round
bring around
return to consciousness, These pictures bring back sad memories
get engender
bring forth
make children, Abraham begot Isaac, Men often father children but don't recognize them
bring around cure
provide a cure for, make healthy again, The treatment cured the boy's acne, The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to
bring up
cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes, boot your computer
bring into a different state, this may land you in jail
cut down
cut back trim
trim down
trim back
cut bring down
cut down on, make a reduction in, reduce your daily fat intake, The employer wants to cut back health benefits
bring out
set off
direct attention to, as if by means of contrast, This dress accentuates your nice figure!, I set off these words by brackets
bring home make understandable and clear, This brings home my point
bring down
visit impose
impose something unpleasant, The principal visited his rage on the students
bring round
bring around
cause to adopt an opinion or course of action, His urgent letter finally brought me around to give money to the school
bring induce or persuade, The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well
b unwrap
let on
bring out reveal
discover expose divulge
give away
let out
make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret, The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold, The actress won't reveal how old she is, bring out the truth, he broke the news to her, unwrap the evidence in the murder case
bring out
put out
prepare and issue for public distribution or sale, publish a magazine or newspaper
mention advert bring up
name refer
make reference to, His name was mentioned in connection with the invention
raise bring up put forward for consideration or discussion, raise the question of promotions, bring up an unpleasant topic
call up bring forward bring forward for consideration, The case was called up in court
introduce bring out bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
bring out get out take out of a container or enclosed space, Get out your best dress--we are going to a party!
join bring together cause to become joined or linked, join these two parts so that they fit together
get convey
go or come after and bring or take back, Get me those books over there, please, Could you bring the wine?, The dog fetched the hat
bring be accompanied by, Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?
bring cause to come into a particular state or condition, Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence, bring water to the boiling point
bring out
let out
bring out of a specific state
bond bring together draw together bring together in a common cause or emotion, The death of their child had drawn them together
advance or set forth in court, bring charges, institute proceedings
bring forth
bring into existence, The new manager generated a lot of problems, The computer bug generated chaos in the office, The computer generated this image, The earthquake generated a tsunami
work play d wreak
make for
cause to happen or to occur as a consequence, I cannot work a miracle, wreak havoc, bring comments, play a joke, The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area
b raise conjure
conjure up
evoke stir
call down
bring up
put forward
call forth
summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic, raise the specter of unemployment, he conjured wild birds in the air, call down the spirits from the mountain
bring on
cause to arise, induce a crisis
bring on cause to appear, bring on the birthday cake
produce bring forth bring forth or yield, The tree would not produce fruit
produce bring about give rise cause to happen, occur or exist, This procedure produces a curious effect, The new law gave rise to many complaints, These chemicals produce a noxious vapor, the new President must bring about a change in the health care system
bring attract the attention of, The noise and the screaming brought the curious
bring out encourage to be less reserved, The teacher tried to bring out the shy boy
bring down cause to be enthusiastic, Her playing brought down the house
bring up cause to come to a sudden stop, The noise brought her up in shock
take down
let down
get down
bring down
move something or somebody to a lower position, take down the vase from the shelf
get up
bring up
raise from a lower to a higher position, Raise your hands, Lift a load
land put down
bring down
cause to come to the ground, the pilot managed to land the airplane safely
advance bring forward cause to move forward, Can you move the car seat forward?
take something or somebody with oneself somewhere, Bring me the box from the other room, Take these letters to the boss, This brings me to the main point
return take back bring back bring back to the point of departure
bring in
bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment, He brought in a new judge, The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor
bring in transmit, The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine
bring outside
bring outside the body for surgery, of organs
bring about cause to move into the opposite direction, they brought about the boat when they saw a storm approaching
produce bring forth bring out for display, The proud father produced many pictures of his baby, The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him
bring out
make visible, Summer brings out bright clothes, He brings out the best in her
bring on
bring out
bring onto the market or release, produce a movie, bring out a book, produce a new play
provide bring home the bacon supply means of subsistence, earn a living, He provides for his large family by working three jobs, Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon
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